Stage One Conflict


Conflict at Stage One is real, but often not intense. Typically, people working together will have different goals, values, and unique individual needs. In Stage One conflicts, people feel discomfort and possibly annoyance, but do not get very emotional about the conflict.

In Stage One conflict, communication is typically specific and clear because the people and the problem are not intertwined. Brainstorming activities will work well at this level, because people are willing to discuss the problem specifically and leave out the personalities.

Tips to help managers and supervisors resolve Stage One conflicts include:

1.  Get employees involved to examine the conflict carefully. Get both sides talking and ensure that they both listen to one another.

2.  Make sure that employees stick to the issues. Don’t let either party bring up emotional issues from previous conflicts. Deal only with the facts relating to this particular conflict. Ask whether their reaction is in proportion to the problem.

3.  Help employees identify points of agreement first. Working from the points of agreement, try to identify and resolve the points of disagreement. Help employees see the big picture and get beyond their issues of conflict.

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