
Page references to figures or tables are in italics; references to notes have the letter “n” following the page number.

Abbate, J., 514

Abbott, R. S., 44, 132

ABC network, 432

Abel, R., 371

abolitionist movement, 128

About to Die: How News Images Move the Public (Zelizer), 364365

Abrams, E., 487

absolute exploitation, 60

Acland, C., 368, 370

acoustic sense, 40, 44, 46, 210

Adachie, J., 130

Adams, H., 311

Adams, J. Q., 313314

Adams, K., 159

Adams, T., 182n

Addams, J., 560

Add-a-Unit projector, 378, 379

Addison, J., 220221, 222, 226

Adichie, J., 134

Adler, K., 569

administrative research, 31

Adorno, T. W., 30, 31, 391, 641

culture industries, 424, 425, 427, 435, 437

Enlightenment and public sphere, 218, 219

Frankfurt School, 610, 610620, 625, 626, 628

Advanced Research Projects Agency, US Department of Defense, 514

Adventures of Amos “n” Andy, The (Ely), 138

advertising, 51, 162, 442462, 671

in British North American papers, 246, 247, 254

consumer resistance from 1960s, 455457

contextual, on mobile devices, 525, 532

early consumer reactions, 447448

in early London newspapers, 229

federal regulation of, in 1930s, 448450

national, rise of, 443447

as percentage of GDP, 444

in postwar era, 452455

in World War II, 450452

advertising agencies, 31

Advertising Council, 452

advocacy and activist media, 157159

African American Newspapers, 1827–1998 (Danky), 129

African Americans, 126, 127, 128, 130, 134, 137, 156

Agamben, G., 88, 90, 100, 106112, 116

apparatus concept see apparatus concept (Agamben)

Agüera y Arcas, B., 178

Ahvenainen, J., 336

Aiting, Chen, 299

Aitken, G. J., 325

Akerlof, G. A., 671

Alasuutari, P., 174

Albion, R. G., 312

Alexander, J., 250

Alexander, M., 634

Alexander, V. F., 375

Allen, C., 504

Allen, R., 370

Allen, R. J., 225

Allington, D., 180

Allon, F., 531

Allport, G. W., 597

alphabet systems/scripts, 197, 204, 208, 209, 281

alphabetic literacy, 40, 4348

pre-literate aural experience compared to post-literate world, 46

pristine orality, 47

senses, the, 40, 44, 46

alternative social movements, eighteenth-century, 158

Altman, R., 371, 386, 387, 389, 397, 398

America Online (AOL), 432

American Antiquarian Society (AAS), Worcester, 173, 174, 175

American Dream, 414

American Society of Newspaper Editors, 250

American Sociological Society, Johns Hopkins University, 543

American Telegraph Company 341

Amory, H., 182n

Ampuja, M., 491

Amusing Ourselves to Death (Postman), 55

Anatomy of Exchange Alley, The (Defoe), 227

ancient Greeks, 200, 204, 205, 208209

Anderson, B., 23, 238, 523

Anderson, C., 438

Anderson, S. P., 671

Anderson, T. J., 396

Andrejevic, M., 26, 421, 521535

Andrew, D., 373

Andrews, A., 263

Andrews, E. G., 513

Anesko, M., 178

Angoff, C., 586

Ansolabehere, S., 257

Antebellum Black Newspapers (Jacobs), 129

antimonopoly 316317

Appadurai, A., 127

apparatus concept (Agamben), 88, 90, 106112, 116

brute facticity of media discourse network, 115

Citizens Band (CB) radio, 108112

and communication, 107108

competing and resistant forces and knowledge claims, 113114

determinators, 113

“free-floating” legitimators, 113

instrumentality conditions/attendant epistemological stakes, 114115

media technologies, 114

organization of apparatus as governance technology 115

questions, 112115

range of apparatuses, 107

subjectification processes, 114

Arato, A., 611

archaeology, media, 89, 93

Archaeology of Knowledge, The (Foucault), 89, 100

architecture, 90

archives, digital, 129

Areopagitica (Milton), 228

Aristotle, 220, 229, 230

Armitage, J., 527

Armstrong, A. H., 464

Armstrong, C., 328n

Arndt, J., 646

Arnold, J., 174

Arnold, M., 102, 692

Aronowitz, S., 556, 666

Arrighi, G., 220

Asian Americans, 124, 134

Aspinall, A., 263, 267

assimilation, 135137

Associated Press (AP), 248, 346, 675n

telegraph and wire services (1846–1893), 334, 337, 338339, 344, 346

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 171172

AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph Company), 71, 321, 515

The Audible Past: Cultural Origins of Sound Production (Sterne), 100

audience labor, 62


active, 435437

female, 153154

gendered, 162163

Korea, 289290

penny press, North America, 238

and post-Fordist labor practices, 435437

terminology, 105

Augst, T., 179

Augustine, 464

Auletta, K., 254, 255, 257

Aumente, J., 275

Authentic™: The Politics of Ambivalence in a Brand Culture (Banet-Weiser), 421n

authorship, 101

Auw, A. V., 323

Ayres, E., 448

Babe, R., 69

Backus, J., 506

Bacon, F., 74, 465, 474

Baehr, Jr., H., 244

Bailey, C. W., 7, 9, 10

Bailie, M., 492

Bailyn, B., 237

Baker, C., 246

Baker, H. A., 123, 142

Bakewell, J., 664

Baldasty, G., 242, 244, 247, 445

ballistic missile defenses, 81

Balzac, H. de, 268

Bandy, M. A., 389

Banet-Weiser, S., 5, 7, 9, 418, 421n

Banks, M. J., 8

Banks, T., 6

Banning, S. A., 469, 470

Baran, P. A., 444, 665, 666

Barber, B. R., 444

Barker, N., 182n

Barlow, W., 130, 133

Barnard, M., 169

Barnett, M. P., 507

Barney, D., 531

Barnhurst, K. G., 6, 181

journalism history, 242, 262, 263, 264

media history, 25, 28

photography, 361, 362363

professionalism, in communication, 463476

Barnouw, E., 76, 78

Barnum, P. T., 355

Baron, S., 263, 265

Barrera, C., 263

Barrett, E. W., 65

Barrett, T., 530

Barthes, R., 373

Basbanes, N., 169

Basse, D., 337

Bastian, F., 221, 225

Batchen, G., 352

Bator, F. M., 675n

battles, media accounts, 140141

Baudrillard, J., 61, 94

Bauer, R., 633, 646

Baughman, J., 252, 253, 255, 256, 257, 412, 458n

Bauman, Z., 706

Baumert, P., 264, 268

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 71

Beal, G. M., 645

Beasley, M., 155

beat reporting, 473

Beauvoir, S. de, 152

Beck, J. C., 436

Beck, U., 706, 707

Becker, H., 692

Beckert, S., 326n

Beetham, M., 153, 162

Behringer, B., 312, 326n

Beijing News, 307

Bell, A. G., 320, 321, 323, 324, 325, 328n

Bell, B., 174

Bellanger, C., 263, 264, 267

Belton, J., 370

Beltran, M., 136

Bend It Like Beckham (film), 701

Benedict, H., 161162

Beniger, J., 522523, 525, 528, 529, 532

Benjamin, W., 240, 425, 685, 686, 703

and Frankfurt School, 610, 613614, 616, 628

Benkler, Y., 672

Bennett, G., 341

Bennett, T., 102, 104

Bennett, W. L., 257, 472, 648

Bentham, J., 108, 113

Benton, M., 180

Berelson, B., 22, 31, 550, 567, 569, 570, 640, 643

Berg, E. A., 342

Berger, J., 98

Bergin, T., 511

Berkhofer, R. F., 133

Berlin, I., 308

Berlusconi, S., 434

Bernays, E. L., 589590, 604n

Berners-Lee, T., 514

Bernstein, B., 174

Bertillon, A., 356357

Betamax, 436

Better Living through Reality TV: Television and Post-Welfare Citizenship (Ouellette & Hay), 418

Bettig, R., 673

Beyond a Boundary (C. L. R. James), 692

Beyond Primetime: Television Programming in the Post-Network Era (Lotz), 421422n

Bhuiyan, A. J. M. S. A., 67

Bias of Communication, The (Innis), 50, 54

biased media, 525527

bibliography field, 172, 173

Bignell, J., 274

Bijker, W., 391, 393

Billy Elliot (film), 698, 699, 700701, 706

Bin, Li, 297

Bird, S. E., 140

Birmingham School, 125

Birth of Biopolitics, The (lecture series), 117n

Birth of the Museum, The (Bennett), 102

Bishop, C., 690

Bissell, K., 12

Black Americans, 126, 127, 130

Black Arts Movement, Michigan, 128

Black Atlantic, The (Gilroy), 126

Black Entertainers in African American Newspaper Articles (Register), 129

Black Entertainment Television (BET), 417

Black Feminist Thought (P. H. Collins), 125

Black Film/White Money (Rhines), 133

Black Journalists in Paradox (Wilson), 132

Black Press in America: Soldiers Without Swords (Nelson), 128

Black Press in the Middle West, The (Suggs), 127

Black Scholar, 142

Black Women as Cultural Readers (Bobo), 125

Blair, A., 180

Blake, W., 171

Blaker, P., 486

Blassingame, J., 183n

Bleakley, A., 100

Bledstein, B. J., 472

Bleyer, W. G., 471, 473

Bligh, J., 100

Bliven, B., 675n

Bloch, E., 627

Bloch, M., 175

Blockbuster, 432

Blondheim, B., 334, 335

Blondheim, M., 311, 312, 327n

telegraph and wire services (1846–1893), 334, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344

Blue Pencils and Hidden Hands (Harris & Garvey), 155

Blumer, H., 563, 567, 568, 571, 596

Blumer, J., 647

Bly, N., 154, 156

Boateng, B., 89

Bobo, J., 125

Boddy, W., 458n

Boettinger, H. M., 323

Bogle, D., 124125, 133

Bohlen, J. M., 645

Bolshevik Revolution (1917), 271

Bonaparte, N., 268

Bondebjerg, L., 669

Bonnell, V., 174

book, history of see history of the book (HOB)

book clubs, 180

Boorstin, D., 183n

Booth, G., 252

Born, G., 419

Bornstein, G., 169

Bost, S., 136

Bostdorff, D., 142

Bostian, L. R., 647

Boston News-Letter, 237

Botein, S., 238

Boudon, R., 640

Bourdieu, P., 411

Bourdon, J., 274

Bourne, R., 603n

Boyce, G., 263

Boyd, M., 128

Boyes, W., 525

Bradley, P., 155

Brady, M., 102, 355

Brady, R. A., 664

Brainard, B., 156

Braithwaite, J., 674

brand names, 446, 447

Brandes, R., 169

Bratich, J., 11, 105, 117n

Braudel, F., 175, 219, 220

Brecht, B., 613, 616

Breed, W., 645

Brennan, B., 351, 468

Briggs, A., 23

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 71, 433

British Museum, 102

Britt, A., 244

Broadcasting Freedom (Savage), 137

Brobeck, S., 456

Brockus, S., 7

Broersma, M., 269, 472

Brokaw, C., 168

Brome, A., 501

Bronner, S. E., 611

Brown, F. J., 340, 341, 342

Brown, J., 361, 362

Brown, J. E., 314

Brown, M. K., 142

Brown, R., 179

Brown, R. D., 237, 313

Brown, R. L., 646

Brown is the New Green (Rodriguez), 134

Browne, J., 228

Brownlow, K., 603n

Bruns, G., 94

Bryan, W. J., 249

Buchanan, J. M., 65

Bücher, K., 545546

Buchmann, A., 11

Buck-Morss, S., 614, 615

Buescher, D., 136

Buhler, K. and C., 640

Bullard, A., 582583

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 660

Bulmer, M., 557, 558, 559, 564

Burawoy, M., 692

Burchell, G., 117n

Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University, 31

Bureau of Fire Prevention of the City of New York, 381n

Burgess, C., 557, 560

Burgess, E. W., 550, 560

Burgess, M., 155

Burguière, A., 175

Burke, E., 73, 74, 472

Burke, P., 23, 465

Burkowski, F. J., 517

Burnham, W. D., 249

Burrows, E., 240

Burt, R., 648

Burton, A., 21

Bush, G. W., 81

Bush, V., 436, 503, 504, 514

Business Kodascope, 377

Butler, J., 152

Butsch, R., 162, 180, 426

Buxton, W. J., 44, 564, 597, 600, 605n, 643

Byers, J., 417

cable and news, 340342

cable television, 78, 79, 416, 417

Cairncross, F., 80

Caldwell, J., 420

Caldwell, M. T., 8

Calhoun, C. J., 219, 625, 647

Calt, S., 388

camera obscura, 96, 100

Camerer, C. F., 671

Campbell, H., 394

Campbell-Kelly, M., 502, 503


journalism history, 7172

telephone in, 323

USA compared, 328n

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 71

Canadian Medium Theory School, 92

Canadian “structuralist” School of media studies see structuralist School of media studies, Canadian

