Empowering People


By definition, empowerment means to give another person the authority and power to act. This means that the employees who work for you actually have the ability to get things done themselves. The opposite of empowerment is “micro-management.” When we “micro-manage,” we oversee every action and decision our employee makes.

To empower your staff, you must understand that power is not “zero-sum” based. Zero sum means that there is only a certain amount of power to go around, and if I give up power, I lose, and someone else gains. Thus, if I gain power, then you lose power.

The problem with seeing power as a finite source is that you spend your time and energy protecting what power you do have. This is time that could be more productively spent turning your vision into a reality or motivating your staff.

The goal is to gain the confidence and understanding that when you empower others, you are taking a risk, developing trust, and creating an enlarged power base. In a sense, you are giving away power to gain power.

The opposite is also true. If you do not trust your employees, if you do not give them the capacity to act, then they will most likely not invest their power in you or your vision. By not giving away power to your employees, you lose your own power.

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