Chapter 12

Start-Up and Shut-Down

Start-up and shut-down of a thermal power plant comprises starting, running, and stopping of pumps, fans, blowers, compressors, etc., and charging, filling, warming, isolating of the miscellaneous piping systems. In this chapter start-up and shut-down of major equipment such as steam generator, steam turbine, gas turbine, and diesel engine are addressed. There are four types of start-up – cold, warm, hot, and very hot. There are two types of shut-downs: normal and emergency shutdown. Start-up and (normal) shut-down of a unit involve huge number of parallel activities that are realized through multiple actions by operators. To relieve operators from carrying out such arduous tasks, APS ensures automatic start-up and shut-down of a unit according to start-up/shut-down program by a single command by an operator.


cold start-up; warm start-up; hot start-up; very hot start-up; normal shutdown; emergency shutdown; APS

12.1 Introduction

In addition to the steam generator and steam turbine, a thermal power plant essentially consists of equipment such as pumps, fans, blowers, compressors, etc., and systems of pipelines including valves, hangers, and supports. The start-up and shut-down of a unit thus comprises starting, running, and stopping of this equipment and charging, filling, warming, and isolating of the piping systems. Since covering all these activities in a single chapter is unrealistic, here we will focus on the start-up and shut-down of major equipment such as the steam generator, steam turbine, gas turbine, and diesel engine.

12.2 Start-Up of Steam Generator

12.2.1 Line-up of steam generator before start-up

Before the first start-up or start-up after overhaul the following activities/actions should be carried out or verified by operating personnel:

1. All works in boiler furnace have been completed

2. All works in air and gas ducts have been completed

3. Unit has been chemically cleaned

4. Steam lines have been blown

5. Safety valves on drum, superheater and reheater headers have been set

6. Boiler furnace, air pre-heaters, economizer, electrostatic precipitators, flue gas desulfurization (FGD) equipment, reduction of nitrogen oxides (DeNOx) equipment, induced draft (ID), forced draft (FD) and primary air (PA) fans, gas and air ducts are all cleared of men and foreign material

7. Boiler access doors, observation doors, and ash hopper doors are closed

8. Boiler drum manhole covers are properly seated

9. Boiler drum vent valves are open

10. Bottom ash hopper and hopper seal trough are filled with water; open the continuous make-up water to these hoppers and ensure proper overflow (this condition is applicable to a wet bottom ash system)

11. The following dampers are open:

a. Air heater air inlet/outlet

b. Air heater gas inlet/outlet

12. The following dampers are closed:

a. Over-fire air dampers

b. Pulverizer hot air shut-off gates

c. Pulverizer hot air control dampers

13. Secondary air dampers are open or modulating

14. Superheater start-up vent valves are in a partially open position

15. Superheater header manual vent valves and drain valves are open full

16. Reheater start-up vent valves are in partially open position

17. Reheater header manual vent valves and drain valves are open full

18. Superheater attemperator spray water supply block and control valves are closed

19. Reheater attemperator spray water supply block and control valves are closed

20. Boiler drum pressure and level transmitter are in operable condition

21. Isolation valves of boiler drum level gauge glasses and level transmitters are open and their blow-down valves are closed

22. Steam pressure gauge isolation valves and impulse line root valves are open

23. Feedwater, boiler drum water, saturated steam, and superheated steam sample line isolation valves are open

24. Chemical feed system inlet isolation valves to drum are open

25. Continuous blow-down line isolation valves are open and emergency blow-down line valves are closed

26. Continuous blow-down tank vent valve is open

27. Water wall drain header drain valves are closed

28. Drain valves at feedwater inlet to economizer inlet header are closed

29. Feedwater inlet valve to economizer inlet header is open

30. Coal feeder inlet and coal-bunker outlet gates are closed

31. Alarm annunciation system and data acquisition system (DAS) are available

32. Distributed control system (DCS) is available

12.2.2 Start-up

The sequence of start-up is as follows:

1. Start secondary regenerative air pre-heaters (if provided)

2. Start ID fans; verify that their inlet and outlet dampers open

3. Start FD fans; verify that their outlet dampers open

4. Adjust flow through ID fans and FD fans to permit a purge air flow of at least 30% of total air flow

5. Purge the furnace as discussed in Chapter 11

The steam generator is now ready for light-up.

12.2.3 Oil burner lighting

Lighting of oil burners includes the following:

i. Place all burner air registers to pre-light position

ii. Verify that burner atomizing valve is open

iii. Start the minimum number of oil burners

iv. Initiate light-up sequence of the lowest elevation of igniters and warm-up oil burners; oil burner is inserted

v. Flame scanner logic supports oil flame indication

With insertion of oil burner, the following gas/electric igniter start sequence is initiated.

12.2.4 Gas igniter

i. At the start of the ignition sequence of a gas igniter, the igniter gas valve will open and a spark timer will energize. After a preset time period the igniter flame is checked.

ii. Should this flame be established, the main fuel oil shut-off valve and the burner fuel oil valve is signaled to open

iii. If burner oil flame is not detected at the end of the preset time period, the igniter gas valve and the burner fuel oil valve will close and an igniter fault will be signaled.

12.2.5 Electric igniter

i. At the initiation of the igniter start sequence, the igniter gets inserted and when the igniter is fully inserted a spark timer will energize

ii. When igniter energize signal is received, the main fuel oil shut-off valve and burner fuel oil valve will open; a trial (an ‘in-built checking circuit’) for ignition timer will operate, at the end of which the oil flame is checked

iii. If the burner oil flame is not established at the end of the preset time period, the oil burner shut-down sequence is initiated

If the oil flame is okay the following sequence is initiated:

i. Burner oil valve is kept in the open position

ii. Atomizing air/steam valve is kept in open position

iii. Oil burner is kept in inserted position

iv. Igniter is de-energized

v. Oil burner firing is signaled

12.2.6 Pressure raising

1. Regulate oil flow to increase the boiler water temperature and verify that the furnace exit gas temperature remains below 813 K in order to protect superheater, reheater, etc., through which coolant fluid flow is not yet established.

2. Gradually more oil guns are put into service according to the rate of pressure rise recommended by the boiler manufacturer

3. Check oil flame and stack; in a cold boiler the furnace tends to be smoky in the beginning, but it will clear up as the furnace warms up, however, the flame should be clear and bright. After adequate warm-up the stack should also be clear, and in no case should white smoke be allowed from the stack

4. Close the drum and superheater vent valves when a copious amount of steam issues out of them, at about 0.2 MPa drum pressure; close all the super heater drain valves; the starting vent valve should be kept partially open

5. Monitor drum metal temperature

6. Monitor the furnace exit gas temperature; in no case should it be more than 813 K to protect re-heater tubes, which have no cooling steam flow until now

7. Maintain drum level at normal (applicable to drum boiler)

8. Watch bottom ash hopper for proper overflow for removal of the accumulated unburned oil

9. With rise of steam pressure and flow it is necessary to feed water to boiler continuously

10. When steady flow of feedwater is established through the economizer, put the water side of the high-pressure feedwater heaters into service

11. Start PA fans; verify that their outlet dampers are open

12. Open coal feeder inlet and coal-bunker outlet gates

13. Start the pulverizer serving a lower elevation of coal nozzles

14. Open the hot-air shut-off gate and bring the pulverizer up to the required operating temperature (typically 343 K) as recommended by the boiler manufacturer

15. Maintain the fuel feed at minimum, consistent with stable ignition

16. Regulate hot and cold air dampers to hold pulverizer outlet temperature (typically 343 K) as recommended by the manufacturer

17. With increased firing rate, it may be required to open attemperator spray water

18. Ensure that air flow to the furnace corresponds to the firing rate at all times

19. Place additional pulverizers in service according to unit load demand

20. Remove fuel oil guns and igniters from service when unit-firing conditions are stabilized

21. Adjust feedwater supply to the boiler as required to maintain normal drum water level (applicable to drum boiler)

12.3 Normal Shut-Down of Steam Generator

When shutting down the steam generator, the reduction of the firing rate is determined by the reduction in the steam turbine steam demand:

1. Gradually reduce load on the unit, reduce the firing rate according to the decreasing steam flow.

2. Put the “combustion control” and “superheat and reheat temperature control” on manual.

3. When coal feeder rating on all pulverizers is reduced to 40% of MCR, start the fuel oil guns associated with the upper-most pulverizer in service.

4. Gradually reduce coal feeder rating further. When a minimum feeder rating of about 25% load is reached, close the hot air shut-off gate.

5. Close the superheater and reheater attemperator spray water supply block valves.

12.3.1 Controlled shut-down of pulverizer and coal-firing system

Controlled shut-down of the pulverizer and coal-firing system is accomplished as follows:

1. Reduce associated coal feeder speed to a minimum.

2. Close the associated hot air damper/gate.

3. When the pulverizer outlet coal-air temperature falls to a preset low limit (typically 323 K) as recommended by the manufacturer shut down the associated coal feeder.

