
  • Action
  • Action planning change
  • Affordable Care Act
  • Allen, Cathy
  • American Camp Association (ACA)
  • American Dental Education Association (ADEA)
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU)
    • approach for
    • governance materials
    • lessons learned
    • membership
    • structure for
  • American Occupationer Therapy Association (AOTA)
    • Centennial Vision for
  • Anticipating reactions and Five Cs framework
    • challengers
    • champions
    • changephobes
    • chasers
    • converts
    • summary
  • ASAE
    • 2006 7 Measures of Success
    • 2013 Governance Survey
    • governance materials
  • Association for Corporate Growth (ACG)
    • agility
    • Bucklin on
    • case
    • defining
    • experience
    • global
    • mission
    • Morton on
  • Axelrod, Nancy
  • Bayat, Mary
  • Behaviors
  • Best practices inquiry
  • Block
  • Bluhm, Christopher
  • Board Chair Handbook (Wertheimer, Mindy R.)
  • Board chair's opportunity
    • about
    • board elections popularity contest
    • boards leads the conversation
    • call to action and a good partnership lead to governance change
    • come to terms with representational governance
    • concepts and applications
    • exchange leadership roles when necessary
    • keep focused on the vision
    • leadership committing to the process
    • loose confederation and anemic performance
    • make good use of good governance tools
    • make use of task force
    • name change and board performance
    • old board members make way for new board
    • plan integration with manageable parts
    • summary
    • take it at right speed for members
  • Board change need
  • Board influencing change within
    • about
    • concept(s) and applications
    • leveraging intention to create governance change
    • summary
  • Board trust in association professional, case-Northwest Association of Independent Schools
  • BoardSource
  • Boas, Suzanne
  • Bower, Cate
  • Bowers, Ashley
  • Bridgespan
  • Brown, Dale
  • Brundgart, Stacy
  • Bryson, John
  • Bucklin, Smith
  • Call to action
  • Camner, Rob
  • Carter, Shannon
  • Case
    • Association for Corporate Growth
    • call to action and a good partnership lead to governance change
    • Delta Sigma Phi
  • Case, Solar Electric Power Association
    • “grow or die “ governance change
    • need for change not recognized
    • operational outgrowing an operational board
    • strategy, bring evidence
    • strategy, make for the case for change
  • Case, The Northern Virginia Associates of REALTORS, leading change with constructive with constructive board-CEO partnership
  • Case-Northwest Association of Independent Schools
    • board trust in association professional
    • challenge: operational board
    • current and potential stakeholders involvement
    • decision-making roles clarification
    • mission clarification to clarify board role
    • nimble bylaws
    • nimbleness through task forces
    • questions about board's role
    • responsibilities shift with trust growth
  • Catalysts and Watersheds
    • about
    • concepts and application
    • using growth to make for governance change
  • Ceh, Victoria
  • CEO's opportunity
    • about
    • concept(s) and applications
    • leading change with constructive board-CEO partnership
    • summary
  • Chait, Dick
  • Challenge
    • are we relevant?
    • board chair's opportunity
    • collegial converts challengers to converts
    • cultural leveraging for efficient governing boards
    • formal and informal assessment supports governance change
    • “grow or die “ governance change
    • incoming CEO governance change motion
    • leading change with constructive with constructive board-CEO partnership
    • leveraging intention to create governance change
    • Solar Electric Power Association
  • Change
    • habit and institution of
    • how and why
    • human resistance of
    • and life-cycle theories
    • people affected by
    • theories of
  • Change and people
    • about
    • concepts and application
    • emotional intelligence and recipients of change
    • habitualization change
    • organizational culture and recipients of change
    • summary
  • Change beginning source
    • about
    • change and life-cycle theories
    • change models
    • concept(s) and applications
    • types of change
    • understanding nature of change
    • summary
  • Change models
    • about
    • Action Research Model
    • Lewin's Planned Change Model
    • Positive Model
  • Collegial converts challengers to converts
    • accepting change at right-pace pays off
    • angry past presidents
    • board development
    • clarify national and regional roles
    • clubby but comfortable board
    • create a flexible governance model
    • get buy-in membership
    • hands-off board
    • keep process consistent with organization culture
    • maintaining momentum
    • maintaining momentum when things are going well
    • mission-driven decisions
    • National Council of University Research Administrators
    • nCURA discovers it has a problem
    • need for broad geographic representation
    • politics causes rift in membership
    • process start
    • recruit champions to convert the challengers
    • redefine the Board's role
    • succession planning
