
THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN for OKRs coaches. While many coaches contributed, this book would not be possible without Jeff Walker and Christina Wodkte. Jeff leveraged the OKRs framework at Oracle in the 1980s as EVP, founder, and general manager, Applications Division and as the CFO. He introduced me to OKRs and in 2010 became my first professional mentor. Jeff challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and inspired me to follow my passion as an OKRs coach.

While this is the first book dedicated to OKRs coaching, Christina Wodtke's Radical Focus was the first book dedicated to OKRs in general. My collaborations with Christina, along with countless meetings comparing coaching trends and best practices greatly inform this field book. Thanks also to John Doerr, Rick Klau, Kuang Yang, Paul Niven, Dan Montgomery, and Felipe Castro for helping shape the burgeoning OKRs coaching field.

I am indebted to my editors, Dean Burrell and Sheck Cho, for helping structure and refine this book. I thank my designer, Chris Vacano, for the Friday afternoon working sessions that translated my ideas about OKRs coaching into effective visuals.

Thanks to Kathryn Britton, Bess Keller, and Brian Branagan for facilitating a series of writers’ workshops. Your support kept this book project moving forward and introduced me to a network of authors. Authors providing especially valuable feedback and support include Jane Egerton‐Idehen, Jane Anderson, Jen Grace Baron, and Senia Maymin. Thanks for making me a better writer!

Thanks to the team for supporting me throughout the writing process. Mandy Hill and Carter Coleman helped collect feedback. Dikran Yapoujian, the first coach to join the team, helped validate the three phases of an OKRs coaching engagement introduced in this book. Dikran's success as an OKRs coach provided me with the confidence – and audacity – that I needed to write this book. Thanks also to Sid Ghatak, Karen Schroeder, Catherine Chen, Gerri Vereen, Jean‐Luc Koning, Ana Venosa, Nash Billimoria, Omid Akhavan, Sundara Nagarajan, and Carol Mase.

Thanks to the OKRs Coach Network founding members for providing feedback in our book preview webinar series. In addition to USA‐based coaches, founding members of the network include coaches based in Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, and the United Kingdom.

Finally, I'd like to thank my parents, Suellen and Mario (posthumously), my wife, Ariana, and my two children, Toby and Lizzie, for their love and support.

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