4. Allow the pulverizer to run to ensure that it is completely empty by noting the load of the mill motor and shut it down.

5. When the coal feeder rating on all remaining pulverizers reaches 40%, take the second pulverizer, supplying the next higher elevation, out of service.

6. In the same manner continue taking out pulverizers at consecutive lower elevations.

7. When down to two pulverizers start the associated oil burners before reducing load on either of the associated coal feeders lower than 50% MCR.

8. Operate all sootblowers.

9. Reduce the air flow according to the fuel reduction until 30% of maximum air flow is reached. Further lowering of air flow should only be done after fire-out of boiler.

10. After the last pulverizer has been shut down, remove fuel oil guns as discussed in the following.

12.3.2 Oil burner controlled shut-down

The shut-down sequence of the oil system may be initiated either “through burner stop command” or “by oil flame failure.”

i. Close oil valve

ii. Open scavenging steam valve

iii. Start scavenge timer

iv. Verify burner scavenging is in progress

v. Close atomizing steam valve

vi. Retract oil burner when scavenge time is complete

The shut-down sequence of the steam generator proceeds as follows:

1. Check and ensure all fuel to the furnace is cut off

2. Purge the furnace

3. Shut down ID fans, FD fans, and air heaters

4. Close superheater outlet shut-off valves

5. Open re-heater vent and drain valves

6. Stop chemical dosing to the drum

7. Maintain drum water level (applicable to drum boiler) near normal by adding feedwater as required

8. Take boiler feed pumps out of service

9. Maintain deaerator feedwater storage tank level near normal by adding condensate water as required

10. Take condensate extraction pumps out of service

11. Open drum vent valves and superheater vent and drain valves when drum pressure falls to 0.2 MPa

12. Boiler may be emptied when the water temperature falls below 368 K or to a value recommended by manufacturer

12.4 Emergency Shut-Down of Steam Generator

A variety of conditions can arise with steam generators, such as boiler steam/water tube rupture, that may require its shut-down.

12.4.1 Emergency shut-down of pulverizer and coal-firing system

Any pulverizer and coal-firing system should be shut-down on an emergency basis if:

i. Flame goes out in any two of four pulverized fuel burners in a group with the pulverizer running

ii. Pulverizer lubricating oil pressure is low

iii. MFR (master fuel relay) trips

iv. Both PA fans trip

v. Signal from preferential cut-out of mills as recommended by manufacturer

Emergency shut-down of pulverizer and coal-firing system will initiate:

i. Tripping of coal feeder

ii. Tripping of pulverizer

iii. Tripping of PA fans

iv. If oil burner is not in operation, bring the air register of pulverizer group to the pre-light-up position

12.4.2 Oil burner emergency shut-down

The oil burner shuts down automatically if:

i. MFR trips

ii. Oil header pressure is low

iii. Atomizing air/steam pressure is low

iv. Burner oil temperature is low (for heavy fuel oil-firing only)

The following sequence of activities will follow during the shut-down of the oil system:

i. Igniter is de-energized

ii. Oil valve is closed

iii. Atomizing air/steam valve is closed

iv. Oil burner is retracted

The shut-down sequence of the steam generator proceeds as follows:

1. Stop pulverizers one by one and then oil burners

2. MFT should be operated manually without hesitation in case of any doubt about flame stability

3. Purge the furnace normally, if possible; if not possible, purge the furnace at the earliest opportunity

4. Keep ID fan/s running to maintain furnace in suction in order to prevent any pressurization due to tube rupture, etc.

5. Maintain drum level (applicable to drum boiler) at normal (Note: Do not feed water into drum, if the steam generator is tripped due to loss of drum water. Such feeding will cause damage to the furnace tubes.)

6. Cool steam generator as quickly as conditions permitted by the manufacturer

7. Proceed to normal shut down of the turbine and auxiliaries

12.4.3 Steam turbine stops/trips

In the event that the steam turbine stops or trips due to any trouble lying with steam turbine then it is not essential to stop the steam generator. Proceed as follows:

1. Shut down the steam generator and keep it boxed and bottled up so that it can be used on short notice

2. Do not reduce drum pressure

3. Close all superheater drain and vent valves; reheater vent and drain valves are left open

4. Close hot air shut-off gates to pulverizers

5. Stop coal feeders

6. Stop pulverizers when they are empty

7. Verify that all fires are extinguished

8. Keep ID fans, FD fans, and air heaters running

9. As the unit cools down and the water shrinks, add make-up water intermittently to steam generator to prevent drum level from dropping below the visibility limit of the drum level gauge glass

12.5 Start-Up of Steam Turbine

Steam turbine start-up may be categorized as cold, warm, hot, and very hot start-up. This categorization follows industry practice based on the thermal conditions of steam turbines, usually the metal temperature of the HP turbine inner casing, at the time of start-up. It is also common in the industry to classify the start-ups on the basis of time since previous shut-down. The various categories of start-up are defined as follows (IEC 60045-1:1991: Steam Turbines Part-1: Specification and/or BS EN 60045-1:1993: Guide for Steam Turbine Procurement) [1,2].

12.5.1 Cold start-up

This category of start-up is usually followed after a 72-hour shut-down period of the steam turbine when the metal temperature of the HP turbine inner casing is expected to drop below approximately 40% of full-load metal temperature of the casing.

12.5.2 Warm start-up

Warm start-up is usually followed after a shut-down period of between 10 and 72 hours when the metal temperature of the HP turbine inner casing is between 40% and 80% of full-load metal temperature of the casing.

12.5.3 Hot start-up

Hot start-up is followed after a shut-down period of 10 hours. The metal temperature of the HP turbine inner casing is above approximately 80% of full-load metal temperature of the casing.

12.5.4 Very hot start-up

When a steam turbine is started within 1 hour after shut-down period, this is treated as very hot start-up. During this start-up, metal temperature of the casing remains at or near its full-load metal temperature.

12.5.5 Line-up of steam turbine before start-up

Before the first start-up or the start-up after a overhaul of steam turbines carry out or verify following activities/actions:

i. Steam generator has been started up and is ready for supplying steam to steam turbine

ii. Alternator, generator circuit breaker, generator transformer, excitation system, automatic voltage regulator, and associated electrical systems are ready for synchronizing with the grid

iii. Condenser cooling water inlet valves are closed

iv. Condenser cooling water outlet valves are open

v. Condenser water box vent valves are open

vi. Condenser support springs, if provided, are free

vii. Circulating water (CW) pumps are running

viii. Establish condenser cooling water system by opening CW pump discharge valves

ix. Slowly open condenser inlet valves to vent condenser water boxes

x. Close water box vent valves after water issues profusely through them

xi. Open steam turbine oil cooler cooling water inlet and outlet valves; establish cooling water flow through the coolers

xii. Check steam turbine main oil tank level is normal as recommended by the manufacturer

xiii. Check main oil tank level alarm-annunciations are active

xiv. Open suction and discharge valves of AC auxiliary oil pump and DC emergency oil pump. Prime these pumps by opening respective air vent valves

xv. Start auxiliary oil pump and gradually fill up bearing oil system and governing oil system

xvi. When the systems are filled-up, check oil level in main oil tank

xvii. Replenish oil into main oil tank to maintain normal level, if required

xviii. Verify pressure in lube oil system after oil coolers and at levels of bearing axis is adequate as recommended by the manufacturer

xix. Verify sufficient quantity of oil drains out from all bearings

xx. Verify temperature of lube oil is within permissible limits (313–318 K)

xxi. Switch off auxiliary oil pump

xxii. Check automatic starting of auxiliary oil pump and emergency oil pump

xxiii. Start jacking oil pump; put steam turbine on turning gear

xxiv. Check automatic tripping of turning gear at low lube oil pressure and at low jacking oil pressure per manufacturer’s guidance

xxv. Check the protection and governing system as follows:

a. Open emergency stop valve/s (ESVs) of HP turbine, interceptor valve/s (IVs) of IP turbine, and control valves of both HP turbine and IP turbine; check that their opening is smooth

b. Trip steam turbine manually through its shut-down switch and verify all above valves are fully closed

c. Normalize the turbine shut-down switch; ensure that no valves open again

d. Open emergency stop valve/s, interceptor valve/s, and control valves

e. Verify that emergency stop valve/s, interceptor valve/s, and control valves close on actuation of the turbine high axial shift

f. Verify that emergency stop valve/s, interceptor valve/s, and control valves close on actuation of turbine low bearing oil header pressure

