Conducting a Time Management Audit


If you are going to be successful managing your time, then it is critical that you know how you spend your time. If we are focusing on accomplishment, then it is important you realize when you are productive and when you are not. The best way to conduct a time audit is to record your time, activity by activity, as you progress throughout the day. To conduct a time audit, follow the seven steps listed below:

1.  List boundary times. For example, list what time you get up in the morning and what time you go to bed at night.

2.  Then write down/fill in activities that are conducted on a ritual basis: things like taking a shower, reading the paper, driving to work and back, or eating meals are things that you do on a consistent daily basis.

3.  Shade in meetings and other large blocks of time where you spent your day.

4.  Outline all other activities that made up your day.

5.  Compute the length of time you spent in that activity.

6.  Circle anything you accomplished or completed.

7.  Summarize the areas where you did not make the best possible use of your time.

One problem with this method of a time audit is that when you forget to record your activities as you complete them, you may find you have blank spots during your day. If someone asked you what you did at that time slot, you may find it necessary to reply, “I worked…I think.”

A sample time audit might look something like this:

5:00 am Get up and fix the coffee 10 minutes
5:10 am Take a shower, get dressed 30 minutes
5:40 am Read newspaper 15 minutes
5:55 am Organize day (home office) 30 minutes
6:25 am Fix breakfast for family 35 minutes
7:00 am Help get children ready for school 30 minutes
7:30 am Take children to school 20 minutes
7:50 am Drive to office 10 minutes
8:00 am Staff meeting     1 hour
9:00 am Return phone calls 15 minutes
9:15 am Write article for company newsletter 30 minutes
9:45 am Listen to John whine about the policy change 30 minutes
10:15 am Solve a problem for an angry customer 10 minutes
10:25 am Leave for a 10:30 meeting 5 minutes
10:30 am Attend meeting on the XYZ project      2 hours
12:30 pm Lunch 45 minutes
1:15 pm Return phone calls 15 minutes
1:30 pm Update boss (unexpected)     1 hour
2:30 pm Handle a customer problem 10 minutes
2:40 pm Write a proposal for the ABC Company     1 hour
3:40 pm Take care of three phone calls 15 minutes
3:55 pm John back for clarification… more whining 10 minutes
4:05 pm Work on Mary’Mary performance review (overdue) 25 minutes
4:30 pm Walk to Andy’Andy desk to update the ABC project 15 minutes
4:45 pm Return two phone calls 10 minutes
4:55 pm Talk with Larry about football game (unexpected) 15 minutes
5:10 pm Organize desk 10 minutes
5:20 pm Leave to pick up children from day care 30 minutes
5:50 pm Get home, decide what to have for dinner 15 minutes
6:05 pm Prepare and eat dinner 55 minutes
7:00 pm Clean up after dinner 15 minutes
7:15 pm Help children with homework 45 minutes
8:00 pm Watch television with family 30 minutes
8:30 pm Get children ready for bed 30 minutes
9:00 pm Decide to watch TV but fall asleep      2 hours
11:00 pm Wake up and go to bed      6 hours
5:00 am Get up and start the routine all over again  

What are the benefits of conducting a time audit? It lets you see how you really do spend your time. Some of the learning points from this audit are:


I spent four hours in meetings in the day.

I spent 40 minutes of my day listening to John whine.

I wasted 15 minutes walking to Andy’s desk when inter-office mail would have worked just fine.

Mary’s review was the most important task I had to complete and I still did not get it done.

The ABC proposal could have been easily delegated if I had planned ahead.

A blank page is provided so you can complete a time audit. You are welcome to make multiple copies if you would like to chart more than one day. We recommend that you conduct a time audit at least four times a year.

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