

Leading Organizational Change

“The trouble with the future is that it usually
arrives before we’re ready for it.”

Arnold H. Glasow

Being a leader in an organization during the turbulent past decade has been challenging, and at times, perhaps has seemed like an overwhelming task. All indicators are that organizations will continue facing challenges created by sharp economic swings, keen competitive pressures, globalization of the marketplace, and reshaping of businesses worldwide. Simply put, change is here to stay.

Whether we like it or not, organizational changes result in supervisors having to implement those changes. Having an understanding of the way change affects our organization, and recognizing the resulting impact of the change on the individuals within our organization, is critical.

Unfortunately for managers and supervisors, it’s a given fact that employees do not all respond to change with the attitude, “Fantastic, another organizational change and I’m excited to be a part of it!” We have found that when change is introduced to an organization, or better yet, rumored, employees often resist change in a variety of ways.

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