Tips for Success:


1.  To be successful as a supervisor or manager, you have to delegate.

2.  Remember that effective delegation will not only expand productivity but will also serve as an employee development tool.

3.  List your typical daily activities and determine what percentage are routine, fire-fighting, proactive, or employee development. To be successful, spend more time in the proactive and employee development categories.

4.  Calculate the value of your time. Remember, if you delegate a task that only takes you 15 minutes a day, at the end of the year you will have gained 11 full 8-hour days.

5.  Plan the delegation. The better your preparation, the better your employees will accomplish the delegated task.

6.  When you delegate, present the overall goal and outline the results expected. Do not tell the employee how to do the task, unless he or she is learning for the first time.

7.  Discuss what resources are available to get the delegated task completed.

8.  Confirm understanding, ask for the employee’s ideas, and ask for his or her commitment to get the task accomplished.

9.  Establish methods of working together and following up.

10.  After you have delegated the task, ensure that the employee maintains ownership of the task.

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