Javadoc Tags

In the API documentation which is generated using the javadoc utility the following tags are allowed. The right-hand column shows the version of JDK since when the tag has been introduced.


TABLE C.1 javadoc tags

Tag Introduced in JDK/SDK
@author 1.0
{@docRoot} 1.3
@deprecated 1.0
@exception 1.0
{@inheritDoc} 1.4
{@link} 1.2
{@linkplain} 1.4
@param 1.0
@return 1.0
@see 1.0
@serial 1.2
@serialData 1.2
@serialField 1.2
@since 1.1
@throws 1.2
{@value} 1.4
@version 1.0
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