Cantor, M., 646

Cantril, H., 597, 598, 600, 640

Capital (Marx), 61, 62

capitalism, 61, 63, 529, 551, 670, 671

flexible, 706

late, 2728

Marxist view, 6062, 63

Cardoza, K., 11

Carey, H., 471

Carey, J. W., 22, 43, 430, 647, 667

bridging political economy/culture divide, 74, 75

and Chicago School, 556, 561, 571572

communications networks, USA, 311, 313, 326327n

“A Cultural Approach to Communication,” 55, 9495

journalism history, 240, 248

media history, Foucauldian approach, 91, 9495, 99, 109

mobility and media, 522, 523524, 525, 526, 527

propaganda studies, US interwar years, 581, 588589, 603n

structuralism, 41, 43, 55, 56

“Technology and Ideology,” 99

telegraph and wire services (1846–1893), 334, 336

Carlsson, U., 493

Carlyle, T., 65

Carnegie, A., 412

Carolus, J., 265

Carpenter, K., 172, 173

Carradine, D., 140

Carr-Saunders, A. M., 466

Carter, J., 482, 486

cartes-de-visite, 353, 354

Cary, F. C., 603n

Case, D. O., 648

Castells, M., 2, 3, 5, 8

Catlin, G. E. G., 600

Cato (Thomas Gordon), 237

cave paintings, 205

Caves, R., 251

Cawley, L., 141

CBS network, 432

Censer, J. R., 267

Ceramic Uncles and Celluloid Mammies (Turner), 134

CERN, 514

Ceruzzi, P. E., 502, 513

Césaire, A., 705

Cha, J.-Y., 291

Chadha, G., 701

Chadwick, J., 456

Chafe, W. H., 453

Chafee, Z., 585

Chaffee, S. H., 564, 566, 591, 634635, 636, 648

Chakravartty, P., 67, 68, 493

Chalaby, J., 25, 241, 263, 270

Chalmers, A., 501

Chambers, D., 230

Champollion, J.-F., 207

Chan, A. S., 5, 89

Chanan, M., 386, 387

Chandler, A., 246

Chandler, Jr., A. D., 317, 320, 327n

Chandler, N., 254

Chapman, J., 248

Chappe, C., 312

Charters, W. W., 595

Chartier, R., 23, 170, 171, 174, 175, 176

Charvat, W., 176

Chase, S., 448, 598

Chavez, L., 124

Cheap Amusements (Peiss), 162

Chekhov, A., 428

Chen, S., 25, 296309

Chen Tu-hsiu, 302

Chesney-Lind, M., 10

Chess, S., 10

Chester, J., 671

Chiang Kai-shek, 303

Chicago, 2930, 70

Chicago School, 539, 550, 551, 554577, 692

Committee on Communication (1947–1960), 568571

disciplinary narratives, 564

evaluation, 573

history, 556565

incorporation, 566568

mass communication research, 564

multimethod approach, 564

rediscovery, 571573

rejection, 565566

rise of, 557563

situating, 555556

China, 24

Ch'ing dynasty, 296, 301

nineteenth-century rise of modern press in, 297300

closed-door policy, 298

Cultural Revolution, 306, 307

Dibao (newspapers), 297

Great Leap Forward (1958), 305, 307

journalism history, 296309

Marco Polo Bridge incident (1937), 304

Northern Warlords, 302

Opium Wars, 298, 299

partisanship and commercialism, post-1978, 306308

prehistory of journalism, ancient China, 297

press freedom, 301

revolution, journalism for (1900–1949), 300304

Song dynasty, 297

transnational firms, 68

Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 296, 303, 306

journalism as mouthpiece of, 304305

Chinese Monthly Magazine (1815–1821), 298

Chinese writing, 207, 209210

Chobo (Korean newspaper), 280

Choe, S. Y., 635

Chomsky N., 430, 506, 663, 664, 668

Chosun Ilbo (Korean newspaper), 288, 290, 291

Chow, R., 694

Christians, C. G., 6

Chu, D.-H., 285

Chun, D.-H., 282, 294n

Chung, I.-S., 285

Chung, K.-G., 285

Churcher, K., 104

Cinerama, 370

circuit of meaning problem, media history, 23

The Citizen Machine: Governing by Television in 1950s America (McCarthy), 411

Citizens Band (CB) radio, 108112

“conditions of instrumentality,” 111112

civil rights and antiwar movements, United States, 32, 132

civil society, 490493

Clanchy, M. T., 54

Clark, C., 236, 237

Clark, J. C. D., 220

Clark, T. N., 645

Clarke, B., 228

class, 684711

cinematic and literary production, new frames of reference and affiliation in, 699703

class struggle, 697, 698

and cultural studies, 690693

demystification, deconstructing, 693696

narrating class and tradition in literary imagination, 703706

operationalization of category, 696699

clay writing, 200, 212

Clear Channel, 433

Coase, R., 65

Coate, S., 671

coffeehouses, London, 219225, 227

Coffey, M. K., 102

Cohen, D., 178

Cohen, E., 415

Cohen, L., 453, 457n, 458n

Cohn, D. L., 51

Colbert, S., 13

Colclough, S., 168, 181

Cole, M., 48

Coleman, J. S., 645

Collier, D., 659

Collier, R. B., 659

Collins, J., 138, 160

Collins, P. H., 125

Collins, S., 29, 578609

Colombo Summit (NAM) (1976), 480

Colon, A., 126

Color Adjustment (Riggs), 408, 409

Coltrane, J., 98

Columbia Records, 432

Columbia University, Bureau of Applied Social Research, 31

commercialization of press, history

Europe, 268270

Korea, 287288

Committee on Public Information (CPI), US, 583, 584, 585


and apparatus, 107108

Committee on Communication (1947–1960), 568571

communication history, 6972

communication work, as professional, 468472

and democracy see democracy, and communication

digital, 52

“5w” model of communication processes, 31

with God, 45

and Marxism, 62

mass communication research, 564

and political economy, 6972, 657683

and power, 108

see also communications networks, USA

communication studies, 6566

Communications Act (1934), 431

communications networks, USA, 310332

antimonopoly, 316317

buy-out clause, National Telegraph Act, 318319

Canada compared, 328n

government administration and corporate management, 325326

National Telegraph Act (1866), 317, 318

Post Office Act (1792), 311, 313

Western Union, takeover by Gould (1881), 319

see also telegraph; telephone

Companion to Media Studies (Valdivia), 3, 20


computing history, 502503

digital layout and distribution, 512514

digital sublime, culture of, 7982

editing systems, 509511

effect on newspaper industry, 500520

electronic distribution, first attempts, 511

IBM 360, 503

IBM 709, 506, 507

Internet media, Korea, 290291

language theory, 505507

theory and practice, 507509

transformed newspaper, 516517

translating information, 503505

and writing, 202

see also digitization; electronic media; Internet media; World Wide Web

Comstock, G., 12

Comte, A., 545

Confucianism, 280, 307

conglomerates, media, 430433

Conkin, P., 175

Conniff, M., 514

Connolly, C. B., 471, 514

Conrad, J., 688

consciousness, writing as necessary to development of, 47

Consultative Club of International and Regional Organizations of Journalists, 488

consumer culture, and advertising, 442462

consumer resistance from 1960s, 455457

early reactions, 447448

rise of national advertising, 443447

Consumer Reports, 454

Consumers' Club Commodity List, 448

A Consumer's Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Postwar America (Cohen), 415

Consumers Research (CR), 448, 451

Consumers Union (CU), 451

contextual advertising, 525, 532

Controlling Representations (Adams, Keene, & McKay), 159

Convergence Culture (Jenkins), 108

Cook, J., 174

Cook, W. B., 382n

Cooley, C. H., 557

Cooper, J., 130

Cooper, J. F., 134

Cooper, K., 334

Copeland, A., 172

Copleston, F., 464, 465

corporate liberalism, 411

Corporation for Public Broadcast (PBS), 104

corporations, media

in British North America, 254255

political economy, 68

corresponding journalism, concept, 265

corruption, 545

Cortada, J., 507, 509, 516

Cortés, H., 198

Costanza-Chock, S., 66

Cott, N., 183n

Couldry, N., 669

Coulmas, E., 207

Covering the Body (Zelizer), 139

Cowan, R. S., 154

Cox, J., 504

Craft, E. D., 327n

Crafton, D., 372, 378

Craig, D. H., 336, 337

Craig, R., 361

Craig, R. T., 1, 22

Craigslist, 515

Crain, P., 313

The Creation of the Media: Political Origins of Modern Communication (Starr), 150151

creative destruction, 60

Creel, G., 583585, 603n

Crenshaw, K., 160

Cressy, D., 169

Crick, J., 169

critical junctures, 659, 662, 668, 673

critical memory, 123

critical theory, 611612

Cronin, M., 470

Crossing the Line (Wald), 137

Cruise, T., 140

Crystal, D., 208

Crystallizing Public Opinion (Bernays), 604n

Cull, N. J., 603n

“A Cultural Approach to Communication,” (Carey), 55, 9495

Cultural Citizenship: Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism and Television in a Neoliberal Age (Miller), 421

cultural front, 70

cultural memory, 52

cultural poetics, 183n

cultural studies

bridging political economy/culture divide, 81, 82

British tradition, 628, 686, 687690

class, 690693

globalization, 706709

media governmentality, 102106

neo-Marxist, 688

popular, 138


bridging divide with political economy, 59, 60, 8283

of digital sublime, 7982

expansion of cultural approach, 7379

high and low culture dichotomy, 627

Marx (Leo) on, 7273

theoretical aspects, 102

Culture and Governance (Hunter), 102103

culture industries, 424441

active audience, and post-Fordist labor practices, 435437

Audience Revolution, 427

democratic diversity and industrial formations, 429430

deregulation and neoliberalism, 433437

globalization and media conglomerates, 430433

mass culture debates, 612619

payment methods, 437438

revolutionary paradigm shift, 426429

Technological Revolution, 427

terminology, 424425

theory, 626

Curl, D., 251

Curran, J., 20, 648, 664665, 669

Curti, M., 444, 447

Curtice, J., 648

Curtin, M., 410

cyberspace, 8081, 531

Czitrom, D., 74, 336, 338, 558, 561, 596, 597, 601

Daguerre, L., 350

daguerreotypes, 353, 354, 355, 361

Daily Universal Register, 267

Da-Lite Screen Company, 378

Dana, C. A., 468

Dancing in the Distraction Factory: Music, Television and Popular Culture (Goodwin), 416

Dandridge, D., 133

Danielson, W. A., 645, 646

Danky J., 129

D'Arcy, J., 481

Darius, King, 204

Darling-Wolf, F., 14n

Darnton, R., 23, 231, 465

cat massacre paper, 172, 173

as head of American Historical Association, 175

history of the book, 168, 170171, 172, 173, 175, 177, 178, 183n

Daston, L., 98, 99, 101

Davidson, C., 180

Davis, N. Z., 169

Day, B., 240, 241242

Day, T., 387

Dayan, D., 143, 439n

de Cauter, L., 27

de Chardin, P. T., 79

de Forest, Lee, 7879

de Moraes Rego, C., 201

de Peuter, G., 437

De Renzi, S., 179

De Saussure, C., 221, 222, 229

de Tartas, A. R., 382n

De Vivo, F., 230

Deacon, D., 669

decolonization, 478481

DeFleur, M. L., 596, 645

Defoe, B. N., 229

Defoe, D., 217, 220, 221, 223229

Dei, B., 264

Delap, L., 157

Deleuze, G., 90, 93, 116, 531

Delia, J., 596

DeLombard, J., 241

Deloria, P. J., 136

democracy, 23, 28

and communication, 539553

Denning, M., 70, 245

Densho: The Japanese American Legacy Project website, 131

deregulation, 433437, 456

Derrida, J., 117n, 201202, 204, 205, 207, 210

Dervin, B., 556

Descartes, René, 611

Desktop Publishing, 513, 517n

Desmond, R. W., 337, 343

Desmoulins, C., 267

Desperately Seeking Women Readers (Harp), 162163

determinism, 25, 40, 49, 93, 154, 177, 428

Detroit Evening News, 245

Deutsch, P., 508

Deutschmann, P. J., 645, 646

Deuze, M., 274

Dewey, J., 29, 30, 640

and Chicago School, 557, 561, 562, 563

communication and democracy, 546, 549, 550, 551

and propaganda studies, US interwar years, 589, 598, 603n

Public and its Problems, 562

dialectic, Hegel's concept of, 61

Dialectic of Enlightenment (Horkheimer & Adorno), 218, 614, 616, 618, 619

Diamond Sutra, The, 169

DiCenzo, M., 151, 157, 158

Diderot, D., 175

digital communication, 52

digital divide, 130

Digital Ink, 515, 516, 517

digital playback devices, 370

digital sublime, culture of, 7982

“Digitalizing Democracy” (Born), 419

digitization, 129, 290291

Dinerman, H., 642

Diringer, D., 169

Dirty Dozen, The (film), 141

disciplined mobility, 110, 111

discourse networks, 199

Discourse Networks 1800/1900 (Kittler), 94

Disney, W., 432

Dittmar, L., 140, 141

Dodd, S., 645

do-it-yourself production and distribution 429

Dolby, N. E., 707

Dong-a Ilbo (Korean newspaper), 288, 290, 291

Dongnip Shinmun (The Independent), 281

Donsbach, W., 272, 472

Doob, L. W., 594

Dooley, B., 265

Dorrs, P. S., 648

Douglas, I., 527, 529

Douglas, S., 75, 76, 77, 163, 256, 325, 389, 642, 670

Downes, K., 396, 398

Downey, G. J., 327n

Downie, J. A., 219, 220, 221, 222, 225, 228

Downing, J. H. D., 3, 67

Doyle, P., 398

Drahos, P., 674

drawing, 205

Du Bois, W. E. B., 23, 124

Du Boff, R. B., 327n, 337, 338, 340

Dublin, T., 183n

Duggan, L., 161

Dumas, A., 268

Duncan, S. J., 155

Dunlap, O. E., 79

Durham, M. G., 5, 10

Durkheim, E., 641, 691

Duster, A. M., 132

Dutacq, A., 269

DVDs, 436, 437

Dworkin, D., 695

Dyer-Witheford, N., 65, 437

ears, 211

Easterling, P., 168

Eastern Western Monthly Magazine (1833–1838), 298

ebrary, Inc., 502

Edison, T., 135

editing systems, 506, 509511

Editor and Publisher, 470, 514, 515

Educating Rita (film), 702

Education of Henry Adams, The (Adams), 311

Edwards, V., 599

Eek, H., 485

effects, media see media effects

Effects of Mass Communication, The (Klapper), 637, 645646

Egyptian writing, 200, 207, 209

Ehrlich, T., 642

Eisenberg, E., 386, 387

Eisenstein, E.

