abortion, 60, 61

Abrams, Stacey, 78–81, 86, 94

absentee ballots, 31, 82, 83, 135

Adams, Abigail, 26–27

Adams, John, 9–10, 20, 27, 45, 74

Adams, John Quincey, 18

Adelson, Sheldon, 68

Affordable Care Act, 67

African American voters, suppression of, 5–8, 24, 39, 72, 80–82, 85–86, 96, 99–100, 129

“duplicate” names, 116

ex-felons, 129

voter ID laws and, 109

Air America, 66

Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), 20

Alito, Samuel, 70

Amendments to the Constitution First, 60

Second, 24

Thirteenth, 36, 39, 74

Fourteenth, 24, 28, 36, 39, 75, 77

Fifteenth, 25, 36, 39

Nineteenth, 29, 74

Twenty-third, 147

Twenty-sixth, 74

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 2, 3, 40

American exceptionalism, 148

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), 8, 110–111

American Prospect, 82

American Revolution, 19–20

Americans for Prosperity, 65

Ames, Mark, 52

Anthony, Susan B., 28

Arnold, Benedict, 20

Ashcroft, John, 108

Asian Americans, voter suppression of, 110

Associated Press, 94–95

Association for Psychological Science, 125

Atlas Shrugged (Rand), 50–51

Attucks, Crispus, 20

Australia, 65–66

compulsory voting, 142–143

automatic voter registration, 124–127


“Baghdad Year Zero” (Klein), 53

Bajak, Frank, 94–95

Ballot Access and Voting Integrity Initiative of 2002, 108

Bancroft, Edward, 19

Bani-Sadr, Abolhassan, 6

Barkley, Alben, 25

Barkley, Gilbert, 20

Barnes, Roy, 94

Bayh, Birch, 26

Bazelon, Emily, 101

Berman, Ari, 8, 111

billionaires, 2, 4, 8–9

libertarian oligarchs, 41, 46–47, 50–56

tax cuts for, 63

trick to keep everyone from voting, 50–56

as white, 50. See also oligarchy

biometrics, 106

Bradley, Joseph P., 29

Bradwell, Myra, 29

Bradwell v. State of Illinois, 29

Bremer, L. Paul, 53–54

Brennan Center for Justice, 29–30, 101, 125, 127, 130–131

on early voting, 136–137

voter suppression findings, 82–85

Brexit, 65

Breyer, Stephen, 41, 70

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 7, 89

Brown, Donaldson, 51–52

Brown, Kate, 135

Brown, Linda, 39

Brown, Oliver, 39

Brown, Tina, 95 Brown v. Board of Education, 39–41, 60

Buckley, William F., 43

Buckley v. Valeo, 32, 60

Bump, Philip, 26

Bush, George H. W., 4

Bush, George W., 7, 23, 53, 63, 91, 95, 107–108

federal prosecutors, firing of, 108–109, 117

Bush, Jeb, 7, 128

Bush v. Gore, 72–73, 74

Byrd, Harry, 40


caging voters, 8, 78, 130–131

California, 24, 96

splitting to add Senators, 146

Calvin, John, 42–43

Calvinists, 41–45

campaign finance, 60, 103–106

“Cancer Eating the Heart of Australian Democracy” (Rudd), 65–66

Carlson, Rachel, 2

Carrington, Edward, 34

Carter, Jimmy, 6, 19, 51, 90, 104

Carter Center, 88

Census Bureau data, 132

Center for Media and Democracy, 46

Central High School (Little Rock, Arkansas), 40

Chambliss, Saxby, 94, 137

Chapman, Emilee, 143

Charlottesville, Virginia, 17

Cheney, Dick, 53, 96–97, 107

Chile, 52

Chisholm, Shirley, 119

churches, black, 81–82

Churchill, Winston, 44

citizenship, proof of, 29–30, 82, 106, 110–111, 123

Citizens United v. FEC, 32, 103, 104

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 37, 40–41

Civil War, 24, 145

Cleland, Max, 94, 137

Cleveland, Grover, 146

climate change, 105

Clinton, Bill, 58, 62, 67, 97

Clinton, Hillary, 4, 9, 85, 86, 92

Cohen, Michael, 49

college students, voter suppression of, 81, 84, 110, 111

Common Cause, 78

commons, 1–2, 97–98

communism, rhetoric of, 50, 57

compulsory voting, 126, 142–143

Congo, 137–138

Congress, 33, 37, 54, 70–71, 79, 98

laws stricken down by Supreme Court, 3

slave states given larger share, 24

Three-Fifths Compromise and, 14–18, 23–24. See also House of Representatives; Senate

