The Future of Threat Hunting

If we look at the most recent SolarWinds breaches, the attackers evaded existing defenses for months. One of SolarWinds customers, FireEye, was the first to detect the breach, citing activity dating back to March 2020. The evasive hackers went undetected inside the victims' environments, giving them access to secure information over a long period of time. These are sophisticated actors that know the tripwires associated with simplistic rules and analytics people use to find them. The SolarWinds breach exemplifies organizations' need for effective and proactive threat hunting.

Legacy-based threat detection systems used heuristics and static signatures on a large amount of data logs to detect threats and anomalies. However, this meant that analysts needed to be aware of how normal data logs should look. The process included data being ingested and processed through the traditional extraction, transformation, and load (ETL) phase. The transformed data is read by machines and analyzed by analysts who create signatures. The signatures are then evaluated by passing more data. An error in evaluation meant rewriting the rules. Signature-based threat detection techniques, though well understood, are not robust, since signatures need to be created on-the-go for larger volumes of data.

The only path out of this quandary is to find solutions that enable threat hunters to effectively hunt faster. In order to allow hunters to do machine-assisted hunting, we need to automate the data mining process. Organizations need to allow machines to do what they are good at—mine through terabytes of data at machine speeds. With this assistance, hunters can trigger hunts based on interesting IoCs and behaviors, enabling them to effectively hunt an order of magnitude more than what they can today. Adding machine-assistance to aid human hunters will help organizations gain visibility into all of the attackers' steps, every lateral movement activity, usage of living off the land binaries, and persistence technique employed, ultimately showing the attackers' complete footprint across the entire environment.

Attackers are beginning to dynamically shift on the fly; for example, they no longer require an employee to click a phishing email to gain access to data. Next-generation attacks can execute from previews, shut off antivirus systems, escalate privileges, and even disable logs to hinder detection. Looking ahead, it is not only crucial for organizations and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) to prioritize the threat-hunting process in order to look for sophisticated threats, but to also equip the hunt team with machine-assisted hunting tools that will enable them to be as effective as possible.

Cybersecurity is a growth industry, and in our experience, there is a severe skills shortage in hiring cybersecurity professionals. Specifically, to single out the Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts who are tasked with analyzing the large datasets frequently on a daily basis. These SOC analysts are a “rare breed” with highly analytical skills to detect anomalies and to discard large sets of “false positives.” These false positives (i.e., estimated to be in excess of 98% of all security alerts) drain a majority of the investigative resources. It is inconceivable to achieve the preceding level of insights with just human interactions. The secret weapon is artificial intelligence (AI) and the advances in machine learning (ML) algorithms. The SOC operators use machine learning extensively to reduce manual effort, reduce wasted effort on false positives, and speed up detection combatting cybercrime.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

This section discusses how threat hunting will evolve. Organizations and MSSPs can look into these technological trends and build their capabilities for more effective hunting in the future:

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Quantum computing
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Operational Technology (OT)
  • Blockchain
  • Threat hunting as a service
  • The evolution of the threat-hunting tool
  • Potential regulatory guidance

There are numerous definitions of AI and a simple Internet search can provide many interpretations of this. As an academic and a researcher, the following definition of AI has always resonated with me. In essence, AI is the ability to provide:

  • Reasoning: Learn and form conclusions with imperfect data
  • Understanding: Interpret the meaning of data including text, voice, images, etc.
  • Interacting: Interact with people in natural ways

AI is also often used interchangeably with the term machine learning (ML). ML is the ability to identify objects and data, such as files, images, etc., and to get better (or learn) as more diverse datasets are provided.

Machine intelligence approaches use machine learning that adapts and learns over time to react not only to the evolving threat, but also can be tuned based on human/analyst inputs as new insights are gleaned. Because threats evolve so rapidly, it's critical not to engage in a hunt with an outdated set of tools that will miss emerging threats. Additionally, machine intelligence can be used to consolidate a great deal of human-curated intelligence into robust, simplified machine-curated intelligence. Even though expert analysis is often required for intuition-based analysis, machine intelligence can help comb through large volumes of human intelligence or use human-defined frameworks to speed up the application of expert insight. This can alleviate the labor load on the human analyst, allowing them to focus only on tasks that demand their more complex thinking.

