
Page references to figures or tables are in italics; references to notes have the letter “n” following the page number.

A Team, 504

Aahkus, M., 206, 244

AARP, 303

Aarseth, E., 118, 121, 132

ABBA, 301

Abbott, C., 683

ABC News, 376

ABC TV, 297, 305, 306, 330, 342, 370, 375

Abeles, M., 352n2

Abell, J. C., 188

Abramowicz, M., 342, 347348

Abrams, P., 398399

abstract labor to abstract life, from, 618621


child, 470

domestic, 520

in gaming, 505506, 508, 511

of government and institutional power, 359

mobile phone, 601602

racial, 505506

sexual, 601

of technology, 2, 282

verbal, 509

“Academic Braintrust,” 416

access and apparatus, 282287

Access Foundation, 149

accountability, 380, 407, 508

journalism, 392

political economy of, 393395

reconstructing, 390402

accreditation in future-information economy, 344349

Acker, S., 673

Ackerman, L., 201

Ackerman, M. S., 201

Acland, C., 27, 315n3

active decoders, 441442

Adaime, I., 145

Adam, B., 625

Adam, D., 637

Adams, Kelly, 583n5

Adams, M., 204

Adams, S., 433

Adobe Bridge, 99

Adobe Photoshop, 104

Adorno, T. W., 54, 63, 437438

Adult Swim, 331

advertising, 9, 36, 47, 73, 98, 155, 175, 200201, 211n4, 224, 235n13, 288, 300, 302, 324325, 333334, 361, 364, 372, 377379, 382, 391, 411, 414, 436, 439, 459, 621, 648649, 658661, 663, 665666

aesthetics and digital humanities, 88


and collective intelligence, 155157

and digital humanities, 88

interactivity and media subjectivities, 3033, 423539

Afghanistan, 33, 463, 519, 520, 527532

Africa, 57, 258260, 544, 551, 586, 623, 702, 709

African Americans, 285, 289, 301302, 335, 504, 511

Agamben, G., 346

Agarwal, K., 319

Age of Spiritual Machines, The (Kurzweil), 481

agrobusiness, 618, 625

Aguerre, C., 34

Ahmed, S., 467

AI (artificial intelligence), 228, 486, 629, 638

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), 226, 232234, 236n22

AL (Artificial Life), 627639

as capitalist future, 615641

from abstract labor to abstract life, 618621

on dead planet, 621627

Al Jazeera English, 96

ALADI (Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración), 147

ALAIC (Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación), 144, 154, 162n3

Alarcon, R., 527

Alasuutari, P., 426

Albanese, R., 373

Albero, M., 556

Albornoz, B. M. B., 154

Albornoz, L. A., 155

Albornoz, T. C., 154

Aldhous, P., 631

Alert and Response Operations system (WHO), 222

Aliano, N., 556

Alias, 330, 385

Alice in Wonderland, 107

Aliens of the Deep (film), 269, 271, 279, 280, 285287

Allan, S., 663

Alliance for Networking Visual Culture, 89

Allor, M., 426

Aloha Partners, 320

Alonso, Laz, 289

Alonso, S., 552

Alter, J., 367

Alterman, E., 18, 29

alternative mobile handset culture and grassroots practices, 241263

economic constraints, 248249

flexible manufacturing, 249250

alternative phones, taxonomy of, 252254

Altman, R., 321, 326

Amaral, A., 155

amateur writing and YouTube, 86

“Amazon Carbon Sink,” 623

“Amazon Destruction,” 623

American Civil Liberties Union, 702

American Civil War, 361

American Disabled Peoples Association, 301

American Life Project, 34

American Revolution, 431

Amerithrax, 222

Amp'd Mobile, 329, 337n7

amphibian populations, decline of, 623

analog researchers and digital media, 157161

analog TV broadcasts end with TV snow, 310

Ananthaswamy, A., 621

Anderson, B., 576

Anderson, C., 119, 128, 396, 400

Anderson, T., 405

Andrejevic, M., 24, 196, 309, 313, 444446

Android phones, 209

Ang, I., 426

Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine, 535

Antarctic, 637

Antenna Web, 308309

Anthony, K., 521

anticipatory mediation, 28

anti-globalization movement, 661

AOL, 48

apparatus and access, 282287

Apollo 13 (film), 277

Apple, 18, 242, 259, 292, 325, 334

Apple Aperture, 104

apprentice work in era of mass production, 254257

Aprea, G., 556

AquaBounty, 627

Aquaman (fictional TV project), 270

Arabs, 372

Arancibia Herrera, M., 556

arcade games, 119, 124, 505

Arellano, A., 556

Arendt, H., 197

Argentina, 148, 151, 153, 547, 551553, 555556, 561, 563n6, 564nn910

Internet access and use by children and youth in, 555

Armageddon (film), 671

armed conflict, 3

Armstrong, A., 429, 435, 447448, 450

Armstrong, D., 220

Armstrong, Neil, 335

Arratia Jiménez, O., 556, 558, 560

Arredondo, M. Á., 556

Ars Electronica, 58

art and activism, 88

“Art Now” Flickr gallery, 96

Arthur, C., 172

artificial insemination, 627

artificial intelligence see AI

Artificial Life see AL

Arvidsson, A., 445

Asheron's Call 2, 119

Asia-Pacific, 586, 588

Asian tsunami, 684

Asians, 515, 572, 574, 578, 580

Asimov, I., 641n1

Aslama, M., 410

Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración see ALADI

assertion, journalism of, 30

Astor Place Opera House Riot, 431

AT&T, 312, 323, 332, 336

AT&T Mobility, 323, 332, 337n2

AT&T Wireless, 429

Atlantic Ocean, 280, 284, 395, 439

Atryn, 630

Attridge, D., 499n11

Atwood, M., 616, 618


and digital humanities, 88

and interpretation, 78

and media subjectivities, 425451

problematizing, 426427

audience commodity and immaterial labor, 173178

audience studies, 8, 21, 61, 63, 174, 425426, 430, 432, 435, 442, 444, 447, 449450, 451n6

audiovisual communication, 1

Audouze, F., 182, 184

Auerbach, E., 59n8

Aukstankalnis, S., 523

Australia, 34, 46, 64, 74n9, 198, 469, 585586, 588, 592, 608n2, 672

cross-cultural comparison with Japan, 605606

mobile phone use by children in, 601605

Austrian Film Museum, 102

automization, 619

autonomism, 25, 31

Avatar (film), 27, 35, 269277, 279, 281283, 286292, 699

as game changer, 272277

Avatar: The Game, 277

Aviles, W. A., 534

Awad, I., 464

Ayache, E., 343

Aydin, A., 703

Ayers, J., 630

Bahrain, 372

Bahri, D., 573

Baio, Scott, 319

Baker, C. E., 416

Balaguer Prestes, R., 156, 162n8

Balsamo, A., 251

BAN (Basel Action Network), 656, 711n7

bandit phones (shanzhaiji), 250, 257259

Banet-Weiser, S., 5, 440

Bangladesh, 248, 256, 256

Bank of America, 378

Banks, M. J., 7

Bankston, K., 198

Bar, F., 244245, 261

Barad, K., 630

Barbados, 544

Barboza, D., 258

Barison, D., 183

Barkuus, L., 201

Barlow, J., 519

Barnes, J., 280

Barnett, R. C., 534

Barnhurst, K. G., 6, 664

baroque layering, 245, 254, 256

Barrantes, R., 548

Barry, A., 445

Barry, J. M., 216

Bart, P., 270

Bartle, R., 123

Basel Action Network see BAN

Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal (1995), 709

Bastidas-Buch, R., 553

Battle Angel (film), 279

Battlestar Galactica (film), 32

embodying Kurzweil's Singularity in, 479, 483, 487488, 490, 499n8

BAU (business as usual), 700, 705709

Baudrillard, J., 16, 46, 227228

Bauerlein, M., 607

Bauman, Z., 398, 400

Bay Citizen, 386

Bazin, A., 439

BBC, 407, 473, 650, 658

BBC Focus, 632633

BBC News, 236n19

BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council), 634

Beard, C., 677

Beattie, A., 637

Becerra, M., 545

Beck, U., 235n7, 593, 602, 650

Beck-Gershein, E., 235n7

Beijing, China, 255

Beijing Olympics, 637

Bekmambetov, T., 673

Benalcázar, Z. G., 154

Benhabib, S., 456

Benitez Larghi, S., 556

Benjamin, S., 337n4

Benjamin, W., 46, 59n8, 63

Bennett, T., 426

Benkler, Y., 445

Berardi, F., 445446

Bergson, H., 15

Berker, T., 244

Berkman Center for Internet and Society, 416

Berlan, J.-P., 625

Berlant, L., 456

Berlin Wall, toppling of, 335

Bernays, E., 434436, 459

Berry, J., 58

Bertrand, C.-J., 392393

Besser, R., 235n9

Best, M., 586

BET, 301

Bethge, P., 624

Better Living Through Reality TV (Ouellette & Hay), 304

betting on terror, 349350

Bhattacharjya, N., 576

Bhattacharya, A., 637

Bhonsle, A., 581

Biehn, Michael, 282, 283

“Big Dog” robot, 630

Bijker, W., 244

bin Laden, Osama, 348

Binder, I., 145

Bing, J., 276

Binocle, 281

Biocca, F., 523

biodiversity loss, 623

bioengineering, 620, 636

biology, 36, 150, 182, 497, 628630, 634635

engineering paradigm in, 634

human, 487490

synthetic, 620, 631633

bionanotechnology, 620, 634635

biopolitics, 9, 38n5, 634, 675, 677, 687688, 691

liberal, 36, 670672, 675, 677, 688689

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council see BBSRC

Birnbaum, D., 110, 111

Birth of Biopolitics, The (Foucault), 675

Bissell, K., 8

BitTorrent, 178

Bizony, P., 277, 278

Bjerga, A., 683

Black, G. D., 235n12

Blackboard, 70

Blackman, L., 431

Blake, W., 179

Blakely, D. E., 222

Blas, J., 636

Blatner, D., 523

blogging, 157, 381, 385, 396

and cyber-journalism, 154155

video, 92n25

Bloom, H., 59n8

Blues Brothers, The (film), 280

Blumler, J., 457

Boal, I., 523

Boddy, W., 327, 334

Bodsworth, Det. Sr. Const., 602


networked new media and mobility, 171192

without consciousness, 494

Boehner, K., 458

Boeing, 524

Boellstorff, T., 122, 123, 535n1

Bogard, W., 16

Bogost, I., 128, 513

Bolin, G., 577

Bolivia, 148

Bollystan, 580

Bollywood, 34, 569570, 574, 576580, 582, 698 “New,” 570571, 577

Bollywood Island, 579

Bollywoodization, 571, 574, 578, 580582

of South Asian digital diasporas, 576577

Bolter, J. D., 28, 320, 326, 336

Bolz, N., 57

Bombay Boys (film), 572

Bonder, G., 148

Bonilla, M., 162n7

Book of Air, 124

Book of Eli, The (film), 670, 672674, 682, 684685, 689691

Bookchin, N., 110

Booth, G., 570, 577

Borch, C., 431

Border House, The, 507508

Borie-Holtz, D., 684, 688

Boring, A., 198

Boring, C., 198

born-digital media campaigns, 32

Borrero, A. M., 556

Boston Dynamics, 641n3

Boston Tea Party, 431

bottom-up model, 204, 241243, 252, 429, 437

Bounds, A., 636

Bove, A., 189

Bowcott, O., 218219

Bowman, S., 465

Bowring, F., 619620, 627

Boxoffice, 280

Boy and His Dog, A (film), 672, 687

Boyce, T., 650, 662

boyd, d., 24, 206

Boyd, W., 619, 632

BP oil spill, 684

Brader, T., 459460

Bradley, D. W., 227

Bradley, Ed, 374

Bradsher, K., 217

Brady Bunch, The, 319

Brah, A., 571572

Braidotti, R., 53

Brandeis, L., 203

Brandt, M., 33

Bratich, J., 29, 31, 174, 434, 441, 446

Braverman, H., 619

Brazil, 141, 148149, 154, 156, 246, 544, 546, 547, 547, 548, 549, 551552, 554, 556, 564n9, 623, 707

Brennan, T., 431

Brevig, E., 281

Bricken, W., 519

Brin, S., 15, 498n4

Brinkman, W.-P., 531

Broad, W., 637

Brook, J., 523

Brooks, J., 620621

Brooks, R., 629

Brophy, P., 74n9

Brophy-Warren, J., 672673

Brown, B., 588

Brown, Gordon, 471

Brown, L., 623

Brown, W., 467

Browning, D., 276, 291n2

browse, definition of, 114

Bruckman, A., 123

Brunner, J. J., 152

Bruns, A., 124, 471

Brurås, S., 392

Bryan, D., 678, 691n2

Brynjolfsson, E., 38n5

BSG see Battlestar Galactica

Buckingham, D., 595, 606607

Bucy, E. P., 459

built-in obsolescence, 36, 648649, 655657, 663664

Bull, M., 206

bullying, 506, 589, 597598, 600602

see also cyberbullying

Bungie Studios, 504

Burch, S., 151

Burchell, G., 220

Burgess, J., 77, 91n3

Burma, 247

Burns, E., 358

Burn YourBra, 505507

Burroughs, E. R., 292n12

Burton, T., 673

Bush, George W., 96, 128, 342, 637

Bush, V., 98

Bushman, B., 119


networks, 261, 572

as usual see BAU

Business Week, 379

Butsch, R., 429433

C. Everett Koop Institute, 226

CAA, 290

Cabello, R., 556, 561

Cabrera, J. V., 154, 560

Cabrera Paz, J., 162n7, 556557, 559

Caillois, R., 118, 129

Calabrese, M., 337n4

Caldwell, J., 291, 327

Caldwell, M. T., 7

Calhoun, J., 280

Calit2 (California Institute for Telecommunication and Information), 101, 114

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, 505, 507

Camacho, K., 149

Cameron, James, 27, 35, 269292

Cameron, Mike, 280

Cameron-Pace Group see CPG

Camou, A., 162n10

campaigns, user-generated media, 503515

Campbell, C., 652

Campbell, Patrick, 280

Campbell, R., 2930, 366, 373375

Canada, 147

Canadian Game Studies Association, 132

Cannibal Holocaust (film), 672

cannibalism, 670, 672674

debt and vampire squids, 684686

cannibalization, 245, 260

Capital (Marx), 191n8, 618, 640

capitalism, 16, 25, 36, 52, 181, 186, 189, 250, 363, 428, 445, 464, 576, 615, 617620, 635636, 638, 640641, 670671, 675, 677, 680682, 687691, 701

