Building Trust


It sounds so simple: all you have to do is build trust with your employees. But, we know that this is no easy task. The following five points are some suggestions on how you can develop trust.

1.  Do what you say you are going to do. When you tell people you are going to do something and then do not do it, or do something different, people begin to doubt your word. Do what you say you will do and you will gain credibility and trust.

2.  Provide just a little more than expected. Whether it is additional support and counseling for an employee, going the extra mile for a customer, or going a little out of your way to help a co-worker or fellow supervisor, exceeding others’ expectations builds trust and loyalty.

3.  Be consistent. If you are consistent, people can predict what actions you will take. When people are unsure of how you will act or react, they tend to proceed cautiously, or not at all.

4.  Increase responsibility. One of the fastest ways to build trust with people is to increase their responsibility. By increasing someone’s responsibility, you are taking a risk. When you take a risk and people fulfill or exceed your expectations, you develop trust in them. Your trust in them fosters their trust in you. It is a reciprocal relationship, and it is critical for good business and personal relationships.

5.  Accept honest mistakes. Supervisors and managers tend to forget that their value lies in their experience. Their experience comes from making mistakes and learning how to proceed so the same mistakes do not happen again. If we do not have the capacity to accept mistakes, then people in our area of influence will refuse to make decisions or take risks.


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