xxvi. Put steam turbine on turning gear

xxvii. Place generator H2 cooling system, if provided, in service

12.5.6 Line-up of condensate system

i. Supply DM water and fill up condenser hot well up to 2/3 in the gauge glass

ii. Open inlet and outlet valves of low-pressure (LP) feedwater heaters; close bypass valves of LP heaters

iii. Open inlet and outlet valves of steam-air ejector, if provided

iv. Open suction valves of condensate extraction pumps (CEP); prime these pumps by opening respective air vent valves

v. Start one condensate extraction pump (CEP) with its discharge valve shut

vi. Slowly open discharge valve as the pump speeds up

vii. Open CEP common minimum flow recirculation control valve

viii. Supply sealing water to glands of all valves connected with vacuum service

12.5.7 Line-up of miscellaneous valves

i. Isolation valves of all pressure gauges are open

ii. Root valves of impulse lines, installed on steam lines, condensate line, oil lines, and cooling water lines, are open

iii. Emergency stop valve/s (ESV/s) of HP turbine is/are closed

iv. Interceptor valve/s (IV/s) of IP turbine is/are closed

v. Control valves of both HP turbine and IP turbine are closed

vi. Non-return valves at HP turbine exhaust are closed

vii. Non-return valves on turbine extraction steam lines are closed

viii. Drain/blow-down valves on main steam piping are closed

ix. Vent valves before HP bypass valve are closed

x. Drain/blow-down valves on cold and hot reheat piping are closed

xi. Drain valves for draining HP turbine casing are closed

xii. Before-seat drain valves and after-seat drain valves of non-return valves on turbine extraction steam lines are closed

xiii. Warm-up drain valves for emergency stop valve/s and control valves are open

12.5.8 Increase condenser vacuum

It is known from Chapter 9, Power Plant Systems, that evacuating air from the condenser may be realized either with the help of a steam jet air ejector or by utilizing a vacuum pump. Increase the condenser vacuum as detailed below:

In the event a steam jet-air ejector is used:

i. Slowly charge the ejector steam header and warm it up

ii. Start the steam-air ejector by opening its steam supply valve

iii. Open the isolating valves on air evacuating line connecting condenser and steam-air ejector

iv. As soon as the vacuum starts building up in the system apply the gland sealing steam, at a pressure slightly above atmospheric, to the front and rear gland seals of each of HP, IP, and LP turbines

v. Verify that the vacuum stabilizes or tends to stabilize at a level recommended by the manufacturer

vi. Keep the steam-air ejector running to maintain vacuum

vii. Check low vacuum trip of turbine

When vacuum pump is used:

i. Start the vacuum pump

ii. Open the isolating valves on air evacuating line connecting condenser and suction line of vacuum pump

iii. As soon as the vacuum starts building up in the system apply the gland sealing steam, at a pressure slightly above atmospheric, to the front and rear gland seals of each of the HP, IP, and LP turbines

iv. Verify that vacuum stabilizes or tends to stabilize at a level recommended by the manufacturer

v. Keep vacuum pump running to maintain vacuum

vi. Check low vacuum trip of turbine

12.5.9 Sequence of activities for cold start-up (follow Cold Start-up Curve as furnished or recommended by the manufacturer)

1. Open drain valves on main steam line/s

2. Open vent valves before HP bypass valves

3. Gradually open superheater outlet isolation valve/s

4. At the start of heating of main steam line/s condensed water will get drained, but gradually steam will come out through drain lines (that can be sensed by audible sound of steam escape), which indicates adequate warm-up of main steam line/s; close drain valves

5. When steam comes out through vent lines before HP bypass valves close vent valves

6. Gradually open HP bypass valve/s fully, ensuring that temperature control loop is functioning normally

7. Also ensure that LP bypass system is functioning normally

8. Open drain valves on cold reheat and hot reheat lines located as close as possible to steam turbine

9. Steam flow thus established through the bypass system and drain lines should assist in heating cold reheat and hot reheat lines

10. At the start of heating cold reheat and hot reheat lines condensed water will be drained, but gradually steam will come out through the drain lines, indicating adequate warm-up of cold reheat and hot reheat lines

11. Close drain valves; this should assist in increasing steam parameters

12. Once the main steam, cold reheat, and hot reheat lines are adequately warmed up increase the steam temperature at the steam generator outlet to a value higher than the minimum temperature requirement of the steam turbine as recommended by the manufacturer

13. Verify the H2 purity in generator, if provided, is above 94% or as recommended by the manufacturer

14. Put generator seal oil system, if provided, in service

15. Put generator stator cooling water system, if provided, in service

16. Verify that degree of superheat of main steam upstream of HP turbine is more than 50 K

17. Do not allow entry of steam into steam turbine until recommended matching of stem temperature is accomplished

18. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for matching steam-metal differential temperature

19. Open turbine casing drain valves

20. Open emergency stop valve/s (ESV/s) of HP turbine or verify that these valves open automatically through turbine start-up system

21. Open interceptor valve/s (IV/s) of IP turbine or verify that these valves open automatically through turbine start-up system

22. Admit steam to turbine and increase speed to predetermined value as per guidelines of the manufacturer for warming up of turbine casings

23. During warm-up and start-up of the steam turbine, observe following parameters remain at or within predetermined limits:

a. Steam-metal differential temperature

b. Differential temperature between upper and lower halves of turbine casing

c. Differential expansions of turbine

d. Bearing temperature and vibration

e. Steam parameters

f. Operating parameters of condensing system

g. Operating parameters of turbine oil system

24. Maintain warm-up speed for soaking purposes

25. Once casings are warmed-up increase turbine speed and start rolling

26. Stop turning gear or verify that it stops automatically once turbine speed exceeds preset limit

27. Gradually increase the speed at a rate recommended by the manufacturer by allowing more steam to enter the steam turbine provided following parameters are within permissible limits:

a. Steam-metal differential temperature margin

b. Differential temperature between upper and lower halves of turbine casing

c. Differential expansion of casings

d. Bearing temperature and vibration

e. Turbine exhaust hood temperature

28. On reaching the rated speed leave the steam turbine for a recommended duration to ensure proper soaking of the turbine

29. Place automatic voltage regulator (AVR) on “auto”

30. Switch on field breaker

31. Synchronize generator with the grid (this is discussed in detail under Section 11.7, Chapter 11, Interlock and Protection) and take a block load

32. Close drain valves of HP turbine casing

33. Close warming up drain valves for emergency stop valve/s and control valves

34. Open before-seat drain valves and after-seat drain valves of non-return valves on turbine extraction steam lines

35. Increase load at a predetermined rate

36. Open extraction steam supply block valves; place LP feedwater heaters in service

37. Increase main steam temperature and pressure following the manufacturer’s guidelines

38. Close HP-LP bypass valves

39. Place HP feedwater heaters in service

40. Increase load at a predetermined rate to a load according to the system demand once the main steam temperature and pressure reach the rated values

41. Observe the following parameters remain at or within predetermined limits:

a. Differential expansions of turbine

b. Bearing temperature and vibration

c. Steam parameters

d. Operating parameters of all associated systems, e.g., condensate, feedwater, extraction steam, and turbine lube oil, control oil, hydrogen, seal oil, stator cooling water, circulating water, etc.

12.5.10 Sequence of activities for warm start-up (follow Warm Start-Up Curve as recommended by the manufacturer)

1. Auxiliary equipment should be started in the same manner and order as for cold start-up

2. Check that all auxiliary equipment is working satisfactorily

3. Check the condition of all protections and interlocks

4. Ensure that the boiler has been lit and steam flow established through the HP-LP bypass system

5. Using the manufacturer recommended start-up curve increase the desired steam temperature and pressure for rolling the turbine

6. Admit steam to the turbine and start steam rolling

7. Observe the following parameters are within the permissible limits:

a. Steam-metal differential temperature

b. Differential temperature between upper and lower halves of turbine casing

c. Differential expansions of turbine

d. Bearing temperature and vibration

e. Steam parameters

f. Operating parameters of condensing system

g. Operating parameters of turbine oil system.

8. Maintain warm-up speed for soaking purposes

9. Once casings are warmed up increase turbine speed and start rolling

10. Stop turning gear or verify that it stops automatically once turbine speed exceeds preset limit

11. Close all drain valves

12. Gradually increase the speed to the rated value at a rate recommended by the manufacturer by allowing more steam to enter the turbine, provided the following parameters are within the permissible limits:

a. Steam-metal differential temperature margin

b. Differential temperature between upper and lower halves of turbine casing

c. Differential expansion of casings

d. Bearing temperature and, vibration

e. Turbine exhaust hood temperature.

