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interactions, defining 147-150

Activity Theory 70

adaptive ecocycle

conservation 116

criteria 115

exploitation 116

on TiSH scales 114

release 116

reorganization 116

roles 115, 116

stages 115, 116

Adjusted Clinical Group (ACG©) 40, 180

reference link 180

Agile 19

Amazon Care 43-45, 144


relating, to risk 192

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) 76, 142, 172

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 27, 38, 76, 139

healthcare use cases 39

assessments, performing 193

appreciative assessments 196, 197

qualities checklist, for readiness 194

scaling question assessment 195

automated DevOps4Care 100-102

Azure Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 (Azure GPT-3) 77


BAIT principles 104

Blue Line concept 45

business intelligence (BI) 51

Buurtzorg 144

URL 11



defining, for transformation 95

CanMEDS framework 104

Capability Maturity Model (CMM) 185

levels 186

care teams

journey, structuring for 150, 151

case management

teams 166


Certifying Agency (CA) 167

Chief Medical Officer (CMO) 33

Clinical Information Models (CIMs) 171

Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC) 213, 216

phases 214

Cloud adoption frameworks (CAF) 201

references 201

collaboration 99

Community Canvas

reference link 209

Community Capacity Management (CCM) 65


defining 48, 54

complex systems

technology 60-63

component categories, system

actors 140

controllers 141

environment 141

sensors 141

stimuli 141

computerized tomography (CT)-scan 84

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) 200

coordination 99

creativity 99

Customer Objectives, Application, Functional, Conceptual, Realization (CAFCR) 100, 193

Customer Objectives, Application, Functional, Conceptual, Realization through Reasoning Exploring Qualifying Specifying (CAFCR REQS) 157


data domains

interoperability 177, 178

data-driven decisions, with OODA 79-81

Definition of Done (DoD) 69

delegation 99

demographic drivers 8

DevOps 16, 55, 56, 68

cycle 55

used, for enabling journey 155-158

VoC, using 105, 106

DevOps4Care 16, 58, 68, 69

experience 155

recognizing, in actual transformations 229

support 155

tell 157

value 156

value creation 92


role 12

diagnostics loop 81

Digicoach program 71, 72

digital healthcare activity triangle 71

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) 30, 61

Digitalization Maturity Model (DMM) 187

digital transformation

building 5

need for 5, 6

digital twins 7

digitization impact

data exchange 29, 30

exploring 28, 29

directed care 31

process 227

teams 168, 169

direction 99

disciplines, for transformation

architecture of technology 18, 19

communities on medical outcomes, working with 21, 22

exploring 16

reference architecture, working with 19, 20

system engineers, working with 16-18

Distributed Data System by Object Management Group (OMG-DDS) 177

Distributed Data System (DDS) 172, 218


ecocycle 113

Lippitt-Knoster and Rogers/Moore, combining 128

planning 118

Ecosystem Micro Communities (EMCs) 23, 199, 206

e-doctor 68

E-health Care Model (ECM) 27, 32-34, 65, 82

Stepped Care approach 33

electrocardiogram (ECG) 10, 142

Electronic Health Records (EHR) 96

Electronic Patient Record (EPR) 29, 51, 76, 134, 189

electronic record (EHR) 157

end-to-end (E2E) autonomous tools 68

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 51, 76, 134

Entity Relations Diagram (ERD) 171

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Enabling Organization (EEEO) 83, 122, 165

e-nurse 68

epic 106

eTOM 176, 180, 181

European Health Data Space (EHDS) 30, 177, 218


Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) 30, 61

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 53

foresee (4C) model 49, 91

command 49

communications 49

control 49

coordination 49

Forest-level SoS 62


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 30, 54

General Practitioner (GP) 14, 166

Goldilocks zone 6

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 200

greenfield 77

Groninger Wellbeing Indicator (GWI) 156

GROW model 98

goals 98

options 98

reality 98

will 98


Habitania 96

healthcare 9

disruption 9

organizing 83, 84

value, defining in 58, 59

healthcare activities

experiencing 57

supporting 57

valuing 57

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

models 187

healthcare IoT devices 42

healthcare use cases, AI

clinical path optimization 39

diagnostics 39

health analytics, on populations 40

treatments 39

Health eXperience (HeX) 13, 31, 150, 171, 226

omniversal care HeXagon 13-15

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 30, 54

Health Level Seven (HL7) 30, 61

HeX ME (HeXME) 84

House of Quality (HoQ) 104

human-centric IT 68

human interaction, on health journey 73, 74

user stories, defining 69-72

human-centric transformation

modeling 90

human factors

in TiSH staircase 86

human interaction

designing 77

human measure 67

Human Resources Management (HRM) 51, 167

Human Systems Integration (HSI)

