
This is a chance to thank the people who have influenced my thinking and supported my online journey:

  • Dan Ilic — for pushing me over the cliff to begin with
  • Trevor Young — for unfailing support and brilliant coaching
  • Kare Anderson — for serendipitous and synergising connection.

I also want to thank those who have no idea of their influence on my thinking:

  • John Brockman (Edge)
  • Maria Popova (Brainpicker)
  • Chris Anderson (Ted)
  • … and the incredible, interconnected communities I engage with every day online.

My thanks to the true pioneers who pushed across this frontier without waiting to be legitimated — and so laid the foundations on which we have all been able to flourish.

On a more personal note, thanks to Katie Elliott, Wiley’s delightful publicist, a cool and connected communicator who first found me on Twitter and sparked this journey. Katie pretty much embodies the principles I talk about in this book — how social connections lead to meaningful and mutually beneficial business outcomes.

To Sarah Crisp, for listening to me and taking a chance on my work, and Lucy Raymond for stepping in where Sarah left off and supporting me throughout the process.

To the Wiley team — Dani Karvess, Fleur Hamilton, Pete Walmsley, Keira de Hoog and everyone who helped to bring this book to life — my gratitude.

Thank you, Jem Bates, for editing The Social Executive and guiding me through the publication process.

Walter Adamson, Ben Gilchriest and Trevor Young gave their precious time and attention to read, review and make suggestions on the manuscript. Your insights were invaluable and much appreciated.

And to all my clients — for leading from the edge and by example, and teaching me along the way.

Last, I want to thank my sisters Michelle and Kim, whose ongoing love and support throughout my life have helped me thrive. Alphonse, Mark, Lily, Cy, Xabi and Mum — thank you. You mean the world to me.

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