13. Place automatic voltage regulator (AVR) on “auto”

14. Switch on field breaker

15. Synchronize generator with the grid and take a block load

16. Open extraction steam supply block valves; place LP feedwater heaters in service

17. Increase main steam temperature and pressure following manufacturer’s guidelines

18. Close HP-LP bypass valves

19. Place HP feedwater heaters in service

20. Increase load at a predetermined rate to a load according to the system demand once the main steam temperature and pressure reach the rated values

21. Observe following parameters remain at or within predetermined limits:

a. Differential expansions of turbine

b. Bearing temperature and vibration

c. Steam parameters

d. Operating parameters of all associated systems, e.g., condensate, feedwater, extraction steam, and turbine lube oil, control oil, hydrogen, seal oil, stator cooling water, circulating water, etc.

12.5.11 Sequence of activities for hot start-up (follow Hot Start-Up Curve as recommended by the manufacturer)

The procedure for hot start-up is similar to the procedure for warm start-up with the following differences:

1. Before rolling, the HP turbine inlet pressure and temperature will be much higher than those for warm start-up; from hot start-up curve determine the desired steam temperature and pressure for rolling the turbine

2. Admit steam to the turbine and start steam rolling

3. Observe the following parameters are within the permissible limits:

a. Steam-metal differential temperature

b. Differential temperature between upper and lower halves of turbine casing

c. Differential expansions of turbine

d. Bearing temperature and vibration

e. Steam parameters

f. Operating parameters of condensing system

g. Operating parameters of turbine oil system.

4. Stop turning gear or verify that it stops automatically once turbine speed exceeds preset limit

5. Close all drain valves

6. Gradually increase the speed to the rated value at a rate recommended by the manufacturer by allowing more steam to enter the turbine provided following parameters are within permissible limits:

a. Steam-metal differential temperature margin

b. Differential temperature between upper and lower halves of turbine casing

c. Differential expansion of casings

d. Bearing temperature and vibration

e. Turbine exhaust hood temperature.

7. Place automatic voltage regulator (AVR) on “auto”

8. Switch on field breaker

9. Synchronize generator with the grid and take a block load

10. Open extraction steam supply block valves; place LP feedwater heaters in service

11. Increase main steam temperature and pressure following manufacturer’s guidelines

12. Close HP-LP bypass valves

13. Place HP feedwater heaters in service

14. Increase load at a predetermined rate to a load according to the system demand once main steam temperature and pressure reach rated value

15. Observe the following parameters remain at or within the predetermined limits:

a. Differential expansions of turbine

b. Bearing temperature and vibration

c. Steam parameters.

d. Operating parameters of all associated systems, e.g., condensate, feedwater, extraction steam, and turbine lube oil, control oil, hydrogen, seal oil, stator cooling water, circulating water, etc.

12.5.12 Sequence of activities for very hot start-up (follow Very Hot Start-Up Curve as recommended by the manufacturer)

The procedure for very hot start-up of steam turbine, as given below, is quite different from the previous three start-ups, since the metal temperature of the casing remains at or near its full-load metal temperature.

1. Before rolling, the HP turbine inlet pressure and temperature will be near to or at their rated conditions as per very hot start-up curve

2. Admit steam to the turbine and gradually increase the speed to the rated value at a rate recommended by the manufacturer by allowing more steam to enter the turbine, provided the following parameters are within the permissible limits:

a. Differential expansions of turbine

b. Bearing temperature and vibration

c. Steam parameters

d. Operating parameters of all associated systems, e.g., condensate, feedwater, extraction steam, and turbine lube oil, control oil, hydrogen, seal oil, stator cooling water, circulating water, etc.

3. Stop turning gear or verify that it stops automatically once turbine speed exceeds preset limit

4. Close all drain valves

5. Place automatic voltage regulator (AVR) on “auto”

6. Switch on field breaker

7. Synchronize generator with the grid and increase load at a predetermined rate to a load according to the system demand

8. Open extraction steam supply block valves; place LP feedwater heaters in service

9. Close HP-LP bypass valves

10. Place HP feedwater heaters in service.

12.6 Normal Shut-Down of Steam Turbine

1. Inform the boiler house that the turbine is being shut down

2. Ensure auxiliary oil pump and emergency oil pump are available and are ready for operation

3. Ensure the HP-LP bypass controllers are ON

4. Check for non-seizure of ESVs and IVs

5. Unload the turbine by gradually closing the control valves; the unloading should be carried out at a rate determined by the manufacturer’s guidelines

6. During unloading always keep watch on the following parameters to ensure they remain within the permissible limits:

i. Differential contractions of turbine, especially of HP rotor

ii. Bearing vibration

iii. Steam-metal differential temperature margin

iv. Differential temperature between upper and lower halves of turbine casing

7. For minimizing the contraction of the HP rotor during shut-down admit main steam to HP front gland, if recommended by the manufacturer

8. Start the auxiliary oil pump and ensure that oil pressure in lube oil system is normal

9. Maintain lube oil temperature

10. After unloading the turbine to no load, trip the turbine manually

11. Ensure the ESV, IV, and control valves get closed

12. Ensure the extraction steam line block valves closed

13. Ensure the non-return valves at the HP turbine exhaust are closed

14. Ensure the generator is isolated through reverse power/low forward power relay

15. Verify that the field breaker is switched off

16. With the tripping of generator circuit breaker the HP-LP bypass system becomes operative; this may be used to stabilize boiler conditions and maintain steam flow through reheater until the boiler is shut down

17. Start jacking oil pump

18. When rotor speed falls to a predetermined low value, put the rotor on turning gear manually or turning gear may cut-in automatically. The rotor should remain on turning gear till temperature of HP casing falls below a recommended limit

19. Stop jacking oil pump

20. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to open drain valves as follows:

i. HP turbine casing

ii. Before-seat and after-seat drain valves of non-return valves on turbine extraction steam lines

iii. Warm up drain valves for emergency stop valve/s and control valves

21. Close the HP-LP bypass valves

22. Stop the boiler firing per the recommendation of the boiler manufacturer and bottle up the boiler

23. Break the condenser vacuum once the fire in the boiler is killed

24. When the vacuum falls to zero, stop the gland steam supply

25. Stop the condensate extraction pump

26. The CW pump may be stopped when the temperature of the exhaust part of the LP turbine falls to 328 K or to a value recommended by the manufacturer

27. Open the drain valves on main steam piping

28. Open drain valves on cold and hot reheat piping

29. As the unit cools down and water shrinks, add make-up water intermittently to the boiler to prevent the drum level from dropping below the visibility limit of drum level gauge glass.

12.7 Emergency Shut-Down of Steam Turbine

An emergency shut-down of a steam turbine may become imminent due to variety of off-normal conditions either inside the steam turbine, such as unusual noise, etc., or in its associated equipment/systems, e.g., quality of stator cooling water deviating from its recommended limit.

1. Manually operate emergency trip push buttons

2. Ensure the ESVs, IVs, and control valves of both the HP and IP turbines get closed

3. Ensure the extraction steam line block valves are closed

4. Ensure the non-return valves at HP turbine exhaust are closed

5. Isolate the generator and switch off the field breaker

6. Make sure the HP-LP bypass valves have opened

7. Start the auxiliary oil pump and ensure the oil pressure in lube oil system is normal

8. Maintain the lube oil temperature

9. Start the jacking oil pump

10. When the rotor speed falls to a predetermined low value, put the rotor on turning gear manually or turning gear may cut-in automatically

11. Break the condenser vacuum

12. Shut down the boiler and keep it boxed and bottled up

13. Close HP-LP bypass valves

14. Following the manufacturer’s guideline open the drain valves as follows:

i. HP turbine casing

ii. Before-seat and after-seat drain valves of non-return valves on turbine extraction steam lines

iii. Warm up drain valves for emergency stop valve/s and control valves

iv. Drain valves on main steam piping

v. Drain valves on cold and hot reheat piping.

15. When the vacuum falls to zero, stop the turbine gland seal steam supply

16. Stop the condensate extraction pump

17. The CW pump may be stopped when the temperature of the exhaust part of the LP turbine falls to 328 K or to a value recommended by the manufacturer

18. The rotor should remain on the turning gear until the temperature of the HP casing falls below a recommended limit

19. Stop the jacking oil pump

20. As the unit cools down and water shrinks, add make-up water intermittently to the boiler to prevent the drum level from dropping below the visibility limit of the drum level gauge glass

21. Do not restart the boiler until identification and rectification of defects of turbine.

12.8 APS

From the previous discussion it is clear that start-up and (normal) shut-down of a large pulverized coal-fired unit involves a huge number of parallel activities that are realized through multiple actions by operators. In the process if any errors occur, due to erroneous operation and/or lack of proper understanding of sequence of operation, catastrophic damage to equipment, safety of the unit, loss of time, loss of generation, and as an ultimate loss of revenue could occur. To relieve operators from having to perform such arduous tasks, there is APS, a computer-aided start-up and (normal) shut-down system.