There are number of ML algorithms, and deep learning is a further subset of AI. We will specifically concentrate on ML advances in this chapter. The following are some examples of leveraging ML in the fight against cybercrime:

  • Unsupervised learning helps remove human bias: ML algorithms can remove the human bias that comes with expertise to reveal unexpected insights.
  • Anomaly detection: ML determines the norm for a variable and the average standard deviation, then identifies spikes that fall outside the standard. A couple of examples of anomaly detection are:
    • Malicious User Profiling: Malicious activity is often hard to detect with manually generated rules. These are due to complex attack patterns, diversity of valid virtual machine (VM) activities, and the rapid improvement in attacking tools. To overcome these challenges, we leverage ML capabilities to learn behavioral patterns of known malicious logins and execution sequences. The sources of malicious logins we use are GuardiCore honeypots, Brute Force scanners, and suspicious login–related alerts. These have the ability to dynamically adopt to new attacks and hacking tools. Later, these dynamically learned patterns are used to detect similar activities across cloud providers, such as Azure and AWS.
    • Compromised VMs: The defenders have the ability to detect and inform consumers that their VMs are compromised. These detections include outgoing port scanning from IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) and outgoing spam and outgoing Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). The outgoing spam detection is done in collaboration with cloud productivity tools such as Office 365 on Azure.
  • Cyber threat-hunting activities after a compromise: Oftentimes, the window between compromise and detrimental effects is small, and hunt actors need to quickly identify where intrusions occurred, what likely attack vectors are moving forward, and how to quickly remediate exploited vulnerabilities. By utilizing machine intelligence, cyberthreat experts can deploy algorithms to sift through large amounts of data, bringing to the front the most applicable and important data. By training algorithms on historical data, machine intelligence can also rapidly uncover relationships in the data that are labor-intensive for a human to detect, helping to shrink the latency from compromise to remediation.

How ML Reduces False Positives

As mentioned earlier, false positives are the largest roadblock to attack disruption. The majority of Security Operations Centers (SOCs) are simply overloaded with false positive security signal data preventing (or at minimum distracting) resources to combat the “real threats.” As per Figure 9.1, the traditional SOC approach has been to hand-craft rules by security professionals to combat impending threats. However, these static rules do not adapt to the changes in their environments. Specifically, they do not adapt to changing attack vectors and introduction of new malware. SOC analysts are also exposed to large volumes of data. For example, some our Azure services generate an estimated 1000+ API calls a minute. These high-dimensional data are very challenging for an SOC analyst to visualize and spot the outliers.

Snapshot of Traditional approach vs. ML approach

Figure 9.1: Traditional approach vs. ML approach

ML is assisting us to address these challenges. ML has the ability to retrain itself by adapting to new environments as new data is provided. Providing relevant and actionable large datasets is the key success factor here. These large datasets include industry threat-hunting research alerts, domain expert alerts, customer feedback alerts, labels from other product groups (AWS CloudTrail logs, O365, Windows Defender ATP, Azure, etc.), red team exercises, automated attack bots, and Bug Bounty programs. The combination of all these rich datasets enables us to successfully minimize the false positives and “give back more time” to SOC analysts. Hence, they can target and eradicate the real threats without getting drowned in a sea of security alerts.

How Machine Intelligence Applies to Malware Detection

Machine intelligence can identify potential malicious software by applying machine learning such as deep learning models that review and inspect the full software binaries. These models can detect actions that can be characteristic of malicious software and send them off for further review.

As the model reviews more software, the malware detection capability will continue to learn and detect other similar new attacks as well as completely new malware attacks that would be exposed as anomalies.

Those approaches have the potential to catch malware variants and zero-day attacks that traditional signature-based approaches will never detect. By no means are we suggesting eliminating a traditional antivirus from your security stack, but rather expanding your arsenal to achieve greater detection coverage.