Constitution, 14, 21, 122

Constitutional Convention, 14, 32, 73–74

constitutions, other countries, 75

consumer and workplace protections, 104, 105

Continental Congress, 15

Cooper v. Aaron, 40

Corker, Bob, 104

Cornuelle, Herb, 51

“corporate left,” 105

crisis of legitimacy, 122

Crosscheck (Interstate Crosscheck), 115–116, 128


Dakota Territory, 146

Dean, Howard, 95

Declaration of Independence, 19, 27–28


compulsory voting and, 142–143

Friedman on, 54

libertarian opposition to, 46–47

Republican stance against, 121–124

Democratic Party, 6, 9, 145

racism in roots of, 36–37

regional split, 37

Democratic Republican Party, 36, 101

depravity, Calvinist view of, 41–42

Dessem, Larry, 113

DeVos, Betsy, 58, 97

Diebold, 95, 137

direct democracy, 10, 25

direct election, 33

disinformation campaigns, 5

District of Columbia statehood, 145–147

DMV offices, closing or limiting hours, 70, 76, 85, 123, 127

DNA analogy, 43–44

Dole, Bob, 4

double voting, 108, 114–115, 117

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 3

driver’s licenses, 106

National Voter Registration Act of 1993, 32, 69–71

Duke, David, 17

Duncan, Geoff, 94

“duplicate” voters, 115–116

Duverger’s law, 142


Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University, 109

early voting, 136–137

Eastern States, 15

Eastland, James, 40

Economist, 132

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 40, 56–57

Election Day, 131

national holiday proposal, 132–133

election fraud, 57, 69, 86, 88, 96

around the world, 87–89

elections, flaws in system, 123–124

Election Studies, 113

Election Systems & Software, 95

Electoral College, 10, 15, 18–23, 41–42

Bush v. Gore decision and, 74–75

foreign interference, prevention of, 19–22

national popular vote and, 140–141

non-amendment alternatives to, 26

slavery and, 23–26

Three-Fifths Compromise and, 18

electoral system, 141–142

Enlightenment, 148

environmental commons, 2

environmental issues, 51

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 58

Equal Protection Clause, Fourteenth Amendment, 75

eugenicist beliefs, 44–45

Evenwel v. Abbott, 77–78

“e-voting,” 137–138

“exact match” laws, 29, 80–81, 83, 86

exceptionalism, American, 148

ex-felons, 83, 86, 108, 127–130

exit polling, 87–93

“adjustment” of, 91–93

around the world, 87–89

United States, 90–93


Federalist, no. 68, 21

Federalists, 19

federal prosecutors, firing of, 108–109, 117

Federal-State Employment Service, 57

Ferguson, Grant, 127–128, 129

Ferling, John, 20

First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, 60

“first past the post, winner takes all” electoral system, 141–142

Flake, Jeff, 104

Ford, Gerald, 4

foreign governments

interference in U.S. politics, 19–22, 96

U.S. assistance to, 52

For the People Act of 2019 (H.R. 1), 121–124, 129, 131

Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), 51–52, 54

founders and framers, 18, 20–23, 73–74

The Fountainhead (Rand), 51

Fox News, 65–66, 103–104, 122

France, 19, 20

Franklin, Benjamin, 10, 19

Friedman, Milton, 52, 54


Galton, Francis, 44

Gates, Bill, 62

Georgia, voter suppression, 78–86, 94–96, 99–100, 137

Georgia gubernatorial race, 78–79, 86

Georgia Constitutional Convention, 79

Germany, 88–89

Gerry, Elbridge, 20, 101

gerrymandering, 10, 31, 78, 100–102, 139

Gingrich, Newt, 63, 66

Godwin, Miles E., 37

Goldstein, Daniel, 125

Goldwater, Barry, 72

GOP. See Republican Party

GOPAC memo, 63–64

Gore, Al, 7, 9, 74–75, 90


as commons, 1

libertarian anti-government view, 55–60

grace, doctrine of, 43

Grant, Ulysses S., 146

Great Depression, Republican, 62, 105

Greatest Generation, 62

Great Society, 47, 58


hacking voting machines, 95

Haley, Nikki, 137–138

Halliburton, 96–97

Halloway, Kali, 48

Hamilton, Alexander, 20–23, 45

Hannity, Sean, 64, 65, 112

Harper’s Magazine, 53

Harris, Katherine, 7

Harrison, Benjamin, 18, 146

Hayes, Rutherford B., 18

health care, 67–68

Helms, Jesse, 37

Help America Vote Act (HAVA), 93, 98–100

Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into Its Laws and Consequences (Galton), 44