APS, which stands for automatic plant start-up and shut-down system, ensures the automatic start-up and shut-down of a unit according to start-up/shut-down program by a ‘single command’ by an operator. It reduces degree of operator error, start-up/shut-down time of each unit, and simultaneously enhances safety. APS is based on integrated unit-level-based control philosophy that can be achieved with minimum operator intervention.

If for some reason the APS sequence gets stalled the operator may either take the necessary corrective action or consciously bypass that step to ensure that the continuity of the start-up/shut-down process does not get impaired. However, operator intervention may be inevitable in the event of any or all of the following conditions:

i. Areas or equipment that cannot be automated

ii. On occurrence of spurious signal

iii. There is lack of required instrumentation

iv. Inputs fail to satisfy desired requirement

v. Realizing specific requirement of APS

The APS sequence is conveniently hooked up to major equipment logic sequences, such as the burner management system, automatic turbine start-up system, sequential control system, balance of plant operating system, etc., such that APS appears as a stand-alone program for both the steam generator and the steam turbine and generator.

Before discussing the details of APS, it should be noted that it is not the first start-up of any plant. During the first start-up of a plant there are many areas that may operate in parallel and demand the special attention of the operating personnel. In these cases, more vigilance is needed to observe the individual or interactive behavior of the various systems and equipment before the sequence of activities may proceed.

In contrast, APS is executed in a step-by-step manner. It is like any “automatic control loop” that can be put into service once all associated systems had been started, trialed, tested, and stabilized. Thus, before initiating the APS program there are certain “prerequisite” conditions/areas that need to be handled by the operator.

Readers are advised to become familiar with the previous sections as well as the previous chapters to better understand the intricacies of APS.

12.8.1 Automatic start-up

The first step in the start-up program is to ensure that all prerequisites are established. It must be ensured that all associated systems, e.g., compressed air system, raw water system, DM water system, CW, ACW, and CCW systems, DCS, etc., are in service and stabilized. It must also be ensured that all associated electric power supply systems are in service and stabilized. Furthermore, since emergency power acts as back-up to power control centers, uninterrupted power supply systems (UPS), and DC distribution boards, the status of emergency power supply is also prerequisites to ensure that in the event of unit power failure the progress of the APS sequence will not get interrupted.

These conditions, nevertheless, do not initiate the start-up program. There are many more prerequisite conditions that need to be satisfied before issuing the start-up command. These prerequisites, as follows, are neither prioritized nor put in sequential order, but should all be fulfilled for automatic start-up to progress:

1. Firefighting system is ready to be put into service

2. Power receiving substation is energized

3. LT (415V) start-up switchgears are energized

4. Common power centers are energized

5. Water treatment switchgear is energized

6. Unit power centers are energized

7. Common distribution boards are energized

8. 125V DC distribution board is energized

9. UPS is energized

10. DCS is in service

11. Emergency DG and associated emergency switchgear are commissioned

12. Lighting and electric service power system is energized

13. Communication system is in service

14. Air-conditioning plant is in service

15. Generator step-up transformer is ready to be put into service

16. Unit auxiliary transformer is ready to be put into service

17. Generator circuit breaker is ready to be put into service

18. Switchyard substation is ready to be put into service

19. Excitation panel is energized

20. AVR is on auto

21. Alarm annunciation system and data acquisition system (DAS) are in service

22. Adequate storage of raw water is available

23. Adequate storage of DM water is available

24. Auxiliary steam is available at adequate pressure

25. DMW system is lined-up

26. ACW system is lined-up

27. CCW system is lined-up

28. Instrument air system is lined-up

29. Service air system is lined-up

30. CW system is lined-up

31. Condensate system is lined-up

32. Feedwater system is lined-up

33. HFO system is lined-up and is ready to be put into service

34. Atomizing steam system is lined-up

35. Atomizing burner valves open and are ready to be put into service

36. Boiler superheater outlet stop valves are closed

37. Boiler superheater header drain valves are open full

38. Boiler reheater header drain valves are open full

39. Boiler waterwall header drain valves are open full

40. Boiler superheater outlet (SHO) vent valve is open full

41. Boiler reheater outlet (RHO) vent valve is open full

42. Feedwater inlet valve to economizer inlet header is open

43. Drain valves at feedwater inlet to economizer inlet header are closed

44. Drain valves on Main Steam piping are closed

45. Drain valves on Hot Reheat piping are closed

46. Drain valves on Cold Reheat piping are closed

47. ESP system is lined-up

48. FGD system is lined-up

49. DeNOx system is lined-up

50. Debris filter on CW supply pipe line to condenser is in service

51. Condenser on-load tube cleaning system is in service

52. Drum level (applicable to drum boiler) is maintained normal through auto-control

53. Deaerator feedwater storage tank level is maintained normal through auto-control

54. Hotwell level is maintained normal through auto-control

55. DMW transfer pump recirculation control valve is on auto

56. CCCW head tank DMW inlet control valve is on auto

57. CCCW header pressure control valve is on auto

58. Condensate transfer pump recirculation control valve is on auto

59. Condensate storage tank DMW inlet control valve is on auto

60. Turbine seal steam header supply control valve from auxiliary steam system is on auto

61. Turbine seal steam header drain control valve is on auto

62. HFO forwarding pump recirculation control valve is on auto

63. Atomizing steam pressure control valve near burner is on auto

64. Deaerator pressure control valve is on auto

65. CEP minimum flow recirculation control valve is on auto

66. BFP minimum flow recirculation control valve is on auto

67. Turbine lube oil (LO) pressure control valve is on auto

68. Turbine LO temperature control valve is on auto

69. Turbine control oil pressure control valve is on auto

70. Turbine control oil temperature control valve is on auto

71. Generator seal oil pressure control valve is on auto

72. Generator H2 pressure control valve is on auto

73. Feedwater low load control valve is on auto

74. Feedwater full load control valve is on auto

75. Auxiliary steam header pressure control valve is on auto

76. Auxiliary steam header temperature control valve is on auto

77. HP/LP bypass pressure control valve is on auto

78. HP/LP bypass temperature control valve is on auto

79. Turbine lube oil (LO) system is ready to be put into service

80. Turbine jacking oil (JO) system is ready to be put into service

81. Turbine control fluid system is ready to be put into service

82. Generator seal oil system is ready to be put into service

83. Generator H2 system is ready to be put into service

84. Generator stator cooling water system is ready to be put into service

85. HP turbine emergency stop valves are closed

86. HP turbine control valves are closed

87. IP turbine interceptor valve/s (IVs) are closed

88. IP turbine control valves are closed

89. Coal bunkers have enough storage of coal

90. Coal feeders are ready to be put into service

91. Pulverizers are ready to be put into service.

[Note that the term “lined-up” appears in many places in this list. It essentially means that before initiating the sequence to progress the associated system/s must ensure free flow through it/them. Some examples of “lined-up” conditions are:

i. a valve that is to remain open (or closed) before initiating the sequence, then the status of this valve should be ensured by “open” (or closed) limit switch

ii. a damper that is to remain open (or closed) before initiating the sequence, then the status of this damper should be ensured by “open” (or closed) limit switch

iii. a storage tank from which fluid has to be taken to system, then it is to be ensured that level in this tank is adequate

iv. a sink, where the fluid will flow, must be in a position to receive the fluid

v. an electric power supply source must be in energized condition and be available whenever required, etc.]

Along with the prerequisites, the program determines the status of start-up condition (i.e., cold, warm, hot, or very hot start-up) in line with the guidelines described in Section 12.5 (and shown in Figure 12.1).

Figure 12.1 Start-up conditions.

Depending on the type of start-up condition, some permissive conditions are either bypassed or may need to be repeated. Once all prerequisites are satisfied and the status of permissive condition is determined, the operator initiates the single “start-up sequence” command to the “APS start-up program” for it to advance automatically and thereby the main sequence is activated (Figure 12.2). As the program advances, it issues commands to various equipment to start and then checks back to determine whether the command was realized. If satisfied, the program advances further sequentially from the source of the DM water up to the loading of turbine.

Figure 12.2 Start command initiated by operator.

The APS flow diagram of a typical pulverized coal-fired power plant is very complex and large in size, which is difficult to accommodate in a single chapter. Therefore, a general step-by-step automatic start-up sequence is given in Table 12.1 for simplicity. While preparing Table 12.1 the input criteria at many steps essentially resembles the check-back criteria of the previous step.

