The Role of the Leader


As a leader of a group, you are responsible for creating an environment in which people can and do contribute to discussions that lead to recommendations. You are in charge of creating and maintaining conditions in which people feel free to contribute, arguments are minimized, and focus remains on the objective.

Throughout the meeting, you are tasked with monitoring progress and providing the direction needed to keep participants on track. You will be continually analyzing the group’s progress and refocusing the direction, if necessary, to ensure the group moves forward to meet its objective.

With practice, you can conduct a productive meeting and do it well. Consider the following tips as you mentally prepare to lead great meetings.

1.  Be prepared to lead. Make sure that you have the agenda ready, the room arrangements made, and that you are knowledgeable about the items that will be discussed during the meeting.

2.  Believe in yourself. Management would not have assigned you the role of group leader if they did not believe that you could handle the situation. They respect your ability.

3.  View leading as a opportunity. View the role of group leader as an opportunity to take additional responsibility within your organization. Being a leader takes more preparation than being a participant. Welcome the required extra effort as being an opportunity to excel and do whatever it takes to prepare yourself to lead the group.

4.  Aim for excellence. Set high standards. Expect excellent contributions from the members of your team. Lead by example. Your team members will respect you, recognize your effort, and contribute more to your meetings.

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