Tips for Success:
Conflict Resolution


1.  If you work with people, there is potential for conflict. This is no reflection on your ability as a supervisor or manager. What will distinguish you is your ability to deal confidently with workplace conflict.

2.  Don’t ignore conflict. Chances are, if left alone, the conflict will escalate, not go away.

3.  Before attempting to resolve issues, make sure you know the facts. The best way is to talk with employees one-on-one to learn firsthand about their perceptions regarding the conflict.

4.  Remember to listen more than you speak when resolving conflict. When the conflict revolves around people and feelings, it is critical that you listen, listen, and then listen some more!

5.  Make every attempt to remain objective and neutral. By staying calm, objective, and solution oriented, you are modeling positive techniques for resolving conflict.

6.  To help ensure you remain objective, focus on the problem, not the people involved with the problem.

7.  During periods of conflict, help employees refocus their attention on your team’s goals. Emphasizing goals and outcomes demonstrates your commitment to resolving the conflict and focuses energy back on the reason your company is in business.

8.  If you reach a “stalemate” when attempting to resolve conflict, declare a “time out.” Giving those involved a time to “cool off” may help all parties better focus on solutions.

9.  When resolving conflict, strive to achieve a solution that is mutually acceptable to all parties. The goal is to ensure that neither party in the conflict feels like the “loser.”

10.  Once the conflict is resolved, periodically check back with the participants to make sure that there are no further issues.

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