first-principle redesign 76

robotic process automation (RPA) 76

screen integration 76

workflow engines integration 76

working with 74, 75


ICF model 28, 90

Identity and Access Management (IAM) 175

identity management 174, 175

If This Then That (IFTTT) 76

Industry 4.0 Maturity Index 185, 187

culture 188

information systems 188

organizational structures 188

resources 187

stages, for increasing maturity 188

industry platform (IP) 84, 122

integrated care 22, 31

characteristics 32

process 226

teams 168

Integrated Care Program (ICP) 32

integrated healthcare services 97

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) 178


enabling, in operations framework 175

Integration Platform (IP) 166

Intensive Care Units (ICUs) 31

interacting systems, combinations

acknowledged 50

ad hoc 50

collaborative 50

directed 50


defining 49, 54

defining, in activities 147-150

International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) model 50, 134, 171

International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) 48

reference link 75

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 50, 54, 79

Internet of Things (IoT) 27, 42, 151, 171

in healthcare 41, 42


in data domains 177, 178

Interoperability and Integration (I and I) 62

Interoperable Health Enterprise (IHE) 171

in vitro diagnostic devices (IVDs) 53

IT resources 172



defining, with W-questions 150, 151

enabling, with DevOps 155-158

how question 151

structuring, for care teams 150, 151

structuring, for patients 150, 151

Journey Interaction Mapping (JIM) 218

Journey Interaction Matrix (JIM) 152, 153, 163, 224

digital enablers 154

used, for plotting touchpoints on health journey 152, 153

with rehabilitation journey OODA loops 154


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 180


lead users 69

Lippitt-Knoster Model 126

with Rogers adoption curve 127


maturity board 191, 192

maturity-driven program management 197-201

maturity models 185

reference link 187

micro-enterprises (MEs) 83

implementing, as disruptive model 84-86

user MEs 86

micro-segmentation 175

microservices 76, 140, 141, 172, 174

Minimal Viable Product (MVP) 116, 143, 209

Mission-level SoS 62

Mobile Acute Nurse (MAN) 34

Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) 93, 221

monolithic systems 76

MoT (Moment of Truth) 23


networked care teams

integration 165-169

networked care, TiSH

technology, applying 42, 43

treads, working with 35, 37

never trust, always verify principle 175

next-generation medicine 97

node MEs 84-86

noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) 8


observation loop 81

Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA)

activities, enabling 136, 137, 148

applying, to transformation 223, 224

feedback loops, applying to create transformative platforms 139

steps, in digital provisioning 134

Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) loop 23, 80-82, 92, 133, 224