  • Collins, Jim
  • Compassion Capital Fund National Resource Center
  • Competency & Credentialing Institute (CCI)
  • Concepts and applications
    • board influencing change within
    • change agents
    • concepts and application
    • designing change plan
    • engaging Board consultants
    • engaging interim management
    • generative thinking
    • group facilitation skills
    • how to introduce organizational change
    • imagining the future
    • organizational strategic assessment
    • orientation and education
    • recipients of change
    • starting journey of change
    • successful engagement of a consultant
    • summary
    • supporting board-lead change through team building
    • visioning exercise
    • windows of opportunity
  • Conclusion, strategies and resources for success
    • about
    • summary
  • Crouch, Bud
  • Crutchfield, Leslie
  • Cultural leveraging for efficient governing boards
    • agree to change
    • align governance needs with mission
    • case, society of trust and estate practitioners
    • create a process for change
    • declining membership
    • early wins
    • get objective advice
    • how to build momentum
    • large slow moving Board
    • long view on governance change
    • member education and policy adaptation
    • pace the change
    • persistence and patience
    • proactive volunteer recruitment development
    • recognition needs of change opponents
    • recruit change agents
    • relinquish powers
    • reluctance fo change
    • shrinking the board
    • split governance declining membership
    • support open discussion
    • support use data
  • Data gathering
  • Davidson, Andrew
  • DeHaven, S. Joe
  • Delta Sigma Phi
  • “Dental Education at Crossroads Challenges and Change” (Institution of Medicine)
  • “Design of the Partnership -- Board Head“ (National Association of Independent Schools)
  • Diagnosis and learning
  • Dispenza, Joe
  • District of Columbia Nonprofit Corporation Act
  • Dorsey, Mark
  • Duhigg, Charles
  • Edmonds, Chris
  • Emanuel, Rahm
  • Enderlein, Cheryl
  • Episcopal Church of America
  • Episcopal Schools
  • Ferguson, Jim
  • Fidler, Mary Beth
  • Financially healthy
  • Finn, Carol
  • Formal and informal assessment supports governance change
    • board member exit interview
    • board realized it has been remiss
    • board turnover means expertise is lost
    • build open board-staff dialogue
    • Case, League of Minnesota Cities
    • don’t get complacence all over again
    • ensure prospective board members are ready to govern
    • evaluation board meetings
    • flexible knowledge management
    • invest in generative discussions
    • mentoring for the incoming and exit interviews for the outgoing
    • monopoly market results in benign neglect
    • reassess priorities and capacity
    • use task force and working groups to keep thoughts Board and Generative
  • Freezing
  • Future, preferred envisioning
  • Garcia, Lily T.
  • Gazley, Beth
  • Getting the most from assessment an evaluation
    • about
    • Board self assessment
    • concept(s) and applications
    • evaluation and other process evaluations
    • formal and informal assessment supports governance change
    • summary
  • Gladwell, Malcolm
  • Good to Great and Good to God and the Social Sectors (Collins, J.)
  • Gordon, Lynne Thomas
  • Governance
    • encouraging change
    • improvement
    • outlook on
  • Governance as Leadership (Chait, Ruan, and Taylor)
  • Governance change, using growth to make, process for change creation
  • Governance change, using growth to make for
    • case, Solar Electric Power Association
    • compromise willingness
    • early wins usage to maintain momentum
    • incremental change
    • practice of new way of leading
    • put change agents on nomination committee
  • Governance elements
  • Grant, Heather
  • Grove, Tim
  • “Grow or die “ governance change
    • build board's trust in staff
    • build impetus for change
    • build internal capacity for change
    • case, Association for Corporate Growth
    • invest in strategic planning
    • members demand more than board can deliver
    • outcomes
    • take advantage of association culture
    • use evidence of value to create trust in the change
    • use staff turnover as an opportunity
    • weak chapter trusting national board
    • weak strategic orientation
  • Guo Chao
  • Hamm, Julia
  • Hansen, Christina
  • Harmon Coerver and Associates
  • Harrris, Wylceia, Wiggs
  • Harvey, David
  • Hawk, Pat
  • Hawker, Kate
  • Henney, Christopher
  • Holmes, Vivian
  • Husemoller, Mary
  • Implementing change
    • about
    • collegial converts challengers to converts
    • concept(s) and applications
    • dealing with obstacles
  • Incoming CEO governance change motion
    • ambition recruitment
    • board alignment profile with new strategic needs
    • board experience breadth
    • case, National Foundation for Credit Counseling
    • competition and lack of differentiation
    • critics engagement
    • get experience
    • government best practices research
  • Innovator or die
  • Inquiry initiation
  • Intention
  • Isabella, Lynn
  • Jackson, Phil
  • Jessee, Patrick
  • Jick, Todd
  • Joint action planning
  • Joint diagnosis
  • Jordan, Michael
  • Keating, Susan C.
