Appendix A

Operative Procedures for the Methods of Uncertainty Propagation

This appendix reports the operative procedures for uncertainty propagation according to some of the methods described in Chapter 6.

A.1 Level 1 Hybrid Probabilistic–Possibilistic Framework

We assume that the uncertainty related to the first n input quantities, img, of the function g is described using the probability distributions img, whereas the uncertainty related to the remaining img quantities img is represented using the possibility distributions img. The number of repetitions of the Monte Carlo sampling of the input quantities img will be referred to as img. The operative steps for the propagation of the hybrid uncertainty information through the function g are (see Figure 6.14)

1. Set img.
2. Sample the j th realization img of img from the probability distributions img.
3. Select a value img and determine the corresponding α -cutsimg of the possibility distributions img as intervals of possible values of the possibilistic quantities img.
4. Calculate the smallest and largest values of img, denoted by img and img respectively, considering the fixed values img sampled for the random quantities img and all values of the possibilistic quantities img in the α -cuts img of their possibility distributions img.
5. Take the extreme values img and img found in step 4 as the lower and upper limits of the α -cut of img.
6. Return to step 3 and repeat for another α -cut; the possibility distribution img of img is obtained as the collection of values img and img for each α -cut.
7. If img set img and go back to step 1, otherwise exit from the procedure.

At the end of the procedure, having Monte Carlo-sampled img values of the probabilistic quantities, an ensemble of realizations of possibility distributions is obtained, that is, a set of possibility distributions img. Then, according to the method described in Section 6.1.3 (Equations (6.16)(6.19)), the belief img and the plausibility img for any set img of the output quantity img can be obtained.

A.2 Level 2 Purely Probabilistic Framework

We assume the presence of img quantities img whose uncertainty is characterized by frequentist probability distributions img, img, where img is a vector of the (unknown) parameters of the corresponding probability distribution. The epistemic uncertainty on the parameters img and the aleatory uncertainty on the input quantities img are represented using subjective and frequentist probability distributions, respectively. In particular, we let img denote the subjective probability density function describing the uncertainty of the parameter(s) img. The number of repetitions of the Monte Carlo sampling of the quantities img will be referred to as img, whereas the number of repetitions of the Monte Carlo sampling of the quantities img will be referred as img.

The operative steps of the procedure for the propagation of the uncertainty through a function img are:

1. Set j e = 1.
2. Sample the j e th realization img of the epistemic parameter(s) img from their respective distributions img.
3. Set j a = 1.
4. Sample the j a th realization img of the aleatory quantities from their respective distributions img, sampled in step 2 for each img.
5. Compute the model output Z corresponding to the realization img of the input quantities:


6. If img set img and go back to step 4, otherwise go to step 7.
7. Estimate the cumulative distribution img of the model output Z, conditioned by the sampled values img of the epistemic quantities, from the obtained img, img.
8. If img set img and go back to step 2, otherwise exit the procedure.

The application of this procedure provides a set of a cumulative distributions, img, img, one for each repetition of the outer loop. The interpretation of these distributions is discussed in Section 6.2.

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