How Machine Intelligence Applies to Risk Scoring in a Network

Cyber risk scoring uses context-defined predictive analytics to provide quantitative, data-driven outputs, allowing organizations to prioritize and focus remediation activities on network areas that are exposed to the greatest risk. As information systems increase in number and connectivity, the attack surfaces in need of strategic and informed cyber defense grow exponentially. The growing connectivity among information systems creates increased opportunities for adversaries to take advantage of cyber vulnerabilities, disrupting strategic missions, key systems, and critical infrastructure. Not only are there more ways to enter and exploit an organization's systems, but adversaries are becoming increasingly creative and innovative in their attack design.

By driving cyber risk assessments with machine learning instead of domain expert interpretation, risk scores are entirely data-driven and quantitative. These scores can offer both precise point estimates of scaled risk as well as data-driven uncertainty bounds around these scores to better inform decision makers.

Additionally, models can score vulnerabilities and exploit opportunities at scale and efficiently, covering the landscape of known risk in a matter of hours, rather than days, weeks, and months.

Advances in Quantum Computing

Paul Lipman says that quantum computing is based on quantum mechanics, which governs how nature works at the smallest scales. The smallest classical computing element is a bit, which can be either 0 or 1. The quantum equivalent is a qubit, which can also be 0 or 1 or in what's called a superposition—any combination of 0 and 1. Performing a calculation on two classical bits (which can be 00, 01, 10, and 11) requires four calculations. A quantum computer can perform calculations on all four states simultaneously. This scales exponentially: 1,000 qubits would, in some respects, be more powerful than the world's most powerful supercomputer.

The promise of quantum computing, however, is not speeding up conventional computing. Rather, it will deliver an exponential advantage for certain classes of problems, such as factoring very large numbers, with profound implications for cybersecurity.

Quantum computers are predicted to solve problems that are far too complex for classical computers according to the Quantum Exchange, a leading research body. This includes solving the algorithms behind encryption keys that protect data and the Internet's infrastructure. Much of today's encryption is based on mathematical formulas that would take today's computers an impractically long time to decode. To simplify this, think of two large numbers, for example, and multiply them together. It's easy to come up with the product, but much harder to start with the large number and factor it into its two prime numbers. A quantum computer, however, can easily factor those numbers and break the code. Peter Shor developed a quantum algorithm (aptly named Shor's algorithm) that easily factors large numbers far more quickly than a classical computer. Since then, scientists have been working on developing quantum computers that can factor increasingly larger numbers.

As the pace of quantum research continues to accelerate, though, the development of such a computer within the next three to five years cannot be discounted. As an example, according to MIT Technology Review, a 20 million-qubit computer could break a 2048-bit algorithm in 8 hours. What that demonstration means is that continued breakthroughs like this will keep pushing the timeline up. Quantum computing is expected to transform cybersecurity according to Paul Lipman in the following key areas:

  • Random number generation is fundamental to cryptography: Conventional random number generators typically rely on algorithms known as pseudo-random number generators, which are not truly random and thus potentially open to compromise. Companies such as Quantum Dice and ID Quantique are developing quantum random number generators that utilize quantum optics to generate sources of true randomness.
  • Quantum-secure communications: Sharing cryptographic keys between two or more parties to allow them to privately exchange information is at the heart of secure communications. Quantum-secure communications utilizes aspects of quantum mechanics to enable the completely secret exchange of encryption keys and can even alert to the presence of an eavesdropper. This is currently limited to fiber transmission over 10s of kilometers.
  • Breaking public-key cryptography, specifically the RSA algorithm, which is at the heart of the ecommerce industry: RSA relies on the fact that the product of two prime numbers is computationally challenging to factor. It would take a classical computer trillions of years to break RSA encryption. A quantum computer with around 4,000 error-free qubits could defeat RSA in seconds. However, this would require closer to 1 million of today's noisy qubits. The world's largest quantum computer is currently less than 100 qubits; however, IBM and Google have road maps to achieve 1 million by 2030. A million-qubit quantum computer may still be a decade away, but that time frame could well be compressed. Additionally, highly sensitive financial and national security data is potentially susceptible to being stolen today—only to be decrypted once a sufficiently powerful quantum computer becomes available. The potential threat to public-key cryptography has engendered the development of algorithms that are invulnerable to quantum computers.
  • Machine learning has revolutionized cybersecurity, enabling novel attacks to be detected and blocked: The cost of training deep models grows exponentially as data volumes and complexity increase. The emerging field of quantum machine learning may enable exponentially faster, more time- and energy-efficient machine learning algorithms. This, in turn, could yield more effective algorithms for identifying and defeating novel cyberattack methods.