Table 12.1

Step-by-step sequence of automatic start-up of a unit

Step no. Input critera Command issued Check-back criteria

i. Prerequisites satisfied

ii. Status of coldstart-up condition identified

iii. Once above two conditions are realized “auto start-up sequence of cold start-up” command is initiated by operator

Start DMW transfer pump DMW supply header pressure OK
2 DMW supply header pressure OK Start closed cycle cooling water (CCCW) pump CCCW supply header pressure OK
3 CCCW supply header pressure OK Start instrument air (IA) compressor IA supply header pressure OK
4 IA supply header pressure OK Start HFO pump HFO supply pressure near burner OK
5 HFO supply pressure near burner OK Start water box vacuum pump Water box vacuum pump ON
6 Water box vacuum pump ON Open condenser CW outlet valve Condenser CW outlet valve open
7 Condenser CW outlet valve open Open condenser CW inlet valve Condenser CW inlet valve open
8 Condenser CW inlet valve open Open turbine gland seal supply and drain control valves Turbine gland seal steam header pressure OK
9 Turbine gland seal steam header pressure OK Start condenser vacuum pump/s Condenser vacuum OK

i. Prerequisites satisfied

ii. Status of warm start-up condition identified (bypass step 1 to step 8)

iii. Once above two conditions are realized “auto start-up sequence of warm start-up” command is initiated by operator


i. Condenser vacuum OK

ii. Master Fuel Trip Relay (MFT) reset

Initiate boiler draft group start sequence Regenerative Air pre-heaters, ID and FD fans running

Regenerative Air heaters, ID and FD fans running

Inlet and outlet dampers of ID fans open

Outlet dampers of FD fans open

Adjust flow through ID and FD fans to permit at least 30% total air flow Total air flow ≥ 30%
12 Total air flow ≥ 30% Initiate boiler purge Purge complete
13 Purge complete

i. Put furnace draft control on “auto”

ii. Place all burner air registers to pre-light position

iii. Initiate light-up sequence of the lowest elevation of igniters and warm-up oil burners

Initiate igniter start sequence
14 Igniter energized

i. Open the main fuel oil shut-off valve

ii. Open the burner fuel oil valve

Burner flame established
15 Burner flame established

i. Regulate HFO flow to increase boiler water temperature

ii. Open MS header drain valve

iii. Open HRH header drain valve

iv. Open CRH header drain valve

i. Furnace exit gas temperature ≤ 813 K

ii. MS, HRH and CRH drain valves open


i. Prerequisites satisfied

ii. Status of hot start-up condition identified (bypass step 1 to step 14)

iii. Once above two conditions are realized “auto start-up sequence of hot start-up” command is initiated by operator

16 MS, HRH, and CRH drain valves open Increase steam pressure at a rate as recommended by boiler manufacture Super heater outlet steam pressure ≥ 0.2 MPa

i. Drum steam pressure ≥ 0.2 MPa

ii. Drum metal temperature OK

iii. Drum level OK

i. Close boiler superheater header drain valves

ii. Close boiler reheater header drain valves

iii. Close boiler waterwall header drain valves

iv. Close boiler SHO vent valve

v. Close boiler RHO vent valve.

i. Boiler superheater header drain valves close

ii. Boiler reheater header drain valves close

iii. Boiler waterwall header drain valves close

iv. Boiler SHO vent valve close

v. Boiler RHO vent valve closed.

18 Check-back criteria of Step 17 OK

i. Open SHO stop valve

ii. Start turbine JO pump

iii. Start turbine LO pump

i. SHO stop valve open

ii. Turbine JO pressure OK

iii. Turbine LO pressure OK

19 Check-back criteria of Step 18 OK Start turning gear Turning gear ON
20 Turning gear ON Start turbine control oil pump Control oil pressure OK

i. Prerequisites satisfied

ii. Status of very hot start-up condition identified (bypass step 1 to step 19)

iii. Once above two conditions are realized “auto start-up sequence of very hot start-up” command is initiated by operator


i. Control oil pressure OK

ii. Cold start-up status realized

HPLP bypass to maintain steam pressure and temperature at the inlet to both HP turbine and IP turbine as per the Cold Start-up Curve Initiate turbine cold start-up

i. Control oil pressure OK

ii. Warm start-up status realized

HPLP bypass to maintain steam pressure and temperature at the inlet to both HP turbine and IP turbine as per Warm Start-up Curve Initiate turbine warm start-up

i. Control oil pressure OK

ii. Hot start-up status realized

HPLP bypass to maintain steam pressure and temperature at the inlet to both HP turbine and IP turbine as per Hot Start-up Curve Initiate turbine hot start-up

i. Control oil pressure OK

ii. Very hot start-up status realized

HPLP bypass to maintain steam pressure and temperature at the inlet to both HP turbine and IP turbine as per Very hot Start-up Curve Initiate turbine very hot start-up

i. turbine cold start-up initiated
(check-back criteria of Step 21)
turbine warm start-up initiated
(check-back criteria of Step 22)
turbine hot start-up initiated
(check-back criteria of Step 23)
turbine very hot start-up initiated
(check-back criteria of Step 24)

ii. IP turbine inlet pressure and temperature OK as per
either the cold start-up curve or the warm start-up curve
or the hot start-up curve
or the very hot start-up curve

iii. Differential temperature between inlet steam and IP turbine metal within recommended limit

Open interceptor valves (IVs) of IP turbine IVs open
26 IVs open

i. Close MS header drain valve

ii. Close HRH header drain valve

iii. Auto operation of CRH header drain valve

i. MS header drain valve close

ii. HRH header drain valve closed

iii. CRH header drain valve operating on “auto”

27 Check-back criteria of Step 26 OK Modulate IP control valve IP control valve not closed

i. IP control valve not closed

ii. HP turbine inlet steam pressure and temperature OK as per the start-up curve

iii. HPT casing top-bottom differential temperature OK

iv. Differential expansion of turbine OK

v. Turbine bearing temperature OK

vi. Turbine bearing vibration OK

vii. Turbine exhaust hood temperature OK

Increase turbine speed as per turbine start-up curve Turbine speed > minimum speed (turning gear speed)
29 Check-back criteria of Step 28 OK Stop turning gear Turning gear stopped
30 Turning gear stopped

i. Stop jacking oil pump

ii. Increase turbine speed as per turbine start-up curve

Turbine speed 100%

i. Turbine speed 100%

ii. Speed set point at 100%

iii. Load limit set point > 100%

iv. Generator seal oil pressure OK

v. Generator H2 pressure OK

vi. Generator stator cooling water pressure OK

vii. Generator H2 purity OK

viii. Generator voltage OK

ix. Excitation voltage OK

Synchronize turbine Turbine synchronized
32 Turbine synchronized Energize LT switchgear LT switchgear energized

i. LT switchgear energized

ii. Rotor stress within limit

Modulate HP control valve HP control valve not closed
34 HP control valve not closed Switchover turbine load control to “auto” and load turbine Turbine load 12–15%
35 Turbine load 12–15% Start pre-heating of extraction steam lines (operator action) Extraction steam lines pre-heating OK
36 Extraction steam lines pre-heating OK Initiate extraction steam start-up sequence (operator action) Extraction steam start-up sequence OK

i. Extraction steam start-up sequence OK

ii. Turbine load 30%

i. Check steam line drain valves closed

ii. Check extraction steam line drain valves closed

iii. Start PA fans

iv. Open bunker outlet and coal feeder inlet gates

v. Start pulverizer serving a lower elevation of coal nozzles

i. Steam line drain valves

ii. Extraction steam line drain valves closed

iii. PA fans ON

iv. Pulverizer ON

38 Check-back criteria of Step 37 OK

i. Open hot air shut-off gate and bring pulverizer up to the required operating temperature

ii. Maintain fuel feed at minimum consistent with stable ignition

iii. Switchover drum level control to “auto”

i. Pulverizer outlet temperature OK

ii. Fuel feed minimum

iii. Drum level control on “auto”

39 Check-back criteria of Step 38 OK

i. Regulate hot and cold air dampers to maintain pulverizer outlet temperature

ii. Increase load

i. Pulverizer outlet temperature OK

ii. Turbine load > 40%

40 Turbine load > 40%

i. Place additional pulverizers in service

ii. Remove fuel oil guns and igniters from service

iii. Increase load

i. Fuel oil guns and igniters removed

ii. Turbine load > 60%

41 Turbine load > 60%

i. Switchover SH steam temperature control to “auto”

ii. Switchover HR steam temperature control to “auto”

iii. Switchover combustion control to “auto”

i. SH steam temperature control on “auto”

ii. RH steam temperature control on “auto”

iii. Combustion control on “auto”

iv. Throttle steam pressure and temperature reached rated value


i. Check-back criteria of Step 41 OK

ii. Turbine load equal to or greater than load demand

Switchover coordinated control to “auto” Coordinated control on “auto”
43 Coordinated control on “auto”  AUTOMATIC UNIT START-UP SEQUENCE COMPLETE



12.8.2 Automatic (Normal) shut-down program

For normal shut-down of a unit the turbine is unloaded first, and simultaneously the HP/LP bypass is operated. With the bypass in service once the turbine load is reduced to 60% (which is the stable load for boiler control) unloading of boiler takes place according to the load on the turbine and the opening of the HP/LP bypass valves. Once the turbine is fully unloaded, the boiler starts unloading to zero load.

