

Setting Goals and Planning Actions

“The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your
goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.”

Benjamin E. Mays

In working with thousands of supervisors in diverse settings, we have noted that great leaders, among other positive characteristics, always have a set of clearly defined goals. We have also noted the reverse. Supervisors who struggle in their relationships with their employees and have difficulty getting their team motivated often have only one goal: “Just let me survive one more day!” It’s a known fact that individuals and teams that set and achieve goals accomplish more, feel better about themselves, and are more confident in their abilities. Goals can be powerfully motivating.

The accomplishment of anything great begins with clear goals. There is a procedure for setting and reaching your goals. The following pages describe the goal-setting process. You will learn what it takes to be a great goal setter and goal achiever. Whether your goals are financial, business, educational, family, physical, social, spiritual, or recreational, you will be successful if you follow this process.

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