How Are You at Delegating?


How well do you delegate? As a supervisor, answer each question according to your current work structure by circling either a Yes or No response.

Scoring Key: Give yourself one point for each Yes answer. A good score is anything above 12.

  1. Yes No I give my employees new tasks, even though they may make a mistake.
  2. Yes No My employees get promotions at least as frequently as other people with equivalent responsibility in our organization.
  3. Yes No I very seldom take work home or work late at the office.
  4. Yes No My operation functions smoothly when I am absent.
  5. Yes No I spend more time on planning and supervision than working on details.
  6. Yes No My employees feel they have sufficient authority over personnel, finances, facilities, and other resources.
  7. Yes No My follow-up procedures are adequate.
  8. Yes No I don’don overrule or reverse decisions made by my employees.
  9. Yes No I never bypass my employees by making decisions that are part of their jobs.
10. Yes No I don’don do things that my employees could—and should—be doing.
11. Yes No If I were incapacitated for six months, there is someone who could take my place.
12. Yes No My key employees delegate well to their own employees.
13. Yes No When I return from an absence, there is not a pile of paperwork requiring my action.
14. Yes No My employees take initiative in expanding their authority with delegated projects without waiting for me to initiate all assignments.
15. Yes No When I delegate, I specify the expected results, not how the tasks are to be done.
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