There are two facts we know about time. First, there are exactly 24 hours or 1,440 minutes in every day. That amounts to 168 hours in a week and 8,760 hours in a year. Second, we all have the same amount of time. So the question is not one of where do you find more time. You cannot do it. The real question we need to be asking is how do we manage the things that we do in the 168 hours that are available in the week.


The following is a typical breakdown of how activities may consume our time:

Time at work (9 hours per day) 45
Travel to work (1 hour per day) 5
Eating meals (2 hours per day) 14
Sleeping (7 hours per day) 49
Bathing and dressing (1 hour per day)


Total 120

What this means is that we have 48 hours to spend on other activities. Things such as:

Family time ____
Leisure activities ____
Religious/spiritual worship ____
Paying bills ____
Personal growth ____
Activities for children ____
Grocery shopping ____
Yard work ____
Cleaning the house ____
Maintaining the car ____
Watching television ____
Reading the newspaper ____
Free time ____

If the typical breakdown of activities is fairly accurate for you, then you have approximately 48 hours to spend on other activities. If you have a career that takes more time, say 55 hours in a week, then you only have 38 hours to divide up on other activities. If you have a new baby or very young children in your family, you may have even fewer hours for other activities.

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