- A
- activism, 232–34
- Adenauer, Konrad, 77, 78
- Adidas, 19
- Adomi Bridge, 159
- aesthetics, 117
- Afghanistan, 56, 132–40
- Africa Governance Initiative, 129
- AidSurance, 160–61
- Albania, 17
- Andorra, 220
- Anholt Process, 106–8
- apathy, growth of, 233
- Apolitical, 173
- appetites, four basic, 140
- Artecrazia, 155–57
- ASEAN, 177
- Attenborough, David, 126
- Australia, 45, 58, 217
- Austria, 90, 102, 157–61
- authenticity, importance of, 44
- authoritarianism, 197
- B
- Bachelet, Michelle, 35, 37, 43–44, 64
- background, influence of, , 127–28
- Bangladesh, 160–61, 223
- Bergson, Henri, 93
- Bhutan, 19, 47–58, 83, 195
- Bipasha, Sabiha Matin, 223
- Birini Castle, 82
- Blair, Tony, 44, 129, 144
- Bologna, 52
- Bono, 60
- boomerang rule, 235–36
- Botswana, 19, 58–62
- Bradt’s Guides, 94
- Brand Finance, 26
- Brand New Justice, 60
- Brazil, 27
- Brexit, 179–80, 198
- Burkina Faso, 220
- Bush, George W., 27, 62, 144
- C
- Calderón, Felipe, 63–67, 75–76, 79
- Calleja, Joseph, 187
- Cameron, David, 179
- Canada, 26
- Candide, 139
- CARICOM, 177
- Catalonia, 32
- Chain Aid, 159–60
- chaquetero syndrome, 45
- Charlie Hebdo, 146
- Chile, 35–46, 58, 63, 90
- China, 30, 59–60, 94, 102, 113
- Chishimba, Saviour, 222
- Chopin, Frédéric, 101, 102
- City Brands Index, 23, 27, 208
- climate change, 75–76, 93, 144, 187, 237–38
- Climate Change Communications Forum (3CF), 237–38
- collaboration, importance of, 132
- The Commonwealth, 186–89
- competition, , 206–7
- Competitive Identity, 33
- consumerism, 55–56
- conversazioni, 106–8
- Copenhagen, 89, 141
- corporate social responsibility, 118, 163
- countries. See also Good Countries; Good Country Equation; national image; individual countries
- challenges faced by, 165–66
- changing behavior of, , 31, 120–21, 206
- competition between,
- determining usefulness of, , 32
- responsibilities of, 73
- country-of-origin effect, , 52, 54
- COVID-19 pandemic, 166, 197, 239–40
- creativity
- cultural background and, 127–28
- importance of, 17, 43
- jokes and, 93
- Croatia, 16–17, 21–22, 195
- cultural heritage, 28
- cultural psychopathy, 122–24
- cultural relations, 101–2
- cultural sensitivity, 124–26
- D
- Damluji, Hassan, 200
- dapple, concept of, 126
- de Bono, Edward, 131
- de Gaulle, Charles, 77, 78
- Denmark, 45, 92, 141–46
- development assistance, 131–32, 159–60
- Diplomat magazine, 172
- disaster relief, 160–61
- Dual Mandate, 165–71, 172, 228, 235, 237
- Duterte, Rodrigo, 198
- E
- Easter Island, 37
- education, , 206, 229, 231
- Egypt, 19, 102
- Elíseo Treaty, 79
- Elizabeth II, Queen, 186
- Elysée Treaty, 77–78
- entrepreneurial multilateralism, 234–35
- Estonia, 17, 32
- European Project, 77
- European Union (EU), 20–21, 82, 84, 103, 161, 175, 177–82, 186, 215
- Eurovision Song Contest, 21
- Everest, Mount, 48
- Eysturkommuna Town Hall, 95
- F
- Faroe Islands, 84, 85–95
- “feminine” vs. “masculine” societies, 167–68
- Finland, 97–101, 175
- Finnux 2010, 100–101
- Fischer, Heinz, 157
- flooding, 160–61
- Florence, 151, 153, 155
- foreign policy vs. international policy, 236–37
- France, 77–78, 102, 146
- Freedom House, 192
- freedom of speech, 146–47
- G
- Geldof, Bob, 60
- Generali, 163, 231
- Georgia, 17
- Germany, , 12–13, 23, 29–30, 54–55, 77–78, 213
- GfK-Roper, 26
- Ghana, 159–60
- globalization
- approaches to, 197–98
- benefits of, , , 40–41, 123, 128
- history of,
- of media, 130, 145–46
- national images and, –14
- problems with, –6, 145–46, 166, 179–80, 188–89, 223–24, 240
- Global Learning Trust, 163, 164, 231
- Global Market Insite (GMI), 23, 26
- Global Sword, 113–14
- Global Vote, 221–25, 237
- Glorious Losers Club, 225
- Goebbels, Joseph, 13
- Good Countries
- advantages of becoming, 168, 170–71, 193
- concept of, 120