Heritage Foundation, 7, 65

Heron, Gil Scott, 145

Heyer, Heather, 17

Hispanic voters, suppression of, 5, 7–8, 72, 81, 85, 109, 114

“duplicate” names, 116

ex-felons, 129

Hitler, Adolf, 44

Hofeller, Thomas B., 77–78

Holocaust, 44

The Hornet’s Nest (Carter), 19

House of Representatives, 141

Democratic control of, 6

direct election of, 33

For the People Act of 2019 (H. R. 1), passage of, 122

powers of, 33

slavery’s effect on, 24

Howard, Jacob, 77

Hu, Jane C., 133

Hume, Brit, 66

Husted, John, 70

Husted v. Randolph, 70

Hyde Amendment, 60


Iglesias, David, 109

“illegal aliens,” 5, 71–72, 106–107

as business venture, 111–113

Indian Citizenship Act (1924), 30

individual action, need for, 148–149

intelligence services, 96

Internet voting, 137–138

Iowa, prosecution of ex-felons, 127–128

Iran-Contra, 6

Iran hostages, 6

Iraq, 53–54

Ireland, 95–96, 137


Jackson, Andrew, 25

Jefferson, Thomas, 19–20, 27, 34

Jim Crow, modern day, 86

Jobs, Steve, 62

John Birch Society (JBS), 50, 51–52, 57

Johnson, Eric J., 125

Johnson, Lyndon, 6, 37–38, 40

Jordan, Christine, 86, 99–100

Jordan, Michael, 50

Justice Department, 80, 108


Kavanaugh, Bret, 73

Kaye, Harvey J., 56

Kemp, Brian, 80–81, 83–86, 94, 100

Kennedy, John F., 61

Kennedy, Robert F., Jr., 137

Kenya, 88–89

Kercheval, Samuel, 34

Kerry, John, 90–91

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 86, 99

King, Rufus, 15

Klein, Naomi, 53

Kobach, Kris, 111–114, 128

Koch, David, 51, 58–60

Koch, Fred, 50, 51

Koch network, 4, 8, 46, 68, 104

Koch oil operation, 51

Korbmacher, Mrs. (victim of religious superstition), 14, 16–17

“Kris Kobach’s Lucrative Trail of Courtroom Defeats” (ProPublica), 112–113

Kroy, Moshe, 54–55, 59

Ku Klux Klan, 17, 80


“Language: A Key Mechanism of Control” (GOPAC), 63–64

League of Women Voters, 2, 83

A Leap in the Dark: The Struggle to Create the American Republic (Ferling), 20

LePage, Paul, 41–42, 141

Levin, Mark, 64, 65

libertarian oligarchs, 41, 46–47, 50–56

anti-government view, 55–60

Libertarian Party, 51

platform, 1980, 59–60

Limbaugh, Rush, 64, 65

Lincoln, Abraham, 36, 145, 146

literacy, 135

lobbying, 51–52, 54, 110

privatization and, 97–98

local elections, 122

Lofgren, Zoe, 122


Madison, James, 15–16, 32–33

mail, voting by, 133–136

Manafort, Paul, 4

The Manchurian Candidate (film), 19

Marbury decision (1803), 3

Marshall, Thurgood, 40

“Massive Resistance” movement, 39–40

McCain, John, 67

McConnell, Mitch, 122, 129

McKay, John, 108–109

McKinley, David, 121–122

media, 64–67, 104, 105

Medicare, 47, 58, 67

Mercer, Robert, 68

Meredith v. Jefferson County Board of Education, 41

mergers, corporate, 105

middle class, 62

midterm elections, 2018, 68, 130

military functions, privatization of, 96–97

Millar, Fran, 82

Mississippi Burning (film), 38

MIT Election Data + Science Lab, 134

Mitofsky, Warren, 90, 92–93

“model legislation,” 8, 110–111

Monbiot, George, 50–51

money, role in politics, 103–106, 124

Monroe Elementary School (Topeka, Kansas), 39

Motor Voter Act (1993), 32, 69–71, 106–107