consumer, 36, 648649, 657659, 661662, 664665

diminishing returns of, 651652

media, culture, and, 654

vs. quality of life, 653654

as dead labor, 618

digital, 35, 576

global, 35, 662

information, 345

Capitalism: A Love Story (film), 681

capitalist technology, 615

Caplan, S., 127

Caprica, 483, 487490

Capurro, R., 150

Caranicas, P., 287

carbon footprint, 35, 655

carbon pollution, 637

Carey, J., 14, 28, 320, 347

Caribbean, 147, 149, 515n1, 544

see also LAC

Carlón, M., 155

Carlson, M., 334

Carnegie Mellon University, 629

Carpenter, Russell, 278

Carr, S., 628

Carrasco Herrera, Y., 556

Carriers (film), 672

Carroll, J., 378

Carter, P., 218

Cartesian dualism, future of, 481487

Cartier, C., 243

cartography and photography, 197199

Cartwright, L., 2526, 28

Castañeda Paredes, M., 298

Castells, M., 2, 3, 5, 66, 142, 205, 209210, 211n5, 243, 250, 262, 588, 608n4

Castro, A. L., 556, 558, 560

Castronova, E., 506

casual games, 23, 117118, 133134, 512513, 516n3

Catalán, R., 556

Catastrophe of the Balloon, The (Méliès), 671

CatchBob!, 208

Catégories de l'impolitique (Esposito), 344

Cayman Islands, 247

CBS, 223, 297, 305, 330, 363, 370, 375376

CBS News, 374, 376

CDC (Centers for Disease Control), 216, 223227, 232233, 234n4, 235n9

CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis, 232, 237n24

CDC Emergency Communication Branch, 222

CDC Emergency Risk Communication Branch, 222

CDC Social Media Center, 223

CEA (Consumer Electronics Association), 308309

CEIBAL project, 552

celebrity Latinas, 5

cell phones see mobile phones

censored writing and YouTube, 86

Center for American Progress, 416

Center for Environmental Health, 711n7

Centers for Disease Control see CDC

Central America, 149, 564n10

Central Europe, 395

Centro de Reflexión y Acción Laboral see CEREAL

CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe), 147, 545

Cerbino, M., 154

CEREAL (Centro de Reflexión y Acción Laboral), 711n5

CERN, 52

CGI (computer-generated imagery), 16, 275276, 278, 281282, 284285

chaîne opératoire, 185

Chalby, J. K., 298

Chalmers, I., 206

Chan, A. S., 5

Chan, M., 216

Chang (film), 286

Characteristics of Households with ICTs in Latin America and the Caribbean (OSILAC), 551

Charlotte Observer, 381

Charlton, T., 608n5

Charny, B., 323, 324

checking in, 25, 172, 178179, 183, 186, 188

chemical pollution, 36, 615, 617, 623

Chesher, C., 536n4

Cheung, K. C., 703

Chew, C., 217, 234n3

Chicago School of neoliberal economists, 678679

Chicago Tribune, 320, 374

child pornography, 601

childhood(s), 235n12, 526, 562, 653

and mobile media, politics of, 3435, 585608

past and present, 590594


and childhoods past and present, 590594

and digital media, 3335, 541612

research on mobile phone use, 587590

see also young people; youth cultures

Children Now, 127

Children of Men (film), 672

Chile, 147, 149, 154, 544, 551, 556, 564n9, 678

China, 23, 26, 66, 117, 124, 241, 243, 245247, 249250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 255, 257259, 261, 262nn57, 586, 685, 707

China Unicom, 259

Chinese Americans, 302

Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group, 711n7

Chiron Corporation, 227

Choice of the Dragon, 122

Chomsky, N., 662

Choo, Q. L., 228

Chopra, R., 575

Christensen, T. H., 608n5

Christian Science Monitor, 634

Christians, C., 409

Chromebook, 187

Chungking Mansions, 259

Ciberculturas: En la era de las máquinas inteligentes (Piscitelli), 144

Cieply, M., 274

Cinema Expo, 271, 276

Cinema Redux (digital art project), 106, 110

cinema technology, 269292

cinematic formats, battle across, 277282

Cingular Video, 329330

Citizen Kane (film), 276, 279

citizen reporters, decline of public journalism and rise of, 380384

citizenship, 49, 154, 157, 304, 430, 433, 434, 455456, 463, 466, 470, 473, 571573, 580

green, 37, 697, 709710

on Internet, 140

and youth cybercultures and urban environments, 152154

CitySense, 204, 208

Civilizing Process, The (Elias), 462

Clark, B., 618, 640

Clark, R. P., 362

Clark Atlanta University, 524

Clarke, A. C., 641n1

class, 23, 5, 15, 22, 55, 175, 207, 244, 252, 312, 359360, 366, 385, 406, 410, 412, 431, 433, 438, 464, 548549, 560, 688689, 692n3

Cleaver, H., 428

Cliché, G., 162n7

climate change, 36, 615, 617, 622624, 636637, 640, 650651, 662, 665, 689, 706, 708

Clinton, Bill, impeachment hearings, 372

Clinton, Hillary, 471

clip-based mobile television, 332

Clock, The (digital art project), 110

clones, 227229, 229, 230, 631

Clough, P. T., 457

CNET, 48

CNN, 52, 218, 231, 301, 350, 366, 369, 377, 383

Coble, J. R., 524

Cobo Romaní, C., 162n5

Coghlan, A., 631

cognitive-behavioral psychology, 520

Cogshell, Tim, 280

Cohen, D., 218, 275, 278, 279, 285

Cohen, E., 218

Cohen, S., 594595

Cohn, J., 382

Colbert Report, 358

Cold War, 407, 439, 441

Coleman, D., 603

collaboration, 21, 57, 6468, 70, 77, 88, 107, 114, 149, 225, 247, 322, 395, 410, 524, 630

collapse of civilization, 674

collateral surveillance, 200201, 203

collective intelligence, 426427, 445446, 514

affect and, 155157

Collins, J. P., 623

Collision and Shipwreck at Sea (Méliès), 671

Colony Collapse Disorder, 623

Columbia, 547

Columbia University, 379, 383

Comcast, 323, 376, 382, 417

Comedy Central, 358, 373

Comic-Con, 274

Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe see CEPAL

Comisión Presidencial, 149

commercial networks, 658

Committee on Public Information (Creel Committee), 434

Commoner, B., 625626

communication(s), 12, 6, 17, 1920, 30, 48, 58, 62, 6466, 6869, 73, 7779, 81, 86, 132, 141, 143144, 147148, 154155, 159160, 172, 174177, 179, 181, 189, 203, 207209, 224225, 228, 244, 252, 254, 289, 297298, 309, 345, 347, 384, 391, 399, 406, 410411, 414415, 435, 437, 447, 449, 513, 520, 523, 534, 551, 553, 559, 562, 587, 595, 605, 648649, 655, 658659, 661, 708

digital, 149, 322, 657

facing future of, in Japan, 596601

mass, 45, 157, 441

mobile, 28, 242, 319, 321, 323, 326, 328330, 332, 336, 351, 588589, 594, 605

networks, 196

political, future directions for scholarship, 455474

public health, 25, 215216, 219225, 227, 231233

research and studies, 3233, 4950, 122, 125, 142, 144, 160, 182, 184185, 296, 298, 401, 404410, 660, 666

social, 161, 442443

strategies, 106

systems, 220, 222, 230, 411, 413

technologies see ICT

voice, 324, 504505, 511

see also telecommunications networks

communication studies, emotion and, 458460

community outreach programs, 305

Compaine, B., 563

Companion to Media Studies, A (Valdivia), 3, 5


computationalist ideology, 32, 479


game studies, 119

networks, 149, 158159, 492, 507

percentage of households with, 549

computer-generated imagery see CGI

computerization, 16, 20, 619

Comstock, G., 8


beyond classroom, 6872

production, 6174

organizing, 7274

Conectar Igualdad (Connect Equality), 553

conflict, individualism, and news values, 362365

Conner, B., 110

Consalvo, M., 23, 121, 123, 124, 127, 131133, 505506

consciousness, 156, 428, 442, 481494, 498, 639640, 674, 688, 690

body without, 494

and language, 185, 493

console games, 23, 117118, 508

consumer capitalism, 36, 648649, 657659, 661662, 664665

diminishing returns of, 651652

media, culture, and, 654

vs. quality of life, 653654

consumer electronics, 37, 288, 296, 299, 302, 307, 309, 319, 324, 332, 335, 697, 701

Consumer Electronics Association see CEA


beyond, 665666

cultural contradictions, 653654

dead end of, 648666

debt-led, 662

economic contradictions, 651652

environmental contradictions, 649651

living the contradictions, 654

selling, 658661

see also hyperconsumerism

consumers, media subjects as, 437438

contemporary journalism in corporate era, 376377

content analysis, 7, 66, 69, 98, 102103, 126, 234n3

control writing and YouTube, 86

convergence, 3, 17, 19, 22, 2728, 4344, 50, 8486, 134, 171, 173, 180, 221222, 278, 280, 335337, 391, 425426, 439, 443444, 480, 576, 582, 588, 621, 676

of capitalism and print technology, 576

of media platforms, 2, 9

technological, 621

uncomfortable proximity of, 321324

understanding, 173178

writing and YouTube, 86

Convergence Culture (Jenkins), 25

Cookson, C., 633, 635, 637

Cooper, M., 286, 621, 636, 640, 641n2

Copelton, D. A., 235n7

Copier, M., 130, 131

Coppola, Francis Ford, 274

Corddry, R., 373

corporate era

contemporary journalism in, 376377

waning of, 377380

Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), 380

cosmic transhumanism, 629

Costa Rica, 544

Coté, M., 19, 25, 191n6, 192n13, 445

Couldry, N., 220

counterfeit phones, 259260

Cousteau, Jacques, 286

Coy, P., 349

CPG (Cameron-Pace Group), 281

Craig, R. T., 1

Craigslist, 377

Cramer, F., 58, 59n3, 59n8, 60nn1011

Cranor, L., 201

Crawford, S., 34

Crazies, The (film), 672

Creel, G., 434, 436

Creel Committee (Committee on Public Information), 434

creolization, 245, 256257

Critical Commons, 89

critical limits, visual language, and fake news, 372374

critical media policy studies, call for, 409410

critical political economy, 401

Crofts Wiley, S. B., 38n4

Crosby, J., 655

Crosland, A., 283

Crossfire, 367

Crovi, D., 153

Crovi Druetta, D., 146, 154

Crowd, The (Le Bon), 462

Crowd and the Public, The (Park), 462

Crowe, E., 601

Crown Castle Communications, 320

Crump, M. L., 623

Cruz, A., 119

cryogenics, 627

Crystal, D., 33

CSI, 330

CTIA, 332333

Cubitt, S., 286, 292n6

Cukor, J., 525

cultural analytics, 5455

Cultural Consumption Survey see SNCC

cultural industries, role of media and, 3536, 648666, 706

cultural labor, greening, 697711

cultural pessimism, 672, 687

cultural studies, 78, 32, 45, 4850, 62, 66, 78, 174175, 401, 439442, 457, 658, 660, 666

cultures of tinkering, 250251

Curran, J., 411, 657, 663

Currie, M., 74

Cushion, S., 664

Cvetkovich, A., 457

cyberculture, 47, 158159

Piscitelli and, 144145

youth, and urban environments and citizenship, 152154, 157

Cybercultures: In the Era of Intelligent Machines (Piscitelli), 144

cyberdemocracy, 156

cyber-journalism, 140

and blogging, 154155

Cyberpsychology, 535

Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, 525

cybertherapeutic reason, 519522

Cymet, T. C., 222

Cyrus, Miley, 281

Dahlberg, L., 465

Dahlgren, P., 456, 460, 464

Daily Show, The, 330, 358, 373

Dallas, 385

Daly, John, 370

Dana, R., 325

Daniel, S., 88

Dark Angel, 271

Darling-Wolf, F., 10n2

Darnton, R., 18

DARPA (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 343, 349350

Dash, E., 685

data networks, 289

database dating and invention of schools, 6366

Davie, R., 608n5

Davis, H., 469

Dawes, B., 106, 110

Dawson, M., 18, 28, 320, 330

Dayan, D., 334

de Gortari Rabiela, R., 152

De Guzmán, A. M., 556

De Kerckhove, D., 142

de Peuter, G., 445, 512

de Silva, H., 249

de Souza e Silva, A., 25, 196197, 200202, 204, 208, 253

de Souza e Silva, D., 253

dead planet, 621627

Dead Rising, 120

dead zones, 622

Deagan, B., 383

Dean, J., 445

Death and Life of American Journalism (McChesney & Nichols), 394

Debord, G., 46

Debruge, P., 272, 276, 279

debt, 187, 378, 433, 580, 636, 662, 678681, 688689, 692n4, 707

cannibalism and vampire squids, 684686

debt-led consumerism, 662

decentralized networks, 178

Deep Impact (film), 671

deep-sea expeditions, 269

Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 285

defense robotics, 630

DeFleur, M. I., 1

deforestation, 36, 615, 617, 623624, 626

Del Brutto, B. A., 148

Del Lucchese, F., 448450

Deleuze, G., 428429

Dell, 311, 315n9,

DeLong, B., 679

DeLuca, K., 466

democracy, 376377, 385, 387, 390392, 401, 409410, 414, 418, 430, 434, 436, 441, 450, 456, 460466, 473, 592, 600601, 606, 660, 662663, 666, 677

see also cyberdemocracy; liberal democracy

Democracy Now!, 96

“Democratic Corporatist” model, 29

Democratic Party, 368, 410

Denby, D., 288

Denmark, 132, 248, 256, 263n11

Deodata, R., 672

DePaula, R., 458

Dependency Road (Smythe), 175

Derrida, J., 46, 235n15, 495, 497, 499nn10, 11, 500n15

Desai, J., 571572, 580

Descartes, R., 483

“desi” youth, 569570, 574, 576

hanging out in digital diasporas, 577582

Desperate Housewives, 330

Deuze, M., 174, 281, 473

Devitt, K., 605, 608n5

Dey, A., 201

Diablo 2, 507

diasporic youth cultures, remixing, 569583

Díaz, D., 552

Diaz, R., 147

Dibbell, J., 123

Dick, K., 495

Dick, P. K., 616617, 639

Dickson, G., 325, 335

Dietz, T., 126

Difede, J., 525

Different Road Taken (Lent), 406

differential mobility, 25, 209

differential public space, 209

diffusion and manufacture of mobile phones, 246247

Digging Into Data Challenge 2011, 96

Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI), 275

Digital Communication Centers, Mexico, 151

digital diasporas

“desi” youth hanging out in, 577582

South Asian, 569583

Bollywoodization of, 576577

theorizing, 571577

digital divide, 23, 26, 140, 143, 145, 147148, 157158, 303, 544, 555, 563564

new, 34

Digital Domain, 277279

digital games, 23, 118, 129, 131132

user-generated media campaigns against racism, sexism, and homophobia in, 503515

Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), 131

digital humanities, 5455, 70, 7678, 101, 108

publishing in, 8791

digital literacy, 149

Digital Material (Van den Boomen et al.), 53

digital media, 3, 17

analog researchers and, 157161

children and youth cultures, 3335, 541612

from paper to digital, in academic publishing, 8991

Digital Methods Initiative, 54

digital networks, 1314, 2021, 25, 28, 4445, 47, 67, 82, 154, 171, 173, 177178, 181, 188, 196, 581582

