
I'd like to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to…

All my clients, past and present, including the members of my original Inner Circle Programme, and all the Clarity coaches, consultants, trainers and practitioners who are with me on this adventure. Special thanks go to the inaugural Clarity mentoring team: Della Tysall, Don Deacy, Gillian Fox, Kimberley Hare and Maureen York…

Dicken Bettinger, Keith Blevens, PhD, Cathy Casey, Chip Chipman, Mark Howard, PhD and Garret Kramer for your friendship, wise counsel and sterling mentorship on the Clarity Trainer Training Programme…

The many thousands of people who have joined the Clarity community, and are sharing this incredible journey…

Tilly, Boo and all my family, my heart is filled with gratitude and love for you…

Jo Nicholls, you really are my greatest teacher…

John Wilkes, for who you are, and who you are becoming…

Terry Leahy, for your love, leadership and vision…

The wonderful team at Capstone for believing in the Clarity message…

Valda Monroe, for your wisdom, patience and utter clarity…

Rudi and Jenny Kennard, for your generosity of spirit and…

Robin Charbit and Ken Manning, PhD for your wisdom, experience and encouragement…

Michael Neill, for patiently pointing me in the direction of these principles…

Chantal Burns, for your love, laughter and unswerving loyalty…

Sháá Wasmund, for your love, friendship and hustle…

Christina Hall, PhD, for the magic of language and an open heart…

Nikki Owen, I love what we're creating…

All my teachers, coaches and mentors…

And finally, to Sydney Banks, for uncovering the principles behind the human experience and sharing them with the world…

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