  • Kenyon, Tracie
  • Kissman, Katha
  • LaBranche, Gary
  • Lair, Susan
  • Lally, Phillippa
  • Larmett, Kathleen M.
  • Leading change with constructive with constructive board-CEO partnership
    • board demographics vs. membership
    • board selection and diversity needs
    • board trust in association professional
    • case, The Northern Virginia Associates of REALTORS
    • incoming CEO governance change motion
    • make good use of volunteers
    • reestablish Board trust in staff
    • rudderless ship taking on water
    • weak infrastructure
    • wrong CEO for the Job
  • Leading sideways. See Board influencing change within, leveraging intention to create governance change
  • League Governance Handbook
  • League of Minnesota Cities
  • Lesley, Bruce
  • Leveraging intention to create governance change
    • case, American Geophysical Union
    • case, Delta Sigma Phi
    • clarity of purpose and fun
    • focus on partnership
    • good lines of communication
    • growing but not governing
    • interim leadership
    • no growth and no strategy
    • recruit change agents
    • recruit change get a conjective opinion
    • team-building exercises
    • vision and metrics
  • Leveraging intention to create governance change, leading sideways
  • Lewin, Kurt
  • Managing Change (Jick, Todd)
  • McCoach, Pam
  • McEntee, Chris
  • McNamara, Tim
  • Miller, Jim
  • Mintz, Joshua
  • Mitstifer, Dorothy
  • Moreland, Kim
  • Morton, Charles (Chuck) Jr.
  • Moses, Robert Parris
  • National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)
  • National Association of REALTORS
  • National Association of Trailer Manufacturers (NATM)
  • National Council of University Administrators (NCURA)
  • National Council of University Research Administrators, collegial converts challengers to converts
  • National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC)
  • National Institutes of Health
  • Nonprofit Quarterly
  • Northern Virginia Association of REALTORS (NVAR)
  • Northwest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS)
  • Obstacles, dealing with
    • anticipating reactions and Five Cs framework
    • Gladwell's “tipping points,”
    • maintaining momentum
    • managing a new board culture
    • managing data or lack thereof
    • managing expectations
    • managing the illusion of democracy
    • using knowledge management to manage board turnover
  • Organizational development (OD) practitioner
  • Organizational evolution
  • Osberg, David
  • Parker Team Player Survey
  • Partnership model
  • Passivity, risks of
  • Peters, Tom
  • Planned change
  • Policy Governance Model
  • Positive qualities
  • Powell, Colin
  • The Power of Habit (Duhigg, C.)
  • Problems
  • Professional Association Network
  • Prudential Leadership Award for Outstanding Nonprofit Boards
  • Prudential Leadership Award for Outstanding Nonprofit Boards (BoardSource)
  • Questions
  • Radwan, Susan
  • Robert's Rules
  • Ross, Bernard
  • Rubin, David
  • Saggese, Marty
  • Segal, Clare
  • Sharepoint site
  • Sheets, Ann
  • Simmons, Dennis
  • Simons, Dennis
  • Smith, Peg
  • Social capital
  • Society of Estate and Trust Practitioners
  • Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)
  • Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
  • Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA)
    • Board
    • governance white paper
  • Somers, Frederick P.
  • Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES)
    • case
  • Storm, Terry
  • Strategies
    • board chair's opportunity
    • case-Northwest Association of Independent Schools
    • collegial converts challengers to converts
    • cultural leveraging for efficient governing boards
    • formal and informal assessment supports governance change
    • governance change, using growth to make for
    • “grow or die “ governance change
    • incoming CEO governance change motion
    • leading change with constructive with constructive board-CEO partnership
    • leveraging intention to create governance change
    • patterns in
    • working with external consultants
  • Support
  • Thayer, Meade
  • Themes discovery
  • Theories of change
  • Todd, Christine M.
  • Transformation changes
  • Trusdale, Pam O’Toole
  • Turnovers, of board members
  • Unfreezing
  • Valachovic, Richard
  • What Makes High Performing Boards (Gazley and Bowers)
  • What's In It For Me?
  • Wiedenhoeft, Woody
  • Wiley, Scott
  • Windows of opportunity
    • insider action
    • starting points
    • summary
    • unexpected events
  • Wootton, Connie
  • Working with external consultants
    • about
    • challenge, are we relevant?
    • concepts and application
    • create a more inclusive board leadership
    • restructure to allow for growth
    • using a consultant to improve the leadership in leadership lens of governance
  • Young, Michael
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