Over the last 20 years, there have been countless attempts to define and differentiate leadership and management. Some have made statements such as “managers manage things, whereas leaders lead people” or “management is about efficiency, but leadership is about effectiveness.” Other differentiations have stated that leaders possess “charismatic” or “heroic” qualities that allow them to influence people to positive change. In contrast, managers maintain the status quo.


A typical list of the differences between a leader and a manager/supervisor was generated by a group of participants at several of our seminars. The compiled information is outlined below.

Differences between Leader and Manager/Supervisor

Leader Manager or Supervisor
Builds Trust
Empowers People
Develops Vision
Has Integrity
Coaches and
Manages Things
Maintains Power
Assigns Goals
Demands Compliance

When people look at this list, there is no question in their minds which role they would like to play in the organization. They want to be the leader! But, in reality good managers and good leaders will probably rely on both sets of skills or behaviors at different times.

There is, however, one significant difference between a leader and a manager that needs to be addressed, and that deals with where their power source is based.

Leadership, unlike management, is not a formal position. It is a relationship. Managers receive their power and authority from the organization. This is what we call legitimate or position power. Leaders may hold no position power. Their power base comes voluntarily from the followers.

Ideally, we would like both of these power bases to be harvested by one person. That is, the manager is also the leader. The goal for all of us would be to perfect the skills and traits of both the leader and the manager. When we have power sourced from both directions, we have the ultimate opportunity to create positive change for our organizations.

The bottom line is that leadership and management are two distinctive and complementary systems of action. Both are necessary for success in our increasingly complex business environment. To understand more about these power bases, read below about the different types of power.

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