As the future versions of quantum computers would have the power to crack passwords simultaneously, future cyber-physical systems must incorporate quantum computing–resistant designs of data security.

Quantum Computing Challenges

Quantum computing promises to transform cybersecurity, but there are substantial challenges to address and fundamental breakthroughs still required to be made.

The most immediate challenge is to achieve sufficient numbers of fault-tolerant qubits to unleash quantum computing's computational promise. Companies such as IBM, Google, Honeywell, and Amazon are investing in this problem.

Quantum computers are currently programmed from individual quantum logic gates, which may be acceptable for small quantum computers, but it's impractical once we get to thousands of qubits. Companies like IBM and Classiq are developing more abstracted layers in the programming stack, enabling developers to build powerful quantum applications to solve real-world problems.

Arguably, the key bottleneck in the quantum computing industry will be a lack of talent. While universities churn out computer science graduates at an accelerating pace, there is still too little being done to train the next generation of quantum computing professionals. It will take efforts from governments, universities, industry, and the broader technology ecosystem to enable the level of talent development required to truly capitalize on quantum computing.

Preparing for the Quantum Future

The quantum revolution is upon us. Although the profound impact of large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computers may be a decade off, near-term quantum computers will still yield tremendous benefits. We are seeing substantial investment in solving the core problems around scaling qubit count, error correction, and algorithms. From a cybersecurity perspective, while quantum computing may render some existing encryption protocols obsolete, it has the promise to enable a substantially enhanced level of communication security and privacy.

Organizations must think strategically about the longer-term risks and benefits of quantum computing and technology and engage in a serious way today to be ready for the quantum revolution of tomorrow.

Advances in IoT and Their Impact

The recent IDC report by MacGillivray and Wright (Worldwide Internet of Things Connectivity Forecast, 2017–2021, IDC, 2017) suggest that the next decade promises the universal democratization of connectivity to every device. Significant drops in the cost of connectivity mean that every form of electrical device—every child's toy, every household's appliances, and every industry's equipment—will connect to the Internet. This Internet of Things (IoT) will drive huge economic efficiencies; it will enable countless innovations as digital transformation reaches across fields from childcare to eldercare, from hospitality to mining, from education to transportation. Although no person can foresee the full impact of universal device connectivity, anticipation of this new frontier is widespread.

The Internet of Things can be used to interconnect various physical devices as well as virtual objects that can be accessed through the Internet. IoT is rapidly growing and changing our lives. There has been a massive surge in the use of IoT devices, mainly in the homes and manufacturing sectors. IoT has penetrated every aspect of our lives and everything from your water sprinkler to your security system, which is connected to the Internet. With the overwhelming amount of new technologies popping up every day, IoT security often tends to be overlooked, which makes the users of these devices particularly vulnerable to security threats.

IoT creates a network of the physical objects, whose data is stored on the cloud. The devices connect to the surrounding objects and the extensive data around them. Since the data is being passed back and forth on thousands of devices, hackers are just one vulnerability away from exploiting all your personal data stored on the network. This may not appear as a major risk when your home automation system and other IoT devices may have negligible personal information stored on these devices. However, IoT items may consist of a camera or microphone and they may be compromised. This will enable hackers to monitor all your movements thus leading to a breach of privacy and exfiltration of personal information. Cisco analysts estimated that more than 50 billion devices were connected to the Internet in 2020. This quantity is far more than the number of people on the planet and it only emphasizes the scale of this vulnerability and the urgency needed to tackle the issue.

