

accent marks, 160

acronym for basic design principles, 13

advertising, 141144

Alignment, Principle of

basic principle of, 13, 3354, 87

breaking it, 132, 133, 136

comparison of different text alignments, 37, 42

messy alignment example, 46

mixing alignments, 72

sitting on the ground vs. clothesline, 58

soft vs. hard edges, 35

strengths of, 87

use baseline of text, 44

visual connection, 54

all caps

bad examples of, 26

caps vs. lowercase form, 200201

when to use, 201

why not to use, 161, 190, 201

analogous colors, 101

Anguish Languish

stories from, 5859, 194195, 198, 210213

ANSI codes

for accent marks, 160

for special characters, 158

apostrophes, use of, 154155

Arial, don’t use it, 126, 132

ascenders, 186

asymmetry, 85


badges, examples of, 40, 134, 182


explained, 186

use for alignment, 44, 47

Before & After Magazine, 235

blank space. See white space

body copy, body text

defined, 235

borders, lose them, 130, 223

uncrowd the text in a border, 166

bottom out, 58

branding, 114

break the rules, when to, 51, 225

brochures, 133136

Brunel University London, 36

Brutus in Julius Caesar, 39


definition of, 235

how to type •, 158159, 166

in a list, not hyphens, 166

relationship to text, 18

Burns, Robert, 43

business cards, 117120

reinforce your package, 134

business package, 60

C, 116, 235, 235

cap height, 186

Caveglia, Jerry, 43

centered alignment, 35

examples of, 4041, 42

impression of, 36, 54, 87

make it look intentional, 42

suggestions for, 3841

Chace, Howard L., 2

clothesline, 58


analogous combination, 101

black, 97, 111, 209213

blue, red, yellow, 96

choosing, how to, 108109

CMYK, 110112

color models, 110112

color wheel

analogous combination, 101

complementary colors, 98

image of full color wheel, 102

monochromatic colors, 104

primary colors, 96

secondary colors, 96

shades and tints, 102105

split complements, 100

tertiary colors, 97

triads, 99

complementary colors, 98

contrast of, 208

comparison of typefaces, 212213

examples of, 208213

cool vs. warm colors, 107, 208

effectiveness in marketing, 137

examples of contrasts in, 74, 80, 8283, 208

hues, 102

in black-and-white, 209

monochromatic colors, 104

primary colors, 96

RGB color model, 111112

secondary colors, 96

shades and tints, 102105

split complements, 100

tertiary (or third) colors, 97

tints, 102105

triads, 99

warm vs. cool colors, 107

web colors, which model to use, 112

white, 97, 111

Wildflower Theory of Color, 106

color palette, how to use it, 103

Conrad, Joseph, 201, 211


of color in typefaces, 212213

of type contrasts, 215

complementary colors, 98


basic principle of, 167

examples, 168169


basic principle of, 167

examples of, 170171

how to avoid it, 69

consistency, 120. Also see Repetition, Principle of

contrasting type

basic principle of, 167, 187

by color, 208213

by direction, 204207

by form, 200203

by size, 188191

by structure, 196199

by weight, 192195

examples of, 172173

summary, 174, 215

Contrast, Principle of

basic principle of, 13, 69, 89

like wall paint, 84

use as repetitive element, 8081

using white space, 144

copy machines, design for, 124

corners, what not to do in them, 204

CRAP, 13, 116, 235, 146, 235


dashes, 156157

Davis, J. Philip, 180

dazzling, 177

decorative type examples, 182

descenders, 186

design tips

advertising, 144

brochures, 136

business cards, 120

flyers, 128

letterhead and envelopes, 124

newsletters, 132

postcards, 140

résumés, 148

direction contrasts, 204

basic principle of, 204

examples of, 204207

use for contrast, 75


Egyptian fonts, 178

em dash

how to type it, 158159

when to use it, 157

em space as paragraph indent, 47, 132

en dash

how to type it, 158159

what it is, when to use it, 156


design tips, 124

size of, 124

standard size, 124

Evans, Dana Gwendolyn, 110

extended text

defined, 235

type for, 176, 178

type not good for, 177

eye, eye flow

and white space, 85

contrast and, 84

examples of, 16, 17, 32, 56, 71, 87


faxing, stationery for, 124

flag, newsletter, 129

flush left

defined, 42

examples of, 36

flush right

defined, 42

examples of, 37

flyers, 125128

design tips, 128

focus, focal point, 81, 124, 128, 220


fonts to let go of, 81

for contrast, 132

for readability, 132

where to buy, 235, 235, 235, 235

form, contrasting, 200203

caps versus lowercase is contrast, 200201

roman versus italic is a contrast, 202203

frame. See borders


glossary, 235

gray page, what to do, 195, 210

gutter, what is it?, 133


hang from a clothesline, 58

Hazlitt, William, 31

Helvetica, avoid it, 132, 136

hierarchy, use contrast to show, 194

hues of colors, 102

hyphen, 156


identity package, 114

indented text

