Tips for Success:
Selection Process


1.  Take time to understand your organization’s hiring process.

2.  Remember, the three primary purposes of the hiring interview are (1) get information, (2) give information, and (3) promote good public relations.

3.  Take time to plan the interview.

4.  Let the job applicant talk. Plan on spending 80% of the time listening and 20% talking.

5.  Do not give away the answers you expect by telegraphing the desired response.

6.  Conduct a job analysis—know the job requirements.

7.  Get the whole picture. Avoid jumping to conclusions.

8.  Use open-ended questions to get complete and thorough answers.

9.  Know the law and ensure that you conduct fair and legal interviews.

10.  Start your new employee off on a positive note by providing a warm welcome and thorough orientation.

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