8.6 Example: Concurrent Web Crawler

In Section 5.6, we made a simple web crawler that explored the link graph of the web in breadth-first order. In this section, we’ll make it concurrent so that independent calls to crawl can exploit the I/O parallelism available in the web. The crawl function remains exactly as it was in gopl.io/ch5/findlinks3:

func crawl(url string) []string {
    list, err := links.Extract(url)
    if err != nil {
    return list

The main function resembles breadthFirst (§5.6). As before, a worklist records the queue of items that need processing, each item being a list of URLs to crawl, but this time, instead of representing the queue using a slice, we use a channel. Each call to crawl occurs in its own goroutine and sends the links it discovers back to the worklist.

func main() {
    worklist := make(chan []string)

    // Start with the command-line arguments.
    go func() { worklist <- os.Args[1:] }()

    // Crawl the web concurrently.
    seen := make(map[string]bool)
    for list := range worklist {
        for _, link := range list {
            if !seen[link] {
                seen[link] = true
                go func(link string) {
                    worklist <- crawl(link)

Notice that the crawl goroutine takes link as an explicit parameter to avoid the problem of loop variable capture we first saw in Section 5.6.1. Also notice that the initial send of the command-line arguments to the worklist must run in its own goroutine to avoid deadlock, a stuck situation in which both the main goroutine and a crawler goroutine attempt to send to each other while neither is receiving. An alternative solution would be to use a buffered channel.

The crawler is now highly concurrent and prints a storm of URLs, but it has two problems. The first problem manifests itself as error messages in the log after a few seconds of operation:

$ go build gopl.io/ch8/crawl1
$ ./crawl1 http://gopl.io/

2015/07/15 18:22:12 Get ...: dial tcp: lookup blog.golang.org: no such host
2015/07/15 18:22:12 Get ...: dial tcp socket:
                                                        too many open files

The initial error message is a surprising report of a DNS lookup failure for a reliable domain. The subsequent error message reveals the cause: the program created so many network connections at once that it exceeded the per-process limit on the number of open files, causing operations such as DNS lookups and calls to net.Dial to start failing.

The program is too parallel. Unbounded parallelism is rarely a good idea since there is always a limiting factor in the system, such as the number of CPU cores for compute-bound workloads, the number of spindles and heads for local disk I/O operations, the bandwidth of the network for streaming downloads, or the serving capacity of a web service. The solution is to limit the number of parallel uses of the resource to match the level of parallelism that is available. A simple way to do that in our example is to ensure that no more than n calls to links.Extract are active at once, where n is comfortably less than the file descriptor limit—20, say. This is analogous to the way a doorman at a crowded nightclub admits a guest only when some other guest leaves.

We can limit parallelism using a buffered channel of capacity n to model a concurrency primitive called a counting semaphore. Conceptually, each of the n vacant slots in the channel buffer represents a token entitling the holder to proceed. Sending a value into the channel acquires a token, and receiving a value from the channel releases a token, creating a new vacant slot. This ensures that at most n sends can occur without an intervening receive. (Although it might be more intuitive to treat filled slots in the channel buffer as tokens, using vacant slots avoids the need to fill the channel buffer after creating it.) Since the channel element type is not important, we’ll use struct{}, which has size zero.

Let’s rewrite the crawl function so that the call to links.Extract is bracketed by operations to acquire and release a token, thus ensuring that at most 20 calls to it are active at one time. It’s good practice to keep the semaphore operations as close as possible to the I/O operation they regulate.

// tokens is a counting semaphore used to
// enforce a limit of 20 concurrent requests.
var tokens = make(chan struct{}, 20)

func crawl(url string) []string {
    tokens <- struct{}{} // acquire a token
    list, err := links.Extract(url)
    <-tokens // release the token

    if err != nil {
    return list

The second problem is that the program never terminates, even when it has discovered all the links reachable from the initial URLs. (Of course, you’re unlikely to notice this problem unless you choose the initial URLs carefully or implement the depth-limiting feature of Exercise 8.6.) For the program to terminate, we need to break out of the main loop when the worklist is empty and no crawl goroutines are active.

func main() {
    worklist := make(chan []string)
    var n int // number of pending sends to worklist

    // Start with the command-line arguments.
    go func() { worklist <- os.Args[1:] }()

    // Crawl the web concurrently.
    seen := make(map[string]bool)
    for ; n > 0; n-- {
        list := <-worklist
        for _, link := range list {
            if !seen[link] {
                seen[link] = true
                go func(link string) {
                    worklist <- crawl(link)

In this version, the counter n keeps track of the number of sends to the worklist that are yet to occur. Each time we know that an item needs to be sent to the worklist, we increment n, once before we send the initial command-line arguments, and again each time we start a crawler goroutine. The main loop terminates when n falls to zero, since there is no more work to be done.

Now the concurrent crawler runs about 20 times faster than the breadth-first crawler from Section 5.6, without errors, and terminates correctly if it should complete its task.

The program below shows an alternative solution to the problem of excessive concurrency. This version uses the original crawl function that has no counting semaphore, but calls it from one of 20 long-lived crawler goroutines, thus ensuring that at most 20 HTTP requests are active concurrently.

func main() {
    worklist := make(chan []string)  // lists of URLs, may have duplicates
    unseenLinks := make(chan string) // de-duplicated URLs

    // Add command-line arguments to worklist.
    go func() { worklist <- os.Args[1:] }()

    // Create 20 crawler goroutines to fetch each unseen link.
    for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
        go func() {
            for link := range unseenLinks {
                foundLinks := crawl(link)
                go func() { worklist <- foundLinks }()

    // The main goroutine de-duplicates worklist items
    // and sends the unseen ones to the crawlers.
    seen := make(map[string]bool)
    for list := range worklist {
        for _, link := range list {
            if !seen[link] {
                seen[link] = true
                unseenLinks <- link

The crawler goroutines are all fed by the same channel, unseenLinks. The main goroutine is responsible for de-duplicating items it receives from the worklist, and then sending each unseen one over the unseenLinks channel to a crawler goroutine.

The seen map is confined within the main goroutine; that is, it can be accessed only by that goroutine. Like other forms of information hiding, confinement helps us reason about the correctness of a program. For example, local variables cannot be mentioned by name from outside the function in which they are declared; variables that do not escape (§2.3.4) from a function cannot be accessed from outside that function; and encapsulated fields of an object cannot be accessed except by the methods of that object. In all cases, information hiding helps to limit unintended interactions between parts of the program.

Links found by crawl are sent to the worklist from a dedicated goroutine to avoid deadlock.

To save space, we have not addressed the problem of termination in this example.

Exercise 8.6: Add depth-limiting to the concurrent crawler. That is, if the user sets -depth=3, then only URLs reachable by at most three links will be fetched.

Exercise 8.7: Write a concurrent program that creates a local mirror of a web site, fetching each reachable page and writing it to a directory on the local disk. Only pages within the original domain (for instance, golang.org) should be fetched. URLs within mirrored pages should be altered as needed so that they refer to the mirrored page, not the original.

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