According to Cyberie research, nearly 70% of IoT devices are riddled with serious vulnerabilities. Protecting organizations and individuals against the increasing risks isn't going to be easy, but we can't afford to have so many exposed weaknesses waiting to be exploited. First, one needs to be aware of the threats they are facing. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has provided us with the Internet of Things Project where they highlight the key susceptible areas. The project explains the vulnerabilities as well as discusses prevention. The list is as follows:

  • Insecure web interfaces
  • Insufficient authentications or authorizations
  • Insecure network services
  • Lack of transport encryption
  • Privacy concerns
  • Insecure cloud interfaces
  • Insecure mobile interfaces
  • Insufficient security configurations
  • Poor physical security

Many good security practices have been theoretically considered. These include the use of secure protocols, using a VPN, using identity management, and by providing timely latest updates and patches for the gadgets. The Cyberie research expands on how IoT devices can impact cybersecurity:

  • At a workplace, a savvy user may manipulate the ID access process to get into a restricted area.
  • IoT security also includes public infrastructure such as traffic lights and power plants, which may be manipulated by malicious users and disrupt the day-to-day lives of the mass population.
  • All the data generated by IoT devices is collected and stored for machine learning algorithms that use the data to create better business solutions and improve quality of life. The volume of this data produced is immense. This is another attack vector for adversaries.

Even though most IoT security challenges are yet to be overcome, the industry has recognized these weaknesses in the devices. Fortunately, cybersecurity professionals are already adjusting to the new demands of this widespread network.

Growing IoT Cybersecurity Risks

According to SimpliLearn, Deloitte recently outlined several key industries and market segments that are excelling at IoT utilization. The growing number of use cases is an indicator of not only how broad the impact of IoT is on society, but also how many entry points exist that hackers and cybercriminals can exploit. The list includes:

  • Healthcare and life sciences: Patient care, remote diagnostics, bio wearables, food sensors, and equipment monitoring
  • Smart homes: Wearables, smart thermostat, smoke alarm, refrigerator (and other appliances), and home security
  • Cities and infrastructure: HVAC, smart cities and buildings, waste management, and electric vehicles
  • Transportation and urban mobility: Traffic routing, telematics, smart parking, and public transport
  • Industrial systems and sensors: Measuring speed, temperature, flow, pressure, light, and position of various systems

A key challenge in building security protocols for IoT is that there is a lack of standards available, thanks to the complexity of the IoT ecosystem and a huge number of devices from a wide range of vendors worldwide. The Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology (S&T) Directive has recently created a set of best practices that enterprises can follow to secure their IoT systems. The directive breaks down security into three distinct segments:

  • Detection: Understanding exactly which IoT devices and components are connected to a given network or system.
  • Authentication: Verifying the identity and origin of IoT devices to detect and prevent spoofing.
  • Updating: Continually maintaining, updating, and upgrading IoT security capabilities to stay ahead of hackers and cybercriminals.

With those basic guidelines in mind, companies are learning to tackle IoT security breaches with tangible new strategies, according to a recent list of solutions. Among the most effective strategies:

  • Maintain accurate data on each IoT device to gauge the level of potential risk
  • Proactively identify cyberthreats to anticipate and prevent breaches
  • Restrict access to sensitive data
  • Continually monitor who is accessing each device
  • Frequently back up all the data the IoT device gathers

These core steps provide a roadmap that cybersecurity professionals can follow to create a comprehensive IoT security framework. Researches have taken into account these concerns and attempted to create a universal framework to address IoT security. There is a current draft NIST framework being authored.