history of the book, 168, 171, 172, 175, 177

media history, 22, 23, 26

The Printing Press as an Agent of Change, 26, 177

structuralism, 52, 55

Elbaum, M., 170

electric telegraph, 312, 314, 326327n

Electrical World, 76

electricity, historical research, 75, 77

electronic media, 69, 290291

race/ethnicity, 129131

see also computerization; Internet media; World Wide Web

Eliade, M., 73

Eliot, T. S., 689

Elliott, P., 467, 665

Ellis, E., 598

Ellis, M., 223

Ellul, J., 675n

Ely, M. P., 138

Ely, R. T., 320

Emery, E., 150

Emery, M., 150, 154155

Empire and Communications (Innis), 50

empire problem, media history, 23

end of history, 79, 80

Enenkel, K., 182n

Engel, M., 269

Engelbart, D., 436

Engels, F., 439n

English Civil War, 236, 501

English language, 210

Enlightenment, 217234, 267

London, focus on, 219221

periodical press, early, 220, 222

see also Defoe, D.; Habermas, J.; public sphere

Entman, R. M., 125, 648

Entrepreneurs of Profit and Pride (Newman), 130

epistemic virtues, 101

Erickson, P., 183n

Erlanger, E., 341

Eros, B., 382n

Eros and Civilization (Marcuse), 621

Eschen, P. von, 128, 137

Esser, F., 272

Ethnic Newswatch: Historical database, 129

Ethnic Notions (Riggs), 134

Eulau, H., 648


journalism history see Europe, journalism history

news agencies, 342343

news cartel, 343345

Europe, journalism history, 24, 262278

19th century, 268270

20th century, 271274

21st century, 274275

cultural variety of Europe, 263

early press, 227229, 264266

Europe as cradle of journalism, 262263

languages, 263

opinion journalism, development, 266268

political parties, 267

prehistory of journalism, 264

professionalization of journalism, 270

UK newspapers vs. Continental, 267, 272

European Union (EU), 275

Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 692

Everett, A., 128, 130

Ewen, E., 446, 453

Ewen, S., 446, 453, 580, 581, 586587, 665, 674n

expertise, 465

exploitation, Marxist theory, 60

eyes, 211

Ezell, M., 178

Fabian, B., 179

Fabre, G., 139

Facebook, 1, 428

Fairband, J., 298, 299

faits divers (miscellaneous news), 269

Fallows, D., 209

Fan Changjiang, 303

Farber, D. J., 508

fascism, and media system, 30

Fausto-Sterling, A., 152

Febvre, L., 172, 175

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), US, 108109, 110, 112, 133, 431

Federal Trade Commission Act (1914), 448

Wheeler–Lea Amendment, 449450

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 448, 450

Feener, R., 182

Fehr, E., 671

Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 159

feminism, second-wave, 152

feminist media, 157

Feminist Media History: Suffrage, Periodicals and the Public Sphere (DiCenzo, Delap, & Ryan), 157

feminist press, 157

Fenby, J., 344

Feng, P. X., 132

Ferguson, M., 669

Feuer, J., 414415

Fiamengo, J., 155156

Fickers, A., 274

fidelity, sound media, 395400

Filler, L., 445


feminist and queer theory, 151152

Hollywood film industry, 124125, 133, 136, 139140

media history, 26, 30

race/ethnicity issues, 124125, 132133

and social class, 699703

theatrical, 2627

YMCA, use by, 103104

film criticism, 128

film exhibition, 367384

projectors, portable, 368369, 374381

“small screen” movement, 376

Fine, G. A., 571

Fine, M., 702

Finlay, R., 230

Finnegan, C., 354, 355

Fiore, Q., 667

Fire (film), 701

Fischer, C., 76

Fischer, C. S., 322, 328n, 390, 394

Fisher, D., 481

Fisher, D. E., 7879

Fisher, E., 81

Fisher, M. J., 7879

Fiske, J., 180, 692

Fiske, M., 638

Fleming, P., 174

flexible capitalism, 706

Flint, K., 162

Fojas, C., 136

Folkerts, J., 243

Fones-Wolf, C. T., 70

Fones-Wolf, E., 70, 256

Fontane, T., 268

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 449

Ford, F., 561

Ford, H., 412, 435

Forman, H. J., 596

FORTRAN program, 506, 507

Foscarini, M., 230

Foster, D., 80

Foster, J. B., 63, 65, 675n

Foucault (Deleuze), 90

Foucault, M., 22, 27, 202, 356, 474, 533

The Archaeology of Knowledge, 89, 100

and class, 697698

Collège de France lectures, 94

concepts, Foucauldian, 89

“conditions of possibility/conditions of instrumentality,” 100, 111

dismissing of work, 9394

governmentality concept, 90

historiographic methods, 89

and Kittler (Friedrich), 9497

on knowledge production, 99100

media history, 88121

legacy of Foucault in, 9194

not a media historian, 88, 92, 93

panopticon, 108, 116

periodization issues, 93

poststructural analysis, 94, 95

Society Must be Defended (lecture series), 97

on technology concept, 91

toolbox approach, 89

The Use of Pleasure, 116n

The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality (Burchell, Gordon, & Miller), 117n

Fowler, M., 416

Fox, A., 168

Fox, F. W. (1975), 451, 452

Fox, S. (1997), 445

Fox Broadcasting, 432

Fox News Channel (FNC), 434

Fox-Genovese, E., 176

Fraenkel, B., 202

framing effects, 32

Frana, P., 514

Francombe, J., 5, 10

Frank, D., 457n

Frank, T., 455

Frankel, O., 169

Frankfurt School, 610631

critique and contemporary relevance, 625629

culture industry and debates over mass culture, 612619

definitions, 611

Habermas and public sphere, 622625

high and low culture dichotomy, 627

metatheory, 629

post-World War II period, 619622

and race/ethnicity, 125

Franklin, B., 237

Franklin, J., 237

Fraser, N., 2223, 158, 226

Frédérix, P., 335, 342, 344

free market, 670

freedom of the press, Korea, 293294

Freedom's Journal. Voices of a Black Nation (Vincent), 129

Freeman, B. M., 159160

Freire, P., 702

French (Annales) School, 167, 172, 175176

French Revolution, 267

Freud, S., 206, 581, 612, 640

Friedan, B., 159

Friedberg, A., 380

Friedman, G., 219

Friedman, M., 457n

Frith, K. T., 456

From Hanoi to Hollywood (Dittmar & Michaud), 140

Fromm, E., 610, 611, 620

Front-Page Girls: Women Journalists in American Culture and Fiction, 1880–1930 (Lute), 156

