Gallery 1: Only the Essential

Losing background clutter is an essential photography skill. A minimal aesthetic takes this as far as possible without losing the essence of the image.


A texture layer has been added to this photograph to heighten the mood


Repetition and strong shadows make this image interesting


When photographing an object, it is worth giving some thought to the supporting surface. In this case, the glass of water is on the arm of an Adirondack chair.


Early morning sunlight on stacked chairs and tables. Getting the framing right was critical with this shot.


The obvious choice here would have been to focus on the tomato, but by focusing on a seemingly inconsequential part of the image, a bit of mystery is created


This image appears to be about the cotton spool, but the wood grain is an important part of the composition because it draws the eye into the image


A composition to focus the viewer’s attention on the upright screw

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