Digital Society, 148

“Digital Stations by DMA: Moving Toward the Switch” map, 307, 308

digital technology, 2, 151, 156, 158, 160, 182

digital terrestrial television see DTV

Digital TV Assistance Centers, 302

digital TV revolution, 300

digital TV transition (US) and media futures, 296315

digitalization technologies, 9

Dill, K., 119, 128

Dindorfer Anderson, T., 588, 608n4

Dinello, D., 616

Dinmore, G., 636

DiOrio, C., 281

disaster films, 36, 670674, 683686, 688, 690691

Disaster Movies: The Cinema of Catastrophe (Kean), 671

Discovery Channel, 280, 286, 288

discredit, 345

disease, 2526, 623


invisible, 231234

social media and public education about, 215237

time, visibility, and social media pandemic, 216220

Disney (The Walt Disney Company), 107, 272, 287, 331, 375376, 382, 385

disposable news, 36, 648

and democracy, 662665

distributed networks, 26, 33, 171, 178, 180, 183

DJ Spooky, 73

DNA, 631

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Dick), 616

Dobbs, L., 350

documentary filmmaking, 269292

Dodgeball, 207

Dollhouse (film), 32

Domingo, D., 397

Dominican Republic, 148149, 546, 552

Donner, J., 249, 252

Doom, 118, 124, 128, 582n1

Doomsday (film), 672, 691n1

Dorish, P., 458

Doshi, P., 235n14

Douglas, S. J., 447

Douglass, J., 102, 105, 108, 114

Downie, Jr., L., 358, 386, 394395

Downing, J., 3, 447

Doyle, J., 655

Dream Chronicles, 124

Dream Works Animation, 274, 276

Drexler, E., 635, 638, 640, 641n3

Droids, 24

Drudge, M., 360

Drudge Report, The, 377

DTV (digital terrestrial television), 296

day of transition to, with TV snow, 310

DTV Road Show, 307

DTV Trekkers, 307

dualism, future of Cartesian, 481487

Dub Magazine, 504

Ducheneaut, N., 514

Dugan, J. I., 685

Duncan, J., 281

Duncombe, S., 447

Durham, M. G., 5

Durham Peters, J., 438

Durkheim, E., 701

Durlach, N. I., 534

Dushku, Eliza, 492, 494

Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Fund (“Stifo”), 46

Duzgoren-Aydin, N. S., 703

Dyer-Witheford, N., 175, 428, 445, 512

dystopias, 2, 36, 196, 282, 606, 616, 687

E3 videogame conference, 274

Earth Policy Institute research group, 623

Earthlink, 311, 280

East Asia, 23, 249, 606

Eastern Europe, 23, 117, 124

eBay, 377

Echeverría, J., 142

ECLAC (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), 548549

Eco, U., 145

ecological ethics, 704, 706, 709

Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (Marx), 618

Economic Collapse blog, 681

economic constraints and alternative phones, 248249

economic stagnation, 640, 689

Economics, The (Marx), 675

Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, The see TEEB

Economist, The, 633

ecosystems, 3637, 622, 624627, 633, 649, 684, 697, 700, 704, 706, 708709

destruction of, 615, 617618

Ecuador, 154, 546

Edison, Thomas, 287

Edmonson, G., 350

education, YouTube tour on, 8384

Educational Computing Program (PIE MEP FOD), 552

educational policy studies, 5

educational policymakers, 600

Edwards, T., 661

EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), 198

effects paradigm, 1

efficient market theory, 679

Eggerton, J., 302, 327

Eglash, R., 244245, 261

Egypt, 372

EICC (Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition), 702

Eick, D., 487

Eide, M., 2930

Eisler, K. L., 235n7

El Salvador, 546, 547, 547, 548, 552

Elders in Action, 303

Electronic Frontier Foundation see EFF

Element Technica, 281

Elias, N., 400, 462463

Eliasoph, N., 469

Eldredge, N., 621

Eldridge, M., 608n3

electrical networks, 2

electricity, access to, 2

Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition see EICC

Elements of Journalism, The (Kovach & Rosenstiel), 384

Eleventh Year, The (film), 103, 109, 111113, 112

Elizondo, A., 151

Elliot, P., 439

Ellis, D. R., 281

Ellis, J., 659

Ellul, J., 617

Elmer, G., 26, 28, 343

Elsaesser, T., 288

Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture, 132

emergency health communication, 219

emergent technologies and residual protocols, 328333


and communication studies, 458460

impact on political life, 467472

liberal democratic theory and distrust of, 460463

in mediated public participation, 455474

Empson, E., 189

Emspak, J., 634

Encuesta Nacional de Juventud 2005 (National Youth Survey), 556

Endy, D., 633

energy intensiveness, 626

Engelbart, D. C., 522

engineering paradigm in biology, 634

Engines of Creation (Drexler), 635

Enlaces program, 552

Entertainment Software Association, 118

Entertainment Tonight, 330

Entourage, 270

entrepreneurship, intermittent, 242254

environmental change, 623, 705

environmental contradictions, 649651

environments, urban, and youth cybercultures and citizenship, 152154

epistemological deficit, 32, 456

Epstein, E. J., 287

Eritrea, 247

Eskelinen, M., 121

Espejo Silva, C., 556

Espenson, J., 487

Espinar Ruiz, E., 556, 559

Espionage Act, 435

ESPN Mobile, 329330

Esposito, R., 344345

Ess, C., 122

Etc. Group, 637

Etherton, J., 586

ethnicity, 3, 5, 244, 469, 511, 578, 592

Europe, 23, 48, 57, 65, 72, 98, 113, 117, 124, 132, 142, 144, 150, 198, 246, 286, 324, 395, 397, 526, 544, 547, 586, 623, 636, 677, 699, 707

European Union (EU), 65, 692n4, 707, 709

Evans, V., 298

Evans-Pritchard, A., 683

event futures, 343, 506

Everett, A., 508, 515n1, 516n4

Everett, G., 523

Everquest 2, 127

Every Shot/Every Episode (digital art project), 110

“Evil Media Studies” (Fuller & Goffrey), 345

Ewell, Tom, 283

Ewen, S., 434435, 661

Excel, 99, 102

Exodus Decoded, The (TV documentary), 271

Expedition: Bismarck (film), 269

extinction of species, 623624

Eyes Wide Shut (film), 270

Eysenbach, G., 217, 224, 234n3

Facebook, 1, 24, 31, 38n2, 73, 96, 118, 172174, 176177, 179, 190n1, 196, 216, 297, 359, 366, 377, 447, 574575

Piscitelli: from cyberculture to, 144145, 156

Facebook Places, 25, 172, 182, 187, 200, 205

Facebook Project, The, 45, 156, 162n5

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales see FLACSO

failed merger, diagnostics of, 4360

FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), 367

Fair Trade movement, 661

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting see FAIR

fake news, visual language, and critical limits, 372374

fans, 442443

Farm Security Administration see FSA

Farmer, F. R., 123

Farmville, 575

Farnham's Freehold (film), 672

Farrar, L., 250

Fathom4, 319, 337n1, 507510

user-contributed screenshots, 509510

FBI, 222, 371, 418n2

FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 200, 300301, 303305, 306, 308, 311312, 314, 325327, 332, 337n5, 388, 407, 411, 413, 417

national ABC coverage map, 306

FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 223, 630

fear and hope, 585608

Federación Latinoamericana de Facultades de Comunicación Social see FELAFACS

Federal Communications Commission see FCC

Feixa, C., 556, 559560

FELAFACS (Federación Latinoamericana de Facultades de Comunicación Social), 155

Feliu, J., 556, 558

feminism, 45, 440

transnational, 45,

feminist studies, 4, 8, 440

Fenton, N., 401

Ferguson, C., 119

Ferguson, D., 119

Fernández-Ardèvol, M., 588

Fight Club (film), 277

Figueroa, Dijanna, 285

Final Destination 3D (film), 281

Final Fantasy, 122

financial networks, 576

Financial Times (UK), 394

financialization, 28, 678

Fincher, David, 277

Fine, G. A., 129, 131

Finquelievich, S., 151, 154, 161n1, 162n9, 556557

First Amendment, 416

Fischer, C., 244

Fiske, J., 174, 440442, 451n7

Fitzpatrick, K., 77

Fitzpatrick, L., 281

FLACSO (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales), 153

FlashForward, 342

flexible manufacturing, 249250

Flickr, 31

Flores Olea, V., 145

Flowerdew, J., 710n1

flu see influenza

Folk Devils and Moral Panics (Cohen), 594

Food and Drug Administration see FDA

Food Inc. (film), 684

Ford, C., 119

formats, cinematic, 277282

Forstchen, W. R., 672

Fortunati, L., 206

Foster, J. B., 618, 620, 625626, 640, 678

Fotheringham, V., 323

Foucault, M., 49, 220, 426, 436, 675677

Four Minute Men, 435

Four Theories of the Press (Siebert et al.), 406

404nOtF0und, 156

Foursquare, 134, 187, 190, 196, 200, 202, 207

Fox News, 331

Fox TV, 271

Frank, R., 364

Frank Magid Associates, 372

Frankfurt School, 63

Franklin, B., 469

Frasca, G., 121

Fraser, N., 465

Frau Marhuenda, C., 556

Frazzoli, C., 711n7

free airwaves, 312

Free Press, 416

Free the, 311


broadcast television, 328

networks, 334

Freedman, D., 393

Freeman, E., 234n6

French Revolution, 431

Freud, S., 49

Friedman, M., 680

“friends,” 24

Frith, J., 197, 200202, 204

Fritz, S., 119

Fromm, E., 618

Frye, N., 59n8

FSA (Farm Security Administration), 96

Fuentes Zurita, M. C., 151

Fujimoto, K., 242

Fuller, M., 50, 56, 58, 345, 347

functionalism, 142

Fundación Acceso, 149, 162n6

Fundación Funredes (Funredes Foundation), 149

Fundación Telefónica, 553

Furchgott, R., 304

Furedi, F., 457

Furlong, Edward, 277

Fusion System (Pace), 281

Fuss, M., 586

futur of new media, 495498

Future of Writing Conference, UC Irvine, 84

future studies, 9, 1417

future-information economy, accreditation in, 344349


Cartesian dualism, future of, 481487

children, youth cultures, and digital media, 3335

ending, 490495

human biology, 487490

interactivity, affect, and media subjectivities, 3033, 423539

journalism and media policy, 2830

markets, 28

media accounting, 697711

media industry and infrastructure, 2628, 267353

media policy, 2830

new media, 479500

social and mobile, 2426

television and mobile phone, 318337

theory, method, pedagogy, 2023, 41168

and unsustainable present, 3537, 613714

futurity, 219

futurology, 15, 58

Gabrys, J., 656

Gajjala, R., 34

Galavision, 301

Galbraith, J. K., 652, 658, 680681

Gale, R., 710n2

Galindo Cáceres, J., 159

Galloway, A., 55, 58, 506, 515n1

Gallup polls, 359

Gamasutra, 514

Gamble, C., 184

game changing, 291

game studies

future of, 117135

one possible future for, 131135

prehistory, 118120

Game Studies, 132

Gamer (film), 32

gamer, hardcore, 512513


casual, 23, 117118, 133134, 512513, 516n3

console, 23, 117118, 508

indie, 23, 117

online, 23, 32, 117118, 123, 504, 535n1

social, 23, 118, 134, 512

Games and Culture, 132

Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games (Dyer-Witheford & de Peuter), 512

gaming, 9, 133, 257, 273, 277, 446, 503507, 509512, 516n2

networks, 503508, 510511, 513

Gandy, O., 204, 412

Gans, H., 363, 364

Gant, D., 197, 205206

Gant, S., 397

GARE (Global Alert and Response), 222

García, I., 556

García, M. M., 556

García Canclini, N., 141, 560

Gardner, E., 699

Garnham, N., 411

Gartner, 655

Gary, B., 407

Gaspar de Alba, R. E., 145

Gates, B., 15, 74, 323

Gates, K., 2, 3, 9, 37, 291, 314

Gauntlett, D., 59n7

Gawker Media, 510

GE (General Electric), 272, 382

Geburtsmythos (birth myth), 49

Gee, J., 119

Gehry, Frank, 277

Genachowski, J., 312

gender, 5

diversity, 4

and globalization, 8

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 678

General Electric see GE

General Motors, 679

genetic engineering, 36, 620, 627628, 631

genetics, 617, 620

geoengineering, 637, 640

geo-media, 47

geopolitics, 6

George, C., 487

Georgia Institute of Technology, 132

geosocial networks, 172173, 186188

Geraci, R. M., 639

Geraghty, C., 440

Gerbner, G., 408

Gergen, K., 206

Geser, H., 608n5

GeSI (Global e-Sustainability Initiative), 702

Getty Research Institute, 102

Ghosts of the Abyss (film), 269

Giardina, C., 281

Giddens, A., 35, 398401, 520

Gil, A., 556

Gil, E. P., 556

Gil Juárez, A., 556, 558

Gilbert, E., 5

Gilder, G., 323

Gillmor, D., 396

GINI coefficient, 549

of ICTs in home, 550

Giosan, C., 525

Girardin, F., 208

Girardo, C., 153

Girl Can't Help It, The (film), 283

girl studies, 5

Gitelman, L., 328

Gitlin, T., 407408, 465

Glantz, K., 526, 534

Glasgow Media Group, 662

Glasser, T., 409, 463, 470

Glavin, T., 624627

Global Alert and Response see GAR

global digital economy, 26

global ecological devastation, 36

Global e-Sustainability Initiative see GeSI

global ethnographies, 8

global expansion, 624

global flu, 218

global networks, 4, 575576

Global North, 23

global positioning system see GPS

global simplification, 624

Global South, 243

appropriation and innovation in, 241263

global warming, 622


of gender studies, 4, 8

Godard, Jean-Luc, 98

Godfather, The (film), 274

Godlee, F., 218219

Godoy Gomes, N., 556

Goethe, J. W. von, 191n8

Goffey, A., 56

Goffman, E, 131

Goffrey, A., 345, 347

Goggin, G., 160, 588, 595, 602, 606, 607n1, 608nn3,4

Golden China Brands, 258

Goldenberg, S., 624

Goldhammer, J., 406

Golding, P., 401, 411

Goldman Sachs, 685

Goldsmith, J., 288

Goldstein, P., 276

Goldwater, Barry, 459

Golumbia, D., 15, 32, 515n1

Gómez, R., 147, 162n6

Gómez Cruz, E., 156, 159

González, A., J., 148

González, G., 556

González Río, M. J., 556, 559

Gonzalo Vega, M., 151

Good, O., 510

Goodall, K. E., 190n1

Goodman, P. S., 688

Goodwin, J., 456457

Goodyear, D., 274, 276, 283, 291n2

Google, 14, 18, 38n2, 45, 5052, 55, 73, 80, 198199, 209, 311312, 325, 334, 359, 377, 379, 496