As in case of the automatic start-up program certain “prerequisite” conditions, as follows, need to be fulfilled by operator action before initiating the shut-down command. This equipment may not remain in service during normal operation, but before initiating automatic (normal) shut-down of the unit, it must be available.

1. Turbine auxiliary oil pump is available

2. Turbine emergency oil pump is available

3. Turbine JO pump is available

4. Turbine control oil pump is ON

5. Turning gear is available

(Note: During turbine shut-down, “below a certain turbine speed” the turning gear comes into service and remains in service till HP turbine casing temperature is above a low temperature limit as recommended by the manufacturer. The turning gear is stopped only when “HP turbine casing temperature falls below the recommended low limit.”)

The step-by-step sequence of the automatic (normal) shut-down of a typical pulverized coal-fired power plant is given in Table 12.2.

Table 12.2

Step-by-step sequence of automatic shut-down of a unit

Step no. Input critera Command issued Check-back criteria

i. Prerequisites satisfied

ii. Once above condition is realized “auto shut-down sequence start” command is initiated by operator

i. Switchover coordinated control to manual

ii. HP/LP bypass becomes operative

iii. Unloading of turbine starts as per recommended rate by gradual closure of turbine control valves

i. Coordinated control on “manual”

ii. HP/LP bypass in service

iii. Turbine unloading in progress


i. Turbine unloading in progress

ii. HP turbine steam-metal differential temperature OK

iii. HPT casing top-bottom differential temperature OK

iv. Differential contraction of turbine OK

v. Turbine bearing temperature OK

vi. Turbine bearing vibration OK

vii. Turbine LO pressure OK

viii. Turbine LO temperature is within safe limit

Unloading of turbine continued Turbine load < 60%
3 Turbine load < 60%

i. Gradually reduce boiler load as recommended rate

ii. Unloading of turbine continued

i. Boiler unloading in progress

ii. Turbine unloaded fully

4 Turbine unloaded full

i. Switchover turbine speed control to manual

ii. Start turbine auxiliary pump

iii. Trip turbine

i. Turbine speed control on manual

ii. Turbine auxiliary oil pump ON

iii. Turbine tripped


i. Turbine tripped

ii. Turbine LO pressure OK

iii. ESVs of HP turbine closed

iv. HP control valves closed

v. IVs of IP turbine closed

vi. IP control valves closed

vii. HP turbine exhaust non-return valves closed

viii. Extraction steam line block valves closed

Operate reverse/low forward power relay Reverse/low forward power relay operated
6 Reverse/low forward power relay operated Open generator transformer circuit breaker Generator transformer circuit breaker open

i. Generator transformer circuit breaker open

ii. Turbine speed falling below a preset limit

Switch-off field breaker Field breaker off

i. Field breaker off

ii. Excitation voltage zero

Start jacking oil pump Jacking oil pressure OK

i. Jacking oil pressure OK

ii. Turbine speed falling below minimum preset limit

Start turning gear Turning gear ON

i. Turning gear ON

ii. HP turbine casing temperature reaches preset low limit

i. Open turbine drain valves

ii. Stop turning gear

iii. Stop JO pump

iv. Stop auxiliary oil pump

i. Turbine drain valves open

ii. Turning gear stopped

iii. Turbine JO pump stopped

iv. Turbine auxiliary oil pump stopped


i. Boiler unloading in progress

ii. Boiler load < 60%

i. Switchover combustion control to manual

ii. Switchover superheat steam temperature control to manual

iii. Switchover reheat steam temperature control to manual

i. Combustion control on manual

ii. Superheat steam temperature control on manual

iii. Reheat steam temperature control on manual

12 Pulverizer outlet coal-air temperature falls to preset low limit

i. Reduce air flow through pulverizer to its preset minimum limit

ii. Close hot air damper of pulverizer

i. Air flow through pulverizer is minimum

ii. Hot air damper of pulverizer closed

13 Boiler load < 40%

i. Start oil burners associated with the uppermost pulverizer in service

ii. Gradually reduce coal feeder load to their minimum loading of 25%

iii. Close hot air shut-off gates

i. Oil flame established

ii. Coal feeder load 25%

iii. Hot air shut-off gates closed

iv. Pulverizer motor current reduced to “no-load” current


i. Oil flame established

ii. Pulverizer motor current reduced to “no-load” current

Switch-off pulverizer as per preferential cut-out of pulverizers recommended by manufacturer Pulverizers OFF
15 Pulverizers OFF

i. Stop PA fans

ii. Stop coal feeders

i. PA fans OFF

ii. Coal feeders OFF

16 Boiler load < 25%

i. Reduce total air flow-down to 30%

ii. Close SH attemperator block valve

iii. Close RH attemperator block valve

i. Total air flow 30%

ii. SH attemperator block valve closed

iii. RH attemperator block valve closed

17 Boiler load < 15% Trip Master Fuel Trip Relay (MFR)

i. HFO trip valve closed

ii. LFO trip valve closed

iii. HFO burner valves closed

iv. LFO burner valves closed

v. Furnace “no flame”

18 Check-back criteria of step 17 OK

i. Close HP/LP bypass valves

ii. Close SHO stop valves

iii. Open RHO vent and drain valves

iv. Close burner atomizing valve

v. Open burner scavenge valve

i. HP/LP bypass valves closed

ii. SHO stop valves closed

iii. RHO vent and drain valves open

iv. Burner atomizing valve closed

v. Burner scavenge valve open

19 Burner scavenge time expired Close burner scavenge valve Burner scavenge valve closed

i. Burner scavenge valve closed

ii. Burner atomizing valve closed

iii. Drum level OK

i. Purge furnace

ii. Switchover HFO temperature control to manual

iii. Switchover HFO pressure control to manual

iv. Switchover LFO pressure control to manual

i. Purge time expired

ii. Stop HFO forwarding pump

iii. Stop LFO pump

21 Purge complete

i. Switchover all boiler controls to manual

ii. Stop FD fans

iii. Stop ID fans

iv. Stop regenerative air pre-heaters

i. All boiler controls on manual

ii. FD fans OFF

iii. ID fans OFF

iv. Regenerative air pre-heaters OFF

22 SHO pressure < 0.2 MPa Open SHO vent and drain valves SHO vent and drain valves open
23 SHO vent and drain valves open

i. Open MS line drain valves

ii. Open HRH line drain valves

iii. Open CRH line drain valves

i. MS line drain valves open

ii. HRH line drain valves open

iii. CRH line drain valves open


i. Check-back criteria of step 23 OK

ii. Drum level normal

Stop boiler feed pumps (BFPs) Boiler feed pumps OFF


ii. LP turbine exhaust temperature < 328 K

i. Close condenser inlet CW valves

ii. Close condenser outlet CW valves

i. Condenser inlet CW valves closed

ii. Condenser outlet CW valves closed


i. Check-back criteria of step 25 OK

ii. Deaerator feedwater storage tank level normal

Stop condensate extraction pumps (CEPs) CEPs OFF


ii. Hotwell level normal

Stop vacuum pumps Vacuum pumps OFF

i. Check-back criteria of step 10

ii. Vacuum pumps OFF




(Note: If the following equipment are installed ‘unit wise’ they may also be stopped at Step 25:

Instrument and service air compressors, CW pumps, and DMW pumps.)

12.9 Start-Up of Gas Turbine

The operation of a modern gas turbine is a fully automated process, with various auxiliaries of the turbine automatically switched in and out of operation in a sequential manner. There is no operator intervention required except for the selection of fuel and the setting of load. The operations take place step-by-step in a pre-set order.

