This is the hardest part to write. Out of 64,000+ words, I’m truly stumped. How the heck do I cover all the people that I’d like to thank; I’m not talking about all the people I’ve known, but truly the list of those that helped/inspired/encouraged this book for me lists in the hundreds, if not thousands, on Twitter alone that cheered me along the way. But here it goes . . .
To Shannon Vargo, my editor at John Wiley & Sons, Inc., who had the nerve to pick up the phone one day and ask “Why haven’t you written a book yet?” To which I could only answer “because I was waiting for you to call.” You’ve been nothing but supportive, encouraging and make me feel like you’ve got my back, which is the total opposite of what I had heard about the industry. And thanks also to Beth Zipko, editorial assistant, and Susan Moran, senior production editor, who had the misfortune of having to deal with someone like me. Your patience and pleasantness was much appreciated.
To my fellow authors who helped me along the process of this scary new world of actually putting words into print: Michael Port, Randy Gage, Kathy Buckworth, Scott McKain, Yanik Silver, Leesa Barnes, Michael Bungay Stanier, Starr Hall, Chris Brogan, Deb Micek, Cali Ressler, Jen Groover, Marie Forleo, Hellen Buttigieg, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Jonathan Fields. To my fellow new authors, Jim Kukral and Amber MacArthur, I’m glad we’re doing them all at the same time, so we can all realize no one really knows what they’re doing ☺ I’m honored to have a book listed in the same field alongside yours.
Thanks to my colleagues in the business world who make being an entrepreneur a little less isolating, and who provided me with undying support and encouragement, especially on Twitter. There are so many to name that I can’t possibly begin to list them all, but to name a few: Elizabeth Potts-Weinstein, Allison Nazarian, Amanda Hite, Jenn Wright, Amber Naslund, Kris Colvin, Summer Boone, Monica Ricci, Leigh Caraccioli, Jay Baer, Olivier Blanchard, Amber Osborne, Manya Susoev, Jessica Berlin, Jade Bailey-Assam, Melanie Benson-Strick, Mollie Marti, Brian Litman, Joseph Morin, Brian Clark, Carla Young, Lisa Byrnes, Jo-Anne Wallace, Mat Wilcox, Elysia Brooker, Andrew Hansen, John Morgan, Rochelle Veturis, Ashley Gross, Ori Bengal, Missy Ward, Danny Brown, Faith Seekings, Dave Fleet, Sonia Simone, Ann Evanston, Leanne Adam, Doug MacRae, Angela Saclamacis, Icey, the entire incredible Toronto social media scene, including the “youngins” from Gen-YTO. Thank you for being, most importantly, you.
To the crew at Williams Fresh Café in Oakville, especially the owner, Gerry. Thanks for the home away from home.
To Alan Weiss and Seth Godin, reading both Money Talks (about the speaking business) and Permission Marketing blew my mind and changed my brain and started this path.
To Laurie Kondo, for putting her neck on the line to give a young, lippy man a chance to teach at Sheridan College. Without you, that dream doesn’t happen.
Thank you Erica Ehm, for not only giving me the honor of writing the UnDaddy blog at but for being an awesome friend and someone who walks their talk. So rare to find. And to all the other bloggers at YMC, you all need a brand of awesomesauce named after you.
To Alison Kneber, aka Snipey, who runs but more importantly gives so much and asks for nothing in return, I owe you the world and promise to keep my WordPress installs up-to-date.
To my long-time friends, who pretty much have no idea what I do all day (i.e., JP told someone I “sell online ads or something”), you’re what a guy needs. From the Formerly Famous softball team, to hangin’ out and not talking about Twitter, you ground me to a place where I love to be. Thanks Davey, Steve, Annmarie, Jay, Mary, Lukez, Spence, Bush, Casey, and the rest.
To Alison Kramer, who is the best thing that came out of Twitter for me. Your friendship, persistence, patience, and drive for this book to be the best it can be was something of legend. I’ll never forget it and am honored that you’re my “besty.”
To Karen Livingston, my right arm at UnMarketing, I don’t know how you’ve put up with my madness for all these years, but I hope this book and its success makes it worth it on all levels for you. You help more than you’ll ever know but deserve to.
To my family . . . how to type this while still remaining manly enough not to cry . . . Mom, you’re my best friend and are the reason I have my drive; thank-you for being the beacon of our family. My bro Chris, where my stubbornness and smarts come from, I think of you whenever I let the silliness of humans get in my way. To my beautiful sister, Denise, you give more to the world than you could ever get back, including to me. Thank you for being you. To my little brother Dan, you’re way too much like me, which is a good thing. Keep being you, my man, there is no one else like it.
To Tammy, my girl, your dedication to me, to this book, and to our family is something that allowed me to get this book out. Thank you for your love, kindness, patience, and for not caring about Twitter. I need that. ☺
To Aidan and Owen, the two apples of my eye, even though by raising you, you’re supposed to learn from me, you’ve both taught me more than the world combined about love, life, and being awesome. Love you both very much.
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