- resonance of, 198
- six-stage model for, 173–75
- Good Country Equation
- concept of, –3, 205–6, 227–28
- criticism of,
- at other levels, 207–8
- as simplification, –3
- Good Country Index
- criticism of, 212–13, 214
- fairness and, 214–18
- future of, 210
- history and, 213–14
- indicators for, 209–10
- Nation Brands Index and, 217–18
- origins of, 208–9
- positive response to, 211–12, 219, 221
- results of, 211
- Good Generation, 228–32, 235
- Good Leaders Index, 218
- government
- Govers, Robert, 209, 218
- Greco, Mario, 163, 164
- Greece, 20, 102, 213
- Gross National Happiness, 58, 195
- Guterres, António, 183–84
- H
- Haiti, 46
- Halldór Laxness, 109
- happiness, as measure of social progress, 58
- Helmand River, 138
- Helsinki, 97–98
- Hergé, 47
- Hofburg palace, 157
- Hofstede, Geert, 167
- Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 126
- hospitality, 45–46
- Human Safety Net (HSN), 163–64
- Hungary, 17, 196–97
- I
- Iceland, 86, 87, 90, 105–14, 222, 235
- Independence Day, 201
- India, 94, 102, 213, 221
- inequality, effects of, 129–30
- International Atomic Energy Agency, 182
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 182, 196
- international policy vs. foreign policy, 236–37
- International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 134, 136
- Iran, 27–28, 133, 214
- Iraq, 24
- Ireland, 30–31, 211
- Isla Mujeres, 94
- Isle of Man, 94
- Israel, 146
- Italy, , 30, 52–55, 102, 151–58, 214
- J
- Jamaica, 19
- Japan, , 29–30, 45, 102
- Jensen, Frank, 141–42
- jokes, 93
- Jordan, 181
- Jyllands-Posten, 145
- K
- Kabul, 133–35
- Kalvītis, Aigars, 82
- Kandahar, 135–36
- Kazakhstan, 17, 45, 192–96
- Kenya, 211, 214
- Koroma, Ernest Bai, 130–31
- Kraków, 101–4
- L
- La Serena, 43
- Lashkargah, 136–37
- lateral thinking, 131
- Latvia, 17, 81–85, 94, 158
- Lavrov, Sergey Viktorovich, 147, 150
- League of Nations, 234
- Lenin, Vladimir, 103
- Le Pen, Marine, 198
- London, 27, 66, 95, 112, 131, 172, 183
- M
- Maldives, 92–93, 94
- Mali, 220
- Malta, 186–89
- The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, 44–45
- Margrét Pála Ólafsdóttir, 90
- MARSS model, 116–17, 173, 217
- “masculine” vs. “feminine” societies, 167–68
- media, globalization of, 130, 145–46
- Medici, Cosimo de’, 153, 154
- meetings
- alternative to, 106–8
- international, 100–101
- as waste of time, 106
- Mercedes-Benz, 131
- Mexico, 56, 63–79, 94, 102, 140, 178, 237
- Mexico City, 64, 66, 70, 178
- migration, 180–81
- Mill, John Stewart, 147
- modernism, 55–56
- monarchies, 189–90
- Mongolia, 17
- monoculturalism, tendency toward, 143
- Monster, Rob, 23, 26
- morality, 117
- Morocco, 51
- movement of nations, 234
- Muhammad, depictions of, 145–46
- multilateralism
- entrepreneurial, 234–35
- randomized, 130–31
- Museopuerto, 74
- mutuality, 102
- Myanmar,
- N
- Nasheed, Mohamed, 92
- national image
- cultural heritage and, 28
- drivers of positive, 116–18
- globalization and, –14
- importance of, –10, 20, 228
- improving, 20, 29–33, 73, 82, 101, 170, 228
- issues surrounding, 115–16
- measuring, 22–28
- Olympic Games and, 27
- patriotism and, 21–22
- problems with, 38–39, 71, 73
- regional image and, 38
- stability of, 24–25, 27
- symbolic actions and, 29–33
- using, without consent, 19
- World Cup and, 27
- nationalism, 121, 170, 197–98, 202–3
- nation brand/branding, –11, 33. See also national image; Nation Brands Index
- Nation Brands Index (NBI), 23–29, 37, 78, 79, 85, 116–18, 146, 169, 208, 217–18
- NATO, 177, 236
- natural cosmopolitans
- character traits of, 220–21
- distribution of, 220
- experience of growing up as, 221
- number of, 219–20, 228–29, 239
- Nazarbayev, Nursultan, 194
- Neruda, Pablo, 46
- New Zealand, 58, 175, 235
- Nigeria, 129
- nomadology, 193–96