12.9.1 Pre-start checks

Before starting the gas turbine, the following must be inspected and checked:

1. Gas turbine and its components are in a state of tidiness and no rags or tools are lying in or around them

2. Maintenance work (if any) on different parts of the unit has been completed and all permit to work cards have been returned by authorized maintenance personnel duly signed

3. Inspect all parts of the plant subjected to maintenance work and make sure that all maintenance personnel have been withdrawn and the plant is ready for start-up

4. “Danger” tags from valves and switchgears, if there be any, are removed

5. All relevant valves in fuel gas conditioning skid as well as fuel oil treatment system are open

6. Drain all drain points of fuel gas conditioning skid

7. Gas pressure at gas turbine fuel gas skid inlet is adequate

8. Oil pressure at gas turbine fuel oil skid inlet is adequate

9. Check that air intake filter house is free of accumulated water either by opening drain plugs or by visual inspection

10. Starting device is switched on

11. Turbine lube oil tank level is at normal or above

12. Lube oil pressure drop across strainers, filters, and also oil flow through sight glasses are within normal limit

13. Lube oil pressure is equal to or above the recommended value

14. All systems, i.e., fuel gas, fuel oil, lube oil, etc., are tight and no visible leakage exists

15. Earthing is in order

16. All control and power fuses are in place

17. Battery voltage and charging equipment are in order

18. All control and selector switches are in proper sequence for start-up program

19. Electrical control and protection systems are not isolated and are in service

20. Annunciations, instruments, all indicating lamps are healthy

21. Operation from control room is in order

22. Check that “generator transformer”, “unit auxiliary transformer”, various electrical boards and power supply systems, etc., are in `ready to operate” position

23. Auxiliary power supply is at the rated voltage and frequency

24. Fire-detection system and automatic CO2 fire-extinguishing system are in order

25. Portable fire extinguishers are in place around machinery space, fuel oil skid, fuel gas skid, etc.

Once these conditions are satisfied the gas turbine is purged with at least 8% of full-load mass air flow for a period of no less than 5 minutes. The gas turbine is now ready to start.

12.9.2 Start-up, Synchronizing, and Loading

Start-up of a gas turbine essentially means regulation of the fuel flow to the gas turbine at the initiation of a start signal. During this period the fuel/air ratio is maintained so the outlet gas temperature does not exceed permissible limits at maximum acceleration.

The typical gas turbine start-up and synchronization procedure is as follows:

1. Check that field breaker is OFF and AVR is operative

2. Ensure starting power from an external source

3. Gas turbine auxiliaries are thus placed in service

4. Gas turbine set is then accelerated with the help of starting device until the turbine is ignited and self-sustaining speed is reached

5. Governing system then takes over and accelerates the set to synchronous speed

6. After the machine has attained the synchronous speed, the synchronizing device adapts the turbine speed to match the grid frequency; the machine voltage is then brought to the rated value

7. While connecting to the grid, the parameters of frequency, phase angle, and voltage are adjusted to suit the grid; the generator is then synchronized with the grid by closing the generator circuit breaker.

12.9.3 Normal operation

During loading and subsequent operation of the machine, the primary responsibility of the operator is to observe and record the operational parameters of the main unit as well as its auxiliaries and ancillaries and to take corrective measures when required to control the machine. The operator must also keep a close watch on the performance of the generator exciter, AVR, and load regulator.

During start-up and normal operation, the following parameters should remain at or within the predetermined limits:

1. Bearing temperature and vibration

2. Operating parameters of turbine oil system

3. Compressor discharge pressure

4. Turbine exhaust temperature

5. Wheel space temperature

6. Fuel pressure

7. Temperatures of stator winding and rotor winding

12.10 Normal Shut-Down of Gas Turbine

Before stopping the gas turbine unload the generator first and then initiate stop command. Normal shut-down of gas turbine is initiated by a stop signal resulting in total cut-off of fuel flow to the gas turbine.

12.11 Emergency Shut-Down of Gas Turbine

To protect the gas turbine from serious damage in the event of failure of open- and/or closed-loop control systems emergency shut-down of gas turbine is followed to shut-off the fuel supply to gas turbine without waiting for unloading the unit.

12.11.1 Unit cool-down and shut-down checks (normal or in the case of an emergency)

Immediately following a shut-down, the gas turbine should be put on barring gear for a period of predetermined time to assist in uniform cooling of the turbine rotor. Uniform cooling of the turbine rotor prevents rotor bowing and resultant rubbing and unbalance, which might otherwise occur on subsequent starting attempts.

The barring device is interlocked with a lubricating oil and jacking oil system and will not operate until the lube oil and jacking oil supply to the bearings is established. The minimum cool-down time depends on the ambient temperature and air draft. However, if the machine is not going to remain idle for a prolonged period, it is advisable that the barring operation be continued until a subsequent starting attempt is made.

The following checks have to be made after the machine is shut down:

i. Lube oil pump is maintaining good flow of oil at each bearing

ii. Battery charger voltage and current are normal

iii. Investigate any faults found during running

iv. Perform any repair/maintenance, as required

v. Open exhaust duct drain cock

vi. Fuel gas and fuel oil source is isolated and secured

vii. All compartment doors are closed

12.12 Start-Up of Diesel Engine

12.12.1 Preparing the diesel engine for start-up during normal operation

Before the diesel engine is started the following checks/activities should be done:

1. Ensure there are no foreign objects on the diesel-generator and its accessories

2. Governor speed scale indicator pointer is in STOP position

3. Shaft barring arrangement is engaged with the shaft and locked in that position

4. All safety devices, lower crankcase, main drive, and drives for major accessories travel freely

5. Condition of joints and fastening of diesel engine auxiliary system pipelines is good; make sure that all cocks, valves, and flaps are in the operating position

6. Admit water to the external cooling circuit and make sure the water system joints are not leaking

7. Oil and fuel filters cut in for the operation of both sections

8. Check for the absence of water in the circulating oil tank and in the oil cooler (ensured by taking samples from the lower part of tank and cooler)

9. Bleed air out of the upper points of diesel engine cooling system, fill the system with internal circuit water, and pour oil and fuel into the respective systems up to the rated levels

10. Scavenge condensate out of starting air cylinders and charge them with air up to a pressure recommended by the manufacturer

11. Level of oil in the speed governor is up to the center of oil level indicator

12. Set the filter and cooler priming pipeline valve in the position for shutting off flow into the tank and ensuring priming of filter and cooler

13. Start automatic heating of oil and water

14. When warming up and priming the diesel engine with water, check the internal cooling circuit system for absence of leakage and also check the sealing of pipe unions, starting valves, injectors, etc.

15. Cocks on the receiver and exhaust manifold oil drain pipes are open and are not choked; clean pipes, if necessary

16. Engage in independent priming and scavenging oil electric pumps

17. Air pipeline valves should be closed and fuel feed limiter shut-off valve is open

18. Leave the electric pumps engaged, open indicator valves, prime the diesel engine with oil, and at the same time turn the crankshafts by means of shaft barring arrangement; check supply oil pressure to the diesel engine

19. While priming oil and cranking the diesel engine, check supply of oil to all the bearings, to the main drive and the drives for major and minor accessories; check flow of oil out of piston cooling pipes, and check also proper sealing of joints of oil pipelines in the engine crankcase, starting valves, and starting system

20. Having accomplished the check, close air pipeline valves, and open shut-off valves on the main starting valves

21. Prime the high-pressure fuel injection pumps and engine system

22. Supply air to thermo regulators; make sure that valves of thermo-regulators move smoothly and without jamming

23. Prime diesel engine with oil

24. Crank diesel engine with air

The diesel engine is now ready for starting.

When the diesel engine is running, monitor the following parameters to ensure that they remain within their recommended limits:

i. Diesel engine speed

ii. Temperature of exhaust gases in manifolds

iii. Engine oil inlet temperature

iv. Engine oil outlet temperature

v. Engine internal circuit water inlet temperature

vi. Engine internal circuit water outlet temperature

vii. Engine oil inlet pressure

viii. Engine internal circuit water inlet pressure

ix. Fuel oil supply pressure

x. Pressure of external circuit water downstream of pump

xi. Pressure of air fed to thermo-regulators

xii. Level of oil in the circulating tank

xiii. Temperature of exhaust gases in the cylinders

xiv. Temperatures of bearings, stator winding, and rotor winding

12.13 Normal Shut-Down of Diesel Engine

Before stopping the diesel engine after its continuous rated-power operation, unload the generator first then initiate stop command. Once the stop command is initiated the engine speed is reduced to a value as recommended by the manufacturer. The engine continues to run at this speed until it is cooled down sufficiently. After the oil temperature drops to about 328 K the fuel supply to the engine is cut-off to bring down the speed to zero.

12.14 Emergency Shut-Down of Diesel Engine

Stopping a diesel engine in an emergency can be achieved, without cooling the engine, by initiating the emergency stop command and cutting the engine load. Right after the engine is stopped (normally or in the case of emergency), do the following:

a. Open cocks on the drain pipes of the receiver and exhaust manifolds

b. Make sure that water outlet temperature is within 303 and 323 K and the oil outlet temperature is within 313 and 323 K. If the temperatures are higher, prime water and oil systems using respective pumps until the required range of temperature is reached

c. Pump oil from the diesel engine sump and system scavenging pipeline into the circulating tank using a oil scavenging pump

d. Close the engine air supply pipeline valve and also the valve that admits air to the thermo-regulators


1. IEC 60045-1:1991: Steam Turbines Part-1: Specification.

2. BS EN 60045-1:1993: Guide for Steam Turbine Procurement.

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