first paragraphs not indented, 47, 132, 166

“typewriter” wide indents, 46, 165

InDesign PDF Magazine, 235

inspiration, 94

invisible type, 176

italic, true-drawn vs. fake, 202


Joshua tree, 11

justified type, 42


kerning, 163


Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, 48, 210, 211

left alignment

examples of, 36

impression of, 36, 87

letterhead and envelopes, 121124


accenting your clothes, 68

consistency creates clarification, 55

design your life, 85

don’t be a wimp, 85

dynamic relationships, 69, 167

physical closeness implies relationship, 15

rules of, 74

Your attitude is your life, 199

Lindbergh, Ann Morrow, 14

line, drawn, 235


McDonald, Nikki, 2

McWade, John, 235

Melville, Herman, 172

messy alignment, 47

modern type examples, 177

monochromatic colors, 104

monospaced lettering, 151, 152

monoweight, 179

multiple-page publications, 5859, 138, 235


newsletters, 129132

contrast in, 7071

repetition in, 58

newsprint, printing on, 144


oblique, 202

odd-sized postcard, 138

Old Singleton, 210

oldstyle type examples, 176

open book, open mouth, 223

optical illusions

reverse type size, 144

orphans, 164



first p. not indented, 47, 166

indent one em, 132, 165

indent or extra space, not both, 166

Pie Day, 38

postcards, 137140

primary colors, 96

principles of design, 11, 13

review, 8594

printing, color model for images, 112, 117, 235

Proximity, Principle of

basic principle of, 13, 15

does not mean everything is close together, 20

purpose of, 32

review of principle, 86

summary of, 32


and quotation marks, 153

following styled text, 165

in parentheses, 165


quad left or right, 42


answers to, 223228

apostrophes, 155

categories of type, 183, 196

color, 112

contrast or conflict, 216

design principles, 90

dos and don’ts, 217

my philosophy on, 223

redesign this ad, 91

serifs, 185

thick/thin transitions, 184

quotation marks, 153


radical thin/thin transition, 177

readability, 132

Repetition, Principle of

basic principle of, 13, 55

in brochures, 136

in newsletters, 129

review of principle, 88

summary, 68

unity with variety, 67, 135

résumés, 145148

Return, after paragraph, 24

reverse type, when not to use, 144

RGB, 111112

right-aligned text examples, 34, 35, 50

Riley, Barbara, 222

roman type, 202

rules, breaking them, 51, 225

rules (drawn lines), 235

contrast in, 74

Rules of Life, 74, 85


Sanford, Arlan, 142

Sanford, Matt, 122, 147

sans serif

putting two or more on a page, 199

type examples, 179

vs. serif, 198

Sayers, Dorothy L., 201

script type examples, 181

secondary colors, 96


horizontal and thick (slab), 178

horizontal, thin, 177

illustration of, 176

none (sans), 179

quiz on, 185

slanted, 176

shades of colors, 102105

Shakespeare Papers

branding of, 114115

color scheme, 109

Sheldon, Carmen, 3

Sidney, Mary, 135, 207

sixes and nines, 153


contrast, 188

contrasts in, 78, 8283

standard envelope, 124

type size in business cards, 120

slab serif examples, 178

slanted text, 204

spacing arrangements, 21, 22, 25

clarifies information, 31, 143

letterspacing, 163

one space after punctuation, 152

Principle of Proximity relies on, 28

special characters, how to type them, 158159

split complement colors, 100

stress, illustration of, 176

structure, 196199

basic principle of, 196

contrast, 196

different categories of type, 196, 197

serif vs. sans serif contrast, 198199

symbols, use dramatically, 191


tertiary colors, 97

thick/thin transitions, 176

little or none, 178

moderate, 176

quiz on, 184

radical, 177

slight in sans serif, 180

Thomas, Jimmy, 7273

threefold brochure, 133

tints of colors, 102105

Tollett, John, 2, 113, 116, 131, 219

tracing paper, using to sketch ideas, 91

tracking, 163

triads of colors, 99

true-drawn italic, 202

Tschichold, Jan, 4


comparison of color in, 212213

how to combine, 187203

typewriter photo, 151

typographer quotation marks, 153

typographic essentials, 151166


dynamic relationships in, 167

graphic design is type, 149

list of contrasts in, 215

on cheap paper, 144

reverse type, 144


underline, don’t do it, 162

unity in design, 54


Van Ness, David, 2

VIP, visually illiterate person, 221


weight contrast, 192

White, Jan, 2, 209

white space

by-product of organization, 32, 142

defined, 235

organization of, 17

to create contrast, 140


defined, 235

examples of, 24, 50

solutions for, 50

widows, 164

Wildflower Theory of Color, 106

Williams, Cliff and Julie, 126

Williams, Jimmy Thomas, 7273

Williams, Pauline, 151

Williams, Robin, 240

Williams, Scarlett, 146

WingDings, 235


x-height, 186


your attitude is your life, 8589


Zapf Dingbats, 235, 235

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