
In 1995, Jurriaan Kamp left a successful career as the chief economics editor at the leading Dutch newspaper, NRC Handelsblad, to found, together with his wife, Hélène de Puy, the “solutions journalism” magazine Ode in The Netherlands.

In 2005 Kamp and De Puy moved to California with their four children to launch the international edition of the magazine, renamed The Intelligent Optimist in 2012. Under his guidance, the magazine has more than once won the prestigious Maggie Award for journalism.

As both editor-in-chief and CEO of the organization, Kamp has regularly come in ahead of the curve on stories that advance new visions of our world, whether he’s advocating a more-is-better approach to sustainability or showcasing thought leaders like alternative health pioneer Johan Boswinkel or Muhammad Yunus, founder of microcredit, long before the mainstream media learns of their work. Kamp wrote his own book about microcredit, Small Change: How Fifty Dollars Changes the World.

He has also brought people together through conferences like the Treaty of Noordwijk aan Zee, which laid out the principles of a world economy on a human scale. That theme became the subject of his book Because People Matter: Building an Economy That Works for Everyone, published in 2003.

Kamp studied international law at Leyden University. Jurriaan Kamp and Hélène de Puy live in the San Francisco Bay Area.



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