Here are a few typical attack types that can be levied against enterprise IoT systems:

  • Authentication attacks: Unfortunately, weak and default passwords continue to provide delicious targets to attackers.
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): IoT devices can be controlled by a rogue command-and-control adversary to “overload” a system by initiating simultaneous requests. This will result in the system shutting down altogether.
  • Application security attacks: IoT devices and connections can be exploited through attacks against application endpoints. Application endpoints include web servers as well as mobile device applications (for example, iOS and Android) that have a role in controlling the device. Application code running on the device itself can also be directly targeted. Application fuzzing can find ways of compromising the application host and taking control of its processes.
  • Wireless reconnaissance and mapping: The majority of IoT devices on the market utilize wireless communication protocols such as ZigBee, ZWave, Bluetooth-LE, and Wi-Fi 802.11. Similar to the war dialing days of old, where hackers scanned through telephone switching networks to identify electronic modems, today researchers are successfully demonstrating scanning attacks against IoT devices.
  • Security protocol attacks: Many security protocols can sustain attacks against vulnerabilities introduced in the protocol design (specification), implementation, and even configuration stages (in which different, viable protocol options are set).
  • Physical security attacks: Physical security is a topic frequently overlooked by IoT vendors that are only familiar with designing equipment, appliances, and other tools historically not subject to exploitation. Physical security attacks include those in which the attackers physically penetrate the enclosure of a host, embedded device, or other type of IoT computing platform to gain access to its processor, memory devices, and other sensitive components.

Preparing for IoT Challenges

MacGillivray and Wright have identified seven properties that must be shared by all highly secure, network-connected IoT devices. They are detailed here. These guidelines should be followed to reduce IoT surface attacks and minimize the attack vectors.

  • Highly secure devices have a hardware-based root of trust: Device secrets are protected by hardware and the hardware contains physical countermeasures against side-channel attacks. Unlike software, hardware has two important properties that may be used to establish device security. First, single-purpose hardware is immune to reuse by an attacker for unintended actions. Second, hardware can detect and mitigate against physical attacks; for example, pulse testing the reset pin to prevent glitching attacks is easily implemented in hardware. When used to protect secrets and device correctness, hardware provides a solid root of trust upon which rich software functionality can be implemented securely and safely.
  • Highly secure devices have a small trusted computing base: The trusted computing base (TCB) consists of all the software and hardware that are used to create a secure environment for an operation. The TCB should be kept as small as possible to minimize the surface that is exposed to attackers and to reduce the probability that a bug or feature can be used to circumvent security protections. On the contrary, in less secure systems, all security enforcement is implemented in a software stack that contains no protection boundaries.
  • Highly secure devices have defense in depth: In these devices, multiple mitigations are applied to each threat. In systems with only a single layer of defense, just a single error in design or implementation can lead to catastrophic compromise. Attackers are creative; threats are often not completely anticipated, so having multiple countermeasures often becomes the difference between a secure or compromised system.
  • Highly secure devices provide compartmentalization: Compartments are protected by hardware-enforced boundaries to prevent a flaw or breach in one software compartment from propagating to other software compartments of the system. Compartmentalization introduces additional protection boundaries within the hardware and software stack to create additional layers of defense in depth. For example, a common technique is to use operating systems processes or independent virtual machines as compartments. On the contrary, many low-cost devices employed a design with no software separation.
  • Highly secure devices use certificate-based authentication: Certificates, instead of passwords, are used to prove identities for mutual authentication when communicating with other local devices and with servers in the cloud. A certificate is a statement of identity and authorization that is signed with a secret private key and validated with a known public key. Unlike passwords or other authentication mechanisms that are based on shared secrets, certificates can't be stolen, forged, or otherwise used to authenticate an impostor.
  • Highly secure devices have renewable security: A device with renewable security can update to a more secure state automatically even after the device has been compromised. Security threats evolve and attackers discover new attack vectors. To counter emerging threats, device security must be renewed regularly. In extreme cases, when compartments and layers of a device are compromised by zero-day exploits, lower layers must rebuild and renew the security of higher levels of the system. Remote attestation and rollback protections guarantee that once renewed, a device cannot be reverted to a known vulnerable state.
  • Highly secure devices have failure reporting: When a failure occurs on these devices, a failure report is collected automatically and sent to a failure analysis system in a timely manner. In the best case, a failure is triggered by imperfect programming for an extremely rare sequence of events. In the worst case, a failure is triggered by attackers probing for new attack vectors. Whatever the case, a failure analysis system correlates failure reports that have similar root causes. With a sufficiently large reporting base, even extremely rare failure events can be diagnosed and corrected, and new attack vectors can be identified and isolated before they are widely exploited. Failure reporting creates a global “immune system” for highly secure devices. Without failure reporting, device manufacturers are left in the dark as to the device failures experienced by their customers and may be caught off guard by emerging attacks.