Google Books, 106

Google Buzz, 187

Google Docs, 99

Google Image Search, 104

Google Latitude, 200201, 206

Google Maps, 93n28, 197

Google Scholar, 108, 110

Google Street View, 197198

Google TV, 312, 314

Google Wave, 68

Goot, D., 324

Gordon, D., 110

Gordon, E., 25, 206, 210

Gore, Al, 624

Gorini, A., 533

Goss, S., 521

Gould, D., 456, 468

Govil, N., 701

GPS (global positioning system), 186

Graap, K., 526

Grabe, B., 459

Grabe, M. E., 459

Graham, S., 25, 196, 209

Grammar of the Multitude (Virno), 181

Gramsci, A., 425

Grand Theft Auto, 508

Grass (film), 286

grassroots marketing, 307

grassroots practices and alternative mobile handset culture, 241263

Grauman's Chinese Theatre, 274

Gray, A., 442

Great Depression, 677

Great War (World War I), 434

Greece, 191, 685, 692n4

Green, J., 78, 91n3

Green, Joshua, 276

Green, M. S., 234n5

Green, N., 588, 608n3

green citizenship, 37, 697, 709710

Green Revolution, 625

Greenberg, L., 320

Greene, R. W., 686

greenhouse gas emissions, 623

greening cultural labor, 697711

greenwashing campaigns, 661

Greider, W., 368

Grierson, Alister, 279

Grimond, J., 622

Grinter, R. E., 608n3

Groening, S., 320

Grossman, T., 497, 711n6

growth, limits to, 640

“growth is good” framework, 665

Grusin, R., 28, 320, 326, 336, 342, 351

Guardian (UK), 396

Guatemala, 148

Guattari, F., 428429

Guback, T., 406

Guerra, M., 544

Guevara, B., 556

Guggenheim, L., 408

Guide to Greening Film and Television Production (Fox), 699

Gulf War

First, 267

Second, 372

Gulf of Mexico, 684

Gurevitch, M., 457

Gürsel, Z. D., 459

Gustad, K., 572

Gutiérrez, F., 154

Guyau, J.-M., 15

H1N1 pandemic, 25

hepatitis C in time of, 215237

shadow archive, 225226

social mediation in anticipatory time, 220224

Habermas, J., 463466, 468

Habitat, 123

habitat destruction, 622623

Habuchi, I., 608n4

Hacker, J., 688

Hägglund, M., 495

Haitian earthquake, 684

Half-Life, 122

Halili, N., 504

Hall, S., 174, 451n7

Halley, J., 457

Hallin, D. C., 395

Halo, 504

Hamilton, Alexander, 358, 456

Hamilton, Linda, 277, 282

Hamlet on the Holodeck (Murray), 121

Hampton, K., 558

Hand, Kevin, 285

Hannity, S., 360

Hansen, J., 624

Hansen, M. B. N., 191

Hanson, R., 350

Happy Days, 319

Haraway, D., 37, 179, 182

hardcore gamer, overemphasis on, 512513

Hardt, M., 174177, 190n4, 228230, 428, 447448, 619, 677

Harmon, K., 627

Harper, R., 588, 608n3

Harris, J., 106

Hart, J. A., 298

Hart, K., 303

Hartley, J., 426

Hartmann, M., 244

Hartmann, T., 119

Harvard University, 379

Harvey, D., 680

Hashimoto, T., 596598, 601

hate speech, 514

Hathor Legacy, The, 507

Hatoyama, K., 598

Hauser, G. A., 465

Havens, T., 409

Hawkins, G., 656

Hay, J., 1, 5, 304, 442

Hay Group, 48

Hayek, F. von, 678, 680

Hayes, B., 297

Hayes, D., 270, 288

Hayles, K., 87, 481482, 498n5, 520

HCV (hepatitis C virus)

as invisible pandemic in slow time, 228229

slow course, 230231

as unmediated virus, 231234

headphones, 603

healthy journalism, 392

Healy, D., 520

Hearn, A., 445

Hecker, C., 134

Hedgecoe, A. M., 632

Hedges, M., 535

Heeks, R., 586

Hegde, R., 4, 5

Heim, M., 523

Heinlein, R. A., 672

Held, D., 474n1

Hellweg, E., 324

Helmerson, P., 588

Helmreich, S., 225, 628629

Hemelryk Donald, S., 588, 608nn3,4

Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics, 89

Hendry, J., 190n1

Henriksen, Lance, 286

hepatitis C virus see HCV

Herman, E., 662

Hernández Tapia, E., 151

Heroes, 45

Hertsgaard, M., 369

Herzog, R., 150

Hetherington, H., 663

Hewitt, D., 367, 374375

Hibberd, M., 336, 465

Higgin, T., 515n1

Higgins, B., 274

higher education, globalization of, 51

high-speed Internet access, 34

Hilbert, M., 544, 552553, 563n7

Hileman, B., 623

Hill, G., 683

Hillcoat, J., 672673

Hillis, K., 523

HIPerSpace visual supercomputer, 100, 101

Hirose, M., 526

Hirsch, E., 244

Hispanics, 515

Histoire(s) du cinéma (Godard), 98

historical approaches, 6

historicizing disconnect and revising revisions, 405409

History Channel, 271

history of future, 15

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), 217

Hiwire Mobile Television, 320

Hjorth, L., 242, 588, 607

Hoak, A., 683

Hobbes, T., 461, 590591, 600, 606

Hockney, David, 284

Hodges, L., 524, 527, 528

Hoerl, K., 5

Hoffman, B., 150

Hoffman, H., 525

Hoge, C. W., 527

Hoggett, P., 456457

Holden, B., 461

holistic media studies, 5

Hollaback!, 508509

Hollander, A., 536n6

Holley, J., 371

Hollywood, 16, 27, 37, 47, 124, 271272, 274, 274, 277278, 282, 287, 290291, 319320, 367, 370, 374, 671672, 674, 698, 702

Hollywood mobile digital broadcast platform, 320

Holmes, S., 456, 460461

Holson, L. M., 290

home and digital diasporas, 571

homeland and digital diasporas, 572

hominization, 445

homo economicus, 676

homogenization, 624

homophobia, 32

user-generated media campaigns against, in digital games, 503515

Honduras, 546, 549, 552, 554

honey bees, restrained in specially designed harnesses, 631

Hong Kong, 247, 249250, 259

Hong Kong flu, 216

Hopenhayn, M., 149, 545

Horkheimer, M., 54, 63, 437438

Horowitz, R., 625

Horst, H. A., 252, 586

Hosokawa, S., 206

How We Became Posthuman (Hayles), 481

“How We Think: The Transforming Power of Digital Technologies” (Hayles), 87

Howard, Ron, 277

Howe, J., 445

HTML5, 172

Huber, W., 102, 114

Huffington, A., 688

Huffington Post, 18

Huggins, C., 276

Hughes, Albert, 673

Hughes, Allen, 673

Huhtamo, E., 38n1

Huisman, W., 709

Huizanga, J., 118, 129130, 134

Hulse, C., 349350

human biology, future of, 487490

human–computer interaction research, 522

Human Immunodeficiency Virus see HIV

humanist approaches, 8

Humphreys, L., 207

Huntemann, N., 513

Hunter, D., 122

Hurricane Katrina, 684

Hurwitz, M., 281, 292n11

Huyssen, A., 440

Hybride, 276

hybridization of clone, 229

Hyderabad Blues (film), 572

Hyogo Department of Education, 598

hyperconsumerism, 36, 655

“hypodermic needle” theory of media influence, 9, 660

I Am Legend (film), 616

I Love Lucy, 330

IBM, 277

IBM Business Consulting Services, 325

IBM Institute for Business Value, 325

Iceland, 247

ICR (Institute of Communications Research), 4

ICTs (information and communication technologies)

adoption among Latin American youth, 543564

cultural capital as prerequisite for richer appropriation of, 557

imaginaries on, 558559

importance of collective access to, 556557

LAC regional strategies and national plans, 552555

and old and new educational practices, 560562

percentage of ICT access in home, by type of technology, 546

qualitative dimensions of access and appropriation in LAC, 555562

quantitative dimensions of access and use in LAC, 545552

and role of school and friends, 557558

and sense of belonging in virtual networks, 558

and symbolic power of youth, 559560

and youth identity on Internet, 560

idea futures, 343

identity, 7

IEM (Iowa Electronic Market), 343

Ilahiane, H., 261

Ilouz, E., 463

IMAC, 274

image montage, 104107

ImageJ, 104

ImageMagick, 101

imitating and innovating, 257259

immaterial labor, 25

from audience commodity to, 173178

immaterial labor 2.0, 179

“sensuous” body of, 178181

Inada, Y., 202203

income, 28, 242, 247249, 252, 254, 257, 296, 298, 300301, 303304, 307, 312, 394, 547, 548, 549, 551, 553, 556, 589, 653654, 680, 683684