Fu, L., 181

Fuchs, E., 685

Fuchs, F., 336, 342, 343

Fuentes, J. F., 263, 272

Fukuyama, F., 80

Full Monty, The (film), 689, 698, 701

Fuller, M., 155

Fuller, W. E., 314

Fuller-Seely, K., 370

Gabel, D., 328n

Gabel, R., 328n

Gaedeke, R. M., 448

Galambos, L., 323

Galbraith, J. K., 65, 455

Galison, P., 98, 99, 100, 101

Galliher, J. F., 560

Galton, F., 356

Gamson, W. A., 125126

Gandy, O. H., 659, 665, 674675n

Ganlin, Ding, 306

Gans, H., 249, 569

Gao, Z., 456

Garfield, J. A., 361

Garnett, B., 505

Garnham, N., 32, 66, 67, 661, 664, 669

Garofalo, R., 130

Garvey, E., 168

Garvey, E. G., 155, 157, 162

Gary, B., 581, 585, 588, 591, 597, 600, 601602, 605n

Gaskell, P., 172

Gates, K., 2, 3, 1213

Gaudet, H., 637

Gebhardt, E., 611

Gee, D., 134

Geertz, C., 33n, 180

Gelb, I. J., 201, 204, 205, 208, 209


advocacy and activist media, 157159

concepts, 152154

definitions, 153

female journalists, 154, 155, 156

gendered audience and consumer, 162163

her-story framework, 155156

inequalities, 154, 155

male bias in media industries and writing, 155

as media content, 159162

in media history, 150166

and media work, 28

reportorial forms, feminized, 156

and sexuality, 150166

as synonym for women, 153

women as media producers, 154157

General Electric Company (GE), 77, 432

General Markup Language, 514

Genovese, E., 176

geography, relevance of, 523525

George, H., 543

George, L. M., 671

George III, King, 235

George of Trebizond, 230

Geradin, D., 674

Gerbner, G., 489, 490, 491, 661


Federal Republic of, 272

formative ideas from, 540

Nazi period, 153, 271, 406, 626

newspaper development, 265

press, 541

reunification, 274

Weimar Republic, 153

Geschke, C., 513

Ghent, Treaty of (1815), 311

Gibbons, S., 155

Giddens, A., 311, 326n

Giffard, C. A., 264

Gilbert, E., 5

Gilbert, F., 175

Gilder, G., 8081

Gilmore, M., 176

Gilmore-Lehne, W., 168, 173, 175

Gilroy, P., 126

Ginzburg, C., 5455

Giradin, E. de, 269

Gitelman, L., 7, 364, 391

Gitlin, T., 257, 633, 634, 635, 636, 643, 646, 647, 691

Given, J., 247, 468, 469

Gladwell, M., 640

Glander, T., 565, 569

Glasser, T. L., 474

Glenn, W. M., 470

Glick Schiller, N., 334

Glickman, L. B., 457n


and capitalism, 670

and cultural studies, 706709

freeze in, 490493

and media conglomerates, 430433

Globe Democrat, 252, 253

God, communication with, 45

Godfried, N., 70

Goebbels, J., 271

Goffman, E., 389, 571

Goldfarb, C., 509

Golding, P., 66, 492, 665, 669

Goldsmith, J., 672

Goldzwig, S., 142

Gombrich, E. H., 205

Gomery, D., 369, 370, 371, 389

Gone With the Wind, 139

González Sánchez, C., 179

Goodwin, A., 416

Goodwyn, L., 243

Goody, J., 43, 206, 213

Gorbachev, M., 81

Gordon, R. J., 671

Gordon, T., 237

Gould, J., 318, 319

Gouldner, A. W., 636

governance, role of television in, 104

governing souls, 103


criticism of work in, 104105

Foucauldian concept, 90, 116

media, and cultural studies, 102106

Grabner, W., 453

Gracyk, T., 398

Graham, S., 328n

Gramling, O., 335, 337

grammatology, 201

Gramophone, Film, Typewriter (Kittler), 94

Gramsci, A., 617

Grant, P. S., 674

graphism, 205

Grattan, C. H., 586

Graves, H. F., 228

Gray, H., 408

Gray, W., 247

Great Black Migration, 136, 140

Great Depression, US, 5051, 408

Great Divide hypothesis, structuralism, 43, 4849

Great Society, 30, 412, 416

Great War see World War I

Greek alphabet, 208209

Greeley, H., 469

Green, D., 356

Green, H., 256

Green, J., 642

Green, N., 320

Green, V., 71

Greenberg, B. S., 646

Greenblatt, S., 183n

Greene, R., 368

Greene, R. W., 103, 113

Greenwald, B., 671

Greetham, D., 172

Gregory, T., 585

Greibach, S. A., 506

Grier, D. A., 26, 500520

Grieveson, L., 370, 376

Griffith, R., 453, 454

Griffith, S., 246, 247

Griffiths, A., 368

Griset, P. E., 336, 341

Griss, W. S., 511

Grodinsky, J., 327n

Gronbeck, B., 648

Gross, R., 172

Gross, S., 336, 337, 339

Grossberg, L., 109

Group Leader's Guide to Propaganda Analysis (Edwards), 599

Gruber, C. S., 603n

Gruening, E., 604n

Grünberg, C., 611

Guerrero, E., 137, 139

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (film), 137, 138

Gunning, T., 26, 355, 356, 364

Gunster, S., 628

Gurevitch, M., 569, 669

Gusfeld, J., 565

Gutenberg, J., 169, 177178, 264

Gutenberg Galaxy (McLuhan), 26, 177178, 200

Guthrie, W., 198

Gutman, H., 171, 183n

Haber, S., 250

Habermas, J., 94, 157, 158, 159, 610, 620, 665, 666667

and Chicago School, 572573

Enlightenment and public sphere, 20, 157, 217220, 223, 226, 229, 622625

and media history, 20, 22, 23

Hackenberg, M., 178

Hackett, R., 67

Hadlaw, J., 7

Hagen, L., 675n

Hainhofer, P., 264

Haldeman Julius, E., 51

halftones, 361, 363

Hall, D., 173, 174, 175, 240, 241

Hall, J. L., 673

Hall, R., 355

Hall, R. E., 142

Hall, S., 23, 32, 94, 125, 552, 572, 695

encoding/decoding model, 125

and Frankfurt School, 627, 628

limited effects model, 636, 647, 648

Hallin, D. C., 257, 273

Halloran, J. D., 636, 665

Halper, D. L., 156

Halsey, K., 181

Halttunen, K., 241

Hamamoto, D., 134

Hamelink, C., 480, 485, 490491

Hamilton, J. C., 533

Hamilton, J. T., 671

Hamilton, M., 388

Hamlin, C. H., 586

Hammer, R., 628, 629

Haney, D. P., 41

Hankyoieh (Korean newspaper), 288, 289

Hanqi, Fang, 305

Hansen, M., 27, 370, 666

Hanseong Sunbo (Korean newspaper), 281

Haralovich, M. B., 407408

Haraway, D., 62

Harboard, J. G., 76

Harding, W. G., 471, 504

Hardt, H., 29, 351, 468, 539553, 569, 570

Harley, R., 225, 228, 229

Harms, L. S., 481

Harp, D., 162163

Harrington, J., 230, 231

Harris, N., 362

Harris, P., 492, 669

Harris, R., 202

Harris, S., 168

Harris, S. M., 155, 157

Harris, W., 688, 689

Harrison, H. H., 505

Hartley, J., 6, 27, 628

Hartman, S. M., 453

Hatton, E., 223

Hauser, P., 563

Havas, C., 336, 337, 341, 342, 344

Havelock, E. A., 43, 201, 202, 208, 209, 214

Hay, J., 1, 5, 7, 104, 108, 416, 418, 419, 422n

Hayakawa, S., 130, 598

Headrick, D. R., 312, 325, 335, 336, 340, 341

hearing, sense of, 40, 44, 46, 210

Hearne, J., 136

Hearst, W. R., 244, 469, 471

Hebdige, D., 686, 688, 694, 697, 699

Hébert, J. R., 267

Hebrew language and writing, 208, 214

Heckman, S., 94

Heckscher, A., 410

Hediger, V., 368

Hegde, R., 4, 5

Hegel, G. W. F., 61, 202, 612

Heine, H., 268

Heinze, A. R., 446

Hench, J., 169, 173, 183n

Henderson, J. W., 585

Henkin, D. M., 315

Hennock, F., 156

Herbst, J., 541

Herman, E. S., 327n, 430, 663664, 668

Heroes, Lovers and Others (Rodriguez), 130

Herrman, R. O., 456

Herzog, H., 597, 639, 640, 642, 647

Heyer, P., 465

Hicks, D., 103

hieroglyphs, 207

Higham, J., 174, 175

Hill, R. J., 645

Hillesund, T., 183n

Hills, J., 69, 335, 340

Hilmes, M., 400, 409

Hispanic people, 124, 130

historical research, 21

Histories of Scientific Observation (Daston & Lunbeck), 101

history, media see media history

history of journalism see journalism history

history of the American book (HOAB), 167, 173, 174, 175, 176

history of the book (HOB), 20, 167193

American academic politics and founding motives, 174175

American origins, 171174

authorship studies, 178

bibliography field, 172, 173

Boston Statement, 171, 172173, 174

consumption approaches, 179181

demystification of reading, 180181

dissemination, 179

distribution approaches, 178179

vs. earlier print culture, 169

as exercise in liberal cultural poetics, 170

French (Annales) School, 167, 172, 175176

future of, 181182

interdisciplinary formations, 182n

Mott–Tebbel tradition, 176177

problematical definitions, 169171, 182n

production approaches, 177178

scope of study, 170

Hitler, A., 137, 601, 626

HOB see history of the book (HOB) Hochfelder, D., 325

Hochheimer, J. L., 591, 635, 648

Hochschild, A. R., 437

Hoeflich, M., 182

Hoerl, K., 5, 10

Hofmeyr, I., 182

Hoggart, R., 22, 174, 647, 694, 695, 699, 702

Hohendahl, P. U., 218

Holbert, R. L., 648

Hollywood film industry, 124125, 133, 136, 139140

Holmes, O. W., 314

Holmevik, J. R., 507

Holzmann, G. J., 312

home video, 370

Homer, 211

Honig, D., 133

Honneth, A., 218

Hoover, H., 76

Hoover, J. E., 131

Hopkins, P., 155

Horkheimer, M., 30, 641

culture industries, 424, 425, 427, 435, 437

Enlightenment and public sphere, 218, 219

and Frankfurt School, 610, 611, 612, 614, 616620, 625, 626, 628

Hornik, R., 648

Hortiguera, H., 706

Horwitz, R. B., 328n

Hosley, D., 156

hot metal typesetters, 509

House, E., 583

Hovland, C., 31

Howard, J., 170

Howard, P., 27

Howe, D., 239, 240

Howe, D. W., 312

Howsam, L., 179

Høyer, S., 253, 269

Hu Zhengzhi, 302

Huang Yuansheng, 302

Huberman, L., 666

Hudson, A. P., 314

Hughes, E. C., 466, 467, 571

Hugill, P. J., 325, 336

Hugo, V., 268

Huhtamo, E., 90, 93

Hunt, L., 174

Hunter, I., 102103

Hutchins, R. M., 567

Hutchins Commission on Freedom of the Press, 472

Hutton, F., 132

Huws, U., 65

HWCUs (historically White colleges and universities), 126

Hyman, A., 465

Hymes, D., 400

IBM 709, 506, 507

Ibsen, H., 428

identity documents, 355358

ideograms, Chinese, 209

Igarza, R., 439n

Ignatiev, N., 123

Iliad, 43

Im, Y.-H., 291, 292

The Immigrant Press and Its Control (Park), 135, 550

imprints, 183n

Imus, D., 138

In the Heat of the Night (film), 137

independence of press, British North America, 248250

indexing, 32

India, transnational firms, 68

Industrial Revolution, 529

Infelise, M., 264

information war, 481485

Ingrassia, C., 178

Innis, H. A., 39, 44, 314, 346, 391, 522, 665, 667

The Bias of Communication, 50, 54

Empire and Communications, 50

media history, 22, 25, 26

Foucauldian approach to, 91, 92

structuralism, 4955

mobility and media, 526, 528, 529

writing, 199, 200, 207

inscription, alphabetic, 40, 42

inscription systems, 199, 200

Institute of Communications Research (ICR), Illinois University, 4

Institute of Propaganda Analysis (IPA), 599


media instruments, 99, 101

and philosophy of science, 98102

scientific instruments, 98, 99, 100, 199

intelligences (private correspondence), 236

Intergovernmental Conference on Communication Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Costa Rica (1976), 482

International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), 67

International Encyclopedia of Communication, The (Donsbach), 492

International Index to Black Periodicals, 129

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 68

international order, 496n

International Typographical Workers Union (ITU), 71

Internet media, 79, 255

Korea, 290291

race/ethnicity, 130, 131

and telegraph, 75, 76

see also computerization; electronic media; World Wide Web

Introduction to the Science of Sociology (Park & Burgess), 550

Invention of Communication, The (Mattelart), 89

Invisible Stars: A Social History of Women in Broadcasting (Halper), 156

irredentism, 22, 33n

Irwin, K., 10

Irwin, W., 586

Iser, W., 180

Ishiguro, K., 686, 687

Ito, M., 391

Iyengar, S., 648

Jackman, A., 75

Jackson, A., 313, 315

Jackson, L., 169, 178

Jackson Lears, T. J., 410, 454

Jacobs, D., 129

Jacobs, L., 595

Jacobs, M., 457n

Jacoby, R., 170

Jaffe, E., 314

Jakobson, R., 183n

James, C. L. R., 692

James, H., 178

James, W., 29, 546, 550

Jameson, F., 170, 627

Janes, J., 513

Janowitz, M., 550, 551, 567, 569, 570

Jansen, S. C., 574n, 588, 603n

Janus, N., 665

Jauss, H. R., 180

Jay, M., 611

Jefferson, T., 572

Jencks, C., 699

Jenisch, J., 172

Jenkins, F. C., 381n

Jenkins, H., 108, 125

Jenkins, M., 516, 517

Jevons, W. S., 65

Jewett, H., 240241

Jhally, S., 125, 444, 665, 675n

Jim Crow racial policies, US, 131, 132, 133, 134, 142, 143, 160

Jin, D. Y., 67

John, R. R., 24, 26, 28, 238, 310332

Johns, A., 23, 26, 55, 169, 177

Johnson, C., 674n

Johnson, L. B., 412

Johnson, N., 663

Johnson, P., 158

Johnston, E., 457n

Johnston, W. J., 595

joint operating agreements (JOAs), North America, 252

Jones, J., 370

Jones, S., 255

Joong-ang Ilbo (Korean newspaper), 288, 290, 291

Joseon dynasty (1392–1897), Korea, 280

Joseph, R., 6

Joshi, P., 180

Journal of Canadian Studies, 49

Journal of Communication, 661, 669

Journal of Library History, 179

Journal of Negro History, 142


as an articulation of the “social,” 241

big city, 247

Europe as cradle of, 262263

gender in, 154, 156

history see journalism history

industrial, 474

job title of “journalist,” 263

and photography, 351, 362

professionalization of, 270, 275

public service mission of, 472

training in see journalism studies

journalism history, 24

17th century, 265

18th century, 265, 268

19th century, 25, 241, 268270, 297300, 445

20th century, 271274, 446

21st century, 274275

Anglo-American model, 269, 271

British North America, 24, 235261

Canada, 7172

China, 24, 296309

corresponding journalism, concept, 265

definitions, 263

Europe, 24, 262278

Korea, 24, 279295

and media history, 24

postwar period, 271272

prehistory of journalism, 264, 297

technological innovations, impact, 273

and television, 273274

US and British vs. European, 19th century, 241

Journalism Quarterly, 470

journalism studies, 41, 42, 291293

The Journalist, 470

journalistic autonomy principle, 272

journals, 6768, 242, 246

see also specific journals

Jowett, G. S., 563, 564, 595, 596

Joyce, J., 211

Joyce, W., 173

Kaestle, C., 239, 240, 253254

Kafka, B., 7, 8

Kahn, D., 386, 387

Kaiman, A., 508, 509

Kalleberg, A., 509

Kaltenborn, H. V., 256

Kamalipour, Y., 67

Kanellos, N., 132

Kang Youwei, 299, 300

Kaniss, P., 252, 253, 254

Kant, I., 218

Kaplan, R., 24, 28, 235261, 471

Kapp, K. W., 675n

Karlekar, K. D., 294

Kastan, D. S., 168

Katz, E., 31, 143, 430, 439n

Chicago School, 564, 566, 568, 570, 571

limited effects model, 635, 637, 640, 642, 643, 645, 647, 648, 649

Katz, M., 387, 388, 395

Katz, N. D., 454

Kavanaugh, A. L., 675n

Kay, A., 507

Kazan, E., 137

Keene, M., 159

Keesing, R., 180

Keightley, K., 386, 396, 398

Keith, M., 158

Kekkonen, U., 479, 495n

Kelley, D. R., 183n

Kelley, M., 178, 181

Kellner, D., 69, 610631

Kelly, C. R., 5, 10

Kelly, J., 707

Kendall, A., 315, 316

Kennedy, D., 583, 586

Kennedy, R., 388

Kenney, W. H., 386, 387

Kern, S., 474

Keynes, J. M., 666

Khare, R., 514

Khrushchev, N., 454

Kids Rule: Nickelodeon and Consumer Citizenship (Banet-Weiser), 418

Kielbowicz, R. B., 313

Kihss, P., 511

Kilpatrick, J., 133

Kim, D.-J., 284, 285, 286, 288

Kim, H.-S., 283, 284

Kim, J.-E., 285, 286

Kim, N.-S., 284

Kim, S.-E., 25, 279295

Kim, S.-J., 287

Kim, Y.-S., 284, 285, 289, 293, 294n

King, M. L., 142

Kisselof, J., 78

Kittler, F. A., 154, 199, 208

media history, Foucauldian approach, 88, 90, 9497, 98, 100, 108, 117n

Kittler, J., 26, 217234

Klapper, J., 634, 635, 637, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647

Klein, M., 327n

Klein, N., 456, 687, 699, 706, 708

Klinenberg, E., 433

Klinger, B., 370

KMT (Kuomintang), National Party (China), 296, 303, 304

Knee, J., 252, 255

Knies, K. G. A., 541, 542, 546, 547, 551, 558

Knights, P. R., 337, 338, 340, 343

Knopf, A. A., 51

knowledge, professional organization of, 466468

Köcher, R., 272

Koenig rotary cylindrical presses, 242

Koontz, S., 454

Koppes, C. R., 76, 77

Kopytoff, I., 170

Korea, 24, 279295

audience changes, 289290

Chobo (daily newspaper), 280

commercialization of journalism, 287288

constitutions of Korean Republic, 282283

decline of newspaper readership, 289290

deregulation, 284, 285

genealogy of Korean journalism, 280

Hankyoieh, 288, 289

Internet media, 290291

Joseon dynasty (1392–1897), 280

journalism studies, 291292, 293

journalist changes, 286

journalists running for office, 289

June Uprisings (1987), 292

Kim Young-Sam, media policy of, 285286

labor union movement, 288

media policies following democratization, 284285

modern newspaper, origins, 281

National Security Law (1948), 283

Newspaper Act (2005), 286

Newspaper Act (2009), 290

political history of Korean Republic, 282

press freedom, 284, 293294

Revitalizing Reform (1972), 283284

Special Act on Supporting the Local Press (2004), 286

state intervention in journalism, 281284

Korean Communications Committee (KCC), 291

Korean Journal of Journalism Studies, 291

Korean Society for Journalism Studies (KSKS), 291

Kornicki, P. F., 168

Kors, A. C., 218

Korshin, P. J., 218

Korten, D., 456

Korzybski, A., 598

Kotcher, J. E., 648

Kothari, U., 703

Kracauer, S., 425

Krämer, S., 96, 204, 211, 213, 214

Kuhn, T., 100

Kung Fu, 140

Kunzel, R., 180

Kurtz, H., 257

Kurzweil, R., 80

Kutsch, A., 270

La Bell, T. J., 126127

La Presse, 269


international division of, 68

labor practices, post-Fordist, 435437

Marx on, 60, 61, 62

labor unions, Korea, 288

Lacan, J., 94, 202

Lacey, K., 153, 154, 158, 162

Lalvani, S., 355

Lamming, G., 686, 689

Lamoreaux, N., 444

Lampson, B., 508

Lang, G. E., 641, 643, 646647

Lang, K., 641, 643, 646647


Chomsky on, 506

European languages, 263

media structuralism, 45, 46

theory, 505507

and writing, 204, 205

Lanza, J., 386

Lappin, T., 76, 77, 78

Larsen, O. N., 645

Larson, C., 583, 603n

Larson, M. S., 467

laser printers, 512513

Laski, H., 666

Lasswell, H. D., 31, 567, 640

and propaganda studies, US interwar years, 591, 592594, 595, 598, 600, 601, 602, 604n, 605n

Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper), 134, 140

Last Samurai, The (film), 140

Lastra, J., 371, 389, 395, 396, 398

late capitalism, 2728

Latino/a Americans, 6, 126, 130, 132, 134

Latour, B., 213, 323

Lauk, E., 271

Lavine, H., 582, 600

Lawson, V., 245

Lazarsfeld, P., 31, 256, 566, 596, 597, 600, 602, 604n, 664

and class, 692693

limited effects model, 632646, 649

Le Bon, G., 29, 581, 586, 587

Le Petit Journal, 269

Leach, E., 587

Leach, W., 246, 250, 372

Lear, N., 415

Learning to Labor (Willis), 686, 697

Leavis, Q. D., 51

Lee, A. M., 245, 246, 599

Lee, E. B., 599

Lee, I., 604n

Lee, K.-R., 285

Lee, L., 604n

Lee, M.-B., 289, 294

Lee, R. E., 469

Lee, R. G., 132

Lee, S.-S., 291

Lee Chin-Chuan, 308

Lefèbvre, H., 530

legal evidence, photography, 358360

Lehmann Haupt, H., 176

Leiss, W., 675n

Lemisch, J., 174

Lenin, V. I., 271, 478, 666

Lent, J. A., 674n, 675n

Lentz, R., 142

Leonard, T., 179, 244

Lerner, D., 644

Leroi-Gourhan, A., 205

Lessig, L., 28, 672

Lester, P., 368

Leupp, F., 243, 473

Levine, P., 157

Levy, D. M., 198

Lewis, J., 125, 675n

Lewis, R., 130

Lhamon, W. T., 138

Li Dazhao, 302

Liang Qichao, 299, 300

Licensing Act, lapse of in England (1695), 222, 267

Licklider, J. C. R., 436

Liebes, T., 430, 439n

Liebling, A. J., 241

Limbaugh, R., 138

limited effects model

concepts/definitions, 633

consolidation and challenge (1960s), 645647

and media content, 31

rise and fall of, 632655

since 1980s, 647648

Two-Step Flows, 637645

Lin Baishui, 302, 303

Lincoln, A., 354, 355

Lindenfeld, L., 10

Lindner, R., 559

Lindquist, E., 172, 183n

Lindsay, V., 595

Ling, R., 391

linguistic turn, 175

Lipartito, K., 322, 328n

Lipietz, A., 65

Lippmann, W., 229, 562

The Phantom Public, 589

and propaganda studies, US interwar years, 583, 587588, 589, 590, 598, 603n

Public Opinion, 30, 588

Lipsitz, G., 408, 453

Listening In (Douglas), 389

Liu, C., 67

Liu, L. H., 203, 210

Liu Shao-chi, 305

Liu Shaoshao, 302

Livingstone, S., 1, 675n

Locke, J., 231

Lofland, L. H., 556

logography (word-writing), 197, 206, 207

Logue, T., 684711


coffeehouses, 219225, 227

early press, 227229

Grub Street, 228

London, J., 154

London Gazette, 265

London Stock Exchange, 224, 225

Lonely Londoners (Selvon), 689

Long, E., 168

long eighteenth century, 220

Lord, A. B., 43

Los Angeles Sentinel, 129

Lott, E., 138

Lotz, A., 417, 420, 422n

Love, H., 169

Love and Theft (Lott), 138

Lovejoy, A. O., 170

Lowenthal, L., 30, 613, 615, 619, 620

limited effects model, 639, 641, 644

Lowery, S. A., 596, 645

Lu Xun, 303

Lubken, D., 592, 643, 647

Luff, D., 674

Lukács, G., 616, 690, 691

Lumley, F. E., 593

Lunbeck, E., 101

Lusitania, sinking of, 586

Lutes, J. M., 156, 157, 158

Lutz, C., 138, 160

Lutz, M., 94

Lynd, R. and H., 30, 245, 250, 641

Lyons, M., 174

Lyotard, J.-F., 170

Macaulay, T. B., 223

MacBride, S., 482, 483, 489, 490, 492, 496n

MacBride Round Table on Communication, 491

Macfadden, B., 642

MacGill Hughes, H., 346n

Machar, A. M., 155

Machine in the Garden (Leo Marx), 7273

MacKenzie, D., 391, 393

Macky, J., 222, 223, 225, 226

Madison, J., 428, 674n

Madison, K., 139140

Madland, H., 268

Madnick, S., 508

magazines, women's, 153

Magdoff, H., 665, 666, 675n

magic, 694

Magnet, S., 12

Maguire, M. J., 321, 328n

Mah, H., 171

Mahon, M., 130

Mahoney, E., 665

Make Room for TV: Television and the Family Ideal in Postwar America (Spigel), 407

Malinowski, B., 692

Maltby, R., 370

Malthus, T., 64

Mance, O., 341

Mancini, P., 273

Mankekar, D. R., 481

Mankiw, N. G., 671

Mann, G., 541

Manovich, L., 213

Mansell, R., 67, 496n

Manufacturing Consent (Herman & Chomsky), 668

manuscript production system, 169

Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), 305

Marat, J.-P., 267

Marchand, R., 328n, 446, 447, 458n, 531

Marchant, W., 504

Marconi, G., 323

Marcus, M., 510

Marcuse, H., 610, 611, 615, 616, 619, 620, 621, 622

Margherio, L., 517

Marien, M. W., 352, 353, 354

Marks, B. A., 581582, 586, 603n

Markus, R. A., 464

Marshall, A., 65

Marshall, J., 600601, 605n

Martin, H.-J., 172, 174, 175, 176

Martin, M., 69, 76, 269

Marvin, C., 7, 22, 75, 76, 327n

media history, 3958

When Old Technologies Were New, 154

Marvin, S., 328n

Marx, Karl/Marxism, 182, 640, 666

Capital, 61, 62

and class, 687, 688, 691, 696

communication and democracy, 546

compared to Leo Marx, 59, 60, 72, 8283

critique, 6162

culture industries, 424, 425, 439n

Enlightenment and public sphere, 219, 221

and Frankfurt School, 611

and Hegel, 61

and labor, 60, 61, 62

Marxian tradition, 6062

media history, 22, 27

mobility and media, 527

and race/ethnicity, 125

Marx, Leo, 23, 60, 74, 77, 79, 81

compared to Karl Marx, 59, 60, 72, 8283

Machine in the Garden, 7273

masculinity, in journalism, 154

Maslen, K., 174

Masmoudi, M., 485

Mass Communication Theory (McQuail), 3, 4, 5

mass culture, 31, 409

and culture industry, 612619

mass media

Black cultural presence, 139

representation trends in, 133135

technology, 98

Mass Media Declaration, 481, 482, 483

mass television, 405409, 418

Massey, D., 527, 533

Matheson, D., 469

Mathews, M. V., 508

Matsuda, M. K., 364

Matsushita, 432

Mattelart, A., 66, 72, 89, 669

Mattelart, M., 669

Matthews, F. A., 546

Matthews, F. H., 558, 560, 562

Maxwell, R., 13, 66, 662

May, E. T., 453, 454

May, Just and Indian (film), 136

May, W. F., 469

Mayer, R. N., 448, 456

Mayer, V., 8

Mayor, F., 489

Mazepa, P., 71

Mazzarella, S. R., 2, 4, 9

M'Bow, Amadou-Mahtar, 482, 489, 490

McCall, C. W., 115

McCarthy, A., 411

McCarthy, C., 5, 7, 684711

McCarthy, N., 134

McCarthy, T., 691

McChesney, R. W., 24, 28, 66, 69, 70, 456, 629, 657683

McClung, N., 155

McClure, A. K., 468

McCombs, M., 636, 648

McCormack, T., 643

McCourt, T., 394

McCracken, A., 389

McDaniel, H., 133

McDougall, R. D., 328n

McGerr, M., 243, 244

McGilligan, P., 133

McGovern, C. F., 446

McGuire, W., 648

McHenry, E., 181

McKay, M., 159

McKenzie, D. F., 170

McKeon, R., 464

McKercher, C., 68, 71

McKim, A., 228

McKinley, W., 361

McKissack, F., 142

McLaughlin, L., 159

McLean, J., 312, 314

McLeod, K., 673

McLuhan, E., 667

McLuhan, M., 154, 391, 428, 665, 667

Gutenberg Galaxy, 26, 177178, 200

history of the book, 171, 175, 177

media history, 22, 25, 26, 3233

Foucauldian approach to, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 98

on press, 515, 516

structuralism, 39, 40, 4243, 56

at University of Toronto, 4243

writing, 200201, 211, 212213, 214

McMurria, J., 416

McMurtrie, D., 176

McNabb, J. H., 377

McNeill, J. R., 335

McNeill, W. H., 335

m-commerce, 531532

McPhail, T., 493

McQuail, D., 3, 4, 5, 8, 669

McReynolds, J. C., 325

McRobbie, A., 695

Mead, G. H., 30, 549, 551

and Chicago School, 557, 558, 572573

Meade, M., 692

Meadows, S., 685, 700

“Meaning of Memory: Family, Class and Ethnicity in Early Network Television Programs” (Lipsitz), 408

Means of Social Control (Lumley), 593

Meddaugh, P. M., 13

“media,” definition, 20

Media and New Capitalism in the Digital Age (Fisher), 81

Media and Power (Curran), 20

media corporations see corporations, media

media effects

framing, 32

limited effects model see limited effects model

power, 108

priming, 32

and propaganda, 594597

structuralist school, 56

study of, 3031

media governmentality, and cultural studies, 102106

media history

Canadian “structuralist” School of media studies, 3958

description of approaches, 2123

distinguished from other historical studies, 2122

Foucauldian approach to, 88121

gender and sexuality in, 150166

historians, 2223

interdiscipline of, 21

mapping of field, 1935

moments, 2328, 29

narratives, multiplicity of, 20

problems, 23

race/ethnicity in, 122149

social construction, 2627

and theoretical work, 23

media imperialism, 6667

media influence, “middle-range” theories, 125

media power, 32

media studies

current trends, 46

foundations, 2832

history, in US, 540

interdiscipline of present and future, 118

roots of, 539553

media tolerance, race/ethnicity, 137138

media work, 28

media/institution, 92

mediation, 99, 100, 107

Meehan, E., 417, 665, 671

Mees, C. E. K., 377

Mehaffy, M. M., 162

Mehta, D., 701

Melbin, M., 524

Melnick, R., 372

Melton, J. V. H., 220, 231

Melvin, M., 525

Memex, 504, 509, 514

Mencken, H. L., 51, 471

Mendelsohn, H., 646

Mendelssohn, F., 206

Menzel, H., 646

Merriam, C., 591

Merskin, D., 140

Merton, R. K., 31, 604n, 640641, 644, 645, 649, 693

metanarratives, 20

Mexico, museums in, 102

Meyer, R., 661

Meyrowitz, J., 55

Michaud, G., 140, 141

Micheaux, O., 129, 133

Middleton, S., 665

Mill, J. S., 29, 63

Millard, A., 386, 387, 392, 396

Miller, C., 599

Miller, D., 453

Miller, E., 175, 180, 183n

Miller, J., 94, 508

Miller, M. C., 590

Miller, T., 13, 412, 421, 431

Mills, C. W., 31, 452, 455, 626, 642, 665, 666667

Milne, W., 298

Milton, J., 231

Mindich, D., 471

Miner, H., 694

Ministerial Meeting in New Delhi (NAM) (1976), 479480

Minow, N., 411412

Miramax, 432

Mishan, E. J., 675n

Mitcham, W. J., 82

Mitchell, A., 161

Mitchell, W., 80

Miyao, D., 130

Mnookin, J., 359, 360

mobile privatization, 27, 109, 110, 406, 428

mobility and media, 521535

biased media, 525527

control, 526

geography, relevance of, 523525

mocio-economics, 529534

rhythms, mobility, 528529

space and time, 525, 526, 527

Mobilium, 532

mocio-economics, 529534

Mock, J. R., 583, 603n

modernity, 363, 372

Modey, C., 237

Modigliani, A., 125126

Molina, O., 170

Molina Guzmán, I., 56

Molnar, A., 458n

Mompart, J. L. G., 263

monolinguism, 52

monopolies, 28, 339340, 346

Monthly Review, 666, 675n

Moore, R. L., 647, 648

Moore, W. E., 467

moral philosophy, and political economy, 64, 65

More Work for Mother (Cowan), 154

Morley, D., 6, 125, 533, 669, 695

Morris, A., 386, 387

Morris, M., 364

Morris, N., 673

Morrison, D. E., 596, 604n, 641, 643

Morrison, R., 298

Morse, R. L. D., 448

Morse, S. F. B., 75, 314315, 316

Morton, Jr., D. L., 387

Moschis, G. P., 647, 648

Mosco, V., 219, 665, 675n

bridging political economy/culture divide, 5987

media history, 22, 23

Mott, F. L., 176, 470, 471

Moulton, A., 508

Moureau, F., 264

movie theaters, US, 370374, 379, 380

“movie-only theaters,” 370371

Moylan, M., 182n

MTM: Quality Television (Feuer), 414415

MTV 416417

muckraking, 154

Mueller, M., 322, 328n, 675n

Mukherjee, R., 5

multiculturalism, and national identities, 135138

multinational corporations, 68

Mulvey, L., 151

Mumford, L., 91, 388, 529

Munroe, R., 247

Munsey, F., 251

Munson, E. S., 571

Münsterberg, H., 595

Murdoch, R., 273, 434

Murdock, G., 66, 67, 69, 409, 413, 532, 665, 669, 674n

Murialdi, P., 263, 273

Murrow, E. R., 256, 412

museums, 102

music, and mass culture, 615

Musser, C., 375

My Beautiful Laundrette (film), 702

MySpace, 428

Nacirema, mouth rites, 694

Nadel, M. V., 447

Nader, R., 455, 456

Naipaul, V. S., 695

Nakamura, L., 10, 13

Nakashima, C. L., 136

NAM see Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)

Nandy, A., 704

National Academy of Engineering, 530

National Consumers' League (NCL), 447

National Electric Light Association, 604n

National Museum of the American Indian, 102

National Telegraph Act (1866), US, 317, 318

Nationwide (Morley), 125

Native American representations, 136, 140

naturalism, 61

Nayak, A., 686, 700, 706

Nazi Germany, 153, 271, 406, 626

nBC–Universal, 432

Nealon, J., 91

Negra, D., 5

Negroponte, N., 80, 516

Neiva, E. M., 506

Nelles, H. V., 328n

Nelson, R., 172

Nelson, S., 128

Nelson, W., 245

neoclassical economics, 6465

neoconservative political economy, 65

neoliberalism, 117n, 433437

neoosphere, 79

Nerone, J., 2, 6, 327n

history of the book, 181, 182n

journalism history, 238, 242, 248, 262, 264

media history, 1935

Foucauldian approach to, 8990, 91, 9293, 96, 106

photography, 361, 362363

professional communicator, rise of, 467, 469

telegraph and wire services (1846–1893), 334

Neuber, W., 182n

Neumann, F., 611

Neumann, J. von, 501, 507, 611, 619

Nevitt, M., 268

New Cultural History, 174, 175, 177

New International Economic Order (NIEO), 478

New Orleans, Battle of (1815), 311

New Republic magazine, 77, 78

New Social History (NSH), 167, 174, 175, 183n

new world information and communication order (NWICO), 32, 477499

decolonization, 478481

freeze in globalization and civil society, 490493

information war, 481485

lessons, 493495

New York Associated Press (NYAP), 248, 311

agreement with Reuters, 343344

telegraph and wire services (1846–1893), 334, 337, 338, 339, 340, 343, 344

New York Daily News, 510

New York Sun, 238

New York Tribune, 361

New Youth (Xin Qingnian), Chinese magazine, 302

Newbury, M., 178

Newhouse, S., 252

Newkirk, P., 132

Newman, M., 130

Newmark, C., 515


“inverted pyramid” form, 272

television, 156

news agencies, European, 342343

News Corporation, 428, 431, 432, 433, 434

news frames, 125

news media, 25, 32

news services, 25

Atlantic cable and news, 340342

early pre-wire and wire, 336337

European agencies, 342343

European news cartel and US wire services, 343345

inland telegraph and wire services, 338339

monopolies, 339340


Black, 127, 128

and books, 51

collapse of advertising in Great Depression, 51

colonial, 236

computerization, effect on industry, 500520

decline of readership, 289290, 504

early development, in Europe, 265

Korea, 280, 281, 288, 289290

photography, 361362

response to computerization, 515

and telegraph, 341342

see also journalism history; journals; periodicals; press; press freedom

niche television, 414419

Nicholas I., 271

Nichols, J., 24

Nickelodeons, 370

Nickles, D. P., 327n, 336

nietzsche, F., 200, 612

Nisbet, M. C., 648

Nixon, R., 454

No Sense of Place (Meyrowitz), 55

Noelle-Neumann, E., 633, 636, 638, 647

nomadic cultures, 4950

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), 32, 477, 478

Intergovernmental Council for the Coordination of Information, 487488

origins, 495n

platforms, 479480

Nora, P., 139

Nord, D. P., 179, 180, 240, 242, 244, 249

Nordenstreng, K., 477499

Norris, J. D., 244

Norris, P., 648

North America (British), journalism history, 24, 235261

advertising, 246, 247, 254

Cato letters, 237

consolidation, 250254

daily press, 242, 243

democratization of, 244248

England, first papers modeled on press in, 236

group ownership, 252

independence of press, declarations of, 248250

joint operating agreements, 252

labor press, 238

media corporations, 254255

paper closures, 253

partisan press, 242244, 249

penny press, 239242

political parties, 242, 243, 249, 255257, 257

political reporting, 242243

press freedom, 238

price issues, 244245

Progressive Era (1904–1919), 249

republicanism, 238

notation systems, 199

Notes on the Underground (Williams), 73

Nowak, M., 453

NWICO see new world information and communication order (NWICO)

