

Communicating Effectively

“I know you believe you understood what
you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize
that what you heard is not what I meant to say.”

Sign on an executive’s desk

Communication is one of the most challenging aspects of supervision. When employees are asked to describe their best and worst bosses, guess what item is at the top of both lists? You guessed it— communication!

The most common items that describe both the best bosses and the worst bosses are listed below.

Description of Bosses

  Worst Boss   Best Boss

Doesn’t care about others
Poor communicator
Doesn’t listen
Gives mixed messages
Demands instead of asks

Gives feedback
Good communicator
Speaks clearly
Solicits input

Research has consistently shown that communication ability is the characteristic judged by supervisors and managers to be most critical in determining promotability. A manager’s number one challenge can be summed up in one word: communication.

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