data, processing with 138, 139

essence 82

hierarchical 224-226

implementing 133

in digital provisioning 135, 136

operating with 83

reversed build 141-143

tiered 224-226

Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) loop, external relations

command 225

communication 225

control 225

coordination 225

omniversal care 13

omniversal care HeXagon, for HeX 14, 15

OODA shared mental model

building blocks, applying 132, 133

creating 132, 133

Open Digital Architecture (ODA) 176

operations framework 172

integration, enabling in 175


panarchy connections 117

panarchy principles, applying to TiSH 118

care network ecocycle, defining 124, 125

individual ecocycle, defining 119, 120

organization ecocycle, defining 121-124

team ecocycle, defining 120, 121

patient-centric networks

Technology-Enabled Care (TEC) teams, integrating with 169-172

patient-centric thinking 23


journey, structuring for 150, 151

roles, exploring 159, 160

Personal Data Stores (PDS) 96

Personal Health Records (PHR) 96

Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACSs) 134

platform design toolkit (PDT) 122

platform-driven transformation

analyzing 143-146

Point of Care Environments 171

policies and regulations 53, 54

principles, to be followed during transformation

inhibitions, anticipating 230

leadership 230

learn 231

process development 106

product definition 106

product development 106


quality assurance (QA) 51

quality control 106

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method 100, 105, 148


reasoning framework 93

operational layer 94

strategy layer 94

tactical layer 94

Reference Architecture for Health (RA4H) 20, 23


defining 50

integration 178, 179

Rendanheyi model 83, 84, 92, 122, 125, 165, 206

REQS layers

exploring 103

qualities 103

reasoning 103

submethods 103

research and development (R&D) 86

Response and Coordination Center (RCC) 34

Return on Investment (ROI) 180


mitigating 229

Roamler Care 144-146

data collection 145

OODA design principles, applying 146

reference link 146

Robotic Assisted Surgery for Patient 40

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 76, 140

robotics 40


service robots 41

social robots 41

surgical robots 40

rules of engagement 53


screen integration 76

Shared Services Platform (SSP) 84, 122, 168

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) 221

Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) 8 104

Software as a Service (SaaS) 200

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) 53

Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model Integration (SEI CMMI) 186


Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) 213-215

specialized users 69

stepped care

ECM 0 33

ECM 1 34

ECM 2-4 34

ECM 5 34

ECM 6 34

teams 167

stories, from transformers

Asin, Dr. Javier 232, 233

Girano, Pamela 234, 235

Krehwinkel, Gerben 231, 232

Quint, Geert 234

storytellers 68

supporting users 70

sustainable healthcare 95

System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) 61, 90

System of Systems (SoS) 50, 205


defining 51

Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) 48

reference link 48

systems engineering (SE) 68

Systems Engineering Vision 2035 (Vision 35) 75, 76

Systems Innovation

reference link 129

systems of engagement (SOEs) 77

systems of record (SORs) 77


team members

roles 159, 160


applying, in networked care 42, 43

in complex systems 60-63

integrating 38

Technology Enabled Care (TEC) 18

governance 181

used, for integration in community 217, 218

Technology Enabled Care (TEC) teams 97, 148

actions 78

building 164, 165

designing with 212, 213

integrating, with patient-centric networks 169-172

interaction, with OODA activities 164

Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) 79-82

omniversal care 213

procedures 78

processes 79

quadruple aim, for sustainable healthcare 218-221

tasks 78

workflows 79

working together 78

technology-enabled health service 159

technology providers 63, 64


Test-Driven Development (TDD) 221

The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) 17

Theory of Constraints (TOC) 197

Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) 219

TIMN model 125

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) 180

transformation 47, 90

business context 10, 11

campaign, defining 95

challenge 23

demographic drivers 8, 9

disciplines 15, 16

disruption in healthcare 9

for organizations 97

for people 97

for teams 97

need for 7, 8

OODA, applying to 223, 224

Society 5.0 example 96, 97

stage, setting 4

Transformation in Sustainable Healthcare (TiSH) 4, 47, 89

as maturity exploration framework 189, 190

human factors, in staircase 86, 87

recognizing, in actual transformations 228, 229

staircase 5

treads 5

transformation of elderly care

reference link 157

transformation plan

defining 203-205

Ecosystem Micro Communities (EMCs) 205-208

health experience EMCs 208

remote monitoring 209-211

transformation strategy

defining 99, 100

transformation teams

empowering 221

transformative resources

building 235, 236


Capabilities 5

Capacity 5

Health 5

Lifestyle 5

Participate 5

Skills 5

transition rollercoaster 112

Treatments 5

treatment loop 81

Trees-level SoS 62

trust 173


user classes 171

User Interface (UI) 172

user MEs 86

user stories

defining 69, 70

user types, as storytellers

lead users 69

specialized users 69

supporting users 70


Value-Based HealthCare (VBHC) 60

themes 219

Value, Objectives, Indicators, Confidence, and Experience (VOICE) 56

VAS score 148

virtual collaboration, with telehealth

E-health Care Model (ECM) 32-34

enabling 30, 31

HeX participation outlook 31, 32

hospital to home, connecting with virtual care at scale 34, 35

networked care 37

treads of networked care, working with 35, 36

Visual Analog Scale (VAS) 148

Voice of the Customer (VoC) 104

using, in DevOps 105, 106

VUCA world 129


Web3 173

World Health Organization (WHO) 8, 54


Zapier 76

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