Moyers, Bill, 38, 56

Moyers on America (Moyers), 38


Murdoch, Rupert, 65–66, 103–104


Nader, Ralph, 2

names, “duplicate,” 115–116

Nation, 8

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 39

National Association of Manufacturers, 46

National Association of Real Estate Boards, 54

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 134

National Guard, 40

National Organization for Women (NOW), 29

national popular vote, 140–141

National Rifle Association, 62

National Voter Registration Act of 1993, 32, 69–71, 106–107

Native Americans, vote and, 26–28, 30–32, 135

tribal IDs, 31

Nelson, Herbert, 54

Nevada statehood, 145–146

New York, 24

splitting to add senators, 146

New York Times, 8, 77, 96, 123

Ney, Bob, 98–99

Nixon, Richard, 2, 6, 38, 72

“law and order” and “silent majority” campaigns, 49

“Southern strategy,” 38, 57

treason, 103

non-landowners, 10

Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 (Madison), 15–16, 32


Obama, Barack, 17, 67, 81, 85

Obergefell v. Hodges, 68–69

Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 148

O’Dell, Wally, 95

Ohio, voter suppression, 7–8, 70–71, 73, 95

oligarchy, 4–5, 32–34

libertarian, 41, 46–47

money, role in politics, 103–106

property rights and, 32–33. See also billionaires; Republican Party

Operation Eagle Eye, 72–73, 76

opt-out vs. opt-in choices, 125–126

Orange Revolution, 88

organ donors, 125


Paine, Thomas, 2, 10

Palast, Greg, 9, 99–100

paper ballots, 88–89, 137–139

Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, 41

partisan gridlock, 141–142

passports, 106

Pelosi, Nancy, 121

Pena, Lito, 72

Pence, Mike, 5

Pennsylvania Packet, 14

Perdue, Sonny, 94

Perry, Rich, 111

persons, rights of, 32

Pew surveys, 122, 125, 132

Philadelphia, Mississippi, 38, 126

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14

Pinckneym Charles, 16

Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, 31

Plessy v. Ferguson, 3, 39

Pocan, Mark, 75, 110

Polis, Jared, 140

Politico, 64, 94

polls, closing of, 5, 81–82, 85

poor, as defective, 45

Powell, Lewis, 2–4, 60, 103

Prentis, Henning W., Jr., 46

Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, 117

presidential elections

1792, 132

1800, 20

1812, 101

1872, 28

1956, 56–57

1968, 6, 38

1980, 6–7, 90

2000, 6–7, 46, 72, 75, 90, 92–93, 99

2004, 90–91, 92–93, 108–109

2008, 17

2016, 4–8, 38, 68, 71–72, 84–85, 92

primary system, 142

prisons, privatization of, 97

“private academies,” 40

privatization, 52–54

of voting machines, 96–98

The Proper Sphere of Government (Spencer), 43–44

property rights, 32–33

ProPublica, 112–113

provisional ballots, 86, 98–100

ex-felons and, 128

Pruitt, Scott, 58

Puerto Rico statehood, 147


racism, 4–5

of Democratic Party, 36–37

legacy of Civil Rights Act, 38

myths and stereotypes, 16–17

Three-Fifths Compromise, 14–16

Trump and, 68

why racists don’t want everyone to vote, 36–38. See also white supremacists

Radical Republicans, 36

Rand, Ayn, 47, 50–51

Randolph, Edmund, 15, 17

ranked-choice, or instant-runoff voting system, 141–142

