Inspired Action

“Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.”

Rumi, Poet

“Inspiration often shows up when you're already doing something else…”


Show up…

Grow a pair…

Get in the game…

Stay in the game…

Step into the unknown…

And keep experimenting…

Pause and reflect from time to time…

Discover your “how” as you take the next step…

Remember, you're living in the feeling of THOUGHT in the moment…

When your wisdom reminds you of this, relax…

The system is self-correcting…

If you find you're pointed in the wrong direction, adjust as necessary…

Become willing to make mistakes and learn from them…

Keep increasing your clarity of understanding…

You're capable of far more than you think…

Because you are far more than you think…

Discover your path by walking it…

And be grateful for the highs…

Graceful in the lows…

And do your best…

To enjoy yourself…

Every step of the way…

Secure in your increasing understanding…

Of how the system works…

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