About As You Sow

Founded in 1992, As You Sow is one of the nation’s leading practitioners of corporate engagement and shareholder advocacy. It was founded on the belief that many environmental and human rights issues can be resolved by increased corporate responsibility, which is most effectively advanced through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, reports and benchmarking, and innovative legal strategies. The many companies whose policies and practices have been impacted by our work include ExxonMobil, Chevron, General Electric, McDonald’s, Safeway, Whole Foods, Yum! Brands, Apple, Best Buy, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestlé Waters, Starbucks, Target, Walt Disney, and DuPont.

In representing shareholders, As You Sow works directly with corporate executives and their teams, inviting them to co-create innovation across a series of issues. We build coalitions with investment community allies, including socially responsible investors, pension funds, labor groups, foundations, and faith-based investor communities. Through proactive dialogue, we educate and encourage companies to reform policies and practices by highlighting the financial risks of negative environmental and social actions and policies. If dialogue is insufficient in moving a company, we increase pressure by filing shareholder resolutions and reach out to institutional investors, media outlets, and proxy analysts to raise awareness and advocate for change. As You Sow has been able to help change corporations from the inside out. It is the corporations who are flexible, innovative, and responsive to both shareholders and consumers who thrive in the 21st century economy.

You can learn more at www.asyousow.org

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