Nye, D., 73, 74, 75

Obama, B., 141, 142, 517

Objectivity (Daston & Galison), 99

Obomsawin, A., 130

O'Boyle, L., 268

Obraczka, K., 514

O'Connell, J., 386, 396, 398

O'Connor, R., 251

October Club, Westminster, 225

O'Donnell, R., 138

Of Grammatology (Derrida), 201

O'Farrell, C., 117n

Office of Price Administration (OPA), 450

Office of Radio Research (ORR), 637

Ogborn, M., 168, 219, 220

Ohmac, K., 80

Ohmann, R., 244245, 246, 445

Ollman, B., 219

Olney, M. L., 445

Olsson, J., 420

O'Meally, R., 139

Omi, M., 23, 123, 125

Ondaatje, M., 386

One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse), 622

Ong, A., 709

Ong, W. J., 22, 39, 4348, 54, 198, 201, 203, 528

Ono, K., 132, 136, 140

Onslow, B., 155

opinion journalism, Europe, 266268

opinion leaders, 639

Optical Media (Kittler), 94, 96

optical telegraph, 312313

oral-formulaic singing techniques, 43

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 478

Orgeron, D., 368

Orientalism (Said), 125

Origins of Sociology (Small), 547

Orr, M., 170

Orton, W., 319

Orwell, G., 686, 687, 692, 693, 703705, 706

Osiel, M. J., 472

Osolnik, B., 485

Ostler, N., 204

Otto, E. M., 263

Otto, L., 268

Ouellette, L., 26, 104, 404423

Owen, R., 65

Owens, D. M., 338339

Owens, J., 263

Oxford Gazette, 265

Packard, V., 410, 454

Packer, J., 22, 88121, 667

Padovani, C., 492, 493

Paglia, C., 94

“Paki-bashing,” 695

Palmer, M. B., 269

Palumbo-Liu, D., 124

panel technique, 638

panopticon, 108, 116

Papathanassopoulos, S., 274

paper, 49, 52, 199

Parameswaran, R., 2, 11

Paramount film studios, 432

parchment, vs. paper, 49, 52

Parikka, J., 90, 93

Park, C.-H., 281, 294n

Park, D. W., 556

Park, J. S. W., 124

Park, R. E., 135, 468, 546, 549550, 551, 587, 692

Chicago School, 557, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563

media history, 2930

Parkinson, J. C., 341

Parks, D. J., 672

Parks, L., 99

Parry, M., 43

Parsons, T., 641, 692

particularism, 691

partisan press, British North America, 242244, 249

Pasley, J. L., 468

Patten, S. N., 446, 542543

Patterson, T., 272

Pauly, J., 556

Pavlic, B., 480

Pawley, C., 175, 177, 180

pay per view (PPV), 438

payment methods, culture industries, 437438

Payne Fund Studies, 30, 563564, 596

Pearl Harbor attack (1941), 450

Pearson, G., 695

Pease, O., 449, 450

Peet, C., 595

Pegler-Gordon, A., 357, 358

Pehrson, B., 312

Peirce, C. S., 211

Peiss, K., 162, 446

Pells, R. H., 453

pencil, history of, 204

Pendakur, M., 665, 675n

penny press, British North America, 239242

People's Choice, The (Lazarsfeld, Berelson, & Gaudet), 635, 637, 637642

People's Republic of China (PRC), 296, 304

first Constitution (1954), 307

Pepper, S., 104

Perelman, M., 670, 673

Perez-Torres, R., 124

periodicals, 128, 132

periodical press, early, 220, 222

women-produced, 157

see also journals

Perlman, M., 396

Perry, J. W., 505

Perry, T., 513

The Persistence of History: Cinema, Television and the Modern Event (Sobchak), 143

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), 428

Personal Influence (Katz & Lazarsfeld), 635636, 637, 642645

perspicuity, 116

Pertschuk, M., 455, 456

Peters, J., 364

Peters, J. D., 236, 336, 589

and Chicago School, 557, 560, 561

media history, 22, 26

Foucauldian approach to, 89, 92, 94, 95, 97, 99, 117n

sound histories, 386, 387, 399

writing, 197216

Peterson, L., 142

Peterson, S., 225

Petroski, H., 204

Pezzulo, P. C., 13

Pfaff, D. W., 252, 253, 254, 255

Pham, V., 132, 140

Phantom Public, The (Lippmann), 589

Phelps, G., 665

Phillips, D., 363

philosophy of science

and instrumentality, 98102

Stanford School, 88, 90, 98, 116

phonemes, 209

phonetic practices, 197, 207, 209

photographic realism, 352

photography, 350366

and Black press, 128

Chinese Exclusion Act, 357

halftones, 361, 363

iconic accuracy, 356

identity documents, 355358

indexicality, 356

and journalism, 351, 362

legal evidence, 358360

as “mirror with a memory,” 352

newspaper illustrations, 361362

portraits, 353355

print media, 360363

“realist ethos” association, 361, 362

Photon optical typesetting machine, 506507

phototypesetters, 509

phrenology, 354, 355, 356

physics, authorship in, 101

physiognomy, 354, 355, 356, 361

Pickard, V., 661

Pickering, J., 313

Picturing the Past (Brennan & Hardt), 351

Pike, R., 69, 336

Pimpin Ain't Easy: Selling Black Entertainment Television (Smith-Shomade), 417

Pinter, A., 561

Piper, A., 169, 182n

Pirenne, H., 220

Plaisance, P. L., 470

Planet of the Arabs (film), 134

Plato, 198, 215, 229, 230, 231, 464

Platt, J., 564

Ploman, E., 485

Pohlmann, K. C., 386

Poitier, S., 137138

Polan, D., 376

polinalists, 289

Polish Peasant in Europe and America, The (Thomas & Znaniecki), 560

Political Communication (Chaffee), 634, 636

political economy

bridging divide with culture, 59, 60, 8283

and capitalism, 63

characteristics, 63

of communication, 657683

communication history in, 6972

control and survival, 63

debate on, 6465

definitions, 6269

electronic media, 69

and history, 63, 65

international research, 67

journals, academic, 6768

Marxist critique, 6062

and moral philosophy, 64, 65

neoconservative, 65

print journalism, 71

radio broadcasting, 70

and social praxis, 64

social relations, as study of, 6263

social whole, 6364, 65

see also culture; Marx, Karl/Marxism; Marx, Leo

Political Economy of Communication, The (Mosco), 665

Polletta, F., 142

Ponsonby, A., 586

Pontius Pilate, 204

Pool, I. de S., 27, 323, 388, 390

Pooley J., 556, 559, 564, 565, 566, 643

Pope, D., 444, 445

Popkin, J. D., 267

portable projectors, 368369, 374381

Add-a-Unit projector, 378, 379

Porter, J. A., 468

Porter, R., 220

portraits, photographic, 353355

positivism, 82, 352

Post Office Act (1792), US, 311, 313, 327n

Post Office Department, US, 314315, 327n

Postman, N., 22, 665, 667

Amusing Ourselves to Death, 55

media ecology program, New York University, 43

PostScript language, 513

Potter, D. M., 455

Pöttker, H., 269

Potts, M., 516

Potts, N., 63

Poulantzas, N., 94

Powell, B. B., 198, 201, 204, 205, 208, 209


and apparatus, 107108

in British North America, 237238

and communication, 108

God's knowledge as, 465

media, 32

Power Elite, The (Wright Mills), 31, 666

Powers, S., 667

Poynter, N., 515

praxis, social, 64

Pred, A. R., 311

prehistory of journalism, 264, 297

Prendergast, C., 170

Prescott, G. H., 333, 341

Presence of the Word, The (Ong), 45


American, 154155

British North America, 235261

commercial interests, 542

critique, 30

daily, 242, 243, 244248, 545

early, in London, 227229

freedom of, Korea, 293294

function in society, 543544

German, 541

media history, 30

pioneers, 127128

see also journalism history; newspapers; press freedom; printing/printing press

Press and America: An Interpretive History of the Mass Media (Emery, Emery, & Roberts), 150

press freedom

in British North America, 238, 241

in China, 301

in Europe, 267, 273

ideal of, 471, 481

in Korea, 284, 293294

World Press Freedom Committee (WPFC), 481, 482

Preston, P., 275

Price, L., 168

Price, M. E., 673

Pride, A., 127

priming effects, 32

print culture, 177, 182n

print media

history, 26

newspapers see newspapers; press

and paper, 49, 52

photography, 360363

Printing Press as an Agent of Change, The (Eisenstein), 26, 177

printing/printing press, 26, 52, 200, 501, 516, 528

Priuli, G., 231

privatization, mobile, 27, 109, 110, 406, 428

problematization, 105, 117n

Production Culture: Industrial Reflexivity and Critical Practice in Film and Television (Caldwell), 420

professional integrity, 228229

professionalism, in communication, 463476

“brain work,” 467, 469

communication work as professional, 468472

consequences of professionalism, 472474

establishing early professions, 464466

ethical codes, 471

expertise, 465

founding associations, 470

new professions, 466

norms, professional, 471, 472

professional organization of knowledge, 466468

Program for the History of the Book in American Culture (AAS), 173

Progressive Era (1904–1919), 249, 659660

progressivism, 580

Projansky, S., 5

projectors, portable, 368369, 374381

Add-a-Unit projector, 378, 379

Propaganda: Its Psychology and Technique (Doob), 594

propaganda model, 663

propaganda prophylaxis, 601

propaganda studies, US interwar years, 578609

Committee on Public Information, 583, 584, 585

devices identified, 605n

education and policy, 598602

implications of terminology, 579, 594

media effects and propaganda, 594597

postwar discourses, 586591

Progessive movement, 580

publicity, 580

social science and behavioral approach, 591594

Propaganda Technique in the World War (Lasswell), 591

ProQuest Historical Newspapers, database, 129

Protestant Ethic, The (Weber), 223

“protestant ethnic,” 694

Pruitt, S., 530

psychological warfare research, 41


communication and democracy, 544545

problem of, 23

terminology, 105, 106

Public and its Problems, The (Dewey), 562

Public Broadcasting Act (1967), 413

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), 412, 413, 414

public memory, and race/ethnicity, 139143

appropriation, acts of, 140

forgetting, 140

“progress,” commemorating, 141143

wars, 140141

public opinion, 219, 220, 229231, 621

research, 638

Public Opinion (Lippmann), 30, 588

public sphere

activist media, 157158

“bourgeois,” 220, 225227, 623, 624

concept, 158, 159, 218219

Habermas, 20, 157, 217220, 223, 226, 229, 622625

in London coffeehouses, 219225

Royal Court (Korea), 280

Pulitzer, J., III, 244, 252, 254, 469, 470, 471

Pullan, B. S., 230

Puritan Revolution, England, 268

Pyle, R., 339

Qingyi bao (Chinese newspaper), 300

Qiu, J., 67

Queer Airwaves: The Story of Gay and Lesbian Broadcasting (Johnson & Keith), 158

Question of Sedition: The Black Press During World War II (Washburn), 131

Quetelet, A., 641

Quevedo, F. de, 211

Qur'anic schools, 48, 49

QWERTY keyboard, 199

Raabe, P., 172

Rabinow, P., 90

Raboy, M., 69

Race Against Empire (P. von Eschen), 128


assimilation, 135137

cross-racial romance, 136

de jure or de facto exclusion, 143

economics of in media production, 131133

electronic media, 129131

film representation, 124125, 132133

Great Black Migration, 136, 140

historical enquiry, 126

identity boundaries, reinforcing, 135137

importance, 123127

Jim Crow policies, 131, 132, 133, 134, 142, 143, 160

in media history, 122149

“modern racism,” 125126

multiculturalism, and national identities, 135138

others, historical narratives, 135137

“Paki-bashing,” 695

Pocahontas–John Smith legend, 136, 140

press pioneers, 127128

public memory, 139143

racial formation, 123

records, preserving/maintaining, 128129

remembering, 143144

representation trends in mass media, 133135

roots, rediscovering, 127131

as social constructions, 123

stereotypes, 130, 133, 134, 135, 141

terminology, 123124

theoretical inspirations, 124127

tolerance narratives, 137138

Racial Formation in the United States (Omi & Winant), 125

Racial Order of Things, The (Mukherjee), 5

Radaway, J. A., 125

Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 692

radio broadcasting, 7071, 76, 77, 78

in-car radios, 111

Citizens Band (CB) radio, 108112

and computerization, 504

and gender, 153

history, 389

and television, 274

transistor radio, 111

two-way radio, 110, 111

Radio Voices: American Broadcasting 1922–1952 (Hilmes), 409

Radway, J., 168, 180, 182n

Raising Cain (Lhamon), 138

Rakow, L. F., 390

Ramism, 46

Ramus, P., 4546

Ramus: Method and the Decay of Dialogue (Ong), 4546

Randall, D., 128

Rantanen, T., 26, 28, 333349

Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) of Association of College and Research Libraries, Boston preconference and Statement (1980), 171, 172173, 174, 177

