Distribution of Work

One of the tools a manager can use to create a motivating environment for employees is the strategic distribution of work. Most managers give out work assignments and projects as they come in to whomever is available or whomever has the least amount of work. This is a counterproductive approach and is not as effective as strategically assigning the workload. Managers should consider the following factors when deciding to whom the work should be assigned:

•   Who would be best suited for the work?

•   Who has indicated an interest in this type of work?

•   Who would be the most excited about this assignment? Why?

•   Who would grow most from this assignment?

Distribution of work can be a great motivating tool and can include several kinds of tasks:

•   Being assigned a project

•   Being assigned to a work team

•   Being given increased responsibility

•   Heading up a work team

•   Doing research

•   Managing a vendor or a supplier

•   Running a meeting

•   Coaching an employee

•   Teaching an employee

•   Representing the company at a function

•   Giving a presentation

•   Starting a new project

The list can be limitless as to items that can be assigned or delegated. Employees cannot be promoted every year, but what a manager can do is provide new responsibility within the position. If that increase in responsibility is also tied to what the employees want to do, then the assignment will get them excited.

It is essential for the manager to properly position the project when the assignment is first discussed with the employee. This will in large part affect the level of excitement they have. During that meeting, the manager should be honest, authentic, and straightforward, and should to an extent sell the work. A manager should say something to positively promote the project and the employee. Here is an example of what the manager could say:

“Well Mary, I appreciate your taking the time to meet with me today. I want to talk to you about a project I am excited about. In the past we have talked about your interest in ________________ Well I have a project I would like you to lead and it is _______________ I really think that you are the best person for this project and I also wanted to make sure that you get the development we have discussed by working on this project. What is your initial reaction?”

The conversation has accomplished several objectives: The manager has (1) indicated that he/she has thought about the assignment, (2) demonstrated that he/she was listening during development meetings, (3) boosted the employee’s esteem by saying she is the best person for the job.

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