Raskin, Jamie, 75

Read, Leonard, 52

Reagan, Ronald, 4, 7, 38, 46, 58, 63, 72, 90, 112

treason committed by, 6

Reagan administration, 34

Reaganomics/Reaganism, 6, 62

Reason magazine, 54–55

redistricting, 77–78

nonpartisan commissions, 102. See also gerrymandering

red shift, 90–93

Refugee Relief Act, 57

refugees, 57

Rehnquist, William, 7, 72

religion, as racism, 5

representatives, 2

Republican National Convention, 204, 111–112

Republican Party, 2, 4–9

consent decree, 1981, 73

For the People Act, opposition to, 121–124

Radical Republicans, 36

secretaries of state, 5, 7, 9, 92

Senate, control of, 69, 122, 124, 129

stand against voting and democracy, 120–121

Supreme Court, control of, 7–9

voter suppression by, 2, 7–10

resegregation, 39, 41

Revolutionary War, 27

Riggs, Sarah, 94

right-left battle, 2

right to vote not codified, 73–76, 117, 122, 131

Roberts, John, 41, 73

Roe v. Wade, 4, 60

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 56

Rosenbaum, Alisa Zinovyevna (Ayn Rand). See also Rand, Ayn

Rossi, Dino, 108–109

Rove, Karl, 107–108

Rudd, Kevin, 65

Rumsfeld, Donald, 53

Russell, Richard, 37

Russia, 52

Ryan, Paul, 75–76


Sanders, Bernie, 58, 67, 130

Schwerner, Goodman, and Chaney, 126

Second Bill of Rights, 56

secretaries of state, Republican, 5, 7, 9, 92


Democratic control of, 6, 145

Electoral College proposals and, 25–26

inadequate representation of people, 25–26, 146–147

Republican, 69, 122, 124, 129

Three-Fifths Compromise and, 24–25

“separate but equal,” 39

Shelby County v. Holder, 73, 85, 130

Sherman, Roger, 18

“skin in the game” argument, 47

slave patrols, 17

slavery, Electoral College and, 23–26

small-population states, 24, 26

social Darwinism, reverse, 44

socialism, rhetoric of, 50

social issues, 60–63

Social Security, 58, 127

Social Security numbers, 128

social welfare programs, billionaire opposition to, 47, 50

solutions, 11

activism, 148–149

automatic voter registration, 124–127

compulsory voting, 142–143

early voting, extension of, 136–137

Election Day as national holiday, 132–133

Electoral College and national popular vote, 140–141

end voter caging, 130–131

ex-felons, restoring rights of, 127–130

mail, voting by, 133–136

non-amendment alternative to Electoral College, 26

paper ballots or receipts, 137–139

For the People Act of 2019 (H.R. 1), 121–124, 129, 131

stop politicians from choosing voters, 139

two-party system, getting beyond, 141–142

Sotomayor, Sonia, 71

“Southern Manifesto” (1956), 40

Southern states

Brown v. Board of Education and, 40

Three-Fifths Compromise and, 14–18, 23–24

“Southern strategy” (Nixon), 38, 57

Soviet Union, 52

Spain, 19

Spencer, Herbert, 43–44

spoof sites, 137

sterilization laws, 44

Stevens, John Paul, 41

stock exchange crash of 1929, 103

Sullivan, James, 9

Supreme Court, 2–4

amicus curiae briefs, 3

gerrymandering rulings, 101–102, 139

Republican, 7–9

voter suppression and, 7–8

voter suppression of Native Americans, 31. See also individual Supreme Court decisions