Raskin, A. H., 510

Ratzenhofer, G., 546

Raven, J., 169, 179

Raymond, J., 264, 265, 266

Read, D., 336, 342, 343

Reader in Public Opinion and Communication (Janowitz & Berelson), 550, 569

reading, 211

Reading National Geographic (Lutz & Collins), 138, 160

Reading the Romance (Radaway), 125

Reagan, R., 81, 142, 416, 434, 486, 487, 489, 490, 512

reality TV 104, 418

Reality TV: The Work of Being Watched (Andrejevic), 421

rebus, 206

reception studies, German, 180

Redeeming the Wasteland: Television Documentary and Cold War Politics (Curtin), 409

Reed, H., 142143

Reese, S. D., 675n

Regester, C. B., 129

Reinhardt, J. E., 482

relative exploitation, 60

Renaissance period, 52, 217, 229231

Renaudot, T., 265

representation problem, media history, 23

republicanism, 238

Requate, J., 270

resistance, in telecommunications and computer industries, 71

Retis-Rivas, J., 13

Reuter, H., 344

Reuter, J., 336337, 341, 342343, 344

Reuters, 337, 345

agreement with NYAP, 343344

reverse-engineering, bibliography licensed, 172, 177

revisionist historiography, 158

Reyes, P., 130

Reynolds, D., 178

Rhee, S., 281, 289

Rhines, J. A., 133

Rhodes, J., 128

Rhodes, M., 170

rhythms, mobility, 528529

Rhyu, S., 286

Rialto square, Venice, 230

Ricardo, D., 61, 63

Richard, I. A., 598

Richardson, J., 567

Riesman, D., 455, 569, 626

Riggins, S., 117n

Riggs, M., 134, 408

Right to Communicate, The (D'Arcy), 481

Right to Rock (Mahon), 130

Righter, R., 481, 485, 486

Ripley C. P., 132

Rivero, Y., 137

Roa, H., 445

Roach, C., 491

Robb, A., 505

Roberts, C., 169

Roberts, D. F., 647

Roberts, N., 150

Robertson, C., 7, 21, 26, 350366, 356, 357, 667

Robertson, J. S., 211

Robins, K., 334, 531, 695

Robinson, E. S., 594

Robles, A. C., 65

Rocha, C., 706

Rock, M., 156

Rockefeller Foundation funding, 30

Rockin' Out (Garofalo), 130

Rodger, N., 169

Rodriguez, C., 130

Rodriguez, P., 134

Roediger, D., 123

Rogers, E. M., 604n, 605n, 645

Rogers, E. N., 557, 561, 564, 566

Roh, M.-H., 284, 286, 289, 290, 293, 294

Roh, T.-W., 282, 284, 285, 294n

Rohrbach, P. T., 314

romance novels, 180

Roosevelt, F. D., 50, 154, 256, 257, 447, 449, 615, 626

Roper, E., 637

Rose, J., 180

Rose, N., 103

Rosenzweig, R., 426

Rosewater, E., 471

Rosewater, V., 335, 336, 340, 343, 344

Ross, A., 170

Ross, S. H., 585

Rothafel, S. L., 376

Rothenbuhler, E. W., 26, 385403

Rothschild, M. L., 650n

Rousseau, J.-J., 230231

Rubie, L., 130

Rubin, G., 152

Rubin, R. L., 244

Rupke, N., 181

Rushdie, S., 689

Russell, D. O., 434

Russill, C., 99, 105, 117n

Ryan, L., 157

Ryan, M., 627, 628

Ryan, M. P., 158

Ryans, Jr., J. K., 456

Saad-Filho, A., 63

Sacks, K. B., 123

Said, E., 125, 685

Salcetti, M., 251, 469, 471

Salloum, J., 134

Salton, G., 504

Samiee, S., 456

Sammy and Rosie Get Laid (film), 701702, 706

Samuel, L. R., 453

San Marco square, Venice, 230

Sanders, M., 156, 582

Sane Society, The (Fromm), 621

Sanudo, M., 230

Sarikakis, K., 493

Sarnoff, D., 78

Sassen, S., 65

satellite imaging technology, 99

Satellite Sex, The (Freeman), 159160

Savage, B. P., 133, 137

Saxton, A., 240, 241, 242

Scannell, P., 389, 643

Schafer, R. M., 211, 386

Schäffle, A., 543545, 546, 547, 548, 551, 558

Scharrer, E., 2, 1112

Scherer, W., 264

Schiller, D., 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 241, 325, 362, 664, 665, 674n, 706

Schiller, H. I., 22, 32, 65, 66, 67, 69, 481, 492

political economy of communication, 661, 662, 663, 664, 669, 674n, 675n

Schiller, H. L., 648

Schlesinger, Jr., A., 175

Schlesinger, P. R., 333, 665

Schlink, F. J., 448

Schmandt-Besserat, D., 212

Schmidt, H., 182n

Schmolke, M., 264

Schneirov, M., 445

Schor, D. J. B., 671

Schramm, W., 31, 254, 566, 602, 634, 647

Schucking, L. L., 51

Schudson, M., 236, 239, 241, 326n, 386

Schultz, J., 472

Schumpeter, J., 60, 666

Schurman, L., 179

Schwantes, B. S. M., 327n

Schwarzlose, R. A., 311, 327n, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 343


age of, 466

experimental, 100

history of, 98

philosophy of see philosophy of science

scientific instruments, 98, 99, 100, 199

social science, behavioral approach, 591594

Scitovsky, T., 675n

Scott, J., 704

Scott, J. C., 55

Scott, J. W., 153, 155, 163

Scott, W., 247

scrapbooks, women's, 162

scribbling, 199

Scribner, S., 48

Scripps, C., 439n

Scripps, E. W., 244, 245

Scripps, J. E., 245, 246, 249

Seaton, J., 669

Sebastiàn, J. F., 272

sedition, 131

Seitz, D., 247

Sekula, A., 351, 356, 357

self-actualization, television as technology for, 104

Sellers, C. G., 25

Selvon, S., 689

semasiography, 197, 205206

Sennett, R., 706

sensationalism, 156

senses, the, 40, 44, 46

and writing, 210

Serrin, W., 472

servers, 514


biological sex, 152

and gender, 150166

“intersexed” people, 152

LGBTQ weeklies, magazines, and radio programs, 158

and media, 152154

as media content, 159162

Victorian female body, 153

see also gender

Seymour-Ure, C., 251

Shadd Cary, M. A., 128

Shaffer, D. W., 675n

Shaheen, J., 124125, 133, 134

Shannon, C. E., 94, 95, 182n

Shao Piaoping, 302, 303

Shapin, S., 465

Shapiro, C., 671

Shared Pleasures (Gomery), 369

Sharpe, K., 181

Shaw, D., 636

Shelley, M., 688

Shen Bao (Chinese newspaper), 303

Sherman, J., 317

Shevlin, E., 172, 183n

Shi Liangcai, 303

Shohat, E., 125, 160

Short, W., 595

Sibley, H., 316, 317

Siebert, F. S., 266, 471, 675n

Siefert, M., 386, 394

Siegert, B., 212

Siepmann, C. A., 412

sight, sense of, 44, 46, 210, 211

signs and signifiers, 108, 117n

in writing, 205, 206, 209, 210, 212, 214

Silber, N. I., 448

Silberman, M., 613, 616

silent cinema, 371

Sills, A., 665

Simmel, G., 29, 559, 562

Simonson, P., 557, 560, 638, 640, 642, 644

Simpson, C., 565, 644

Simpson, R., 504

Sinclair, U., 154, 447, 560

Singer, B., 370

Singer, B. R., 130, 133, 136

“Sitcoms and Suburbs” (Haralovich), 407

Sivulka, J., 445

Skeat, T., 169

Sklar, K. K., 448

Slanted Screen, The (Adichie), 134

Slaying the Dragon (Gee), 134

Sloan, W. D., 177

Slotkin, R., 244

Small, A. W., 540, 546, 547, 548, 551, 557, 558, 559, 560

Smith, A., 63, 64, 65, 263, 670

Smith, B., 21

Smith, B. L., 604n

Smith, C., 247, 376

Smith, D., 245, 557, 558, 559

Smith, E. A., 180

Smith, G. D., 323

Smith, H., 171

Smith, J. S., 641

Smith, K., 604n, 640, 642

Smith, R. L., 79

Smith-Shomade, B., 417

Smoodin, E., 368

Smythe, D. W., 32, 435, 674n

“Blindspot” essay, 27

bridging political economy/culture divide, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 69

communication, political economy, 661663, 664, 669

Smythe, T., 244, 469

SNOBOL (computer language), 508

Snyder, E. E., 510

Snyder, M., 513

sob sister journalism, 156

Sobchack, V., 143

social constructionism, 2627, 397, 407

Social Contract, The (Rousseau), 230

social determinism, 25

social integration, 561

social networking, 1, 428

social relations, capitalism, 61

social science, behavioral approach, 591594

social shaping, 385, 393, 394

social theory, 54

social whole, 6364, 65

Society for Motion Picture Engineers (SMPE), 375, 376, 381n

Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing, 182n

sociology, US, 540541

Socolow, M., 661

Socrates, 198, 215, 222

Soderlund, G., 23, 150166

Solomon, M., 157

Solomon, W., 253

Son, P., 168, 169

Song, K.-H., 283

Sony, 432, 436

sound effects, 210

sound histories, 385403

analytic terms for socio-technical systems, 393395

blues music, 388

contingent effects, 388

domestic practice, 398

empires of sound, 392

fidelity, 395400

fields of concern, 386392

periodization issues, 392

recording technologies, 387388

social shaping of sound, 385, 393, 394

Sousa, H., 67

South Sea bubble, 224, 227

Southerland, H. D., Jr., 314

Southwell, B. G., 648

Soviet Union

dissolution of, 274

journalism in, 271

Spadina Avenue, Toronto, 708

Spadoni, C., 172

Sparks, C., 67, 491, 493, 667

Speaking Into the Air (Peters), 89

Spectator, The, 222


as sound, 389

and writing, 4445, 47, 198, 201, 202, 203, 208209

Spencer, H., 559

Spigel, I., 394

Spigel, L., 114, 154, 407, 415, 420, 458n

Spitzer, S. P., 646

Splichal, S., 675n

Sproule, J. M., 579, 580, 591, 600, 604n, 638

Squire, J., 255

Squires, C., 23, 122149

St. Clair, W., 169, 181

St. Louis Post Dispatch, 254

Stabile, C. A., 161

Stallybrass, P., 213

Stamm, R., 125, 160

Stamp, S., 370

Standage, T., 75, 315, 336

Stanford School of Philosophy of Science, 88, 90, 98, 116

Stange, M., 128

Stanton, F., 31, 597, 639

Starck, K., 472

Starr, P., 23, 151, 237, 248, 256, 313, 326n

Status Seekers: An Exploration of Class Behavior in America (Packard), 409

Steele, J., 221, 222, 226

Steffens, L., 469, 559

Steinberg, M. J., 130

Steinberg, T., 74

Steindl, J., 666

Steinert, H., 628

Stephens, M., 675n

stereotypes, racial, 130, 133, 134, 135, 141

Sterling, C., 511, 512

Sterne, J., 1, 100, 387, 390, 391, 392, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400

Stewart, J., 13, 136

Stigler, G. J., 65

Stiglitz, J., 671

Stiles, L., 182n

Stöber, R., 263

stock-jobbing, 224, 225, 226

Stole, I. L., 28, 442462, 671

Stone, M., 344

Storey, G., 336, 342

Stouffer, S., 567, 568

Strasser, S., 444, 445, 446

Strauss, G., 55

Strawn, J., 386

stream press, 241242

Streeter, T., 411

Streible, D., 381n

Streitmatter, R., 158

Stringer, H., 431

structural transformation, 219

Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, The (Habermas), 218, 622

structuralist school of media studies, Canadian, 3958

alphabetic literacy (Ong), 40, 4348

appeal/contributions of, 4142, 5557

cognitive tasks, study of, 4849

forms of media/forms of life relationship, 43

Great Divide hypothesis, 43, 4849

Laocoön (mannerist) phase (Innis), 4955

limitations of, 5657

and space, 53, 54

time-biased societies, 5253

Stuart, C., 586

Studies in Public Communication, 570

Study of Writing, A (Gelb), 201

stunt reporting, 156

Suarez, M., 173, 176

subjectification, 101, 114


digital sublime, culture of, 7982

electrical, 74

Marx (Leo) on, 59, 60, 73, 79

television, 78

Sudhaker, A., 472

suffrage press, 157

Suggs, H. L., 127

Suisman, D., 388, 394

Sumeria, writing system, 200, 212

Sumida, S. H., 127

Summers, J. H., 642

Summers, L. H., 671

Sumner, W. G., 548549

Sun Yat-Sen, 300, 301

surveillance, 105

Susman, W., 454

Sussman, G., 675n

Sussman, L., 645

Swan, J., 180

Sweezy, P. M., 444, 665666, 675n

Swift, J., 228

Swindler, W. F., 343, 344

switch-side debating, 103

Symposium on Information in Tunis (NAM) (1976), 479

Tagg, J., 351, 353, 355, 356, 358, 363

Taking Their Place: A Documentary History of Women and Journalism (Beasley & Gibbons), 155

