Section 7. Additional Resources

In this section we have compiled a list of additional coaching resources, including coaching organizations that may be useful for readers. Although this list is not comprehensive and we do not necessarily endorse any of these particular sources, we wanted to direct readers to further coaching resources to supplement the articles that were included in this sourcebook.

Organizations Supporting Coaching Practice and Research

Association for Coaching (AC)

-  Launched in 2002, AC is a London-based organization with the goal of promoting best practice and raising awareness and standards across the coaching industry.

-  AC also distributes awards to recognize efforts made by organizations and students for outstanding contributions to practice and research in coaching ($500).


Australian Psychological Society Interest Group in Coaching Psychology (APS IGCP)

-  Created in 2002, the IGCP, with more than 600 members, facilitates the theoretical, applied, and professional development of coaching psychology as an emerging theoretical and applied subdiscipline of psychology.


British Psychological Society Special Group in Coaching Psychology (BPS SGCP)

-  The SGCP’s aims are to promote the development of coaching psychology as a professional activity and to clarify the benefits of incorporating psychological approaches within coaching practice.

-  SGCP supports coaching psychology research by sponsoring an annual research award as well as a practitioner’s Achievement Award for distinguished contributions to coaching psychology ($400, invitation to attend European Coaching Psychology Conference).


Center for Creative Leadership (CCL®)

-  CCL focuses exclusively on leadership education and research, including executive coaching.

-  CCL sponsors a number of awards to stimulate research and the application of research to the practice of leadership development.


Graduate School Alliance for Executive Coaching (GSAEC)

-  In 2006, GSAEC was formed to establish and maintain standards for education and training provided by academic institutions for the discipline and practice of executive coaching.


Global Coaching Community (GCC)

-  Set up in response to the 2008 Dublin Global Coaching Convention, GCC is an evolving nonsolicitation social network platform for coaching stakeholders to share, explore, research, and collaborate.

-  The 450-plus members, a fraction of the 15,000 coaches who have signed up to the Dublin Declaration on Coaching, collaborate within 25 discussion work groups supporting different coaching foci (e.g., education and development, research, small business, regional interests).


The Institute of Coaching

-  Established in 2009, the Institute of Coaching grew out of a partnership between The Coaching and Positive Psychology Initiative at McLean Hospital and The Foundation of Coaching (TFC), a project of the Harnisch Foundation, and is dedicated to enhancing the integrity and credibility of the larger field of coaching by advancing coaching research, education, and practice. The Institute of Coaching compiled a list of more than 200 graduate-level academic coaching programs in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom (see for list of institutions).

-  Continuing the TCF principles, The Institute of Coaching is committed to building a scientific foundation of coaching-related research, with $100,000 awarded annually in grants.


International Coach Federation (ICF)

-  Formed in 1995 and with more than 14,000 members, ICF is the largest worldwide resource for professional coaches, dedicated to advancing the coaching profession, including executive and leadership coaching as well as other forms of coaching.

-  ICF hosts the ICF Research Portal, at, which includes the ICF Global Coaching Study (2007) and the ICF Global Coaching Client Study (2009) as well as other industry reports, research articles, and case studies.


The Executive Coaching Forum (TECF)

-  An outgrowth of routine meetings between Boston-area practitioners in 1999, The Executive Coaching Forum’s stated mission is to advance the highest standards and best practices of executive coaching with all members of the coaching partnership.

-  The most notable TECF resource is The Executive Coaching Handbook, written and revised by respected practitioners and used in more than 25 countries.





1st Annual Meeting

European Coaching Psychology Conference (National Coaching Psychology Conference)



Executive Coaching Conference

University of Maryland


Executive Coaching Conference

The Conference Board

Global Coaching Convention



ICF Coaching Research Symposium



International Research Conference on Coaching


Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference




-  Anderson, D., & Anderson, M. (2004). Coaching that counts: Harnessing the power of leadership coaching to deliver strategic value. Burlington, MA: Elsevier.

-  Cavanagh, A., Grant, A., & Kemp, T. (Eds.). (2005). Evidence-based coaching: Contributions from the behavioral sciences (Vol. 1). Bowen Hills, Queensland, Australia: Australian Academic Press.

-  Clutterbuck, D., & Hussain, Z. (2009). Virtual coach, virtual mentor. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

-  Executive Coaching Forum. (2008). The executive coaching handbook: Principles and guidelines for a successful coaching partnership (4th ed.). Executive Coaching Forum.

-  Goldsmith, M., Lyons, L., & Freas, A. (Eds.). (2000). Coaching for leadership: How the world’s greatest coaches help leaders learn. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/ Pfeiffer.

-  Greif, S. (2007). Advances in research on coaching outcomes. International Coaching Psychology Review, 3, 222–247.

-  Hart, E. W., & Kirkland, K. (2001). Using your executive coach. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

-  Hernez-Broome, G., & Boyce, L. A. (Eds.). (2010). Advancing executive coaching: Setting the course for successful leadership coaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

-  Hunt, J., & Weintraub, J. (2007). The coaching organization: A strategy for developing leaders. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

-  Kilburg, R. R., & Diedrich, R. C. (2007). The wisdom of coaching: Essential papers in consulting psychology for a world of change. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

-  Kirkland Miller, K., & Hart, E. W. (2001). Choosing an executive coach. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

-  Palmer, S., & Whybrow, A. (2007). Handbook of coaching psychology: A guide for practitioners. New York: Routledge.

-  Peterson, D. (2002). Management development: Coaching and mentoring programs. In K. Kraiger (Ed.), Creating, implementing, and managing effective training and development (pp. 160–191). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

-  Peterson, D., & Kraiger, K. (2004). A practical guide to evaluating coaching: Translating state-of-the-art techniques to the real world. In J. Edwards, J. Scott, & N. Raju (Eds.), The human resources program evaluating handbook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

-  Sperry, L. (2004). Executive coaching: The essential guide for mental health professionals. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

-  Stober, D. R., & Grant, A. (2006). Evidence based coaching handbook: Putting best practices to work for your clients. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

-  Ting, S., & Scisco, P. (Eds.). (2006). The CCL handbook of coaching: A guide for the leader coach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

-  Valerio, M. A., & Lee, R. J. (2005). Executive coaching: A guide for the HR professional. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

-  Underhill, B., McAnally, K., Koriath, J., & Goldsmith, M. (2007). Executive coaching for results. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.

Coaching-Focused Publications

-  The Annual Review of High Performance Coaching and Consulting

-  Coaching at Work

-  Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice

-  The Coaching Journal

-  The Coaching Psychologist

-  Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research

-  International Coaching Psychology Review

-  International Journal of Coaching in Organizations

-  International Journal of Evidence-based Coaching and Mentoring

-  International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching

-  The Journal of Coaching Education


-  Douglas, C. A., & Morley, W. H. (2000). Executive coaching: An annotated bibliography. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

-  Grant, A. M. (2009). Workplace, executive and life coaching: An annotated bibliography from the behavioural science and business literature (May 2009). Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Sydney, Australia.

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