Sweden, 126

swing states, 141


talk radio, 64–65

tax cuts for wealthy, 63, 68

Telecommunications Act (1996), 97

Thatcher, Samuel, 25

Three-Fifths Compromise, 14–18, 23–24

Thurmond, Strom, 37

Tillman Act (1907), 103

Topic A show (CNBC), 95

Townhall, 47

treason, 6, 57, 76

Truman, Harry, 25, 67

Trump, Donald, 4, 18, 63, 67–68

Electoral College and, 23, 119

exit polls and, 92

“illegal alien” rhetoric, 71–72

on Obama’s election, 17

racism of, 49

voter fraud myth and, 113, 117

Trump, Donald, Jr., 38

two-party system, 141–142

Tyler, John, 132

Tytler, Alexander, 46

“Tytler Cycle,” 46


Ukraine, 87, 88

unconditional election, Calvinist, 41–42

unregistered voters, 125

US Census Bureau, 30

US Chamber of Commerce memo (Powell), 2–4, 103


Vermont, 24

Vespa, Matt, 140

Vietnam, 6


Massive Resistance, 40

slaveholders as presidents, 23

Vogel, Ken, 64–65

vote, as commons, 1–2

voter apathy, as result of loss of representation, 106

voter ID laws, 5–6, 8, 82–84, 109–110

women, effect on, 29–30

voter intimidation, 7, 72–73

voter purging, 5, 7–9, 70–71, 84, 85, 123

“duplicate” names, 115–116

for names similar to ex-felons, 128, 129

voter registration, 8, 83, 123

automatic, 124–127

go-to-prison threats, 84

opt-out choice, 125–126

voter suppression, 2, 4–7, 69

2015–2016 laws, 82–84

District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, 145–147

“Massive Resistance” movement and, 39–40

“model legislation,” 8, 110–111

Native Americans and, 30–32

numbers, not voters, 76–78

Operation Eagle Eye, 72–73, 76

poor as defective, 45

in Southern states, 24

women affected by, 29–30.

See also caging voters; “exact match” laws; ex-felons; exit polling; gerrymandering; polls, closing of; provisional ballots; voter purging; voting machines


new war on, 69–73

right to vote not codified, 73–76, 117, 122

voting, importance of, 1–2

voting fraud, myth of, 2, 71–72, 106–111

as dogma, 107–111

as mission, 111–114

voting machines, 93–96, 124

privatization, 96–98

Voting Rights Act of 1965, 5, 31, 37, 78

Georgia and, 80

gutting of, 2013, 5–6, 41, 73, 130


wages, 9

Walker, Scott, 8

Wallace, George, 36–37

Wanniski, Jude, 4

“The War on Voting Is a War on Women” (MSNBC), 30

Washington Post, 26, 38, 44, 88, 106–107, 137–138, 140

Watergate investigations, 103

Weinger, Mackenzie, 64–65

Weiser, Wendy, 82

Welch, Robert, 51

Weyrich, Paul, 4, 7, 116

Whig Party, 36

white supremacist groups, police investigation numbers, 17

white supremacists, 17, 48–49

Brown v. Board of Education and, 39–40

fear of nonwhite vote, 41–42. See also racism

“Why I Was Fired” (Iglesias), 109

Will, George, 43, 44–45

Williams, Walter E., 47

Wilson, James, 17

Wilson, Pete, 107

Wilson, Woodrow, 44

Winfrey, Oprah, 50


no legal existence for, 28–29

vote and, 26–28, 54, 74

voter suppression, effects on, 29–30

Wu, Tim, 123

Wyoming, 24


XYZ Affair, 20


Yanukovych, Viktor, 88

Yushchenko, Viktor, 87, 88

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