Recognition Suggestions


The following recognition suggestions were generated by seminar participants. It is well-documented that two of the strongest motivators available to supervisors are recognition and praise. If you are able to customize these ideas or suggestions, they will help you build a more motivated workforce and it will cost nothing more than your thoughtfulness and time.

Brainstorming Results: Ways to Recognize Employees

Ask employees for their opinion

Write a thank-you note to employee

Put a letter of recognition in employee’s personnel file

Have your boss say thank you or send letter of appreciation to employee

Do something unexpected (buy a coffee mug, bring flowers, etc.)

Give a special parking place

Award “Employee-of-the- Month”

Award “Employee-of-the- Year”

Increase employee’s responsibilities

Recognize employee’s birthday or work anniversary

Give employee a special project

Take employee to lunch

Take employee to lunch with your boss

Post a memo of recognition in public area (company bulletin board)

Bring bagels or other healthy food

Recognize or praise employee or team in a group meeting

Give employee a plaque or something for public display

Write article about accomplishments in company newsletter

Give employee time off with pay

Provide employee with business card

Recognize someone via electronic mail

Listen—really listen—to employee

Share a reward you receive with your employees

Teach employee something new

Send employee to training

Have employee train or teach others

Have employee fill in for you during your absence

Call to say “Job well done”

Attach a “Post-it” that says, “Great!”

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