India, 8, 49, 246247, 258, 569580, 586, 637, 684, 705, 707

Indian Idol, 574

indie games, 23, 117

individualism, news values, and conflict, 362365

Indonesia, 684

Indusgeeks, 579

industrial agriculture, 625

Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), 277

Industrial Revolution, 179

industry standards, 291

influenza, past pandemics of, 225

information and communication technologies see ICTs


markets, 343

networks, 149, 561

overload, 347

visualization, 50

information society and digital divide, 145149

Information Society in Brazil: Green Book, 148149

Information Society Project, 416

infrastructural changeover, 296315

infrastructure futures, 2628

Ingold, T., 184

Innis, H., 66

innovating and imitating, 257259

Insider, The (film), 374

Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, 528

Institute for Interactive Journalism see J-Lab

Institute of Communications Research see ICR

Institute of Iberian Studies, IEI, Hamburg, 150

Institute of Medicine, 232

Institute of Network Cultures, 78

Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, 154

Intel, 311, 496

intellectual property, 7

“Interactive Generation in Ibero-America, The” (Fundación Telefónica), 553

interactivism, 32

interactivity, 3, 17

affect, and media subjectivities, 3033, 423539

as/in interregnum, 443448

interdiscipline, 3

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change see IPCC

International Accounting Standards Board, 710n2

International Energy Agency, 704

International Journal of Computer Games Technology, 132

International Journal of Role-Playing, 132

International Monetary Fund, 662

International Telecommunication Union see ITU

Internet, 9

access, 304

for children and youth in Argentina, 555

issues in Latin America, 149151

percentage of, in home, 547, 548

addiction, 597

dating, 597

high-speed access, 34

in Latin America

access issues, 149151

study of, 140163

use by children and youth in Argentina, 555

young people's use of, 554

Internet Archive, 89

Internet, la imprenta del siglo XXI (Piscitelli), 145

Internet, the Twenty-First Century's Printing Press (Piscitelli), 145

interpersonal networks, 406

interpretive flexibility, 244

intersectional analysis, 5

inverted pyramid news style, 381

Invisible Shapes of Things Past, The (digital art project), 110

invisible virus, 227230

Iowa Electronic Market see IEM

iPad, 14

IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 650

iPhones, 24

iPhoto, 99

iPods, 603

Iqbal, T., 249, 342

Iraq, 33, 289, 342, 367, 372, 463, 519, 520, 527533

First Gulf War, 267

Second Gulf War, 372

iReport, 383

iRobot, 630

Ironstone-Catterall, P., 218

Islas, O., 154

isolated writing, 8586

IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 132

Ito, M., 244, 588

It's Complicated (film), 273

ITU (International Telecommunication Union), 548, 551553, 586, 705

Ivory, J., 127, 505

Jackson, J., 622

Jackson, Quinton “Rampage,” 504505, 507, 511

Jacobovici, S., 271

Jacquemet, M., 447

Jagen, A., 586

James, A., 590593, 599

James, O., 649

Japan, 23, 34, 124, 225, 242, 246, 277, 526, 585586, 588, 592, 684, 707, 709

cross-cultural comparison with Australia, 605

facing future of communication, 596601

Japanese earthquake and tsunami, 684

Jaramillo, P., 556

Jaramillo Marín, P. E., 556, 560

Jasper, J. M., 456

Jazz Singer, The (film), 283

Jean, M., 386

Jefferson, Thomas, 358, 409, 433

Jenkins, H., 25, 86, 119, 174, 336, 409, 425, 442, 444, 510

Jenks, C., 590593, 599

Jensen, J., 292n12

Jha, A., 631632

Jhally, S., 190n2, 437, 653, 658659, 661

J-Lab (Institute for Interactive Journalism), 383

Joachim, D., 110

Johnson, Lyndon B., 459

Johnson, S., 385

Johnson, T. E., 608n3

Johnston, J., 620

Johnstone, G., 271

Joint Economic Committee, 679

Jolson, Al, 283, 289

Jonas Brothers, 281

Jones, A., 681

Jones, M. J., 710n1, 711n2

Jones, R., 634635

Jordán, V., 544

Jorgensen, C., 237n24

Joseph, R., 5

Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation, 535

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 132


of assertion, 30, 357

contemporary, in corporate era, 376377

education in, new news narratives and implications for, 384387

essential reorientations, 390402

healthy, 392

and media policy futures, 2830, 355421

modern, decline of, 357387

modern period and roots of objective ideal, 360362

normative foundation of, and professionalism, 395398

public, decline of, and rise of citizen reporters, 380384

studies, in the age of reorientation, 398402

of verification, 30, 357

Journey to the Center of the Earth (film), 281

Jowit, J., 624

Joy, B., 617

JPMorgan Chase, 378

Judt, T., 416

Juhasz, A., 22, 91n3

Jurgensen, J., 672673

Juris, J. S., 447

Juul, J., 131, 5156n3

Kafka, B., 6

Kafka, F., 204

Kafka, P., 336

Kahn, R., 447

Kalba, K., 249

Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, 524

Kalm, S., 711n5

Kansei University, 597

Kapko, M., 319, 321

Karahalios, K., 5

Karoly, L. A., 680

Kasser, T., 653

Katel, P., 187

Katz, E., 334, 406, 408

Katz, J., 206, 244, 358, 359, 362, 558, 588, 608n3

Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 274, 276

Katzman, R., 552

Kaufman, D., 284

Kawamura, T., 598

Kean, S., 671

Kearney, M., 440

Keen, A., 397

Keiser, M., 682

Keller, A., 292n10

Keller, B., 370

Kellner, D., 447

Kelly, C. R., 5

Kelly's blog see Adams, Kelly

Kelso, D. D. T., 627628

Kelty, C., 73

Kempf, J., 201

Kendrick, J., 282

Kennedy, John F., 372

Kennedy, John F., Jr., 367

Kennedy, T., 126

Kenner, R., 684

Kenny, A., 108

Kent, C., 337n3

Keren, M., 346

Kerkvliet, G. J., 222

Kern, S., 15

Kerr, P. A., 469

Kevles, B. H., 235n8

Keynes, J. M., 676677, 679

Keynesian economics, 679

Keyworth, G., 337n4

Khan, Sharukh, 580

Khanna, P., 580

Khatiwada, I., 692n3

Kidd, D., 447

Kiesecker, J. M., 623

Kiesler, S., 197, 205206

Kijima, R., 526

Kilbourne, J., 659

Kim, S., 5

Kinder, M., 119, 126

Kindle, 14

Kinetoscope, 19

King Kong (film), 286

Kingdom Hearts, 107

Kingdom Hearts II, 107

kinship networks, 252254

Kiribati, 246

Kittler, F., 49, 66

Klein, N., 661

Kline, S., 437

Knight, Chris, 319

Knight, M., 684

Knight, T., 633

Knight Ridder, 378

Koehler, R., 287

Koehn, D., 471

Kohler, R. E., 623

Kolos, H., 133

Koop, C. E., 226, 231232

Korea, 23

Koster, R., 123

Kotaku, 510

Kotler, P., 223, 235n11

Kovach, B., 360, 369370, 384385, 397, 400

Krämer, P., 292n6

Krauskopf, D., 562

Krikke, H. R., 700

Krohling Peruzzo, C. M., 154

Kronos Quartet, 581

Krugman, P., 679680

K-Touch, 259

Kubrick, Stanley, 270

Kuehr, R., 656

Kuhn, A., 283

Kukunoor, N., 572

Kun, J., 262n6

Kuo, G., 228

Kurzweil, R., 15, 32, 185, 635, 638640

see also Singularity, The

KVUE-TV, Austin, Texas, 371

labor, 7

immaterial, 25

immaterial 2.0, 179

material, 26

theory of value and The Wealth of Nations, 674682

LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) region and ICT

cultural capital as prerequisite for richer appropriation of ICTs, 557

ICTs and symbolic power of youth, 559560

imaginaries on ICTs, 558559

importance of collective access to ICTs, 556557

old and new educational practices, 560562

role of school and friends, 557558

sense of belonging in virtual networks, 558

youth identity on Internet, 560

mapping ICT among youth, 543564

qualitative dimensions of ICT access and appropriation in, 555562

quantitative dimensions of access and use, 545552

regional strategies and national plans, 552555

Lacan, J., 49

Lacasa, P., 556

Lachlan, K., 127

Lady Gaga, 73

Lafayette, J., 48

Lahiri, T., 703

Lakoff, A., 521

LambdaMOO (MUD), 123

Lammes, S., 53

Lampert, N., 282

Lamson, R., 523524, 536n2

Landis, John, 279

Lange, P. G., 440

Langer, A. I., 471

Langer, J., 515n1

language and consciousness, 493

Language of New Media (Manovich), 51

Lanier, J., 498n3, 523

LaPorte, N., 275

Lara, S., 556

large-budget documentary films, 269

Larsson, C., 608n3

Lasswell, H., 435436

Lastowka, G., 122

Latin America, 23

mapping ICT among youth, 543564

qualitative dimensions of ICT access and appropriation in, 555562

quantitative dimensions of ICT access and use in, 545552

regional strategies and national plans on ICT, 552555

study of Internet in, 140163

see also LAC

Latina body, 6

Laurel, B., 536n4

Lauria, R., 523

Lauricella, A., 515

Lawnmower Man, The (film), 47

Lawrence, F., 637

Layard, R., 653654, 661, 666n3

Lazarsfeld, P., 406, 408

Lazzarato, M., 38n2, 175178, 190n4, 345

LBMGs (location-based mobile games), 202

LBSNs (location-based social networks), 199

Leadership Conference Education Fund, 302

Leakey, R. E., 621

learning from YouTube, 7982

Learning from YouTube (Juhasz), 22

learning skills, 604

Lears, J., 437

Le Bon, G., 431, 461

Lee, B., 344, 678679

Lehdonvirta, V., 130131

Lehman, A., 53

Lehtonen, T., 202

Leiss, W., 437

Lemann, N., 383384

Lemley, J., 673

Lemonnier, P., 184

Lemos, A., 154, 156, 162n4, 163n13

León, O., 151

Leonard, B., 523

Leonard, D., 515n1

Leroi-Gourhan, A., 181186

Leschak, P., 687

Lester, L., 651

Letterman, R., 276

Leung, A. O. W., 703704, 711n7

Levidow, L., 628

Levis, D., 152

Lévi-Strauss, C., 182

Lévy, P., 156, 163n12, 425, 427, 445

Lewin, R., 621, 665

Lewis, A., 358

Lewis, J., 36, 346, 412n3, 650, 661662, 664

Lewis, Jerry, 287, 291

Lewis, Michael, 276

Lewis and Clark University, 630

Lewontin, R., 625

Leydon, J., 278

LG, 319

Li, L., 257

liberal biopolitics, death of, and media armageddons, 670692

liberal democracy

and public sphere, 460466

theory of, and distrust of emotion, 460463

liberalism, 686

labor theory of value and The Wealth of Nations, 674682

see also neoliberalism

Library of Congress, 97

Libya, 372

Licklider, J. C. R., 522

Licoppe, C., 202203

Liebe, M., 131

Lieberman, D., 336

Liebow, V., 651, 657, 659, 664

Light, D., 556

Lightstorm Entertainment, 274

limits to growth, 640

Limits to Growth (Club of Growth), 636

Linchuan Qiu, J., 588

Lineage 2, 507

Ling, R., 26, 206, 244, 249, 588, 607, 608n3

Linne, J., 558

Linux, 72

Lippit, A. M., 226, 235n15

Lippmann, W., 346, 362, 434, 436

LiPuma, E., 343, 678679

literacy, 2, 351, 470, 588, 603

digital, 149

media, 22, 146, 597, 601

technological, 151

Livant, B., 190n2

Livejournal, 574

Livingstone, S., 1, 465, 470, 562, 595, 606607

Lizarazo, D., 557, 561

Lloyd, C., 398, 400

locality, new rhythms of, 186189

locating processes of identity, 573

location-based mobile games see LBMGs

location-based social networks see LBSNs

location data, making public, 199203

location-sensing device, 24

Locke, J., 409, 461, 590591, 675

Loh, J., 622

Loopt, D., 209

LooptMix, 200

López, M., 556

López González, R., 556

Los Alamos National Laboratory, 631

Los Angeles Times, 276

Losh, L., 77

Lost Tomb of Jesus, The, 271

Lotz, A., 324, 409

Louw, E., 471

Lovecraft, H. P., 280

Lovink, G., 20, 21, 28, 68, 74nn12, 91n3, 189

Loyola, E., 556

Lozada, M., 153

Lubove, S., 277

Lucas, George, 276, 287, 291, 443

Lüders, M., 123

Lung, D., 328

Lunt, P., 456, 465, 470

Lupton, D., 220

Lynn, B. C., 678

Lynn, J., 216,

Lyon, D., 204

Macalister, T., 684

Macao, China, 247

machines and digital humanities, 88

machinima, 34, 570, 583n1

MacInnis, J., 271, 287

MacKenzie, D., 623

MacKuen, M., 461

Madianou, M., 460

Madueños Madueños, L., 556

Maeso, O., 552553, 563n7

Magdoff, F., 678

Magnet, S., 9

Magnum Photos, 102

Maira, S., 578

Malaby, T., 122, 130

Malik, O., 319

Mallapragada, M., 575

Malloy, M., 544

Mancini, P., 395

Mander, J., 659

Manguel, A., 206

Mann, Michael, 274, 375

Mann, S., 204

Manovich, L., 19, 2223, 46, 51, 54, 55, 58, 69, 100102, 105, 108, 110, 114, 513

Mänpää, P., 202

Mansbridge, J., 472

Manso, M., 556

manufacture and diffusion of mobile phones, 246247

Marazzi, C., 344

Marchant, P., 556

Marclay, C., 110

Marcus, G., 457, 460461, 463

Marcuse, H., 63, 652

Marin, S., 526

marine diversity, 622

Mark, R., 201

Market-Driven Journalism (McManus), 401

Markley, R., 523

Markoff, J., 201

Marques de Melo, J., 141

Marquez, J., 315n7

Marshall Islands, 246

Martin, M., 244

Martin, N., 127, 505

Martin, R., 343, 678, 691n2

Martínez, A. L., 552

Martínez, G., 146, 153

Martínez, J., 149, 162n6

Martínez Borda, R., 556

Marvel Comics, 287

Marvin, C., 322

Marx, K., 25, 46, 172, 175, 179, 185, 188, 191n7, 192n12, 618621, 640641, 649, 675676, 678, 691n2, 701

Marxism and Literature (Williams), 411

masculinity studies, 4

Mass Communication Theory: An Introduction (McQuail), 45

Mass Effect, 122

Mass Ornament (digital art project), 110

mass production, apprentice work in era of, 254257

Massachusetts Riot Act, 433

masses, 431432

Massey, K. A., 711n6

massive media data sets, 9699

Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games see MMORPG

Massumi, B., 32, 457458, 467

Mastrini, G., 545

Mateas, M., 122

material labor, 26

Mathews, G., 260

Matrix, The (film), 16, 47, 485, 616

Matsuda, M., 244, 586588, 596597, 600, 605, 607, 608nn3,5

Mattelart, A., 66

Matute Willemsen, I., 556

Mauss, M, 182

Maxwell, R., 3637, 302, 655656, 701, 709, 710n3

Mayer, V., 2, 67, 38n6

Mazzarella, S. R., 2, 4, 7

McAfee, A., 38n5

McCarthy, C., 5, 672673

McChesney, R. W., 29, 391392, 394395, 400, 409, 412, 414

McClatchy Company, 378

McClintock, P., 274

McCluhan, M., 659

McCormack, T., 406

McCoy, J., 110

McCoy, K., 110

McCray, W. P., 638

McDougall, P., 687

McDowell, R., 413

McElroy, J., 499n8

McFarling, U. L., 623

McGaurr, L., 650

McGonigal, J., 514

McHutchison, J. G., 236n18

McKay, J., 280, 431

McKibben, W., 649

McKie, R., 624

McLelland, M., 160

McLuhan, M., 45, 46, 49, 58, 62, 66, 191n10

McManus, J., 401

McMurria, J., 701

McNair, B., 463, 465, 470, 663

McNeel, Bernice, 301

McPherson, T., 8788

McQuail, D., 3, 45, 7, 409

McRae, S., 123

McRobbie, A., 440, 595

MDGs (Millennium Development Goals), 544

Meals on Wheels Association of America, 303

media accounting, future of, 697711

media archaeology, 38n1

media armageddons and death of liberal biopolitics, 670692

media change and newness, 18

media collectivities, 430

media, culture, and consumer capitalism, 654

media data sets, massive, 9699

media ecology, 35

media effects, 5, 89, 223, 406408, 458, 595

Media Fund (previously Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Fund, “Stifo”), 46

