
We have been very fortunate to have so many people care about this project, offering their time and thoughts on how to make it special, willingly and without any expectation of something in return. More than two hundred fifty people made material contributions. Without their help, we have no doubt the enclosed would stand much less chance of resonating with you. Their selflessness and keen insights are what make putting these things together a special endeavor.

We'd like to offer our special thanks and gratitude to:

  • Our team at Pragmatic Marketing (, for their dedication in refining our thoughts and ensuring the quality of this book, especially Kristyn Benmoussa, Graham Joyce, Michelle Conlon, Steve Johnson, Chellie Buzzeo, and Amy Maenle for bringing this all together in a first-class way.

  • Our agents, Bill Gladstone and Ming Russell at Waterside Productions (, for expertly aligning our partnerships based on our goals for this book.

  • The team at Wiley (—Matt Holt, Kim Dayman, Jessica Campilango, Shannon Vargo, Cynthia Shannon, Lori Sayde-Mehrtens, Christine Kim, Kim A. Nir, and their colleagues for constant enthusiasm about the project.

  • Meg La Borde and Ray Bard at Bard Publishing (, for working with us during the formative stages of the book, recognizing the true value of what we were intending, and steering us to the focus of Tuned In.

  • Kyle Matthew Oliver for reading every word of the early manuscript and for making it much better with sound advice and practical suggestions.

  • Our expert book launch team including David Wilk at Book-trix ( and Mark Fortier at Fortier Public Relations (

The following people kindly subjected themselves to our many questions and probing during several review cycles. Their ideas are reflected in the book:

  • Mark Levy (

  • Mark Roberts (

  • Steve Johnson (

  • Kevin Myers (

  • Doug Nicholas (

  • Greg Strouse (

  • Phil Toole (

  • Adele Revella (

  • Dr. Connie Mariano (

  • Doug Ducey (

We're also indebted to the product management associations around the world that connected with us and allowed us to test the Tuned In concept in their forums:

  • Atlanta Tech Product Management Association:

  • Austin Product Marketing and Management:

  • Australia Product Management Association:

  • Boston Product Management Association: www.bostonproducts .org

  • British Columbia Technology Industry Association:

  • Calgary Product Management Association:

  • India Product Management Forum:

  • Israel Product Management Association:

  • Puget Sound Product Management Forum:

  • San Diego Product Management Association:

  • Silicon Valley Product Marketing Association:

  • Tampa Bay PMA:

  • Toronto Product Management Association:

  • Triangle Product Marketing Association:

  • UK Product Marketing Forum:

Finally, we would also like to thank the hundreds of individuals who took the time to be interviewed by us and the many bloggers who added to the conversations and "webinars" around the Tuned In concept. You all greatly enhanced our view of the concept. In particular, the incredible voices of the people listed below made writing this book much easier. Check out their companies and blogs!

  • Steve Bennett (

  • Jim Davis (

  • Roger Helms (

  • Jim Basille (

  • Jim Malcolm (

  • Keith Boswell (

  • Michael Harris (

  • Rich Corley (

  • Steve Goldstein (

  • Marc Sokol (

  • Fred Amoroso (

  • Mark Bonfigli (

  • Matthew Rizai (

  • Don Bulens (

  • Dick Costello (

  • Wolfgang Koester (

  • Tom Aley (

  • Chris Morrison (

  • Ian Bonner (

  • Cliff Pollan (

  • Larry Schwartz (

  • Dave Simbari (

  • Barry Bealer (

  • Armando Viteri (

  • Pat Sullivan (

  • Dee Rambeau (

  • Tim Butler (

  • Mike Grandinetti (

  • John Carrington (

  • Christophe Fabre (

  • Chris Hoover (

  • Bob Corrigan (

  • Laura Ries (

  • Seth Godin (

  • Art Petty (

  • Geoffrey Moore (

  • Nilofer Merchant (

  • Kristin Zhivago (

  • Guy Kawasaki (

  • Anne Pauker Kreitzberg (

  • Heather Hamilton (

  • Alan Armstrong, Ethan Henry, and Saeed Khan (

  • Scott Sehlhorst (

  • Gopal Shenoy (

  • Joel Spolsky (

  • Roger Cauvin (

  • The Cranky Product Manager (

  • Jeff Lash (

  • Brad Baldwin (

  • William Hsu (

  • Paul Young (

  • Rich Mironov (

  • Robin Lowry, Peter Ganza, Stewart Rogers, Allan Levson, and Julian Byrne (

  • Bonnie Rind (

  • Ivan Chalif (

  • Rob Grady (

  • Scott Gatz (

  • James Robertson (

  • Bikram Gupta (

  • Bruce McCarthy (

  • Gopal Shenoy (

  • Adam Bullied (

  • Paul Dunay (

  • Charlene Li (

  • John Jantsch (

  • Dharmesh Shah, Brian Halligan, and Mike Volpe (

  • John Dodds (

  • Adrienne Tan and Nick Coster (

  • Ardath Albee (

  • Douglas Karr (

  • Sean Branagan, John Whiteside, and Maureen Rogers (

  • Michael Stelzner (

  • Debbie Weil (

  • Eric Sink (

  • Johanna Rothman (

  • Garr Reynolds (

  • Jill Konrath (

  • Bob Schmonsees (

  • Grant Kitching (

  • John Moore (

  • Gustavo Arizpe (

  • Mark Howell (

  • Brother Maynard (

  • Jeff Giesener (

  • Marty Taylor Collins (

  • Paul Dunay (

  • Tom Hackelman (

  • Kevin McGrew (

  • Amitai Givertz (

  • Derek Lee (

  • Ryan Hunter (

  • Michael Fischler (

  • Don Jarrell (

  • Paul Wilson (

  • Dan Nottingham (

  • April Benetollo (

  • Jennifer Cambern (

  • Avni Rambhia (

  • Clif Kranish (

  • Jeanne Strepacki (

  • Tom Wood (

  • David Adams (

  • Wayne Dong (

  • Ryan Martens (

  • Robert Duffner (

  • Todd Radtke (

  • Gene Villeneuve (

  • Sue Holub (

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