More Thoughts on Composition

By now you could be thinking these concepts of composition are far too abstract and esoteric to be of any use when you have the viewfinder to your eye and are composing your shot, or even when you are working in post-production to get the best out of an image. Well, here is the news that is either good or bad, depending on your point of view: that is how the best visual artists and photographers think. Ideally, by the time you press the shutter-release button, the process of composition will be instinctive, but that doesn’t happen by magic. Those who are best at composition have considered the subject in far more depth than I’ve outlined here. Why could this be good or bad news? It is bad news if you expected to pick up a decent camera and automatically take photographs like the ones that appear in galleries; it’s good news if you want your work to be better than most people’s who pick up a camera and you don’t mind putting in a little thinking time.


The simple, smooth form of the pebble and the complex textures of the paver provide an interesting contrast

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