media industry

and cultural industries, role of, 648666

and infrastructure futures, 2628, 267353

media literacy, 22, 146, 597, 601

media policy

call for critical media policy studies, 409410

connecting media studies and, 404418

futures, 2830

and journalism, 355421

media question and organized networks, 6668

media studies

2.0 and 3.0, 57

connecting media policy and, 404418

defining media in, 1720


children, youth cultures, and digital media, 3335

industry and infrastructure, 2628, 267353

interactivity, affect, and media subjectivities, 3033

journalism and media policy, 2830, 355421

social and mobile, 2426

theory, method, pedagogy, 2023, 41168

and unsustainable present, 3537

and US digital TV transition, 296315

in Netherlands, 5354

reborn, 665666

visualization, 23, 95114

dimensions, 102103

techniques, 103113

zoom out (image montage), 104107

Media Studies 2.0, 59n7

media subjectivities

affect, interactivity and, 3033, 423539

associated terms, 430

active decoders, 441442

consumers, 437438

fans, 442443

masses, 431432

publics, 432437

recipients (a.k.a. active receivers), 438439

social identities, 440441

spectators, 439

collective subjects: composition and organization, 427430

from audiences to, 425451

media theory, as “dead horse,” 46

media visualization, 23, 95109, 109, 110113, 112

MediaFLO, 321

mediated public participation, emotion in, 455474

MediaTek (MTK), 258

Medicare, 688

Meehan, E., 271

Mehndi, Daler, 569570, 581

Meinrath, S., 414

Méliès, G., 671

Merrill, J., 361

Merritt, Davis “Buzz,” 381382

Merritt, R., 276

Merton, R., 406

Merz, D., 521

Meschi, M., 586

Messano, O. A., 147148

Mészáros, I., 639

Meta-Cultura (Piscitelli), 144

meta-methodological concerns, 127128

Metcalfe, R., 238n19

Metz, C., 439

Mexican flu, 217

Mexico, 151

Meyers, N., 273

Meyerson, E., 15

Miami University, 387

Michigan State University, 418

microbiology, 230

Microsoft, 311

Middle East, 372

Migel, M., 583n6

Miki, T., 201

Milburn, C., 641n1

Miles, I., 710n2

Miletic, D., 601

Milius, John, 289

Mill, J. S., 461

Millennium Development Goals see MDGs

Miller, D., 252

Miller, N., 331

Miller, P. D., 74n9

Miller, T., 18, 3637, 57, 58, 302, 412n3, 655656, 701, 709, 710n3

Mills, C. W., 406

Milton, J., 409

Minder, R., 636

Mindich, D. T. Z., 361

Minges, M., 545

Minneapolis Star Tribune, 378

Miranda, F., 545

Mises, L. von, 678

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 89

MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 629

MIT Press, 132

Mitchell, M., 276

Mitra, A., 575

MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game), 123

MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), 107

MMR vaccine scare, 650

mobile devices, 24

mobile DTV, 321

Mobile DTV TechZone, 335

mobile handsets, 241263

used, 252254

mobile media

futures, 2426

politics of childhood and, 585608

mobile network operators, 324

mobile phones, 24

alternative, and grassroots innovation, 248251

counterfeit, 259260

iPhones, iTouch, iPads for sale, Shanghai, 260

diffusion and manufacture of, 246247

distribution of top 1,000 mobile phone handsets, Bangladesh, 256

and future of television, 318337

networks, 323324, 329333, 336

“real TV” on, 333335

repair shop, Beijing, China, 255

research on use by children and young people, 587590

shop in Antalya, Turkey, offering dual SIM card phones, 258

subscriptions per 100 inhabitants (2000–2010), 246

trash collector selling used phones, Shenzhen, China, 253

young people's use of, 554

mobile systems, 24

mobile television, 28

future, 318337

subscription services, 332

unicast, 332

mobility, 19, 2425, 28, 72, 171173, 180, 184, 186187, 439, 562, 634

differential, 209

high, 209

labor, 249

and networked new media and body, 171192

slow, 209

transnational, 571

Modleski, T., 440

Modeo, 320

Moeykens, B. A., 235n11

Mogi, 202

molecularization, 634

Molina Guzmán, I., 5, 6

Moloney, T. W., 235n11

Monge, D., 5

monopolization, 678, 681

Monsalve, S., 556

Monsters vs. Aliens (film), 276

Montenegro, 247

Montero, G., 553

Montesinos, J., 556

Montfort, N., 51, 122, 513

Montgomery, K. C., 607

Moore, D. W., 142

Moore, G., 496, 499n13

Moore, M., 680

Moore, R., 126, 487

Moores, S., 205

moral panics and risks, 594596

Morales, L., 359

Moravec, H., 481482, 484, 629, 638, 640

Morgan, Piers, 471

Morley, D., 6, 174, 244

Morningstar, C., 123

Morocco, 261

Morris, C., 276

Mortal Kombat, 505

Morton, Joe, 282

Mosco, V., 412

Motion Picture Association of America, 287

Motorola, 311

Mouffe, C., 465

Movie, A (digital art project), 110

Moy, P., 469

Moyers, B., 678

mp3 players, 603

MSNBC, 366, 369, 373

MUDs (multi-user domains), 123

Mukherjee, G., 703

Mukherjee, R., 5

multicasting, 331334, 336

Multi-Model Memory Restructuring see 3MR

multi-user domains see MUDs

multi-user online games, 32

Mulvey, L., 440

Mummery, J., 469

Murdoch, Rupert, 173, 379, 394, 398

Murdock, G., 190n2, 399401, 411

Murphy, K., 487

Murphy, M., 235n7

Murray, J., 119, 121

Mutz, D., 469

MySpace, 216

Myst, 118

NAB (National Association of Broadcasters), 307308

Nabi, R., 458

Nader, R., 29

Nadesan, M. H., 36, 38n5, 677679

Naked Archeologist, The, 271

Nakamura, L., 32, 123, 503, 507

NANB virus, 227228

NANBH virus, 219, 227228, 229

Nancy, J.-L., 183

Nandy, Ashis, 580

Napier, M., 110

Napoli, P., 410

Napster, 178

NASA, 271, 284, 624

Nasta, A., 526

National Amusements, 272

National Association of Broadcasters see NAB

National Cable and Telecommunications Association, 301

National Center for Health Marketing, 224

National Geographic, 287

National Institutes of Health see NIH

National Public Radio (NPR), 379

National Research Council, 711n6

“National Targeting for Digital Conversion” map, 307, 307

National Youth Survey, 556, 564n12

Naval, C., 556

Navarro, V., 605, 608n5

NBC, 297, 305, 331, 363364, 370, 374, 417

NBC News, 376

Neerincx, M., 531

negative emotions, 467468, 472

Negra, D., 5

Negri, A., 174177, 228230, 426, 428430, 447, 619, 677

Negroponte, N., 142

Neilson, B., 188189

Nelson, L., 514

Neocleous, M., 618

neoliberalism, 5, 52, 680, 682

see also liberalism

neo-partisan era, decline of modern journalism in, 357387

Nepales, R. V., 289

Nerlich, B., 224

Nerone, J., 2, 6, 664

Nestlé, 636

Net Exchange, 350

net locality and restructuring of space, 195210

Net Neutrality, 30

Netherlands, the, 1, 8, 131, 527, 531

media studies in, 5354

Netherlands Institute for Sound and Image, 102

Nettle, D., 624

network analysis, 5

Network Culture (Terranova), 176

network design, 31

network enterprise, 250

network infrastructure, 148, 297

network operators, 18, 28, 324325, 328333

networked new media, mobility and body, 171192

network society, 262

networks, 12, 7, 44, 62, 64, 6668, 72, 77, 89, 143, 147, 154, 176, 196, 202, 204, 208210, 222, 242, 248, 253, 256, 261, 281, 290, 297, 324, 345, 445, 570, 574, 576, 706

business, 261, 572

commercial, 658

computer, 149, 158159, 492, 507

data, 289

decentralized, 178

digital, 1314, 2021, 25, 28, 4445, 47, 67, 82, 154, 171, 173, 177178, 181, 188, 196, 581582

distributed, 26, 33, 171, 178, 180, 183

electrical, 2

financial, 576

free-to-air, 334

gaming, 503508, 510511, 513

geosocial, 172173, 186188

global, 4, 575576

information, 149, 561

interpersonal, 406

kinship, 252254

location-based social see LBSNs

mobile phone, 323324, 329333, 336

news, 366367, 369370, 374, 383

organized/organizing, 57, 62, 65, 73

and media question, 6668

radio, 224

research, 48, 62

rhizomatic, 47

social, 2425, 34, 45, 51, 6768, 73, 91, 140, 145, 149, 172181, 187, 196, 200202, 207208, 222223, 257, 331, 357, 359, 385, 446, 543, 555, 573574, 576578, 603, 658, 702

telecommunications, 31

television, 18, 300, 302, 305, 311, 320, 324326, 329331, 334, 359, 370, 375

transport, 664

virtual, 558

voice, 320

wireless, 318, 322, 333

Neuberger, C., 471

Neuman, R., 408

Neuman, W. R., 461

Neveldine, M., 490

new accountancy, 701

New America Foundation, 416

New Bollywood, 570

new digital divide, 34

New Economics Foundation, 652

New England Journal of Medicine, 527

New International Division of Cultural Labor see NICL

new media, 17

futur of, 495498

future of, 479500

networked, mobility and body, 171192

videogames and research on, 122124

New Media, Old News (Fenton), 401

New Media Reader, The (Wardrip-Fruin & Montfort), 51

new media writing, futures of, 7691

new partisan era

decline of modern journalism in, 357387

transformation of reporting rites in, 365370

New Republic, 391

New Scientist, 631

New South Wales Commission for Children and Young People, 586, 605607

New York Observer, 379

New York Times, 15

New York University, 383

New York World's Fair, 16

New Yorker, 29

New Zealand, 288

Newman, R., 416

newness and media change, 18


differences between television and print news, 370372

networks, 366367, 369370, 374, 383

new narratives and implications for journalism education, 384387

visual language, critical limits, and fake news, 372374

News Corporation, 173

News Hours, 367

news values, individualism, and conflict, 362365

newspapers, 29

Newsweek, 363

Nexia Biotechnologies, 630

NicheTube, 81

Nichols, J., 29, 391392, 394395, 400

Nickelodeon, 331

NICL (New International Division of Cultural Labor), 701

Nicola Tesla Award in Recognition for Visionary Achievements in the World of Digital Technology and Sound, 271

Nicolai, C., 544

Nieder, S., 91n3

Nielsen, S. E., 514

Nielsen Corporation, 299

NIH (National Institutes of Health), 227

Nihei, K., 526

9 (film), 670, 672674, 682, 684685, 689691

Nintendo, 120

Nixon, Richard M., 687

Noble, D., 22, 67

Nokia, 242

nonlocality, new rhythms of, 186189

non-resident Indian (NRI) population, 570

Nook, 14

Norcross, J. C., 535

Nordenstreng, K., 409

North, M. M., 524525, 534, 536nn2,6

North, S. M., 524

North America, 124, 132, 144, 187, 324, 586, 623

North Korea, 247

Northern Europe, 395

Northwestern University, 515

Norway, 29, 247

nostalgia, 16, 319, 570, 571574, 576, 578, 595, 690, 702

Nova, N., 208

Novack, M., 621

Novoa, D., 556

Nuance Communications, 323

Nuechterlein, J. E., 323

Nye, D., 302

Obama, Barack, 67, 96, 262n2, 327, 335, 348, 390, 410

objective ideal, roots of, 360362

Observatory for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean see OSILAC

obsolescence, 36

built-in, 648

obsessed with, 655658

ocean ecosystems, 622

O'Connell, S., 632633

Offer, A., 651

Office of War Information, 96

Oh, Y. J., 34

Ojika Lab, Gifu University, Japan, 526

Okabe, D., 244, 588

Okada, T., 597598

O'Keefe, M., 601

Oklahoma City federal building, 372

Olaya, D., 545

old media technologies, 2

Olsson, J., 315n3

Omega Man (film), 672

on-demand television services, 331

One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative, 552

One Second After (film), 672

online ethnographies, 8

online games, 23, 32, 117118, 123, 504, 535n1

Opel, A., 26, 28, 343

Open Access movement, 56

open interactive technology, 603

Open Mobile Video Coalition see OMVC

Open Society (Popper), 462

Operation Desert Storm, 187

“Operation Iraqi Freedom,” 373

Oprah Winfrey Show, 470

Optale, G., 526

Oreglia, E., 252

Oregonian, The, 301

O'Reilly, T., 190n5

Orgad, S., 320, 337n9

organized/organizing networks, 57, 62, 65, 73

and media question, 6668

organizing course output on YouTube, 8283

Orisakwe, O. E., 711n7

Oryx and Crake (Atwood), 616

O'Shea, J., 377378

OSILAC (Observatory for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean), 545, 546548, 550, 551, 553, 554, 557

Ostherr, K., 224

Oswald, A., 653

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 334

Ouellette, L., 304

outsourcing, 678

overfishing, 622

ownership, concentration of, 2

Oxford Press, 386

P+S Technik, 281

P2P (peer-to-peer), 178

Pace, Vince, 279281

Pace/Cameron Fusion System, 280

Pacific Ocean, 280, 286, 586, 588

Packard, V., 651652, 657659

Packer, J., 38n4, 447

Page, L., 15, 498n4

Pajares Tosca, S., 514

Palacios, K., 154

Palacios, M., 156

Palau, 246

Palen, L., 588

Palma, S., 692n3

Palmer Raids, 436

PAM (Policy Analysis Market), 349

Panagokoras, A., 586

Panasonic, 276

Pandemic Preparedness (WHO), 217

Pandemic Severity Index see PSI


invisible, 231234

social media and public education about, 215237

time, visibility, and social media pandemic, 216220

Panting, C., 608n5

Pantti, M., 456

Papacharissi, Z. A., 465, 469

paper, 6

to digital in academic publishing, 8991

paradigm diversity, 4

Parameswaran, R., 2, 78

Paramount Studios, 319

Paranormal Activity (film), 274

Pardo Kuklinski, H., 162n5

Parents Victoria, 601

Parikka, J., 38n1, 133, 191n10, 228

Parisi, D., 446

Parisian Theory, 46

Park, R., 461

Parks, L., 18, 27, 37, 221, 325

Pasquali, A., 146

Pastore, M., 526

Patrick, Robert, 277

Patt, I., 525

Patty, A., 603

Paul, W. E., 216

Pauwels, C., 658

Pavlovian conditioning, 630

Paxton, Bill, 279, 284, 286

Payne Fund Studies, 2

Paz, M. O., 154

PBS TV network, 305, 367

Pearce, C., 121, 123124, 134

Pearce, F., 637

Pearl Harbor, 342

Peck, D., 691n3

Peeples, J., 466

peer-to-peer see P2P

Peirce, C., 110

Peli, Oren, 274

Peña, T., 146

Penhall, J., 672

Penley, C., 282

Pennsylvania State University, 416

Pentagon, 349

people tracking, 201

personal photography, 31

Peru, 146, 153154, 547, 547, 548, 551553, 554, 556

Peters, J. D., 469

Peterson, T., 406

Pethokoukis, J. M., 350

Petrissans, R., 148

Petro, P., 440

Pettler, P., 673

Pew Internet, 34

Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, 378, 383

Pew Research Center, 33, 650, 666n2, 672, 692n3

Phaedrus (Plato), 185

Phantom Menace, The (film), 275

Philadelphia Enquirer, 378

Philadelphia Newspapers, 378

Philippines, 243, 258

Phillips, K., 679680

Philo, G., 662

Photobucket, 99

photography, 31

and cartography, 197199

personal 31

Piaget, J., 591592, 607

Pianon, C., 526

Picasa, 99

Piccinini, G., 498nn1,2

Pickard, C., 271

Pickard, V., 30, 405, 407, 412414

Pickett, K., 654

Piepmeier, A., 440, 447

Pierson, M., 292n6

Pierson, P., 688

Pimienta, D., 149

Pinch, T. J., 244

Piracón, J., 564n10

Pirates of the Caribbean (film), 287

Pisani, F., 244

Piscitelli, A., 155, 156, 161n1, 163n13

from cyberculture to Facebook, 144145

Pitton, V., 5

Plan de Acción sobre la Sociedad de Información de América Latina y el Caribe (ECLAC), 544

Plan CEIBAL, Uruguay, 553

Plato, 185, 482, 495

Platt, C., 326

Play On group, Stanford University, 514

“Player's Bill of Rights” (Koster), 123

Playing with Power (Kinder), 120

PocketLife, 187

Policy Analysis Market see PAM

political communication

future directions for scholarship, 455474

role of emotion, 455474

political economy, 7

of accountability journalism, 393395

critical, 401

Politico, 377

Politics of Everyday Fear, The (Massumi), 467


of childhood and mobile media, 585608

childhood past and present, 589594

facing future of communication in Japan, 596601

moral panics and risks, 594596

research on children and young people's mobile phone use, 587590

threats and opportunities in Australia, 601605

of videogame pleasure, 511512

Polk, C., 350

Polletta, F., 456

Pollin, R., 680, 689

pollution, 622

Popper, K., 462

populations, surplus, 686688

Portal, 122

Portella Montardo, S., 155

Porter, D., 220

post-apocalyptic disaster films, 36, 670

postcolonial studies, 8

post-disaster capitalism, 36

postfeminist culture, 5

posthuman cyborg, 179

postmodern turn, 182

post-traumatic stress disorder see PTSD

Postman, N., 384, 659, 666n4

Poulsen, K., 198

Pounder, C. C. H., 289

Pounds, J. A., 623

PowerPoint, 99

Poynter Institute, 379

prediction, 341352

markets, 343

preemption, 341352

prehistoric turn, 181186

premediation, 28, 341352

Prensky, M., 157

Presbyterian Ladies' College, 603

Prince, A., 151, 556557

Princeton Radio Project, 54

print and television news, differences between, 370372

Prison Planet, 681


through exclusion, 207209

and surveillance, 203205

waning distinction between private and public, 195210

Prochaska, J. O., 535

Producers Guild of America, 699

Production Culture (Caldwell), 291

productive capital, 640

“produsers,” 124

Proenza, F., 553

profanity, 505

professionalism and journalism's normative foundation, 395398

Proietti, S., 499n8

PROINFO Program, 552

Projansky, S., 5

projections of future, 15


intermedial, 329

residual, 328333

Proud to be Flesh (Mute Magazine), 51

Prout, A., 590, 593593, 599

Provenzo, E., 120, 126

Proyecto Facebook, El, 145

Proyecto Internet, 154

Prudham, W. S., 619

PS3, 507

PSAs (public service announcements), 302

PSI (Pandemic Severity Index), 218

PsychNology, 535

psychotherapy, VR and future of, 518536

Ptolemy, R., 15

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 33

PTSD Convoy, 530

public and private, waning distinction between, 195210

public journalism, decline of, and rise of citizen reporters, 380384

public participation, mediated, 455474

public writing, 85

publics, 432437


in digital humanities, 8791

YouTube book online, 8889

Punathambekar, A., 574

Punie, Y., 244

Puro, J. P., 206

Puryear, J., 544

Puschendorf, R., 623

Putnam, R., 457, 485486, 499n9

Pybus, J., 191n6, 445

Qiu, J. L., 26, 241, 243, 256, 262n7

Qualcomm, 321

Quale, Steven, 282

qualitative methodologies, 5

quantitative methodologies, 5

quantitative turn, 5455

Quan Haase, A., 558

quasi species, 228

Quello Center, Michigan State University, 418

Quero Ramones, S., 556

QuickTime, 19

Quirk, J., 14

Quiroz, M. T., 153

Quittner, J., 276

Qvortrup, J., 600

Raby, M., 288

Racial Order of Things, The (Mukherjee), 5, 507

racism, 5, 3233, 79

user-generated media campaigns against, in digital games, 503515

radio, 2, 13, 44, 50, 54, 73, 85, 97, 141, 147, 157, 223, 257, 320, 322, 324, 326327, 329, 333, 336, 369370, 379380, 382383, 386, 391, 447, 469, 473, 487, 545, 546, 549, 550, 562, 574, 616, 657658, 660