Talbot, W. H. F., 351

Talbotype, 351

talk see speech

Tang, S., 183n

Tanselle, G. T., 172, 173, 183n

tape recording, 202

Tarde, G., 641

Tasker, Y., 5

Taubman, W., 695

Tay, J., 420

Taylor, F., 439n

Taylor, P. M., 579, 582

Tebbel, J., 176

technological determinism, 25, 40, 49, 93, 154, 177, 428


concept, 91

mass media, 98

and subjectification, 101

television as, 104

Tedlow, R. S., 444, 449

telegraph, 77, 312320, 524

electric, 312, 314, 326327n

National Telegraph Act (1866), US, 317, 318

optical, 312313

vs. telephone, 321

as Victorian Internet, 75, 76, 315316

telegraph and wire services (1846–1893), 25, 333349

Atlantic cable and news, 340342

early pre-wire and wire news services, 336337

European news agencies, 342343

European news cartel and US wire services, 343345

inland telegraph and wire services, 338339

international and national, 335

monopolies in technology and news, 339340

telephone, 76, 77, 320325

big-city exchanges, 322

business calls, 397

calling plans, 322323

history, 393

independents, 322, 324

network expansion, 323

social uses, 390391

telephone “texting,” 199

transcontinental telephony, 323, 324

teletext, 511

television, 404423

and apparatus, 111

cable, 78, 79, 416, 417

centralized distribution, 406

commercialism as defining feature in US, 661

function following form in, 42

and gender, 153

and journalism, 273274

mass, 405409, 418

and media structuralism, 40, 42

national broadcasting systems, 406

niche, 414419

post-network era, 420421

problem of, 409414

role in governance, 104

social formations, 405

Television, Technology and Cultural Form (Williams), 405

Television After TV: Essays on a Medium in Transition (Spigel & Olsson), 420

Television Will be Revolutionized, The (Lotz), 420

Tenner, E., 311

text processing programs, 508

Text/360 (IBM program), 508

Textual Poachers (Jenkins), 125

Thatcher, M., 477, 489, 490, 700

theatrical film, 2627

Thernstrom, S., 174

Theweleit, K., 706

Thierry, A., 698

This is England (Meadows), 700

Thomas, A., 178

Thomas, I., 176

Thomas, W. I., 550, 557, 560

Thompson, E., 372, 386, 396

Thompson, E. P., 32, 171, 425426

and class, 687, 694, 695, 697

Thompson, R. L., 317, 327n, 336, 337, 339

Thorne-Murphy, L., 178

Thornton, E., 75

Thought News, 561

Thurstone, L. L., 563, 568

Thussu, D. K., 13, 67, 493

Tierney, S., 140

time and motion studies, 439n

Times Higher Education, The, 91

time-space bias, 5253, 95

Time–Warner, 432, 439n

Tingjun, Wu, 301

Tinkle, T., 169

Tobin, J., 671

Tocqueville, A. de, 29

Todd, E., 180

Tofflers, A., 80

Tofflers, H., 80

tolerance, racial/ethnic, 137138

Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies & Bucks (Bogle), 124125

Toronto “structuralist” School of media studies see structuralist School of media studies, Canadian

totalitarian regimes, 271

Trachtenberg, A., 353, 354, 355

Tracy, J. F., 71

trade publications, 470

trade unions see labor unions

trademarks, 446, 447

transcontinental telephony, 323, 324

transistor radio, 111

translation of information, 503505

Trenchard, J., 237

Triennial Act (1694), 225

Trimble, G., 510

Troldahl, V., 646

Trotter, W., 587, 589

Truman, H., 141

Tryon, C., 438

Tuchman, G., 250, 647

Tuning Out Blackness (Rivero), 137

Tunstall, J., 636, 647

Turner, G., 420

Turner, P., 134

Turner, R., 142

Turner Broadcasting, 432

Turnock, J., 7

Turow, J., 415, 675n

Tusan, M. E., 157, 158, 268

TV Arab, The (Shaheen), 124125

Twain, M., 270

Twentieth Century Fox, 432

Twitchett, D., 298, 299

Twitter, 1, 428

Twyman, M., 170

typesetting, 506, 509, 510

typographical fixity, 26

typography, in Gutenberg's Bible, 177178


General Conference in Belgrade (1980), 483484

General Conference in Paris (1983), 488

General Conference in Nairobi (1976), 481, 482, 483

UN–UNESCO Round Table on NWICO, 488489, 491

Union for Democratic Communication, 68

United Nations (UN), Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, 478

United Press (UP), 344, 346

United States (US)

advertising, federal regulation in 1930s, 448450

American press, 154155

Atlantic cable and news, 340342

civil rights and antiwar movements, 32, 132

communications networks in, 310332

Constitution, 501

First Amendment, 429, 453, 672

educational disparities, 47

Federal Communications Commission, 108109, 110, 112, 133

federal Constitution, adoption (1788), 311

Great Depression, 5051

icons, 74

journalism history, in British North America see North America (British), journalism history

origins of history of book in, 171174

propaganda studies, interwar years, 578609

radio, battle for control over, 7071

wire services, 343345

University of Chicago, 567, 570

Unsafe at Any Speed (Nader), 455

Unspeakable: The Rise of the Gay and Lesbian Press in America (Streitmatter), 158

Unthinking Eurocentrism (Shohat & Stam), 125

Use of Pleasure, The (Foucault), 116n

Uses of Literacy, The (Hoggart), 695

Utopian Socialists, 65

Vai script, 48, 49

Vaidhyanathan, S., 673

Vail, T. N., 324, 325

Valdivia, A. N., 118

Valente, T. W., 645, 648

Van Dam, R., 646

van den Ban, A. W., 646

VanAntwerpen, J., 647

Varian, H. R., 671

Vaughn, S., 582, 583, 585, 603n

VCR, 436, 439n

Veblen, T., 65, 444, 666

Veltmeyer, H., 65

Venice, Renaissance, 217, 229231

Veronis Suhler Stevenson, 428, 437

Victor, A. F., 375, 382n

Victor 40

projector (Add-a-Unit), 378, 379

Victor Animatograph Company, 378

Victorian Internet, telegraph as, 75, 76, 315316

video recorders, 370

Vietnam War, 140, 141

Vietor, R. H. K., 326

Viewers Like You? How Public Television Failed the People (Ouellette), 411

Vincent, G. M., 547, 548

Vincent, R., 491

Vincent, T. G., 129

Virilio, P., 94, 527, 529

Virtual Window, The (Friedberg), 380

Vismann, C., 204, 212

visual sense, 44, 46, 210, 211

Vogel, T., 128

Voice Over (Barlow), 130

Voltaire (F.-M. Arouet), 201, 208, 220

Vonderau, P., 368

Wade, L., 142

Wade, M., 436

Wahl-Jorgensen, K., 29, 554577, 602

Waisbord, S., 472, 673

Wajcman, J., 391, 393

Walcott, D., 703

Wald, G., 137

Waldfogel, J., 671

Wallace, M., 240, 509

Wallas, G., 30, 588

Waller, G., 370

Wallerstein, I., 65

Wallis, C., 391

Walsh, J. J., 465

Walsham, A., 169

The Walt Disney Company, 432, 434

Walter, C., 155

Waltzer, M., 94

Wang, 25

Wang Jingwei, 303

Waples, D., 567, 568, 569, 605n, 640

War Advertising Council, 450451

War Propaganda and the United States (Lavine & Wechsler), 600

Ward, C. R., 127

Ward, E. (1703, 1720), 222, 224, 226

Ward, F., 161

Ward, N. (1698), 228

Wardlow, G. D., 388

Warner, M., 2223, 236

Warner Communications, 432

Warnock, J., 513

Warren, C. A., 571

wars, media accounts, 140141

Washburn, P., 131

Washington, B. T., 29, 559

Washington, I., 910

Washington Post, 516

Wasko, J., 66, 67, 431, 665, 675n

Wasser, F., 26, 28, 370, 424441

Wasson, H., 26, 374381

Watching Race: Television and the Struggle for Blackness (Gray), 408

Watson, A. J., 49

Watt, I., 43, 206, 688

Watterson, H., 243

Watts, D. J., 648

Watts, J., 133

Ways of Seeing (Berger), 98

WCFL (Chicago Federation of Labor), 70

Weaver, P., 247

Weaver, W., 94, 182n

Webb, W., 515

Weber, M., 223, 427, 612, 691

Webster, F., 531

Wechsler, J. A., 582, 600

Weedon, A., 178

Weekly Review of the Affairs of France, 222

Weidman, L., 12

Weiman, D. F., 321

Weimann, G., 638, 640, 644, 648

Weimar Germany, 153

Weingartner, C., 667

Weingast, D. E., 603n

Weis, L., 702

Weiss, A. S., 386, 387

Wekhrlin, W. L., 267

Welcome to the Dreamhouse: Popular Media and Postwar Suburbs (Spigel), 415

Welke, M., 263, 265

Wellerby, D., 94, 95

Wells, I. B., 132, 156, 157, 160

Wendt, L., 255, 256, 257

Wertheim, M., 80

West, J., 170, 178

Western Associated Press (WAP), 339, 343, 344

Western Union, 318, 319, 320, 327n, 341

Whalen, T., 169

What is an Apparatus (Agamben), 106

What is Enlightenment? (Kant), 218

Wheatland, T., 641

When Old Technologies Were New (Marvin), 154

Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media (Douglas), 163

White, G. D., 386

White, H., 21, 183n

White, W., 246

White Americans, 124, 127, 140

White Victims, Black Villains: Gender, Race and Crime News in US Culture (Stabile), 161

Whitehead, G., 386, 387

Whitfeld, S. J., 453

Wiebe, R. H., 580

Wiegand, W., 179

Wiener, J., 174

Wiener, N., 523

Wieten, J., 669

Wigelsworth, J., 168

Wiggershaus, R., 611, 620, 625

Wiggins, D., 128

Wilensky, H. L., 467

Wilentz, S., 238

Wiley, H. W., 447

Wilke, J., 24, 262278

Wilkie, W., 638

William of Ockham, 465

William Reese Company, 174

Williams, F., 343

Williams, K., 274

Williams, M., 503

Williams, N. D., 130

Williams, Raymond, 12, 439n

advertising and consumer culture, 428, 439n

bridging political economy/culture divide, 61, 66, 74

class, 687, 694, 697

history of the book, 172, 174

media history, 22, 27, 32

Foucauldian approach to, 108, 110111

television, 391, 394, 405406, 409, 421

Williams, Rosalind, 73

Williams, S., 180

Williams, S. L., 471

Willinsky, B., 370

Willis, P., 687, 688, 694, 695, 698, 699, 700, 707

Learning to Labor, 686, 697

Willis, S., 139

Wilson, C., 154, 178, 469

Wilson, C. III, 127, 132

Wilson, D. G., 635

Wilson, E., 637

Wilson, P. A., 466

Wilson, W., 30, 582

Wimmer, A., 334

Winans, R., 175

Winant, H., 23, 123, 125

Windelband, W., 29, 550, 562

Winfrey, O., 417

Wingspread Conference (1977), 175

Winkler, H., 201, 203, 212, 214

Winner, L., 320

Winseck, D., 69, 336, 492

Winship, A. E., 470, 471

Winship, M., 176

Winston, B., 69, 315, 439n, 457

Winterson, J., 686, 703

Winthrop-Young, G., 94

wire services see telegraph and wire services (1846–1893)

Wired Nation – Cable TV (R. L. Smith), 79

wireless telegraphy, 323

Wirth, L., 550, 551, 567, 568, 569, 571

Withers, C., 168

Wolf, E., 179

Wolfe, A. R., 448

Wolff, B. B., 336337, 342343, 344

Wolfman, A., 379, 382n

Wolseley, R. E., 127

The Woman's Page: Journalism and Rhetoric in Early Canada (Fiamengo), 155156


female audiences, 153154

gender as synonym for, 153

as journalists, 154, 155, 156

as media producers, 154157

see also gender; sexuality

Women and the Press: The Struggle for Equality (Bradley), 155

women's liberation, 155

women's magazines, 153, 157, 445

Wood, C., 674

Wood, F., 169

Wood, G. S., 326n

Woolf, V., 74

work, media, 28

world order, 496n

World Press Freedom Committee (WPFC), 481, 482

World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), 6667, 69

World Trade Organization (WTO), 68

World War I., 30, 581, 582

and US communications, 325326

World War II

advertising in, 450452

Black press during, 131132

and media history, 31

and North American journalism, 256

psychological warfare research, 41

World Wide Web, 130, 131, 255, 514, 515, 516

see also Internet media

Wright, C. R., 645, 646

Wright, F., 155

writing/writing systems, 26, 197216

in 19th century 199

in ancient civilizations, 200, 212

audiovisual media, implications for, 200201

clay writing, 200, 212

concepts/definitions, 203204

database uses, 212, 213

Derrida on, 201202

vs. drawing, 205

erasing of records, 204

fertility of writing, 201

forms of writing, 197

introduction of medium of writing, 198

and language, 204, 205

logography, 197, 206, 207

non-linear nature of, 214

in Norman England, 54

notation systems, 199

phonetic practices, 197, 207, 209

and reading, 211

signs and signifiers in, 205, 206, 209, 210, 212, 214

spatial location, 213, 214

and speech, 4445, 47, 198, 201, 202, 203, 208209

Wu, J., 302

Wu, T., 672

Wurtzler, S. J., 372, 378, 391392, 394395, 398

Xinmin Congbao (Chinese newspaper), 300

X-ray machine, 98

Xu Baohuang, 302303

Xunhuan Ribao (Chinese newspaper), 299

Yamada, G., 156

Yanfu, 299

Yang, S.-M., 291, 292

Yeats, W. B., 80

Yellen, J. L., 671

Yeo, R., 466

YMCA, film program, 103104

Young, C. J., 313

Young, J. H., 447, 449

Your Money's Worth: A Study in the Waste of the Consumer's Dollars (Chase & Schlink), 448

Yu Youren, 301

Yuan Shih-kai, 301, 302

Yungong, Y., 297

Yzer, M. C., 648

Zaller, J., 648

Zaret, D., 219, 220, 231

Zboray, M. S., 23, 167193

Zboray, R. J., 23, 167193

Zelizer, B., 24, 92, 139, 352, 364365

Zemon Davis, N., 23

Zenger, J. P., 237

Zhang Volz, Y., 300

Zhao, Y., 67, 68, 308, 667

Zhongdang, Pan, 308

Zhou, He, 308

Ziegler, J. C., 508

Ziegler, R., 457n

Zingrone, F., 667

Zinn, H., 585

Znaniecki, F., 550, 560

Zou Taofen, 303

Zuse, K., 500501

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