Tips for Success: Organizational Change


1.  Be a role model for leading the new change. Gain a reputation for leading your team forward, not defending the past.

2.  Hold yourself accountable for successful implementation of change. Maintain high personal standards and hold others accountable to agreed-upon team standards.

3.  Develop a compelling positive vision of the future. While you may not have all the details, the more positive your vision, the greater the chance for your success. Also, the clearer your vision, the easier it is for your employees to follow your lead.

4.  Set clear, specific goals and communicate the goals to each member on your team so they know the target and understand how their individual effort contributes to the team’s success.

5.  Double your communication efforts during periods of rapid organizational change. Overcommunicate to make sure that employees feel they are getting enough communication regarding the change.

6.  During times of change, focus on ensuring customer satisfaction, both internally and externally. This focus reminds all members of the team of your real purpose for existence.

7.  Show unwavering commitment to the success of your team and your organization. Expect the waters to get choppy during times of fast change. Hang on. Ride the waves. Your tenacity will be a source of inspiration for your team.

8.  Get in the habit of rewarding the messenger, even if the news is not good. During times of change, you want to know, firsthand, what your employees are thinking and feeling. Their insights will help make you a more informed, better decision maker.

9.  Expect resistance. Robert F. Kennedy said, “Twenty percent of the people are against any change!”

10.  Don’t drag your heels and resist change. Move fast! All the research shows that fast change is easier to deal with than slow change.

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