7.14 Example: Token-Based XML Decoding

Section 4.5 showed how to decode JSON documents into Go data structures with the Marshal and Unmarshal functions from the encoding/json package. The encoding/xml package provides a similar API. This approach is convenient when we want to construct a representation of the document tree, but that’s unnecessary for many programs. The encoding/xml package also provides a lower-level token-based API for decoding XML. In the token-based style, the parser consumes the input and produces a stream of tokens, primarily of four kinds—StartElement, EndElement, CharData, and Comment—each being a concrete type in the encoding/xml package. Each call to (*xml.Decoder).Token returns a token.

The relevant parts of the API are shown here:

package xml

type Name struct {
    Local string // e.g., "Title" or "id"

type Attr struct { // e.g., name="value"
    Name  Name
    Value string

// A Token includes StartElement, EndElement, CharData,
// and Comment, plus a few esoteric types (not shown).
type Token interface{}
type StartElement struct { // e.g., <name>
    Name Name
    Attr []Attr
type EndElement struct { Name Name } // e.g., </name>
type CharData []byte                 // e.g., <p>CharData</p>
type Comment []byte                  // e.g., <!-- Comment -->

type Decoder struct{ /* ... */ }

func NewDecoder(io.Reader) *Decoder
func (*Decoder) Token() (Token, error) // returns next Token in sequence

The Token interface, which has no methods, is also an example of a discriminated union. The purpose of a traditional interface like io.Reader is to hide details of the concrete types that satisfy it so that new implementations can be created; each concrete type is treated uniformly. By contrast, the set of concrete types that satisfy a discriminated union is fixed by the design and exposed, not hidden. Discriminated union types have few methods; functions that operate on them are expressed as a set of cases using a type switch, with different logic in each case.

The xmlselect program below extracts and prints the text found beneath certain elements in an XML document tree. Using the API above, it can do its job in a single pass over the input without ever materializing the tree.

// Xmlselect prints the text of selected elements of an XML document.
package main

import (

func main() {
    dec := xml.NewDecoder(os.Stdin)
    var stack []string // stack of element names
    for {
        tok, err := dec.Token()
        if err == io.EOF {
        } else if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "xmlselect: %v
", err)
        switch tok := tok.(type) {
        case xml.StartElement:
            stack = append(stack, tok.Name.Local) // push
        case xml.EndElement:
            stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] // pop
        case xml.CharData:
            if containsAll(stack, os.Args[1:]) {
                fmt.Printf("%s: %s
", strings.Join(stack, " "), tok)

// containsAll reports whether x contains the elements of y, in order.
func containsAll(x, y []string) bool {
    for len(y) <= len(x) {
        if len(y) == 0 {
            return true
        if x[0] == y[0] {
            y = y[1:]
        x = x[1:]
    return false

Each time the loop in main encounters a StartElement, it pushes the element’s name onto a stack, and for each EndElement it pops the name from the stack. The API guarantees that the sequence of StartElement and EndElement tokens will be properly matched, even in ill-formed documents. Comments are ignored. When xmlselect encounters a CharData, it prints the text only if the stack contains all the elements named by the command-line arguments, in order.

The command below prints the text of any h2 elements appearing beneath two levels of div elements. Its input is the XML specification, itself an XML document.

$ go build gopl.io/ch1/fetch
$ ./fetch http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816 |
    ./xmlselect div div h2
html body div div h2: 1 Introduction
html body div div h2: 2 Documents
html body div div h2: 3 Logical Structures
html body div div h2: 4 Physical Structures
html body div div h2: 5 Conformance
html body div div h2: 6 Notation
html body div div h2: A References
html body div div h2: B Definitions for Character Normalization

Exercise 7.17: Extend xmlselect so that elements may be selected not just by name, but by their attributes too, in the manner of CSS, so that, for instance, an element like <div id="page" class="wide"> could be selected by a matching id or class as well as its name.

Exercise 7.18: Using the token-based decoder API, write a program that will read an arbitrary XML document and construct a tree of generic nodes that represents it. Nodes are of two kinds: CharData nodes represent text strings, and Element nodes represent named elements and their attributes. Each element node has a slice of child nodes.

You may find the following declarations helpful.

import "encoding/xml"

type Node interface{} // CharData or *Element

type CharData string

type Element struct {
    Type     xml.Name
    Attr     []xml.Attr
    Children []Node
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