Chapter 4


1 Interview with Lord Callaghan, conducted by the author, 26 November 1987.

2 Library of Congress, Harriman Papers, box 271, folder: Marshall Plan, Country File, UK 20, Douglas to Secretary of State Acheson, et al, May 7, 1950; Truman Library, President’s Secretary File, box 220, folder: NSC meetings (memos for the President, 74th meeting, December 12, 1950).

3 ‘President Bush Wraps Up State Visit to United Kingdom’, November 21, 2003.

4 ‘The Bush/Blair Washington Summit’, Nile Gardiner and John Hulsman, November 10, 2004

5 ‘Post-Election Strategic Priorities for the United States’, Chatham House, December 6, 2004.

6 The author has, with permission, drawn extensively in this section and elsewhere in this article on the work of his friend and colleague Dr Steve Marsh, ‘September 11 and Anglo-American Relations: Reaffirming the Special Relationship’, Journal of Transatlantic Studies (2003 Supplement), pp 56–75.

7 Blair congratulates Bush on Presidential victory, December 14, 2000.

8 Ibid., Transcript of Bush-Blair press conference, Camp David, February 23, 2001.

9 Mann. 2004, p304, quoting interview by author with Francois Bujon de L’Estang, French ambassador to the US.

10 The Office of the President of the United States of America, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, September 2002.

11 The Independent, 1 July 2004.


13 British Defence Command Paper 6269, July 2004, ‘Delivering Security in a Changing World: Future Capabilities’.

14 ‘US/UK Joint Statement on Multilateralism’, November 20, 2003.

15. Financial Times, November 25, 2003.

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