State’s rights




5th century BCE Aristotle says that some people are naturally slaves and slavery helps build skills and virtues.

426 CE Augustine states that the primary cause of slavery is sin, which brings some under the domination of others as a punishment from God.

1690 John Locke argues against the idea of natural slaves and that prisoners of war can be enslaved.


1854 In his speech in Peoria, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln outlines his moral, economic, political, and legal arguments against slavery.

1865 Slaves are emancipated in the United States.

The US Senator John C. Calhoun made an impassioned speech on the issue of slavery in 1837. Throughout the 1830s, pressure for the abolition of slavery had been building, and Southern slaveholders were feeling beleaguered. In retaliation, they argued that there were natural inequalities ordained by God, which meant that some are suited to command and others to labor. Moreover, they claimed, black slavery could avert conflicts between workers and employers, and the tyranny of wage slavery that threatened the well-being of the nation every bit as much as the abolitionist cause.

"The relation now existing in the slaveholding states… is a positive good."

John C. Calhoun

Good for both races

It was the sending of the issue to the Senate committee that prompted Calhoun to stress that Congress had no place interfering with the basic right to own slaves guaranteed by the Constitution. To go down the route of abolition would mean that the slaveholding and non-slaveholding states would live under different political systems. “The conflicting elements would burst the Union asunder, powerful as are the links which hold it together. Abolition and the Union cannot coexist.” Instead of defending slavery as a necessary evil, he asserts that black slavery is, in fact, a positive good for both races. “Never before has the black race of Central Africa,” he claims, “…attained a condition so civilized and so improved, not only physically, but morally and intellectually.”

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