
In this final chapter on flow control, we will look at another of the shell’s looping constructs. The for loop differs from the while and until loops in that it provides a means of processing sequences during a loop. This turns out to be very useful when programming. Accordingly, the for loop is a popular construct in bash scripting.

A for loop is implemented, naturally enough, with the for compound command. In bash, for is available in two forms.

for: Traditional Shell Form

The original for command’s syntax is as follows:

for variable [in words]; do

where variable is the name of a variable that will increment during the execution of the loop, words is an optional list of items that will be sequentially assigned to variable, and commands are the commands that are to be executed on each iteration of the loop.

The for command is useful on the command line. We can easily demonstrate how it works.

[me@linuxbox ~]$ for i in A B C D; do echo $i; done

In this example, for is given a list of four words: A, B, C, and D. With a list of four words, the loop is executed four times. Each time the loop is executed, a word is assigned to the variable i. Inside the loop, we have an echo command that displays the value of i to show the assignment. As with the while and until loops, the done keyword closes the loop.

The really powerful feature of for is the number of interesting ways we can create the list of words. For example, we can do it through brace expansion, like so:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ for i in {A..D}; do echo $i; done

or we could use a pathname expansion, as follows:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ for i in distros*.txt; do echo "$i"; done

Pathname expansion provides a nice, clean list of pathnames that can be processed in the loop. The one precaution needed is to check that the expansion actually matched something. By default, if the expansion fails to match any files, the wildcards themselves (distros*.txt in the preceding example) will be returned. To guard against this, we would code the preceding example in a script this way:

for i in distros*.txt; do
      if [[ -e "$i" ]]; then
            echo "$i"

By adding a test for file existence, we will ignore a failed expansion.

Another common method of word production is command substitution.


# longest-word: find longest string in a file

while [[ -n "$1" ]]; do
      if [[ -r "$1" ]]; then
            for i in $(strings "$1"); do
                  len="$(echo -n "$i" | wc -c)"
                  if (( len > max_len )); then
            echo "$1: '$max_word' ($max_len characters)"

In this example, we look for the longest string found within a file. When given one or more filenames on the command line, this program uses the strings program (which is included in the GNU binutils package) to generate a list of readable text “words” in each file. The for loop processes each word in turn and determines whether the current word is the longest found so far. When the loop concludes, the longest word is displayed.

One thing to note here is that, contrary to our usual practice, we do not surround the command substitution $(strings "$1") with double quotes. This is because we actually want word splitting to occur to give us our list. If we had surrounded the command substitution with quotes, it would produce only a single word containing every string in the file. That’s not exactly what we are looking for.

If the optional in words portion of the for command is omitted, for defaults to processing the positional parameters. We will modify our longest-word script to use this method:


# longest-word2: find longest string in a file

for i; do
      if [[ -r "$i" ]]; then
            for j in $(strings "$i"); do
                  len="$(echo -n "$j" | wc -c)"
                  if (( len > max_len )); then
            echo "$i: '$max_word' ($max_len characters)"

As we can see, we have changed the outermost loop to use for in place of while. By omitting the list of words in the for command, the positional parameters are used instead. Inside the loop, previous instances of the variable i have been changed to the variable j. The use of shift has also been eliminated.

for: C Language Form

Recent versions of bash have added a second form of the for command syntax, one that resembles the form found in the C programming language. Many other languages support this form, as well.

for (( expression1; expression2; expression3 )); do

Here, expression1, expression2, and expression3 are arithmetic expressions, and commands are the commands to be performed during each iteration of the loop.

In terms of behavior, this form is equivalent to the following construct.

(( expression1 ))
while (( expression2 )); do
      (( expression3 ))

expression1 is used to initialize conditions for the loop, expression2 is used to determine when the loop is finished, and expression3 is carried out at the end of each iteration of the loop.

Here is a typical application:


# simple_counter: demo of C style for command

for (( i=0; i<5; i=i+1 )); do
      echo $i

When executed, it produces the following output:

[me@linuxbox ~]$ simple_counter

In this example, expression1 initializes the variable i with the value of zero, expression2 allows the loop to continue as long as the value of i remains less than 5, and expression3 increments the value of i by 1 each time the loop repeats.

The C language form of for is useful anytime a numeric sequence is needed. We will see several applications for this in the next two chapters.

Summing Up

With our knowledge of the for command, we will now apply the final improvements to our sys_info_page script. Currently, the report_home_space function looks like this:

report_home_space () {
      if [[ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]]; then
            cat <<- _EOF_
                  <h2>Home Space Utilization (All Users)</h2>
                  <pre>$(du -sh /home/*)</pre>
            cat <<- _EOF_
                  <h2>Home Space Utilization ($USER)</h2>
                  <pre>$(du -sh "$HOME")</pre>

Next, we will rewrite it to provide more detail for each user’s home directory and include the total number of files and subdirectories in each.

report_home_space () {

      local format="%8s%10s%10s "
      local i dir_list total_files total_dirs total_size user_name

      if [[ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]]; then
            user_name="All Users"

      echo "<h2>Home Space Utilization ($user_name)</h2>"

      for i in $dir_list; do
            total_files="$(find "$i" -type f | wc -l)"
            total_dirs="$(find "$i" -type d | wc -l)"
            total_size="$(du -sh "$i" | cut -f 1)"

            echo "<h3>$i</h3>"
            echo "<pre>"
            printf "$format" "Dirs" "Files" "Size"
            printf "$format" "----" "-----" "----"
            printf "$format" "$total_dirs" "$total_files" "$total_size"
            echo "</pre>"

This rewrite applies much of what we have learned so far. We still test for the superuser, but instead of performing the complete set of actions as part of the if, we set some variables used later in a for loop. We have added several local variables to the function and made use of printf to format some of the output.

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