7.13 Type Switches

Interfaces are used in two distinct styles. In the first style, exemplified by io.Reader, io.Writer, fmt.Stringer, sort.Interface, http.Handler, and error, an interface’s methods express the similarities of the concrete types that satisfy the interface but hide the representation details and intrinsic operations of those concrete types. The emphasis is on the methods, not on the concrete types.

The second style exploits the ability of an interface value to hold values of a variety of concrete types and considers the interface to be the union of those types. Type assertions are used to discriminate among these types dynamically and treat each case differently. In this style, the emphasis is on the concrete types that satisfy the interface, not on the interface’s methods (if indeed it has any), and there is no hiding of information. We’ll describe interfaces used this way as discriminated unions.

If you’re familiar with object-oriented programming, you may recognize these two styles as subtype polymorphism and ad hoc polymorphism, but you needn’t remember those terms. For the remainder of this chapter, we’ll present examples of the second style.

Go’s API for querying an SQL database, like those of other languages, lets us cleanly separate the fixed part of a query from the variable parts. An example client might look like this:

import "database/sql"

func listTracks(db sql.DB, artist string, minYear, maxYear int) {
    result, err := db.Exec(
        "SELECT * FROM tracks WHERE artist = ? AND ? <= year AND year <= ?",
        artist, minYear, maxYear)
    // ...

The Exec method replaces each '?' in the query string with an SQL literal denoting the corresponding argument value, which may be a boolean, a number, a string, or nil. Constructing queries this way helps avoid SQL injection attacks, in which an adversary takes control of the query by exploiting improper quotation of input data. Within Exec, we might find a function like the one below, which converts each argument value to its literal SQL notation.

func sqlQuote(x interface{}) string {
    if x == nil {
        return "NULL"
    } else if _, ok := x.(int); ok {
        return fmt.Sprintf("%d", x)
    } else if _, ok := x.(uint); ok {
        return fmt.Sprintf("%d", x)
    } else if b, ok := x.(bool); ok {
        if b {
            return "TRUE"
        return "FALSE"
    } else if s, ok := x.(string); ok {
        return sqlQuoteString(s) // (not shown)
    } else {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type %T: %v", x, x))

A switch statement simplifies an if-else chain that performs a series of value equality tests. An analogous type switch statement simplifies an if-else chain of type assertions.

In its simplest form, a type switch looks like an ordinary switch statement in which the operand is x.(type)—that’s literally the keyword type—and each case has one or more types. A type switch enables a multi-way branch based on the interface value’s dynamic type. The nil case matches if x == nil, and the default case matches if no other case does. A type switch for sqlQuote would have these cases:

switch x.(type) {
case nil:       // ...
case int, uint: // ...
case bool:      // ...
case string:    // ...
default:        // ...

As with an ordinary switch statement (§1.8), cases are considered in order and, when a match is found, the case’s body is executed. Case order becomes significant when one or more case types are interfaces, since then there is a possibility of two cases matching. The position of the default case relative to the others is immaterial. No fallthrough is allowed.

Notice that in the original function, the logic for the bool and string cases needs access to the value extracted by the type assertion. Since this is typical, the type switch statement has an extended form that binds the extracted value to a new variable within each case:

switch x := x.(type) { /* ... */ }

Here we’ve called the new variables x too; as with type assertions, reuse of variable names is common. Like a switch statement, a type switch implicitly creates a lexical block, so the declaration of the new variable called x does not conflict with a variable x in an outer block. Each case also implicitly creates a separate lexical block.

Rewriting sqlQuote to use the extended form of type switch makes it significantly clearer:

func sqlQuote(x interface{}) string {
    switch x := x.(type) {
    case nil:
        return "NULL"
    case int, uint:
        return fmt.Sprintf("%d", x) // x has type interface{} here.
    case bool:
        if x {
            return "TRUE"
        return "FALSE"
    case string:
        return sqlQuoteString(x) // (not shown)
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type %T: %v", x, x))

In this version, within the block of each single-type case, the variable x has the same type as the case. For instance, x has type bool within the bool case and string within the string case. In all other cases, x has the (interface) type of the switch operand, which is interface{} in this example. When the same action is required for multiple cases, like int and uint, the type switch makes it easy to combine them.

Although sqlQuote accepts an argument of any type, the function runs to completion only if the argument’s type matches one of the cases in the type switch; otherwise it panics with an “unexpected type” message. Although the type of x is interface{}, we consider it a discriminated union of int, uint, bool, string, and nil.

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