Making the Hiring Decision


Now that you have taken the time to plan and conduct a thorough interviewing process, you are ready to make the selection decision. Because you have carefully analyzed the job, you will be able to screen out unqualified applicants quickly and select from the most qualified candidates.

Even with the extensive data you have, you may find it difficult to decide among the top two or three candidates. You may want to go through a rating and ranking process, assigning numerical measurements so you can “add up” the qualifications of each candidate and select the candidate with the highest rating.

1.  Ask some additional questions to make the final decision.

a. Accomplishments. What was really accomplished on previous jobs?
b. Responsibilities. Is this level of responsibility right, too high, or too low?
c. Skills and knowledge. Does the candidate have what it takes to do the job?
d. Strengths. Are the key strengths present? Will these strengths add to the position?
e. Weaknesses. Does each specific limitation impact the job? Is it offset by a necessary strength? Can this weakness be remedied through a brief orientation, learning on the job, or other training?
f. Stability. Is this an important factor or not?
g. Compatibility. Will this candidate be compatible with others in your department? Others in the organization?
h. Past behavior. Is there repeated evidence or a pattern of successful performance?

Interviewing and hiring the right candidate is a challenging and time-consuming activity. At times you may be tempted to make a quick selection just to get someone “on board” quickly, even though you may have some apprehensions. Based on some painful previous experiences when we made some hasty decisions, we know that the more time you spend in the selection process, the higher your level of success. Further, the time spent in searching for the right person is insignificant compared to the time spent trying to rid yourself of a “wrongful hire!” Commit to taking all stages of the interview and selection process seriously so that you consistently hire “winners” for your team.

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