special note



In the image descriptions, this book takes steps to identify and provide provenance for the prop shown. In many cases, the props shown were used in or in conjunction with motion pictures or other programs. This book in no way claims any connection to or relationship with the producers of the motion picture or other program. In all cases, the use of the titles or other elements of a motion picture or other program is for informational purposes only.

Throughout the text, I make reference to brand names and specific companies that manufacture certain products. This is done to clarify; in many cases, the brand names are used generically, while in others, a brand name may be the only type of its product on the market. I do not mean to endorse these products nor imply that they are superior to other products. Likewise, many of the photographs throughout the book show artisans brandishing brand name tools and using brand name machines. For the most part, the photograph was taken to illustrate a technique or a method, and the brand of the tool being used is what was available in the shop at the time. This book in no way claims any connection to or relationship with the manufacturers or distributors of any tools or products shown and discussed in this book.


The following is a list of books I find helpful as a props artisan and which I have found useful in researching this book. Some of the books are listed under the chapter of my book they best correspond to, though in some cases the information they contain may bridge several chapters.

Theatrical Props

Carnaby, Ann J. A Guidebook for Creating Three-Dimensional Theatre Art. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1997. Print.

Conway, Heather. Stage Properties. London: H. Jenkins, 1959. Print.

Govier, Jacquie. Create Your Own Stage Props. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984. Print.

James, Thurston. The Theater Props Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Theater Properties, Materials, and Construction. White Hall, VA: Betterway Publications, 1987. Print.

Kenton, Warren. Stage Properties and How to Make Them. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1964. Print.

Motley. Theatre Props. New York: Drama Book Specialists-Publishers, 1975. Print.

Mussman, Amy. The Prop Master: A Guidebook for Successful Theatrical Prop Management. Colorado Springs, CO: Meriwether, 2008. Print.

Nesfield-Cookson, Mary (Jones-Parry). Small Stage Properties and Furniture. London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1934. Print.

Strawn, Sandra. The Properties Director’s Handbook: Managing a Prop Shop for Theatre. Burlington, MA: Focal Press, 2013. Print.

Wilson, Andy. Making Stage Props. Ramsbury, UK: Crowood, 2003. Print.

Technical Theatre

Carter, Paul, and Sally Friedman. Backstage Handbook: An Illustrated Almanac of Technical Information. Shelter Island, NY: Broadway, 1994. Print.

Gillette, J. Michael. Theatrical Design and Production: An Introduction to Scenic Design and Construction, Lighting, Sound, Costume, and Makeup. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008. Print.

Moss, Sylvia. Costumes & Chemistry: A Comprehensive Guide to Materials and Applications. New York: Costume & Fashion Press, 2001. Print.


Don’t let the title fool you; this book is vital to the props artisan. It covers topics such as plastics, adhesives, foams, coatings, paints, and the full range of materials we have at our disposal. This is the reference book you use to see what brands of acrylic paint work best with ABS sheets, what glues work best on polycarbonate, or what temperature to heat styrene to for vacuum forming.

Film and Television

Levine, Steven M. Hollywood from below the Line: A Prop Master’s Perspective. Bandon, OR: Robert D. Reed, 2014. Print.

Preston, Ward. What an Art Director Does: An Introduction to Motion Picture Production Design. Los Angeles: SilmanJames, 1994. Print.


Anderson, James, and Earl E. Tatro. Shop Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. Print.

Michel, Karen. Green Guide for Artists: Nontoxic Recipes, Green Art Ideas, & Resources for the Eco-conscious Artist. Beverly, MA: Quarry, 2009. Print.

Rossol, Monona. The Health and Safety Guide for Film, TV, and Theater. 2nd ed. Allworth Press, 2011. Print.


This book should be part of every prop builder’s library and should be required reading for every student in a technical theatre, film, or TV program. No one has worked so tirelessly for the past several decades to protect workers in our industry, nor researched both the science of the hazards and the legalities of safety in the workplace as Monona Rossol.


Woodbridge, Patricia, and Hal Tiné. Designer Drafting and Visualizing for the Entertainment World. Burlington, MA: Focal Press, 2012. Print.


Ehrlich, Jeffrey, and Marc Mannheimer. The Carpenter’s Manifesto. New York: Henry Holt, 1990. Print.

Lapidus, Saul. Wood, Metal, and Plastic. New York: D. McKay, 1978. Print.

Rogowski, Gary. The Complete Illustrated Guide to Joinery. Newtown, CT: Taunton, 2002. Print.


Taylor, Douglas C. Metalworking for the Designer and Technician. New York: Drama Book Specialists, 1979. Print.


Doran, Bill. Foamsmith: How to Create Foam Armor Costumes. Publisher: Author. 2014. Print.


For a ton of information on working with cross-linked closed cell foams like EVA and XLPE.


Harper, Charles A., and Edward M. Petrie. Plastics Materials and Processes: A Concise Encyclopedia. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, 2003. Print.

Hollander, Harry B. Plastics for Artists and Craftsmen. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1972. Print.

Leinwoll, Stanley. Plasticrafts. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973. Print.

Newman, Thelma R. Plastics as an Art Form. Rev. Ed. Philadelphia, NY: Chilton, 1972. Print.


Rich, Jack C. The Materials and Methods of Sculpture. 10th ed. New York: Dover Publications, 1988. Print.


Ingham, Rosemary, and Liz Covey. The Costume Technician’s Handbook. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2003. Print.

Singer Upholstery Basics. Chanhassen, MN: Creative International, 1997. Print.

Thomerson, Carole. The Complete Upholsterer. London: Frances Lincoln Limited, 1989. Print.


Adams, Charles Francis, and Deborah B. Adams. Model Design & Blueprinting Handbook. Seattle, WA: ModelersNotebook.com, 2007. Print.

Allison, Drew, and Donald Devet. The Foam Book. Charlotte, NC: Grey Seal, 1997. Print.

Molding and Casting

Cementex Mold-Making Manual and Catalog. New York, NY: Cementex Latex, 1993. Print.

James, Thurston. The Prop Builder’s Molding & Casting Handbook. White Hall, VA: Betterway, 1989. Print.

Savini, Tom. Grande Illusions: A Learn-by-Example Guide to the Art and Technique of Special Make-Up Effects from the Films of Tom Savini. Pittsburgh, PA: Imagine, 1983. Print.


The follow-up, Grande Illusions, Book II is equally useful.


Smooth-On promotional materials and videos (htt­p:/­/ww­w.s­moo­th-­on.­com/) are very useful and can be viewed at their website.


Crabtree, Susan, and Peter Beudert. Scenic Art for the Theatre. Waltham, MA: Focal Press, 2012. Print.

Pecktal, Lynn. Designing and Painting for the Theatre. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975. Print.


Lawler, Mike. Careers in Technical Theater. New York: Allworth, 2007. Print.

Moody, James L. The Business of Theatrical Design. New York: Allworth, 2002. Print.


Jaen, Rafael. Show Case: Developing, Maintaining, and Presenting a Design-Tech Portfolio for Theatre and Allied Fields. Waltham, MA: Focal Press, 2012. Print.


Some may recognize this book by its older title, Developing and Maintaining a Design-Tech Portfolio: A Guide for Theatre, Film, & TV.

Internet Forums

Control Booth (htt­p:/­/ww­w.c­ont­rol­boo­th.com/)

The Replica Prop Forum (htt­p:/­/ww­w.t­her­pf.­com­/)

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