Operational Technology (OT)

ForcePoint defines Operational Technology (OT) as hardware and software that detects or causes a change through the direct monitoring and/or control of physical devices, processes, and events in the enterprises. Gartner describes OT as common in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) such as a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) System. In the world of critical infrastructure, OT may be used to control power stations or public transportation. As this technology advances and converges with networked tech, the need for OT security grows exponentially.

For many years, industrial systems relied on proprietary protocols and software, were manually managed and monitored by operators, and had no connection to the outside world. For this reason, they were a fairly insignificant target for hackers as there was no networked interface to attack and nothing to gain or destroy. The only way to infiltrate these systems was to obtain physical access to a terminal and this was no easy task. OT and IT integrated little and did not deal with the same kinds of vulnerabilities.

Today, it's a very different story as we see more industrial systems brought online to deliver big data and smart analytics as well as adopt new capabilities and efficiencies through technological integrations. Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) convergence gives organizations a single view of industrial systems together with process management solutions that ensure accurate information is delivered to people, machines, switches, sensors, and devices at the right time and in the best format. When IT and OT systems work in harmony together, new efficiencies are discovered, systems can be remotely monitored and managed and organizations can realize the same security benefits that are used on administrative IT systems. This transition from closed to open systems has generated a slew of new security risks that need to be addressed.

Importance of OT Security

As industrial systems become more connected, they also become more exposed to vulnerabilities. The high cost of industrial equipment and the devastation to communities and economies that an attack could generate are key factors for organizations looking to protect their industrial networks. Add legacy equipment, safety regulations that may prohibit any modifications being made to equipment, and compliance regulations that require sensitive data to be made available to third parties, and you have quite a challenge on your hands.

It is possible to secure industrial networks without disrupting operations or risking non-compliance. By using solutions that allow complete visibility of network control traffic and establishing the right security policies, you can put an effective OT strategy in place that will protect your processes, people, and profit and significantly reduce security vulnerabilities and incidents.


The decentralized communication system, blockchain, was implemented first to authenticate bitcoin transactions, but the technology has now emerged to be the future of cybersecurity. The most common challenges enterprises face with their existing systems include the ease to locate an availability of multiple avenues for hackers to attack and overtake the system.

A blockchain is basically a decentralized, digitized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions and uses what is known as the distributed ledger technology. This could potentially help enhance cyber-defense as the platform can prevent fraudulent activities via consensus mechanisms and detect data tampering depending on its underlying characteristics of operational resilience, data encryption, auditability, transparency, and immutability.

Owing to their distributed nature, blockchains provide no “hackable” entrance or a central point of failure and, thereby, provide more security when compared with various present database-driven transactional structures.

Blockchain technology can be used for a variety of reasons across a slew of industries. It helps prevent cyberattacks, data breaches, identity theft, and unfairness in title transactions, and makes sure your data is private and safe. This is only the beginning for blockchain. As new technology, it's only going to get smarter and better.

Another traditional weakness is eliminated through blockchain's collaborative consensus algorithm. It can watch for malicious actions, anomalies, and false positives without the need for a central authority. One pair of eyes can be fooled, but not all of them. That strengthens authentication and secures data communications and record management.

The Future of Cybersecurity with Blockchain

Cybersecurity is one of the most versatile industries in which businesses are witnessing a new breed of threat almost every other day. Although the future of cybersecurity will always be unpredictable for global leaders, it is critical to prepare an assessment of possible threats and potential security innovation to keep consistent customer and stakeholder trust.

The combination of block-building algorithms and hashing makes blockchain a great solution in the cybersecurity portfolio, by enhancing data security when transactions of any kind of value are being processed in the distributed network. Blockchain is changing the cybersecurity solution in several ways. After cloud computing and several other digital evolutions, it is obvious that organizations should use hundreds of applications (internal and cloud-based) for their business needs. This also gives rise to the level of data breaches for end users and organizations.

