
Welcome to The Music Tech Dictionary! I hope you find this book to be a useful reference to you in your musical endeavors. This dictionary is intended to provide you with definitions for the sorts of technical terms that you will encounter as you’re making music, whether live on stage or in a studio. It isn’t intended as the sort of thing that you’d sit down and read from cover to cover (though more power to you, if you choose to!); rather, keep it handy near your music gear so you can consult it when you’re hit with an unfamiliar term.

Special thanks must be given to Cathleen Small, who edited every word in this tome, and to Barry Wood, who, as technical editor, waded through and verified each entry. And, no one deserves my thanks more than my lovely wife, Felicia, who is the most understanding woman on the planet! (Imagine putting up with someone writing a dictionary...who does that?)

Finally, as you’re using this dictionary, if you spot any errors or omissions, or if there are terms you feel should be added, please drop an email to . You just may see your suggestion in the next edition of this book!

Mitch Gallagher

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