My Transparency on Twitter
WHEN I FIRST started getting some momentum on Twitter, gaining up to 500 new followers a day during the craziest of my tweeting addiction, I turned off notifications of new followers. I just could not keep up with them all. I then had a choice: become a Twitter Diva (or “Twiva” if you want to annoy the eggnog out of people) and not follow anyone back, or auto-follow everyone back who followed me. I picked the latter, because I figured it was a nice way to say thanks for following me, and hey, if they followed me they at least have that going for them. ☺
This was a mistake for three reasons:
1. I followed back spammers and porn accounts and other undesirables. I have nothing against porn stars. I’m sure they wake up and put on their latex pants like the rest of us, but I had no desire to hear about the sequel to Long Dong Silver in my tweet stream. Your profile page shows a collection of people you’ve recently begun to follow. Some of those profile pictures do not reflect fondly on your brand, and why are you following @WhipsAndChainsForMen anyway?
2. I ended up following 30,000 people. I barely look at my “All Tweets” screen. I removed it from TweetDeck. There is so much noise that I’ve had to make custom groups called “rockstars” and “awesomesauce” to read the tweets of people that I learn from or I know. I should have stayed selective in those I followed back. These days I only follow those I learn from or laugh from or who engage with me or people I find interesting. If you are looking for a tool to manage your followers, a great one is ReFollow.com. I can check off “Not Following” and down below check off “Users who have @ mentioned me” to see who have been engaging with me but I haven’t followed back. And don’t get me started on all the auto-DMs that opened up. Even after using socialtoo.com to block most of the DMs, if I get one more “it lets your Facebook friends find you on Twitter” DMs I’m going to start getting all stabby.
3. It was not being transparent. I was trading authenticity for automation. Efficiency for transparency. People would tweet or DM me that they were flattered that I followed them back, and I winced every time. I couldn’t tell them that it was automated.
Twitter is different from a newsletter. There is a much more personal connection on it. Just like auto-tweeting, which I’ll go over in the next section, as soon as you throw automation into your relationships, they stop being authentic. Is it worth deceiving people for the sake of automation? Because that is the way that followers might see it. I realized a little too late, my answer is “no.”
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