As per the new Breach Level Index (BLI) in 2017, more than 2.5 billion data records were compromised. As a result, it is expected that in the current digital age, comfort and flexibility will be overtaken by privacy and security. As has been clearly demonstrated, blockchain is all about providing data security and privacy for confidential information, and blockchain is likely to be a great attraction for several business applications to provide better security and privacy.

Threat Hunting as a Service

As discussed in the first chapter, the human element in threat hunting is foundational and one of the critical success factors. Threat hunting will continue to demand highly skilled and very experienced resources. And since these resources are hard to find, it seems like a lucrative upsell for managed services providers to offer “Threat Hunting as a Service.” Today there are many players in the market that provide Threat Hunting as a Service.

More services providers are getting ready to capitalize the market potentials. Some of them offer Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) products have great overlap with threat hunting tools, since they can detect and analyze whatever happens on the endpoint. As such, EDR companies that are under great stress to differentiate likely offer “hunting modules” to complement “regular” EDR functions.

The Evolution of the Threat-Hunting Tool

SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) is likely the reason that customers need threat-hunting tools in the first place. As a centralized platform, SIEM should have all information logs “hiding” indicators of compromise. Yet regular SIEM systems are not flexible enough to conduct true hunting operations. Product vendors will add incremental capability to their existing SIEM automation platform, which will allow analysts to build any type of complex query from any data source.

If threat hunting will become a product category of its own, do hunters really need dedicated tools to conduct their operations?

Since threat hunting is mostly about sifting through communication data, it will be no surprise that network traffic analysis tools are offered as threat-hunting tools. Product vendors and services providers with a deep understanding of network traffic behavior can offer threat hunting as a by-product of their platform.

Potential Regulatory Guidance

39Policymakers and authorities may consider providing threat-hunting guidelines for organizations to set forth a structured and a cyclic program of monitoring the organizational activity longitudinally (from organization to the outside world) and laterally (inside the organization). They can provide guidelines to leverage external intelligence, best practices to analyze and correlate information, and a consistent approach to responding to the threats, whether they were actually spotted in the context of the threat-hunting activity or as a preparatory measure for blocking even before it occurred.

Imagine having visibility into threats across all your resources, AI that stitches signals together and tells you what's most important, and the ability to respond swiftly across the organization. With SIEM and extended detection and response (XDR), defenders can be armed with all the context and automation needed to stop even the most sophisticated, cross-domain attacks.


  • The future of threat hunting has multiple aspects. The advances of artificial intelligence and machine learning have introduced new attack vectors and created challenges to defenders. However, these advances can be also leveraged to prevent attacks to increase the security posture of organizations.
  • The quantum computing advances are increasingly challenging the fundamentals such as cryptography algorithms that e-commerce is built on. However, researchers are not expecting this to materialize until 2030 at least. Also, there is significant research in play to create quantum-proof cryptography algorithms currently.
  • The proliferation of IoT devices is increasing the attack surface for cyberattacks. The traditionally closed Operational Technology (OT) systems are increasingly getting connected to the Internet exposing critical infrastructure to cyber attackers. These IoT and OT systems are looming as key battlegrounds in cybersecurity in the next few years.
  • The future of threat hunting will focus on bringing all relevant capabilities together from AI, ML, automation, IoT, quantum computing, blockchain, SIEM, XDR, and IR for a robust threat-hunting strategy, yet still using the same “assume breach” principle.


  1. How Artificial Intelligence advances prevents Cybercrime (
  2. How Quantum Computing Will Transform Cybersecurity (
  3. Worldwide Internet of Things Connectivity Forecast, 2017–2021 (
  4. IoT Business Opportunities, Models & Ideas for 2020 (
  5. 2021 cybersecurity challenges IoT-Internet of Things (
  6. Trends, Challenges, and Solutions With IoT Cybersecurity (
  7. Internet Security Threat Report (ISRT) - 2019 (
  8. Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (
  9. What is OT Security? Defined, Explained, and Explored (
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