More Praise for The Intelligent Optimist’s Guide to Life

“Every person in the world wants the same thing—to lead a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. Yet most of us feel that ultimate goal is determined by external factors. In this fact-based, simple, and pragmatic book, Jurriaan Kamp shifts all the power into our own hands by illustrating that our view of the world around us is a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

—Bert Jacobs, cofounder and Chief Executive Optimist, The Life is good Company

“Optimism is both the precondition and the precursor for individuals and organizations in making meaningful change, and Jurriaan Kamp does a wonderful job of reminding us just how powerful it can be.”

—Walter Robb, Co-CEO, Whole Foods Market

“More and more research confirms that optimism is a critical ingredient of longevity and a healthy lifestyle. Jurriaan Kamp’s book shows how you can improve your health through optimism.”

—Andrew Weil, MD

“This book is like a good companion: it cheers you up.”

—Ben Knapen, former State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands

“An inspired and inspiring guide to living with optimism in a world that is increasingly jaded and pessimistic—uplifting, rousing, and challenging us to dream the world into being in a positive and creative manner.”

—Alberto Villoldo, bestselling author of Shaman, Healer, Sage

“Optimism is a mindset, a lens through which to look at the world around us. It takes this mindset to be able to adapt to the changes that technology and climate change will bring our way. More importantly, this mindset also will give us the resolve to not just let change happen; we are the masters of our destiny and can shape a better world for all.”

—Peter Bakker, President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development

“Thoughtfulness and inspiration are two ingredients that are mixed into a perspective that helps us look at the world as an optimist. There are many ways to journey through life, but the goal surely must be to live well. A good read and one you will want to pass on!”

—Arkadi Kuhlmann, founder and CEO, ZenBanx

“The world is full of opportunities for anyone wishing to see them. Media blur that vision and feed pessimism and depression. Optimism is in short supply. That should change and this book points the way.”

—John Mackey, founder and Co-CEO, Whole Foods Market

“Pessimists, beware! This little book has the power to turn your mind around and, with it, your life! Rarely has the case for optimism been made with such precision and persuasion. The author has a genius for seeing deeply into the nature of our time and gives examples of how the world that seemingly isn’t working actually is—and in a most elegant manner. To read this work is to cease giving credence to the whiny naysayers and instead to join the band of angels who carry a passion for the possible, advance the solutions, and engage in the creation of an emergent positive, practical, and successful world. Above all, it is fair to say that those readers who embrace the optimists’ way will even stop boring God.”

—Jean Houston, PhD, author of The Wizard of Us

“There’s no problem in this world without a potential solution. What’s too often lacking is the strategy to find these new solutions. That strategy is optimism—the desire to find the solution wherever it might be. It’s the vital force for innovation in business and society. This is your handbook to create and contribute your solutions. Read and implement it!”

—Rinaldo Brutoco, entrepreneur and Founding President, World Business Academy

“This is a thought-provoking, challenging, and inspirational book. Jurriaan Kamp’s unique way of looking at how we filter, use, and approach news and information is well worth considering. He is on a mission to help us all realign our thinking. Do yourself a favor and take the time to read and absorb The Intelligent Optimist’s Guide to Life.”

—Robert J. Rosenthal, Executive Director, The Center for Investigative Reporting

“Jurriaan is just the kind of visionary we need today: well-informed, pragmatic, and indefatigably optimistic. His lively book should wake up readers who are using their pessimism as an excuse for inactivity.”

—Bryan Welch, Publisher and Editorial Director, Ogden Publications, and General Manager, Capper’s Insurance Service, Inc.

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