- North Korea, 13
- Norway, 119, 146
- Nye, Joseph, 41, 117
- O
- Obama, Barack, 26, 79
- objectivity, challenge of, 21–22
- Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, 109, 110–11
- Olympic Games, 27, 125–26, 187, 236
- Orbán, Viktor, 198
- Oslo Peace Process, 119
- P
- Paris, 187
- patriotism, blindness of, 21–22
- people
- changing behavior of, , 121, 206, 229
- education of, , 206, 229, 231
- perception of, from other countries, 122–23
- Peru, 25
- Peskov, Dmitry Sergeyevich, 147, 150
- phantom empire syndrome, 158
- Pickett, Kate, 129
- Piero della Francesca, 155
- Poland, 17, 101–4
- Policy Playbook, 171–73
- populism, 200
- Portugal, 20
- Powell, Chris, 133
- power, hard and soft, 41, 117
- Prodi, Romano, 156
- propaganda, 12–14
- Putin, Vladimir, 109–10, 147–50
- R
- randomized multilateralism, 130–31
- Rastafarians, 19
- Reagan, Ronald, 44–45
- refugees, 180–81
- Regis, Paul, 19
- Registan Desert, 139
- relevance, 117
- Reykjavik, 107, 112, 113
- Riga, 81, 84–85
- Riviera Maya, 73
- Romania, 17, 19
- Rossi, Enrico, 152
- royal families, 189–90
- Russia, 17, 102, 114, 119, 147–50, 192–93
- S
- Sacks, Oliver, 44–45
- Sagan, Carl, 123
- Sagintayev, Bakhytzhan Abdiruly, 195
- Saint Louis, 131
- San Francisco, 27
- Santayana, George, 213
- São Tome and Príncipe, 223
- Schönborn, Cardinal Christoph, 90
- Scotland, 175, 235
- Sen, Amartya, 156
- Serbia, 17, 220
- Shanghai, 113
- Shangri-La, 94
- Sierra Leone, 129–31
- Singapore, 27
- Slovakia, 17
- Slovenia, 17, 20–21, 32, 83
- Smith, Adam, 39–40
- social responsibility
- sophistication, 117
- South Africa, 27, 58, 214
- Soviet Union, 12–13, 17, 83, 103, 134, 158, 195
- Spain, 32, 56
- The Spirit Level, 129–30
- Sri Lanka, 131
- Stalin, Joseph, 13
- Stanford University, 75–76
- StartUp Chile, 41–42
- strength, 117
- Suriname,
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 229
- Sweden, 23, 45, 216, 220
- Switzerland,
- symbolic actions, value of, 29–33
- Syria,
- T
- Taliban, 135, 136
- Tanzania, 19
- Tashichho Dzong, 51–53
- Teitur, 90
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 39–40
- Thingvellir, 106
- Tintin in Tibet, 47–48
- Todd, Burt, 56
- Tórshavn, 90
- tourist taxes, 57–58
- Trinidad and Tobago, 220
- Trump, Donald, 168, 198
- Tshering, Dendhup, 49, 50
- Tunisia, 221
- Turkey, 181
- Tuscanomics, 154–57
- Tuscany, 151–57
- U
- United Kingdom
- average height of males in, 109
- Botswana and, 61
- Brexit, 179–80, 198
- bureaucrats of, 18
- climate pact with California and, 144
- cultural relations and, 102
- foreign aid from, 136
- history of, 213
- Iceland and, 110–11
- influence of Scandinavia on government of, 173, 174
- national image of, 15–16
- phantom empire syndrome and, 158
- unemployment in, 201–2
- United Nations (UN), 19, 55, 107, 166, 177, 182–86, 215, 222, 229, 232, 234, 240
- United States of America (USA), , 13, 23–27, 38, 45, 61–65, 77–79, 85–86, 129, 136, 146, 168–69, 225
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 232
- Uruguay, 220
- USAID, 136
- V
- Valdai Discussion Club, 147
- Valparaíso, 46
- Vappu, 98
- “victim to leader” (V2L) strategy, 71–72
- Vienna, 158, 159
- Vietnam, 25
- Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, 110
- Volta, River, 159
- Voltaire, 139, 147
- Vrančić, Faust, 22
- W
- Wailer, Bunny, 19
- War of the Worlds, 201
- whaling, 86–87
- “wild card” individuals, involvement of, 90, 107
- Wilders, Geert, 198
- Wilkinson, Richard, 129
- world
- challenges faced by, , –6, 191, 229
- changing, 239
- perception of, 123
- World Bank, 61, 182, 196
- World Cup, 27
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 18–19
- World Trade Organization (WTO), 177, 182
- World Values Survey, 219
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