networks, 224

permanence of, 2

Radway, J., 133, 174, 440, 513

Raessens, J., 53

Rafferty, M., 678, 691n2

Rahaman, A. S., 710n1

Rajadhyaksha, A., 574, 577

Rai, A. S., 573

Rai, Aishwarya, 580

Raina, R., 702

Rajan, K. S., 636

Rakow, L. F., 605, 608n5

Ramírez, G. J. P., 154

Ramírez, V., 556

Rampton, J., 275, 292n12

Rang de Basanti (film), 582

Rantanen, T., 663665

Rarick, G., 469

Rasmus, J., 678

Rather, Dan, 29, 374

Ratnadiwakara, D., 249

Ray, M. R., 703704

Ray, T., 628

Raynes-Goldie, K., 200

RBR, 327

RCA, 336

Reagan, Ronald, 687

Reagle, J., 201

Reality Camera System (RCS), 279

“real TV” on mobile phone, 333335

real-world experiment, 628

reality television, 56, 304, 359, 372, 657

RealNetworks, 325, 329, 331

RealOne GoldPass, 329

RealOne Mobile, 329

Reardon, M., 249, 312, 324, 332

Reason, Truth, and History (Putnam), 485

Recio, C., 556

recognition technology, 9

Recuero, R., 155

Reddy, W. M., 457

Reeves, J., 366, 373

reflexive writing, 86

refrigerator studies, 1

Rehman, A. R., 581

Rein, S., 252

relative autonomy of cultural forms, 660

religion, 3, 469, 573

remapping, 110113

remediation, 3, 17

reorientation, journalism studies in age of, 398402

reporter as star, and 60 Minutes, 374376


rethinking methods of, 662665

rites in new partisan era, transformation of, 365370

representational analysis, 7

reproducibility and social media, 224225

Republic (Plato), 482

Republican Party, 368

Research Group for Bullying Problems in Society, 597

research networks, 48, 62

residual protocols and emergent technologies, 328333

Resnick, M., 251

Responsive Chord, The (Goldwater), 459

restructuring of space, net locality and, 195210

Reynolds, A., 457

Reynolds, R., 122

Rheingold, H., 142, 351, 523, 536n4

rhizomatic networks, 47

Rhode, P. W., 346

Ribak, R., 608n5

Rice, R., 558

Richards, B., 456, 459, 471472

Richards, J. W., 499n7

Richardson, J., 469

Richero, A., 154

Richter scale, 218

Rideout, V., 515

Rikowski, G., 618

Rimbaud, A., 230

Rincón, O., 160161

Riskin, J., 676

risks and moral panics, 594596

Riva, G., 526, 533

Rivero, I., 556

Rizzo, A., 519, 525526, 528529

Rizzo, S., 589, 605, 608n5

Road, The (film), 670

Road Warrior, The (film), 672

Robbins, G., 632

Roberts, C., 622

Roberts, P. C., 679

Robertson, K., 441

Robin, C., 467

Robinson, S., 556557

robotics, 36, 616617, 620621, 628630

Rodan, D., 469

Rodríguez, M. P., 154, 552

Rodríguez Pascual, I., 556

Roehr, B., 219

Rogers, R., 54

Rogoway, M., 301

Roker, D., 605, 608n5

Rolling Stone, 358

Romaine, S., 624

Romano, E. M., 155

Ropeik, D., 15

Roper polls, 371

Rorty, R., 499n6

Rose, N., 220, 230, 520, 633634

Rosen, J., 369, 382, 384, 426

Rosenstiel, T., 360, 369370, 384385, 397, 400

Ross, A., 183

Ross, Steve, 277

Rossiter, N., 20, 21, 28, 74nn12, 188189

Roth, S., 523

Rothbaum, B., 524, 527528

Roubini, N., 681

Roudinesco, E., 500n15

Rousseau, J.-J., 461, 590592, 600

Routledge, 132

Rovira, G., 151

Rowan, D., 201

Rowland, W. D., 658

Roychowdhury, S., 703

Rudd, K., 690

Rudd, R. E., 235n11

Rueda, S., 119

Ruíz Quiroga, M., 556, 560

Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals (Salen & Zimmerman), 130

Rural Advancement Foundation International, 625

rural–urban divide, 252

Rusbridger, A., 396

Rushe, D., 217

Russell, M., 602

Russia, 246

Rutherford, A., 525

Ryerson University, 46

Ryle, G., 481

Sachs, J., 636

Safer, Morley, 374

Saffir-Simpson Hurricane classification system, 218

Sage, 70

Said, C., 350

Salanda, Zoe, 289

Salen, K., 130

Salis, F. A., 253

Salmon, C. T., 463

Sample, I., 623, 629

Samsung, 242

San Diego Union Tribune, 379

San Jose Mercury News, 378

San Miguel, R., 326

Sánchez, A., 145, 156, 161n1

Sandine, A., 433

Sandvig, C., 5

Santos Corral, M. J., 152

Sarasin, P., 222

Sassen, S., 51

Satellite Awards, 271

Saturday Night Live, 374

Sauter, J., 110

Sawyer, Diane, 374

Scandinavia, 385

Schäfer, M. T., 53, 58, 59n2, 59n9

Scharrer, E., 2, 89

Schatz, T., 271, 287

Schechner, S., 325

Scheib, R., 287

Schejter, A., 410

Schell, J., 134

Schiavo, E., 161

Schiller, D., 27, 407, 409, 576

Schiller, H., 406407, 409, 411

Schmidt, C., 344

Schneider, F., 189

Schoedsack, Ernest, 286

school education, 594


database dating and invention of, 6366

definition, 63

Schor, J., 649, 653, 704, 709

Schott, G., 119120, 127

Schramm, W., 406, 418n2

Schroeder, S., 173

Schudson, M., 358, 360, 362, 363, 379, 386, 394395, 434, 661

Schultz, J., 398

Schultz, M., 150

Schurman, R., 619

Schwartz, J., 630

Schwartz, N. D., 685

Schwartz, T., 459

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 277

Scibelli, R., 631

science and technology studies see STS

Science Daily, 624

science fiction films dystopian predictions, 16, 36, 61564

Scientific American, 523

Scolari, C. A., 155

Sconce, J., 315n5

Scoop (Waugh), 664

screen cultures, 48

Seabra, C., 556

Searle, J., 499n7

Seaton, J., 663

Second Life, 574

securitization, 678

Sedition Act, 435

Seeman, N., 634635

Segell, G., 298

Seidman, R., 325

self-assemblers, 634

self-replicating capital, 640

Seligmann, P., 621

Senft, T. M., 440

Sengers, P., 458

“sensuous” body of immaterial labor 2.1, 178181

sensuousness of technology, 186

Sery, D., 89

sexism, 5, 32

user-generated media campaigns against, in digital games, 503515

sexual assault, 601

sexual diversity, 4

sexuality, 5

Severino, J.-M., 621

Sey, A., 588

Shanghai, China, 260

shanzhaiji (bandit phones), 250, 257259

Sharma, C., 323

Sharp, J., 122

Shays's Rebellion, 433

Sheller, M., 197, 203

Shenzhen, China, 253

Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, 250

Sherry, J., 119, 261

Shionaya, R., 598

Shirakawa, K., 526

Shirky, C., 235nn8,10, 446

Shoah Foundation, 89

Shredder (digital art project), 110

Shrek Forever After (film), 276

Shulman, H., 407

Siapera, E.,465

Sibilia, P., 156

Siebert, F. S., 406

Siegler, M. G., 118

Siepmann, C., 407, 409

Sierra Caballero, F., 151

Sight & Sound, 280

Sihvonen, T., 124

Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, 711n6

Silva Peña, I., 556557

Silverstone, R., 244, 442

Simmel, G., 208

Simon, B., 122

Simondon, G., 182

Simons, J., 121

Simonson, P., 405406

simplification, global, 624

Simpson, C., 407

Simpsons, The, 29

Sims 2, 574

Simulcam, 281

Singapore National University, 102

Singer, Bryan, 277

Singer, P. W., 630

Singularity, The (Kurzweil), 479500

new media after, 480481

Singularity Is Near (Kurzweil), 480

sitcoms, 319

Sivapragasam, N., 249

60 Minutes, 367, 385

and reporter as star, 374376

Sjerpstra, J., 62

SK Telecom, 332

Skinner, B. F., 525

Skinner box, 525526

Slate2Screen, 281

smartphone, 24

SMH Online, 604

Smith, A., 675676

Smith, B., 602

Smith, G., 335

Smith, H., 632

Smith, J. H., 514

Smith, S., 119, 127

Smith-Spark, L., 236n16

Smythe, D., 175176, 190n2, 406, 409, 411, 418n2, 445, 451n6

SNCC (Cultural Consumption Survey), 553

Snickers, P., 78, 91n3

Snyder, G., 275

Snyder, M., 681

social and mobile media futures, 169265

social activities, 25

social cooperation, 181

social games, 23, 118, 134, 512

social identities, 440441

social media, 9

futures, 2426

in invisible pandemic, 215237

time and visibility, 216220

and reproducibility, 224225

social mediation in anticipatory time, 220224

social networks, 2425, 34, 45, 51, 6768, 73, 91, 140, 145, 149, 172181, 187, 196, 200202, 207208, 222223, 257, 331, 357, 359, 385, 446, 543, 555, 573574, 576578, 603, 658, 702

social organization, 183

social sciences, 8

social structures, 7

“Sociedad Digital” (Digital Society), 148

Sociedade da Informação no Brasil: Livro Verde, 148149

Soderbergh, Steven, 274, 292n5

software development, 31

Software Studies Initiative, 100

Software Takes Command (Manovich), 69

soil erosion, 623

Solove, D., 196, 201, 203206, 211n2

Sony, 272

Sopranos, The, 385

Sotamaa, O., 124

Soto Valenzuela, F., 556557

South Asia, 8, 34, 259

digital diasporas, 569583

Bollywoodization of, 576577

theorizing, 571577

South Korea, 124, 332, 606

South Park, 73

Southeast Asia, 23, 117

Southern Ocean, 637

Soylent Green (film), 672

space, restructuring of, and net locality, 195210

Spartacus (film), 270

spatial sampling, 108110

species, extinction of, 623624

spectators, 439

speculation, 341

Speth, J. G., 618

Spiderman (franchise), 270

Spielberg, Steven, 496

Spigel, L., 205, 311312, 315n3

Spinoza, B., 427, 429430, 448

Spira, S., 520

Sportscenter, 330


Sprint Nextel, 323

Spry, D., 34, 586, 588, 606607, 608nn3,4,6

Square (now Square-Enix), 107

Squire, C., 470

Squires, C., 465

St. Petersburg Times, 379

Stahl, Leslie, 374

Ståhlberg, P., 577

Staiger, J., 457

Stainton Rogers, W., 591

Stanton, A., 35

Stanton, E. M., 361

Star Trek (TV sci-fi series), 121

Star Tribune, 379

Star Wars Part I: The Phantom Menace (film), 275

Starlight Runner Entertainment, 287

Starr, P., 391, 393, 409410

Stefoni, A., 556

Steinberg, J., 301

Steinkuehler, C., 507

Stelter, B., 299, 312

Stemler, S., 98

Stenner, P., 456

Sterne, J., 1, 1718, 35, 206, 406, 655

Steuer, J., 527

Stevens, J. E., 524

Stewart, Jon, 373

Stiegler, B., 182, 184, 345, 347

Stiglitz, J. E., 342

Stone, A. R., 123

Strangelove, M., 7778, 91n3

Strauss, A., 131

Street, J., 465, 471

Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, The (Habermas), 464

structural unemployment, 689

Strumpf, K., 346

STS (science and technology studies), 66

Studi, Wes, 289

Sturcke, J., 218219

Su, N., 250, 258

sub-Saharan Africa, 544

Suits, B., 129

Sum, A., 692n3

Summers, J. H., 406

Sunday Times, 394

Sunkel, G., 545

Sunstein, C., 207

Suominen, J., 133

SUOMO (Minister for Internal Affairs and Communication, Japan), 508, 599, 605

Surowiecki, J., 446

surveillance and privacy, rethinking, 203205

sustainability coalition, 706

Sutherland, I., 522523

Sutko, D. M., 204, 253

Sutter, J., 683

Sutton-Smith, B., 129

swarms, 228230

swine flu, 25

Sy, A., 711n4

Sydney Morning Herald, 603

Symbrion Project, 629

syntax of gestures, 186

synthetic biology, 36, 620

synthetic genomics, 620, 632

Syth, T., 58

Szasz, T., 520

T2–3D: Battle Across Time (theme park 3D project), 277

Tableau, 99

Taibbi, M., 682, 685

Taiwan, 249, 258

Takahashi, T., 148149

Takei, George, 319

Talk on Television (Livingstone & Lunt), 470

Talking Points Memo, 379

Tamayo, E., 151

Tamborini, R., 127

Tanzania, 551

Tapscott, D., 607

Tashlin, F., 283

Tasker, Y., 5

Tavakoli, J., 685

taxonomy of alternative phones, 251260

apprentice work in era of mass production, 254257

counterfeit phones, 259260

imitating and innovating, 257259

intermittent entrepreneurship, 242254

kinship networks, 252254

refurbished phones, 254257

shanzhaiji (bandit phones), 257259

technology transfer, 252254

used handsets, 252254

Taylor, A., 588, 608n3

Taylor, B., 490

Taylor, G., 235n7

Taylor, T. L., 122, 123, 130, 133, 506

Taylor & Francis, 70

Taylorism, 632

teaching experimental class on YouTube, 7982

techno-futurist literature, 629

technological achievement, 272

technological convergence, 621

technological literacy, 151

technological revolution, 291

technological tentpoles, 287291

technologies, emergent, 328333

technologization, 640

technology, 1

appropriation, 243246

and future of cinema, 269292

sensuousness of, 186

transfer, 252254

Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman (digital art project), 110

techno-mediation, 34

TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity), 700, 704

Telecommunications Act (1996), 299

telecommunications networks, 31

Telecommunication Policy Research Conference, 416

Telemundo, 301


mobile, 28

mobile phone and future of, 318337

networks, 18, 300, 302, 305, 311, 320, 324326, 329331, 334, 359, 370, 375

protocols, 28

reality TV, 56, 304, 359, 372, 657

television and print news, differences between, 370372

temporal sampling, 107108

temporality, 25

Terminator (film), 270, 282, 342, 616

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (film), 275, 277, 279

Terranova, T., 38n2, 176, 427, 431, 436, 448, 575

terror, betting on, 349350

terrorist attacks, 670


Texas Instruments, 320

Text Analysis, 101

Thacker, E., 506, 641n2

Third World America (Huffington), 688

Thomas, C. D., 624

Thomas, D., 507

Thomas, E., 365

Thompson, E. P., 663

Thompson, J. B., 471

Thompson, M. W., 222

Thompson, S., 456457

Thornton, S. L., 595

Thorpe, C., 35, 38n5

3D film, 269, 272, 278, 280

3D TV, 655

3G mobile networks, 324, 332

3MR (Multi-Model Memory Restructuring), 531532

Thrift, N., 457


social mediation in anticipatory time, 220224

and space, and digital humanities, 88

and visibility and social media pandemic, 216220

Time magazine, 102, 105

time-shifting, 18

Time Warner, 48

Times, The, 394

Tinic, S., 409

Tinker, T., 711n4

tinkering, cultures of, 250251

Titanic (film), 269

TiVo, 334

T-Mobile, 323

Tobak, S., 48

Todd, Michael, 287, 291

Todd-AO, 287

Tolia-Kelly, D., 573

Tomb Raider, 118

Toronto International Stereoscopic 3D Conference, 291

Toscano, A., 429430, 448

Towards a Sociology of Mass Communications (McQuail), 7

Tracey, M., 658

traditional audiences, 2

transcendence, 639

Transcendent Man (film), 15

transcending us, or ending future, 490495

transgenetic manipulation, 627

transgenic animals, 630

transnational alliances, 2

transnational conjuncture, diasporic youth culture as, 581582

transnational feminism, 4, 5

transnational ownership, 7

transparency, 3

transport networks, 664

TransUnion, 683

trash talk, 505

Treichler, P., 233234

Trejo Delarbre, R., 23, 161n1

Trial, The (Kafka), 204

Tribune Company, 378

Trimble, T., 673

Tufts University, 630

Tumblr, 1

“Tunak Tunak Tun,” 570

Tunisia, 372

Turkey, 258

Turkle, S., 122, 515, 628

Turoczy, R., 223

Tuvalu, 246

TV By Design (Spigel), 310

TV snow, 310

TV white space, 311

TVBD devices, 311

Twentieth Century Fox, 273, 377, 698

24, 330

24 Hour Psycho (digital art project), 110

28 Days Later (film), 616, 672

Twitter, 1, 24, 44, 45, 50, 5152, 202, 216, 297, 357, 359, 366, 377, 447, 465, 473, 508

Tyron, C., 77

U2, 281

Uberhuaga, C. P., 556

Ubisoft, 276

Ultima Online (MMOG), 123

UN Division for Sustainable Development, 710n2

UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean see ECLAC

UN Environment Program, 622

UNAIDS, 236n17

UNDP, 556, 558

Understanding Modern Money (Wray), 686

Understanding Privacy (Solove), 203

unequal access, 23

unicasting, 331

United Arab Emirates, 247

United Kingdom, 49, 606, 650, 654656, 658659, 678679, 689

United Nations (UN), 684

United States, 1, 89, 29, 34, 64, 6768, 150, 198, 215216, 246, 249, 251, 275, 296, 298, 299, 302, 303, 307, 309, 313, 318, 320325, 330, 332334, 341342, 346347, 349, 372, 374, 397, 407, 411, 412, 435, 436, 441, 504, 520, 526527, 529, 535, 548, 570, 574, 623, 627628, 654656, 664, 671672, 677679, 681682, 688689, 707709

Universidad Central de Venezuela, 153

Universidad de Buenos Aires, 144

Universidad de Los Andes, Trujillo, Venezuela, 155

Universidad del Zulía, Venezuela, 153

Universidad Federal de Bahía, Brazil, 156

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), 143

Universal Studios, 376

University of Bergen, 29

University of California, Berkeley, 630

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 102

University of California, Riverside, 57

University of California, San Diego (UCSD), 95

University of Chicago, 102

University of Illinois, 4

University of Iowa, 343

University of Melbourne, 49

University of Porto, Portugal, 102

University of Southampton, 271

University of Southern California

Institute for Creative Technologies, 528

Institute for Multimedia Literacy, 77

University of Texas, Austin, 416

University of the West of England see UWE

Univision, 301

unsustainable present, 3537

urban environments, youth cybercultures, and citizenship, 152154

urban–rural divide, 252

UrbanSpoon, 187

Urrea, L. A., 711n5

Urresti, M., 153, 547548, 556557

Urribarri, R., 155

Urry, J., 197, 203

Uruguay, 148, 150, 153, 156, 544, 546, 549, 551552

US Army Research Laboratory, 524

US Centers for Disease Control, 215

US Congress Committee, 231

Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, 231

US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency see DARPA

US Defense Department, 349

US Department of Health and Human Services, 218

US Department of Justice, 711n7

US Department of Veterans Affairs, 535

US digital TV transition and media futures, 296315

US Environmental Protection Agency, 710n2

US Office of Naval Research, 527

US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 624

US Treasury, 360

USA Today, 370

used handsets, 252254

user-generated media, 3, 17

campaigns against racism, sexism, and homophobia in digital games, 503515

UWE (University of the West of England), 629

Vaidhyanathan, S., 312

Valdivia, A. N., 1, 3, 5

Valetta, Amber, 491

Vall-llovera Llovet, M., 556, 558

vampires, 483, 618, 641

and cannibalism and debt, 684686

Van den Boomen, M., 53

van den Steen, M., 531

van Erp, J., 709

van Gogh, Vincent, 101

Van Horn, C., 684

Van Loon, J., 596

van Zoonen, L., 456, 471

Vance, A., 15, 497, 498n4

Vanderford, M., 222223

Variety, 270

Vasudevan, R., 678

Vázquez Liñán, M., 151

Vectors National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar (2009), 87

Venezuela, 146, 151, 153, 155, 247, 546, 551552, 556

Venselaar, J., 700

Venter Institute (J. Craig Venter Institute), 631632, 638

verification, journalism of, 30

Verizon V Cast, 329

Verizon Wireless, 333

Vermetten, E., 531

Vernon, C., 276

Vertov, D., 103, 109113

Viacom, 376

Vidal, J., 622624, 637

Video Kids: Making Sense of Nintendo (Provenzo), 120

video violence on mobile phones, 701702

video writing, 8486

conference talk, 84

videogames, 37, 119

politics of videogame pleasure, 511512

and research on new media, 122124

meta-methodological concerns, 127128

methods and their meanings, 124129

special, 120122

and not special, 120123

as textual and communicative artifacts, 513514

Vietnam War, 372

Vilela, A., 556

Villafuerte, Q. D., 154

Villanueva Mansilla, E., 146

Villatoro, P., 552

Vincelli, F., 526

violence, 34, 119120, 126128, 148, 428, 462463, 468, 470, 489, 508509, 585, 587, 594, 600, 602, 605, 616, 674

filmed on mobile phones, 601602

in games, 120

Virginian-Pilot, 381

Virilio, P., 314n1, 435

Virno, P., 179, 189, 190n4, 192n12, 428

Virtual Baghdad, 530

virtual community, 576

Virtual Iraq/Afghanistan, 528

virtual networks, 558

virtual reality see VR

Virtual-Reality Exposure with Arousal Control see VRE-AC

Virtual Reality Medical Center see VRMC

virtual therapy, 522

Virtual Vietnam experiment, 528

virtual worlds, 23


HCV as unmediated, 231234

invisible, 227230

VisionTV, 271

visual culture, myth of, 43

visual language, critical limits, and fake news, 372374

visual writing on YouTube, 86

visualization see media visualization

Vitali, G., 447

Vlesmas, K., 291n1

voice networks, 320

Voice of America, 407

Voigt, K., 48

Vonderau, P., 78, 91n3

Vorderer, P., 119

VR (virtual reality), 33

comparing therapies, 532534

exposure therapy, 33

and future of psychotherapy, 518536

for PTSD, 527532

Multi-Modal Memory Restructuring (3MR), 531532

VR-enhanced prolonged exposure, 528529

VR-exposure with arousal control, 529531

therapy, brief history of, 522525

VRE-AC (Virtual-Reality Exposure with Arousal Control), 530

VRMC (Virtual Reality Medical Center), 529

Wachowski, A., 16, 485486

Wachowski, L., 16, 485486

Wahl-Jorgensen, K., 32, 465, 469470

Wald, P., 224

Waldman, A., 337n3

Walker, I., 630

Walkman, 206

Wall Street Journal, 358

Wallace, Mike, 374

WALL-E (film), 35

walled garden services, 330

Wallis, C., 26, 253, 255, 258, 260, 262n7

Wallis, P., 224

Wal-Mart, 303

Walmsley, L., 276

Walsh, D. C., 235n11

Walsh, L., 709

Wandres, J., 301302

Wan, A., 710n1

Wang, G., 228

Wang, T., 701

Ward, K. J., 244

Wardle, C., 471

Wardrip-Fruin, N., 51, 122, 513

Wark, M., 46, 5657, 58

Warner, M., 433

Warner Brothers studios, 377

Warren, E., 692n3

Warren, P., 201

Warren, S., 203

Wartella, E., 515

Warwick, H., 46, 58

Washington, George, 358

Washington Post, 29

Wasserman, E., 325

Watergate, 359

Watkins, G., 508, 516n4

Watson, J., 496

Watts, J., 636

Waugh, E., 664

Waverman, L., 586

Waxman, S., 274

Wayback Machine, 70

WDEF (TV station, Chattanooga), 310

Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 675

liberalism and labor theory of value, 674682

Weaver, Sigourney, 283

Web 2.0, 171

Web 3.0, 187

WebCT (educational software system), 70

Weber, I., 298

Weber, M., 244

WEDU, 309

Weidman, L., 8

Weilemann, A., 608n3

Weiner, A., 366

Weiser, P. J., 323

Weiss, K., 623

Wellman, B., 558

Welschinger Lascano, N., 556

Wesch, M., 7778

Wessel, D., 688

Wessels, T., 624

West Africa, 260

Westen, D., 459

West Wing, The, 385

Weta Studios, 288

WGEM, 309

Whale Hunt, The (digital art project), 106

What's My Line?, 370

Whedon, J., 492

White, R. A., 409

White House, 372

white nose syndrome, 623

white space, 311

White Space Coalition, 311

Whitney, D., 325, 327

Whitta, G., 673

Who, The, 335

WHO (World Health Organization), 218

Whrrl, 200

Wichita Eagle, 381

Wicker, T., 362

Wiebe, G. D., 223224, 235nn11,13

Wiederhold, B. K., 524525, 527, 529530

Wi-Fi, 311

Wiggins, J., 636

Wijnalda, J., 59n4

WikiLeaks, 370

WikiMe, 206

Wikipedia, 68

Wiktionary, 114

wildlife populations, destruction of, 623

Wilkinson, R., 654

Williams, A., 471

Williams, D., 119, 126, 127, 505

Williams, E., 656

Williams, K., 663

Williams, R., 9, 314, 411, 431, 438

Williamson, J., 660

Willis, C., 465

Wilson, D., 683

Wilson, Woodrow, 434

Winfield, A., 629

Winner, L., 16, 30

Winner-Take-All Politics (Hacker & Pierson), 688

Winocur, R., 34, 162n7, 556560, 563

Winston, B., 322

Winston, Stan, 277

Wireless Innovation Alliance, 311

voice, 320

wireless networks, 318, 322, 333

wireless technology, 2

Witkowski, E., 133

Witschge, T., 465, 469

Witt, R., 311

Witte, J., 558

Wolfers, J., 343

Wolff, N., 659

Wolfram, S., 498

women, cultural representations of, 4

Wonder Woman (TV drama series), 111

Wong, C. S. C., 703704

Wong, M. H., 703

Wood, D., 25, 209, 529530, 533

Woolley, B., 536nn4,5

word-reliant video writing, 85

Working Group on Climate Change and Development, 624

World Fairs, 37

World Health Organization see WHO

World of Warcraft, 482

World Trade Center, destruction of, 335

World Trade Organization (WTO), 466

World War I, 434

World War II, 67

World War Z (film), 672

World Wide Web, 27

Wornyo, E., 586

Wray, R., 686

Wright, S., 190n3

WSRE-23, 310

Wu, S. C., 703

Wyatt, J., 291n1

Wyness, M., 593594

Wynn, E., 608n3

Xbox, 504

Xiao He, 254

X-Men (film), 277

Yacowar, M., 671

Yahoo!, 379

Yale University, 379

Yang, C., 257

Yao, M., 514

Yee, N., 107, 127, 514

Yehya, N., 156

Yellow Pages, 187

Yelp, 25

Yemen, 372

Yo con la computadora no tengo nada que ver (Cabello), 561

Yoon, K., 608n3

York, R., 640

York University, 622

Young, J. R., 68

young people

and childhoods past and present, 590594

research on mobile phone use, 587590

see also children; youth cultures

youth cultures

diasporic, 569583

and digital media, 3324, 541612

mapping ICT among Latin American, 543564

youth cybercultures, citizenship, and urban environments, 152154

YouTube, 22, 24, 32, 45, 69, 96, 155, 216, 303, 309, 331, 465, 503, 507, 569570, 580581

amateur writing, 86

betting on futures, 7691

censored writing, 86

control writing, 86

convergence writing, 86

hack, 85

illustrated summary, 85

isolated writing, 8586

public writing, 85

reflexive writing, 86

tours, 8384

visual writing, 86

Yoxen, E., 235n8, 618

Yurén, T., 151

Zachary, P. G., 523

Zagat, 187

Zainudeen, A., 249

Zaltman, G., 223, 235n11

Zamora, E., 149

Zapatista Army, 151

Zappel, T., 114

Zehle, S., 189

Zell, S., 378

Zepeda, B., 556, 558, 560

Zermeño, A., 556

Zhou, Y., 257

Ziering, A., 495

Zimmerman, E., 130

Zitewitz, E., 343

Zittrain, J., 31

Žižek, S., 446, 691

“Zoe Graystone,” 488490

Zoeteman, B. C. J., 700, 704

Zoological Society of London (ZSL), 622

zoom out (image montage), 104107

Zuckerberg, Mark, 172

Zukin, C., 684

Zynga, 575

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